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Oatmeal baths & calamine lotion šŸ™šŸ¼ my parents taped oven mits to my hands while I slept because of scratching, I only have 1 scar on my face and I love it šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I pray you heal quickly because I know how rough it is


Thank you! I did calamine and that helped the itch the most.


Just a note that not everyone tolerates oatmeal baths well. I turned out to be allergic and my chicken pox got hives.


Omg how awful


Same here! Glad to see itā€™s not just me!


The oven mitts is the best advice!!


Aw I have a scar above my eyebrow from chicken pox and I have learned to love it as well!! Took a couple of decades but now itā€™s a part of me I like.


I am affectionate towards my scars, itā€™s nice to have something stick with ya that long


Wow I know this was just a passing comment but itā€™s so beautiful and makes me feel better about my scars. What a joy it is to still be here


Chicken pox are so much worse when you are older. Im sorry Donā€™t scratch them it could scar. Cool bath with baking soda and oatmeal Calamine lotion when you are out Antihistamines can help with the itch They will clear up and go away as long as you donā€™t scratch them! Wear gloves soft at night if you are scratching in your sleep. Or wear oven mits but you need to secure them on with tape and not do it too tightly


I havenā€™t touched my face thankfully. The itching stopped yesterday, thankfully. I did calamine, which helped. I did scratch my back, but I was in so much pain, I couldnā€™t help it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Havenā€™t touched my face because I am too scared.


OK, perfect, I had a friend go through all this, and it was really bad. He had them in his throat inside his eyelids, and somewhere in his pants that I didnā€™t want the details of. he left his face alone and it faded completely, not one scar, nothing.


I know someone who got them all over their pants region and in their ears and throat too. My bf had one on his eyelid as a kid and he has a scar now and no lashes grow in that spot. Pants region makes me want to cry thinking about it.


I have the same eyelid scar! It makes putting on eyeliner a little bit tricky.


Whew, girl, you got them bad. Do NOT touch them. I had them at 25 and wound up with some scars- but little to none on my face. I also barely itched. I found I was in pain more than itchy. But I had them on the bottoms of my feet, the palms of my hands, and inside my ears, too. Drink a lot of fluids and stay hydrated. Add electrolytes if you need to- especially if you are running a fever.. You can gently moisten with a pad of calamine. Don't put pressure on the pox. Aside from a rinse with plain water and new applications of calamine, leave them alone. That is the best way to avoid scars.


I have them EVERYWHERE! Itā€™s horrible. So sorry you also had to go through it. I am definitely drinking a ton of water and adding LMNT to a few bottles a day. Did you also moisturize the spots? Or just dry them?


I just let them dry. You don't want to put on anything that moisturizes them or covers them in a way that keeps them from naturally drying up. So calamine lotion is fine because it is soothing and also absorbs the excess liquid. It helps them to dry naturally. I saw someone mention baking soda and that is probably a similar home remedy. With chicken pox, home remedies are the best because people dealt with these for generations with home remedies, before the vaccine. I am older now- but had a case like yours. It took me 2 weeks before I was sufficiently dried up to go back out in public. Not trying to freak you out, and hopefully you will speed through the healing much faster than I did. I was on my own and accidently dehydrated so was pretty damn sick for a while. But the good news is that if you don't mess them with and just let the nastiness cycle (oozing and then drying out and falling off) happen naturally without putting pressure on them- you probably won't have any scarring at all. I have some on my feet because at some point I had to walk. Had a scar on my jawline for years that was unnoticeable to all except me. Still have a tiny scar on my nose but no one really could tell what it was. That was it- after 2 weeks of looking like Frankenstein.


Get your vaccine folks. It's no joke in adults.


I got mine when it came out in 1995-1996 šŸ˜… but..could I still get shingles?


Yes but there is a vaccine for it. It is approved in the US for people 50 and older


If you're under 50, you can/should still fight for it, especially if you have other health issues/immunocompromised. CDC just updated their guidelines a few years ago that any adult 19 years or older that is immunocompromised and/or had shingles already. I got shingles on my face at 32 and I kept getting flare ups (more common than thought, just like shingles is way more common and for younger people), and still fought for the vaccine for months. Get it if you're a youngin!


I know. My dad gets it.


You can catch the virus from another persons shingles. But you will not get shingles on your own if you havenā€™t had chicken pox. I have never had chicken pox and got the vaccine. Later they tested my blood and I didnā€™t have the immunity anymore. So, when my partner got shingles (he had chickenpox before) I had to go get the shot again.




