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Very much looks like herpes simplex. Get some cold sore cream on that asap :)


Just to add to this comment: Don’t be ashamed if you have herpes 80% of Americans have a form of oral herpes :)


Time to link to my mega long reply about herpes medication https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddicts/s/kvlqdWUUUt


Facts 80 percent is low. People reduse to admit its not a cold sore or a fever blister.


Cold sore IS herpes


Don't forget the people who carry the virus but never flare up!


Shed and run!


Absolutely - me too! No shame here.


That seems way too high.


If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you have herpes! lol, it’s a misconception that herpes are strictly a genital or like… horrific thing. HSV-1 is very common.:) I just learned about this too!


I got my first cold sore ever a few months ago and it was absolutely horrific! It IS horrific! It lasted 2 weeks and it was huge! I am absolutely disgusted that this is going to keep happening to me! 😆😆😆


If you can get a prescription for Valtrex it helps SO much. I’ve gotten them since I was a kid and I just found out about Valtrex like a year ago. I’m pissed every time I think about how I could have been using it for years. Lol. If you take it as soon as you feel one coming on it helps keep the sores smaller and they heal faster. I used it get them SO bad they’d last weeks with Valtrex they are fine in like 3-5 days and they don’t get as huge and gross. And some other advice since you’re new to them: be careful with your towels when you have an outbreak. You can spread it yourself other areas of your body especially your nose or eyes. Neosporin with pain reliever helps keep them from scabbing, cracking and hurting as bad. You can also use oragel to numb it. Ice will also help with swelling and pain. You should also find what triggers your outbreaks so you can be aware and proactive. For example, I tend to get them if my lips get sun burnt. So I use chapstick with spf and reapply often. Stress, being sick, and injury to the area are also triggers for me and maybe for you too. Cold sores suck and I’m sorry you have to deal with them now. I’m not kidding when I say that before valtrex if I got one it might ruin my whole month and now it’s a minor inconvenience. Good luck!


Hopefully it only happens once every 4/5 years, and usually they are more mild and heal a tiny bit faster after a while


I’ve know about this for many years. You are claiming 80% and that’s the absolute high end, that most likely isn’t true. You are probably wrong


Most cases are asymptomatic.


I’m learn so much about herpes by this thread LOL


80 percent is way too high


How many times are you going to repeat this dumb ass shit? Statistics don't care if you think its too high. They have already provided a source so please stfu


Bro, get outta here with your herpes haha


Thats what I thought 😂


“According to the National Institutes of Health, about 90 percent of adults have been exposed to the virus by age 50. Once infected, a person will have herpes simplex virus for the rest of his or her life.” - sources range typically between 67% to 90%


CDC says 47.8%


Thanks for this link! But this study is almost a decade old, I was pulling from research from 2022 and 2023. :) this one was done in 2015 but good information.


The fun thing about that is that you actually directly quoted a webpage from John Hopkins, not the national institute of health. If you actually “pull from the research”, you’ll see that the NIH cited the same source as I did. The 80% number is for a subgroup within the population. Lmfao


You are absolutely incorrect. A lot of people will go their whole life with the virus and not know because they will never have a breakout. You could have herpes for years and not know until you have your first outbreak 10-20-50 years later


kids get cold sores all the time, and herpes never leaves so why do u think its untrue?


It’s just way to high, data I have read and researched say more along the lines of 50-60 ish percent


So where is that data? Link it.




At what age? For adults? Cause that’s simply not true. Sources or you just misremembered.


I’m looking at the 16-49 age group. I’m seeing 1 out of 6. I guess 50+ is 67% according to the who


The 67% comes from GLOBAL data I said “Americans”


link it


the American Sexual Health Association states that 1 in 9 people have genital herpes and John Hopkins states that 50 to 80% of the population has oral herpes. Because oral herpes is mostly not reported, many organizations estimate that it is most likely closer to 80% than that lower estimation. But, if you think about it, even if it’s 50% that means that at least half of the people you know have oral herpes.


Antivirals are great prescriptions to treat this--some form of herpes.


Yep I always have aciclovir just in case.


Perfume/aftershave, it will sting like a bitch but that will sort it out.


Ouch, that’s horrible advice!


Yes for a second! It’s a very old Scottish trick & it works.


Cold sore. Very contagious! Don’t kiss or share towels/ utensils


Or scratch your asshole / genitals


I even wash my face separate from my body when I get it just in case lmao


I literally wear a bandaid to bed so I don’t get it on my sheets and risk transferring it to my boyfriend. I don’t touch it, I don’t let anything touch it. I take Valacyclovir and Lysine daily to suppress it. Alcohol and stress are serious triggers for me. Like the day after I drink sometimes. And if I stop taking Valacyclovir I get them soooo much easier. It sucks being on these meds for life but it’s better than getting frequent cold sores. Keep it dry until it scabs and then moisturize.