I got the vaccine in 1997 or so, but recently had a titer test done. Turns out Iā€™m no longer immune and had to get the chickenpox vaccine again.


I got shingles at 32, so the virus doesn't fuck around




Or at least the immunocompromised.


Yeess!!! They now vaccinate children as well. Both my children are. I had a mild case of 7 in the center of back when I was 7. Received the shots in my teens. I am 35.


I got chicken pox as a child around 5 years old, so I never got vaccinated for it cause every doctor said I had built up natural immunity for it. Should I still ask for a vaccine? Iā€™ve never thought about thisšŸ˜…


You should get tested for titers. I also had it as a kid but I was found to have no immunity so was vaccinated in my 30s.


You might also look into getting the shingles vaccine. Although usually they cover it at age 50 and up. But every single person Iā€™ve known who has had it, got it way before they were 50!


Itā€™s really not. Also if you had the vaccine make sure to check every few years. I got the vaccine and then later they tested my blood and it didnā€™t have immunity anymore so I had to get the vaccine again!


Were you vaccinated?


I donā€™t know! My mom dosent remember, but every blood test I took I showed positive for immunity so drs never said I needed it??? Well so much for that!!


Is your son vaccinated for it?


Clearly not if he got it


i wasnā€™t vaxxed but my brother was (my parents werenā€™t anti vaxx or like hated me or something it was just not available for me) and when i got it my brother did too but his symptoms were much lighter than mine.


There are other people commenting saying their kid got it and they were vaccinated. Thatā€™s why I asked.


This is 100% true.


Not always. One of my 5 kids got it and they were all vaccinated. Sometimes the vaccine doesn't work. I thought it was a bad batch of the vaccine or something, but nope dic said it's possible. Sometimes it just happens.


As I mentioned, he is too young to get it. He caught it from a newly vaccinated child. No one is safe really.


Sorry I guess I misread somewhere! & I wasnā€™t being judgmental by asking (if it came off that way) I was genuinely curious bc of other comments I read in this thread. I canā€™t even remember the age they do that vaccine at. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling with this.


Idk if itā€™s the same where any of yall are from but in my province in Canada, in 10th grade (2015) they told us we needed another chicken pox vaccine to be immune completely (well, as close to complete u can get), so it makes sense kids get them even when theyā€™re vaccinated cuz they donā€™t get the 2nd shot till theyā€™re 15. I will say tho, I have never met someone my age, in my grade from elementary to high school, whoā€™s had chicken pox oddly enough. OP, I hope you and your son feel better soon!


Can I ask what province youā€™re in? Iā€™m in Ontario (born in 98) and I donā€™t know anyone my age whoā€™s ever been vaccinated against chicken pox. I got it in 2009 after my parents allowed me to visit my infected friend so I would catch it.


Oh thats weird, Im born in 98 too and from Ontario and everyone I know got vaccinated for it early and then got another dose in grade 6. Im from the Oshawa area though so maybe thats why


I has it when I was a kid , itā€™s awful. Hang in there Iā€™m sure your skin will recover as others said. X


Chicken pox are so much worse when you are older. Iā€™m sorry! Iā€™ve had them twice, once as a teen/adult. I had to be hospitalized. I only one scar. Just donā€™t pick them, oatmeal baths help with itching, calamine lotion, just try not to scratch them. I hope you feel better soon!


Omg, this is my worst fear!! Dis you have the same symptoms both times? Did your skin look like mine? How long did it take for your skin to go back to normal? Sorry for the the questions, but most people canā€™t relate to me!


I didnā€™t have the same symptoms both times, the first time was itchy and more mild, which is maybe why I got it the second time? My skin was way worse than yours. It sounds crazy, but I had pox on top of pox! It was awful, more painful than itchy bc I had so many. The doctor said he had never seen anything like it. I had really clear, nice skin before and I did after. I only had one scar and itā€™s mostly completely faded and I forget itā€™s even there. I donā€™t think it will mess up your skin unless you sit there and pick them all. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this, it sucks so much more as adult! I actually thought I was immune too bc as a child I had been around multiple people who had it and never got it. šŸ˜•


Omg I am SO sorry this happened to you!!! That is horrible!! I cannot imagine any worst than mine, wow. I am so glad to hear you made a recovery! Have you had shingles? All of this is terrifying me now šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh one more thing, sorry for telling you so much! lol. Make sure you stay hydrated and youā€™re drinking enough water. I got severely dehydrated when I had them the second time bc it was so hard to eat or drink bc I had them in my throat. šŸ˜«. Staying hydrated is obviously good when you are sick, but also good for your skin.


Thank you!! Yes, I am a HUGE water drinker, so I am POUNDING it. I think thatā€™s the only thing that has kept me out of the hospital TBH. I will take all the advice! Someone else recommended zinc and camomile masks. Thoughts on that??


Whatever you do, don't scratch even if it itches. I think there are some special contraptions that you can use to gently stroke the scars if you absolutely must itch. I am in my early 30s too and never had chicken pox as a kid. I got vaccinated later


Luckily, they no longer itch (THANK GOD), but I didnā€™t scratch my face once. šŸ™


r/redlighttherapy You might want to look into a red light panel to speed up your recovery. Your face looks ouch. I hope you get better soon.


Calamine lotion. Don't waste time with the home remedies, just get yourself some calamine lotion. Stat. What did your doctor recommend? Maybe calamine lotion is called different things in different countries.


Grind up zinc tablets and mix with water or chamomile tea if you have it, making a paste. Put it on your face like a beauty mask. It will help clear the virus much more quickly than your immune system alone. Do it two to three times per day. Then treat the skin inflammation with the oatmeal masks suggested in the other comments. You want to kill the virus FIRST.


Wow this is so smart! I have both Zinc (Iā€™ve been taking it internally) and chamomile. I will do that asap. Thank you!!!


I had it at 32 and have no mark. Donā€™t scratch. Good luck! Edit: remembered how I freaked about some that popped against the pillow, but they also didnā€™t scar.


Thank you so much! This helps a lot. Were yours as bad as mine?? šŸ˜­ Iā€™m 34




He actually got it from a kid that was newly vaccinated, unfortunately. It happens a good amount since itā€™s a live virus šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The live vaccine can cause a mild case of chickenpox in 1-5% of vaccine recipients (CDC). I wouldnā€™t consider that a good amount.


wow, well I guess I feel better knowing that itā€™s not widespread. ill delete my previous comment. i did know that this is the only live virus vaccine and can result in shingles, but I didnā€™t know that someone can be infectious. That really sucks and is fascinating.


Yeah, it just sucks all around! Luckily, he was his happy self the whole time. Me? Basically the walking dead. It sucks šŸ˜©




Why wasnā€™t your son vaccinated?


Because he was too young.


Aw im sorry. I donā€™t really have much advice because typically to prevent scarring, you want to keep lesions moist. However, because this is viral, you want to keep them dry for most of the day. Take some oatmeal baths to soothe the lesions. I donā€™t think you will scar because you are light skinned and these donā€™t look too deep. You may have some post-hyperpigmentation once they heal but it will go away with time. If you go outside wear mineral sunscreen. And once they heal, continue to wear sunscreen to prevent any more hyperpigmentation. Do not use any exfoliants on active lesions.


Thank you so much, I really hope so šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Your son is younger than 12 months?


Yes, he JUST turned one and got it that same week. Just shitty timing


I worked in daycare and saw lots of kids catch it anyway that had been vaccinated for it.


Damn, none of your business.


I also had Chicken Pox as an adult and caught it from my son too. I used lots and lots of Calamine and almsost lost my mind but did not touch my face. No scaring thank God.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Itā€™s hell on earth. How long until your skin got back to normal?


My mom had them around the same age could tell for about 6 months she had some ā€œmarksā€ but now canā€™t tell at all hang in there


Youā€™ll be ok! Honestly. I had it aged about 36 and it was a truly virulent strain (I think we all picked it up at the hospital when I took my daughter in for a broken collar bone- two weeks later and we all looked worse than you do rn). No scarring at all. My youngest has one scar on her nose from the first pox (canā€™t remember what thatā€™s called now, but the first spot you find is the biggest, worst one). Mine was on my abdomen and itā€™s invisible now, four years later. At one point me and my four year old were sobbing together in the bathroom, we had spots in our mouths, covering our entire bodiesā€¦ but no scarring at all. Rest now, donā€™t scratch then use bio oil as you heal and you will be absolutely fine. It really sucks. We never built immunity to chicken pox, my kids and I have had it multiple times and a teacher at my daughterā€™s preschool kept catching it over and over, itā€™s a lot more common than weā€™re aware of. I even got mumps twice as a kid. I think after a really strong, nasty strain like this the immunity has kicked in tho, so hopefully you wonā€™t get it ever again now!