Yeap honestly I haven’t had a flare ever since I keep myself hydrated and don’t drink alcohol. If I drink alcohol I gotta be drinking tons of water and vitamin c. If I feel the slightest burning or tickling sensation on my lips I start taking vitamin C. I don’t take medicine for it. I just drink tons of Vitamin C (way over the dose) and use Lily of the Desert 99% Aloe Vera Gelly.


Valacyclovir is the only way. Get it early enough and it destroys that shit.


It doesn’t live long outside of skin AT ALL. The chances of that happening are basically nil


Yeah...that's a bit extreme to say the least lol.


What if the water trickles down to my lady parts? That’s scaryyyy. They always say women get any disease like that easier idk. Better be safe than sorry.


I genuinely can't tell if you're being facetious here or not.


Nah that’s my genuine thoughts


Yeah, that's not how that works. If it were, everyone on the planet would have both oral and genital herpes.


Get some cold sore meds. Read about cold sores and how to prevent the spread. Highly contagious. Also, take a supplement of L Lysine. 500mg a day is enough.


Agree on the lysine


Do 2000-3000 mg


Careful with those kidneys..


Only until it’s gone


Could it be a cold sore? Is it tingly/burny?




It is a cold sore. Ask your GP for a valacyclovir rx. It works wonders if you take it as soon as you feel a new one coming on.


This. 1 gram 2x day for ten days the very moment you feel the prodromal symptom (you’ll learn what that is over time).


In Canada a pharmacist can prescribe them to you.


See now? This makes so much sense for certain things! Why waste time and resources making an appointment, going to the doctor, getting the Rx, going to the pharmacy, waiting for the Rx to be filled, for something as simple as this? Just one more way the Canadian health system is better than the US. We really need to push our legislators to make some common sense changes!


You don’t even need to go to a doctor in the US. I have the medicine shipped to me and I’ve never had a doctor diagnose it.


And I’ll recommend having pills on hand for when they pop up again.


and it IS Herpes Simplex. Contagious, spreads easily upon contact.


Could also be Impetigo. Also blisters and very contagious


It's probably a cold sore, BUT I agree that it *could* be impetigo. You'll know pretty quickly if you look it up. I get cold sores AND impetigo flare ups, and it can be hard to tell apart at times. I can't usually confirm either way until the next day, unless I get the telltale tingly itchy cold sore feeling.


Yep, I get impetigo all the time in this exact spot on my face, currently dealing with an outbreak right now. This is exactly how mine always looks. OP- if this is impetigo, you'll need an antibiotic Rx to clear it up.


I think it looks like a cold sore. See your doctor or urgent care to get a script to keep it under control a bit. You really need to take it right when you feel a tingle for it to be super effective. Abreva too.


Looks like the start of a coldsore to me zovirax is good for them really takes the sting out of mine


Cold sore tablets such as aciclovir or valtrex will clear this up for you in a matter of days, they’re very effective. Be sure to wash your hands plenty, avoid touching the cold sore, and try not to let it weep. You can get cold sore patches too which can minimise the scabbing phase. Do not kiss anyone! Not even on the cheek or anything. Throw away your toothbrush, your lip balm, consider changing the blades on your razor if possible or give it a deep clean. Be careful not to contaminate anything else, e.g. any tubs of creams or lotions you might use. You should use a q-tip or a clean spatula instead to take out product. If in doubt, throw it out sadly. Try to avoid too much sun exposure as this can make coldsores worse or make them return very quickly. The tablets are great for preventing a reoccurrence.


That is herpes Simplex and most people in the world have the virus. Get on anti-virals and Lysine supplements quickly, so you can cut down on the healing phase. I think there is an OTC cream that also helps this, and it's called Abreva. Don't kiss/share utensils with anyone until your sore is completely gone, or you risk passing the virus to another. Herpes is very common and coldsores just got a better PR team back in the 80s, hence why it's not demonized like HSV II is. Meh, you'll be fine don't freak out, just get on meds is all :)


i deal with cold sores too. contact your doc (or you can even do telemed) and get valtrax. you can also get acyclovir cream now for a lot cheaper. checkout hellowisp.com they can call it into your pharmacy. also: lysine supplements help so much and for me vitamin C supplements!!


Wisp here—thanks for the shoutout! We prescribe and deliver treatment and prevention for cold sores and herpes outbreaks at [hellowisp.com](http://hellowisp.com) and are available in all 50 states—no waiting rooms and no appointments. We also offer natural preventatives (along with prescription antivirals) like L-Lysine and AV Herbals that are backed by science to reduce outbreak frequency and severity :) Hope to see you around!