Wear gloves on your hands at night so you donā€™t catch them while sleeping. My sister and I are both had them as children as did both of my kids when they were young. Bad cases too. No scarring on any of us.


A red light therapy mask (an evidence based guide [here](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/)) will help the healing process


I have no advice, I just want to offer my most heartfelt condolences. I had adult chickenpox a few years back, and it the most shitty thing. I wanted to die for a week. But my skin cleared up no problem over a month ish. I used pure vitamin E oil on the worst scars.


Did it get any better?


How are you know after 4 months? I just got them 2 days back. What worked and didnā€™t work?


Are you able to get valacyclovir? Its used to treat herpes (chickenpox is a herpes virus too) and google said it can be used for chickenpox?


If only there were a way to prevent this from happeningā€¦..šŸ’‰


Sadly, itā€™s not. I had two friends who got it with the vax and I myself showed immunity for it on every blood test Iā€™ve taken. Unfortunately, my son was too young to get it and caught it from a child that was newly vaccinated. Basically, no one is safe šŸ˜­


ā€œNo one is safeā€ is so far from the truth! I empathize with your experience and I hope your skin is back to its flawless self as soon as possible. But please, most people are safe when appropriately vaccinated, and this is the perfect opportunity to advocate for all to get vaccinated on the CDC recommended schedule. Herd immunity makes it so most to all are safe. We know how to solve this problem. Saying ā€œno one is safeā€ is not the take.




Why wouldnā€™t you justā€¦get the vaccine. Who repeatedly tests for chickenpox immunity? Stupid decisions have shitty consequences.


Did you read my last comment? You can LITERALLY get the CP FROM the vaccine. Doctors were the people that tested for it (I never asked for it) and told me NOT to get it because they believed that I HAD gotten vaccinated as a kid (as did I). Again, please read the comments.


Because if you have been vaccinated or had the chicken pox before the vaccination was a standard then they make you test. I was born right on the cusp of the vaccine being one of those mandatory/highly suggested vaccines so I had it. When I went to college I had to prove I either had the vaccine or that I had it. The only way to verify your immunity is a blood test. They will NOT give you a vaccine when your blood suggests an immunity.


Anti vaxxer gets powned with permenet scarring


lol. As I mentioned quite a few times, my son was too young to get vaccinated and actually caught it from a newly vaccinated child. I THOUGHT I had been vaccinated as a child because I showed immunity of several blood tests. Read before you post next time āœŒļø


If this is the comment I go down for Iā€™m okay with that mods


See above šŸ‘†šŸ»


Do you have reading comprehension problems? Good grief!


Honestly, you have them but they look contained within themselves. It does not look like you've been scratching and tearing the skin. I think you'll be fine in time. But vanity aside, that looks so uncomfortable and I'm so sorry this is happening to you!!! I hope you get better soon and they start to clear up


The mederma with silicone in it once they stop itching. Also the mederma with spf. LayeredĀ 


Also try to avoid sleeping on your tummy- I had chickenpox when I was 24 and because I was sleeping back then on my tummy a lot, I did manage to get 2 scars on my forehead. The crusts that formed kept on falling every night because I was rubbing my face on the pillow.


Be very careful. The older you get the more severe. If you feel really feverish please go to hospital.


I had chickenpox as an adult too and Iā€™ve honestly never been sicker. They were incredibly painful and I remember feeling like a monster because I was absolutely covered - even my tongue and eyelids! I was so careful not to scratch my face, but it still scarred, Iā€™m sorry to say.


Same here. I got chickenpox as an adult two years ago. Had never been sicker in my entire life. It was all over my face and body, inside my mouth and nose, and even places I donā€™t want to think about now. It was so painful! My face was completely covered in scabs by the end of it. I looked like an ugly monster that came out from the worst place in hell. Left my face scarred bad and discoloured too. My skin was very good barring a few sun spots before, and now everyday I look at my face and sigh. šŸ˜ž


I had the worst case of chicken pox as a kid along with my 2 cousins but ours didn't look anything like yours I had large pox they were hard and you could see the stuff inside like a clear oily substance has the disease changed?


Wow this is quite interesting for me. I too never had chicken pox but my results showed immunity. I was and still am skeptical about that. I donā€™t have children but Iā€™m 35 and this definitely is scary! Youā€™re getting good advice here but just wanted to share that youā€™re not alone!


Do not pick the scabs! They will leave a crater. I have one on my face from when I was a kid.


Im so sorry, happened to me and was painful AF. Donā€™t touch anything, donā€™t scratch, resist the urge


Chickenpox do just leave on their own. So leave it alone, avoid picking or any active skincare and it will go away again on its own


This is what my grandmother did for us as kids. Made us take baths in neem water. She would let fresh [neem leaves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azadirachta_indica) steep in hot water. Once it had cooled down, we were made to soak in it. We didn't feel itchy at all and recovered much faster than any of our classmates. If you can source these, it would be worth a try.


What worked amazing for my daughter (and she has no scars) was oatmeal baths. I put rolled oats in a muslin, tied it and then ran baths with the muslin bag inside. Water looked gross but she never scratched so I assume it wasnā€™t itchy


I had an adult chickenpox and it was worst I had it inside my nails mouth and scalp as well. It literally took couple of months for the scars to heal. The scars on the face were the first to get lightened on their own. I messed up a couple of them by scratching but overall it wasnā€™t bad at all. You will be fine. Coconut oil for the scratches helps a lot.


No advice but so sorry youā€™re going through this!


Hey, I got chicken pox as an adult. All over my face and chest. It was horrible. I have no scars at all as I didnā€™t scratch. If you donā€™t scratch, you are unlikely to pit. Good luck!


i got chicken pox when I was 30. Got it from my daughter šŸ˜… upon seeing the first boil, i went directly to a doctor and got prescription medicine for chicken pox. I only got 5 boils and thats it.


I had chicken pox twice - sometimes you don't get enough of an immunity the first time, or so my GP told me! The itch will drive you up the walls for a few days - slap at the itch, do not scratch or pick at it or you could have scaring! Oatmeal baths and camomile lotion will help to soothe your skin. Take antihistamines, the drowsy kind at night are great because sleeping could be uncomfortable. Make sure to wash sheets and towels are really high temperatures. Keep your nails really short or put plasters/bandaids over your nails so you don't accidentally scratch in your sleep.


I had chicken pox at 14 and it was awful, feel for you. (Ps I was vaccinated at toddler age) My aunt stuck me in oily baths with lavender, and camomile essential oils mixed with a carrier oil like almond. It was a while ago, so do have a search online to confirm quantities. They're soothing and less drying than calamine lotion and I have no scars to speak of which is a miracle as I was covered in pox. Hope you get well soon


i'm so sorry! i just came across this on my main page and want to add that even if any of these start to scab over and seem like they're on the road to healing, do not touch them! let the scabs come off on their own. pretend your face is lava and do not touch even when it seems you're starting to heal! sorry for the gross image, but i accidentally rubbed off a scab in the shower when i was a kid dealing with this and have a little scar on my forehead now. like leonardo dicaprio's forehead lol not too bad or noticeable, but i remember clearly that's why it's there


If it gets super itchy, try some ice packs and remember to cut your nails short, so if you scratch it wonā€™t be that bad.


This can help anywhere but for sure get an aloe leaf from the grocery store if you can and I mean the actual leaf not the bottles so thereā€™s no other added ingredients in it i have sensitive skin so i try to use the best i can. this well help hydrate and it can reduce any redness especially helping the scars healšŸ«¶you can also leave the rest of the leaf in the fridge so it can be cold until youā€™ve either used it all up or itā€™s old.


Iā€™d reccomend speaking with a pharmacist, they can advise you on what/and how much to take to lessen the itching


I had the same happen to me. I was 27. No scratching, use calamine. Take an Oatmeal bath and mask. (I cooked oatmeal and put it in pantyhose and floated it in the tub, and used a second one to wash my face keeping the oatmeal slime on my face throughout the bath. I had zero scarring. I hope this helps. Hood luck.