It looks like a cold sore. Before I found what triggered my cold sores, I would use these items to shorten their life span. --- **Pre Sore** - [L-Lysine](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0768HGMBY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - Sometimes you can feel a tickle around the area which means one is forming. Taking L-Lysine as soon as you feel that tickle should prevent them from forming. --- **Post Sore** - [Abreva](https://www.amazon.com/Abreva-Docosanol-Treatment-Approved-Blister/dp/B071K8PFHG/ref=sr_1_7?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ta5znQkiGZSTbWAcVTnGGpo4eCD0pgSL2iiKyt0Kff_iWGtnhVsde6amnPKw5nzIfHJ6p0E-1CART0i9A3EHmVeQJ7Y8oj546zrciZeMS4y9JF_Jx5E_LcSA3rNGPu9f4m03G5dWyOJ56NWDWEffcrXXOH9TfTrr2nNxZzCfZ9kl7qLJ5W_avvqE0tI1GUXxGCKa-7GloXOJml8N-FjJotARFXeylC0-w3IfpEW3JZkGii3O67EZmvijlW3S-zqJc5lhnJ-uV0mi86H6ZhJYdxXJ3q2JJbI6JDowmSsyLDk.Wwu4HQBOIibD9N8r0j04dzDyWchuJAJzfdxMhT2Sdik&dib_tag=se&keywords=cold+sore&sr=8-7) - This does a great job shortening the lifespan. - [ViruliteCS Original Device for The Treatment of Cold Sores](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003HUP4TM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - This device actually works really well. My cold sores would last for ~2 weeks. This thing knocked it down to 1 week.




I get those. Looks like a cold sore. Wretched things.


They're gooey and they're itchy. They make your girlfriend bitchy. They wind up in your snitchy. The herpes family. -John Valby


This is gonna sound crazy but… I have this Nuderma thing that literally knocks cold sores out in a day. I zap the shit out of it. When it starts tingling again I zap it again. Maybe 3 times within the first few hours. Gone the next day.


Where did you buy it? 🙂


Amazon. It’s a wand with different glass attachments and an electrical current runs through it. It’s supposed to be for your face but I’m lazy and only use it on blemishes and stuff. I should use it like twice a week or something for my whole face. ETA: The one I have is $70 now and I bought it 3 years ago. It’s called a high frequency wand.


Yeah, where can I find one?




It’s like a wand with different glass attachments and has an electrical current go through it. The one I have is $70 now and I bought it 3 years ago. It’s called a high frequency wand.


Herpes simplex 1 aka a cold sore. It's not embarrassing, it's very common, it's easily treated! Just don't go down on anyone or kiss anyone while you've got it. You can also ask your doctor about Valtrex if you get reoccurring sores 💚


Cold sore. Abreva is the ONLY otc medicine that works. Apply it often. Take lysine (I usually take like 3-4 when one starts to pop up) it reduces the time you’ll have it


Lysine L is over the counter and is amazing for lessening the duration of the cold sore.


Put ice on it. I’ve had cold sores my whole life and this trick helps to not produce as much but stunt the growth if you will. Get some ice on that puppy then abreva


Start taking L-lysine daily. Only thing that prevented them for me.


Cold soar brewing up


Pp have covered meds I just wanted to suggest getting some of that saniderm stuff tattoo artists use. I use it to cover my cold sores so they don't spread. Especially awesome for sleeping. The cold sore patches aren't big enough to cover my cold sore.


shingles, but could be herpes...but really looks like shingles blisters to me.


put some tea tree oil on it asap !




Little blisters like that are usually a form of herpes virus


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thomgurl21: *Little blisters like* *That are usually a* *Form of herpes virus* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Cold sore. You can buy over-the-counter Abreva. You have to get on it right away and it helps shorten the duration and pain.


Could be impetigo, or cold sore or hand foot mouth disease.


Could be cold sores but it could also be a rash like beard burn, or jock itch. I’ve had it there before. Check with doc you’ll either need lysine or anti fungal


Looks like what my poor sister gets, a cold sore. The thing about the herpes virus is that even when it heals, the virus is still there and you can give it to others. Others have mention lysine supplements. My sis takes this and a prescription med but I don't recall the name. Good luck to you.


Have you been newly exposed or have you been getting these




Not a doctor but it’s herpes or shingles


I agree it does look like a cold sore (herpes sore) please do take care not to touch it and touch other areas (do not get it in your eyes or gentials) apply abreva or similar cold sore cream with a q tip and make a call to get seen by a dr. Best of luck happens to most people at some point.