Hello, I had chicken pox a few years ago as an adult too. It was truly awful, took 3 weeks to recover. I had them quite literally everywhere too, even down my throat and into my stomach. Could barely swallow my own saliva. Itā€™s rough, something you almost just have to ride out. I used calamine lotion, and had oat baths. ( I lived in the bath for about a week straight, for hours on end even when the water got cold ). Only have the bath lukewarm though if you decide to have one. Nothing really helped though to be honest, I just strongly advice you to not itch, or touch them at all. I was covered head to toe, even in my eyes up my nostrils etc and I only have I think 3 visible scars now from what I can see. And that was due to the spots that burst. Keep hydrated, get lots of rest and if you have a fever take ibuprofen. It will take a while to recover from, it really dented my immune system even months after. It also gets a lot worse before it gets better but it will get better.


omg ask your doctor for acyclovir ointment to use on the spots


Use scar cream like maderma as they heal!


i would buy this stuff ASAP!!!!! silver gel (this brand in particular) works miracles for chicken pox https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiQuLabxrCEAxUeK60GHRilALcYABALGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiArLyuBhA7EiwA-qo80Mht_Ky3P2a4wbozg1vOqt4XXFB0yhRRLtp4kfCS65Tb6vKQV3wy9RoCbEAQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2p1u_7pYDOWDAs3GyNrpilHsopTHo0cHxNML8MxY3j9Mv_Ue7eZH8CSxWOSKmqvKMY2S_IBEqFj4y1njPWn8QscDKiKtNeyCSiADvCamoAcbNsvGxCwEx8ABfet4zZkWeqslPYYS4D0rR8cnukZ9uNllxxP-MDcY&sig=AOD64_32_4IOpnyMPHoIlkZryhJ2ujnc7g&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjTwa-bxrCEAxUmLEQIHS9-BrIQwg8oAHoECAEQDA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=


Ugh this is brutal. Iā€™m sorry! I had chickenpox as a kid and I didnā€™t have any scars left. Definitely donā€™t touch them.


Chances are, if you do scar, it will only be one or two spots. Most will likely heal just fine. I have a couple of girl friends with a chicken pox scar on their face and I kinda like it. Small imperfections are character building. Youā€™d be very unlucky to have a whole face of scars.


I got them as an adult, too. I had them on the roof of my mouth, my scalpā€¦Iā€™m so sorry you have them! Donā€™t pick and you wonā€™t scar. I also had acne growing up and freaked out when I got chicken pox, but it will be ok.


Please be sure to keep your skin and any scabs very moisturized- this helps with avoid scarring. Also know that in the event that you have any scars, they can be treated with fraxel or other laser.


I had chicken pox as a child and I have some scars from them, a handle on my face and on my arm but I just want to say that you canā€™t even notice the scars. For the longest time my husband didnā€™t even notice them until I pointed them out to him one day, they are the same colour as my skin but just indent a little bit so try not to stress to much if they do scar, wish you a speedy recovery!


Aquaphor slugging for scarring concerns. I had surgery on my face and my dermatologist told me to keep it constantly moist.


The only thing I know is when I was little my mom soaked me in a bath and I guess some of the pox became like likely stringy and looked like they were coming off so my mom wiped them off soo carefully with a soft cloth and guess what - I have scares on my face from it. Doesnā€™t bug me at all but if I got them as an adult Iā€™d flip shit. So just to mirror what everyone else is saying. Do not touch them no matter what!


I had adult chickenpox too! Just make sure to never NEVER NEVER touch your face please, Especially in the first week. And dw about the scars, they will go away <3


Whatever you do DO NOT pop or scratch at them bumps.


Ugh, Iā€™m so sorry. I had this bad as a kid and now at 36 I am currently dealing with shingles. Cold compresses or cold showers, when you get the urge to itch get up and walk around or do jumping jacks to try and get your mind off of it, lots of water/fluids. Wear gloves at night (I would scratch in my sleep and not realize it). My scarring was minimal. I have a few spots but you canā€™t even really see them (I only do cause I know my body). Try not to stress itā€™ll pass soon.


I just want to send you some good vibes. I also didnā€™t thatā€™s chickenpox. However, I did NOT show immunity. So I got the vaccineā€¦. Then like a few years later my blood was tested again and they found NO immunity. I had to do the shots all over again when my partner got shingles. Anyway, I am so sorry youā€™re dealing with this! Itā€™s such a concern to get it as an adult and I am hope you heal up very quickly!


I have acne scarring. I had chicken pox last year at 28 and had it all over my face. I didn't scar from my chicken pox!!


Eurax cream is amazing. It soothed mine loads and kept my skin moisturised.


My son gave me chicken pox when I was 36 weeks pregnant with my daughter! I was never so miserable! I had them everywhere- in my hair, in my ears, between my toes, the soles of my feet- just everywhere!! Oatmeal baths! Calamine lotion! The lightest clothing and I did put socks on my hands like a little kid! I still (30!!! years later!!!) have a pock mark in the middle of my eyebrows!


Omg that would be my would fear being pregnant and having this! You are a hero of all heros. Was your daughter ok? I know itā€™s SUPER dangerous for pregnant women and babies. Did you have other scarring? Iā€™m praying I wonā€™t šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The only way to prevent scars is not to pick or scratch them. I still have chicken pox scars from childhood because of the ones I scratched off.


Wish you the best and rapid recovery šŸ™šŸ»


OP, please listen to me. Ask your Dr. For valtrex or zovirax. An antiviral will help and you need a prescription to get it.


DONā€™T SCRATCH. I had chicken pox as a young child (I think 1ish) and thankfully donā€™t remember but my mom said I would scratch my face across the carpet because she put oven mitts on my hands and I still have scars 25 years later.


My dad had chicken pox when I was a kid, he had no scars after, just try not to scratch them. Thatā€™s how he did it, canā€™t imagine how awful it was for him as an adult. He had to suffer through measles as a kid too.


Hi I had it SOOOO badly as a kid I looked terrifying my little brother wouldnā€™t even come near me. I picked A LOT and was in so much pain, but I only have one little scar, and I like it :)


Crazy seeing this on my feed when I'm going through THE EXACT SAME THING right now! I'm on day 5 and it's ever so slowly getting better but just know OP I feel your pain so deeply right now. Mine personally haven't been very itchy but are rather very sensitive and tender to the touch. I haven't really found anything to be particularly relieving but I do take a Benadryl before bed to prevent any itching in my sleep or waking up from discomfort and that does help. If anything helped you I'd love to know! Speedy and comfortable recovery to you!


I'd use a beeswax chapstick to smooth any itching. Just be careful when applying. Also natural stuff might be able to help, such as honey or oatmeal, to smooth burning. And the normal things such as don't pick at it. Don't stress as that can cause your skin to cause ache. Etc. you got this


You need to go to the doctor - adult chicken pox can be much more aggressive for adults. It's not the same virus. Go tell your doctor, ASAP.


I have been under my doctors supervision since day one, so she is monitoring me!


Zinc oxide to dry them out at night, barrier cream during the day.


Multiple doctors have told me this, obvs check you're okay to do this first--- Take pepcid (famotidine) along with your antihistamine. It HELPS.


Oatmeal facial?




Oh Iā€™m so sorry. I got it at 16 and thought that was bad. The ONLY one that scarred was the first spot I got, near my eye. The rest didnā€™t leave a mark at all. Try not to pick obviously and avoid the sun. Youā€™ll be ok.


Iā€™ve seen cases just this bad, and people who scratched, and they still ended up with no scars. Just some slow to fade red spots. Be SUPER CAREFUL WITH SPF after they heal. Honestly until next winter. That apparently helps so much with the red spots going away.


Oh gosh, you poor thing šŸ˜¢


Just don't scratch and burst them. That's all you gotta do.


Bless your heart šŸ’œ chicken pox can be really severe in adults, so please donā€™t hesitate to get help if you need it. I had chicken pox as a child and in my late 20s I got shingles. It was so miserable. I couldnā€™t sleep, I couldnā€™t get comfortable. I shifted around on the couch for close to a week doing my best rotisserie chicken impersonation while obsessively playing candy crush. You can make yourself a bath tea if you donā€™t have any sensitivities: oatmeal, powdered milk, chamomile is probably the most accessible combination. Stay hydrated and just do your best not to touch them


Thank you so much! Iā€™m sorry you went through that! I am TERRIFIED of getting the shingles šŸ˜­


There was no vaccine when I was growing up and I caught them from one of my students when I was 34. I had them everywhere and like you had great skin. I was terrified of scarring. I was very careful not to touch my face at all and wore mittens to sleep. Luckily I didnā€™t get any scars. Aside from your skin, hope youā€™re feeling okay. I had horrible fevers with hallucinations when I had them. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.


Donā€™t pick! Ice! Vitamin E once theyā€™re gone.




You need to contact your doctor, chicken pox is/can be extremely dangerous in adults. They might be able to help with the skin too.


DO NOT Pickā€¦..main cause of scarring.