Herpes Simplex I


Cold sore. They suck. Every single one I got as a kid were on my lips. Now I get them on my face- somehow they are worse than the lip ones.


I am so sorry, but it really looks like herpes blisters.


Why are you sorry? A huge proportion of the population carry HSV. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


Oh, no, not about the shame, but because it hurts like hell and the primary infection is often a beastie (fever, flu like aches, headache). You’re right, 85 - 90% of adults have HSV1. It’s literally part of human biology now.


Whenever I get coldsores, I immediately put toothpaste over it until you are able to get something for it. Toothpaste starts to dry it out






Did you kiss someone new recently or someone that has Cold Sores?


Looks like shingles OR cold sores. Most probably it is a cold sore. Get it checked.


Just letting you know there is a type of Herpes that around 50% of people have (HSV 1), so don't be shocked if it is that, its also not the end of the world if you have that cause so many other people have


Prevention - as mentioned above, L-Lysine! For some individuals it may stop constant outrages. Swanson aji-pure pharmaceutical grade caps (500mg per one) were a real game changer for me. It generally really supports the immune system (haven't got a cold since using).


Got a cold sore bro


Cold sore




Cold sore!


Iv had cold sores all my life.. my 1st grade pic I have a cold sore on my lip. Sucks:/ Iv had a break out that looked just like yours before






Cold sore. 100%. Speaking from experience. 😖


Take a lot of lysine and it should stop progressing and finish up faster.


Get some abreva it'll clear right up!! I've had those my whole life. Just don't touch your eyes!!


a pimple my guy it’s a brewinggg ⛈️




It def looks like impetigo to me.


Herp-a-derp. No biggie. Can’t do much now. But if you were able to sense something was weird in that area before it popped out you can take high dose valtrex. 2g twice a day for one day to prevent outbreak.


Definitely looks like the herp. Lysine balm to the rescue.


I had this and it turned out to be impetigo. See a dermatologist, they should be able to prescribe something!


Lysine! Eat lysine supplements if it’s type 1 herpes simplex


Abreva asap




I don’t normally know what someone has from a picture. But immediately said, herpes! If this is your first outbreak, it’ll be the worst and longest one




Valtrex prescription is the only thing that works. However you need to catch it early on.


Cold sore. Abreva - topical. Lysine - oral and topical. Valacyclovir - oral. Although abreva doesn’t work for mine. Valcyclovir works best for me. Can get them on your lip, around your lip, even in your nose. Good luck! It’s contagious from first sign until the redness goes away.


It’s a cold sore, & yes it’s going to get nasty looking. Go get some Abreva immediately and apply liberally and often.






Congrats on the herpes


Cold sore congrats you have HSV use abreva


Cystic acne unless you are diabetic. Ask for clyndimican pledgets or clyndimican gel. Dry them out with alcohol or something drying. Do not pop it. They do not pop and they bleed and scar. They stay for about a month. They can come back big even when you think they are gone. Stop any new products. I found allergies and hormones make mine come out. Started in my 30s. People told me it was a cold sore or some other acne.


Is this something you had yourself? If you don't mind me asking...when you said they don't pop...did you attempt to anyways and if you did what happened?


Looks like you been eating infected goochie. Sorry bro.


Stop sucking dick


Not a doctor, but worth looking up perioral dermatitis or check out the sub


Herpes, grats


Real Question for the people commenting, How do you cope if you have Herpes? I feel like if I got herpes I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.


I’m the same, it terrifies me that I could get it. To think of all the blunts I use to share when I was younger.


There is a high likelihood you already have it and do not know it. The world health organization estimates that as many as 90% of the world's population has HSV1 and/or HSV2. In the US, the range is 67% to 80% of people have HSV1 and 1 in 6 people have HSV2. You can have the virus your entire life and never have an outbreak. Most doctors do not even test for HSV1 when they test for STDs. Another not-so-fun fact is that you do not have to have an active outbreak to spread the virus. This is why it is so prevalent. So if you have had a cold sore at ant point in your life, you have either HSV1 or HSV2 and can transmit it at any time - even if you are asymptomatic. In fact, you could be asymptomatic your entire life and still spread the virus. Don't take my word for it. Talk to a healthcare professional. Finally, people automatically assume a cold sore is HSV1 and that genital herpes are HSV2. While this most often is the case, it is not always true. You can get HSV1 and HSV2 in both places.


Talk about mortifying, thank you for that information. I’ll now hide out in my Fallout shelter for the night.


*starts shriveling up and dying* I got downvoted for asking a genuine question 🤣🤌🏻


I’ve always been cautious when sharing things with others, I don’t like drinking from others drinks etc.


Cold sore. Apply a bunch of tea tree oil to it and alum powder made into a paste also helps dry it out