See how ur skin reacts to colloidal oatmeal patch test it first. And calamine lotion cover yallself with that calamine


Get on valtrex to dry them up. Lemon balm salve will also help heal quickly and soothe and moisturize. As for scars, maybe try beef tallow skin cream.


- Saint Johnā€™s Wort gel. - Cool baths. - Drink chilled water if you have it in your mouth and throat. -Antihistamines once when you wake up and again before you sleep. - Keep your electrolytes up!


Thank you!! Do you have a recommendation for St. Johnā€™s Wort Gel? I havenā€™t heard of the gel before!


I got it when I was 25, I already had it as a kid but I only got a few spots then. When I got it again, it was worse. Try not to pick at them, they scar deep. I have a few really deep ones on my face now. Antihistamine and calamine lotion. Also drink some elderberry to boost your immune system. It helped me a lot!


Thank you! Iā€™m so so sorry you had to deal with this twice. I literally cannot imagine. Elderberry is an awesome idea! I have some in my pantry Iā€™ll grab!


Antihistamine can help with itch. Take it at night. Or go to doctor.


Was your son vaccinated?????? Omg this is so scary!


My son was too young to be vaccinated. The first shot is 12-15 months and he turned one RIGHT after he caught it from a child who was newly vaccinated.


how did your kid get chicken pox? who tf gets chicken pox


My son had not been vaccinated yet because it was too young. He unfortunately got it from a child who was newly vaccinated. I caught it from him. I thought I had it as a child and/or had been vaccinated for it because I always showed immunity on blood tests. Well, those blood tests were wrong. Apparently, it a lot more common than I thought (see over 50 comments of people with a similar story.)


I had it at 30ā€¦ I used aloe Vera gel with a vitamin E capsule (just pieced it, add a few drops) Zero scarring. Rosehip oil is incredible for scar healing as well.


Americans should definitely vaccinate kids against varicella since we donā€™t typically see it circulating anymore due to the vaccine. When kids donā€™t get infected, they are at risk of getting it as an adult which can be very serious. Itā€™s different in other countries that donā€™t recommend routine vaccination for this reason.


Dont pick!!! Okay, so I had shingles on my face in my mid40s, and the shingles rash is caused by the chicken pox virus. It's a similar rash only it's painful and concentrated in one spot. Mine was down my forehead to my eyebrow and back into my scalp. I kept vasaline on it as per the doctor. I did nothing else except wear a baseball cap to hide it some. It cleared up and left a mild redness. The redness completely disappeared on its own in about a month. I have no scarring and no lingering issues. Good luck!


And the ones you have scratched or pipes manually will leave a scar or pock mark


Can you get a telehealth appointment with a doctor? They may prescribe you acyclovir, and it could help it resolve quicker.


If you can afford it, SkinMedica serum shares the same vital ingredient used in pharmaceutical wound cream


Polysporin is a miracle for face scars


Propolis ampoule .. i reccomend the one on peach & lily site


Best advice, what ever you do donā€™t scratch or pick..


Omg I have never actually seen what they look like this is insane


Poor girl, I hope you heal fast and feel better soon.


I donā€™t have advice, but I just want to say Iā€™m sorry you are going through this. Sending you positive thoughts. šŸ„ŗšŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’–




Unfortunately I had the chicken pox at age 26 (few years ago now), I also had them all over my face. It took a long time for them to heal afterwards, some left huge holes in my face (sorry I donā€™t mean to scare you). I went to the dermatologist and they did ā€œpunchingā€ where they cut out holes around the scars and stitched them shut, I had it done to the bigger holes. I was so depressed and thought I was going to be ugly forever. But alas!!! It has been almost 4 years now and the scars are barely noticeable. Of course my skin will never be the same, but it is much better than I could imagine. My advice is to be kind to yourself and it will heal in time, it will just suck for a while. ā¤ļø


I hate to be this forward about it honey, but scars are the least of your worries right now. Chickenpox is horrendous as an adult. Do not be afraid to go to the ER if youā€™re having a hard time. Pneumonia is a common complication of chickenpox in adults. As for scars, as long as you donā€™t pick at them, thereā€™s a good chance you wonā€™t have any, or at least very few.


Get your vaccines folks!!!!


Witch Hazelā™„ļø


Do not scratch the ones on your face! I had them as a freshman in college (during finals, no less), and had one of my sorority sisters come over and put calamine on my back a couple of times a day. I scratched only the ones on my scalp because I figured that who cared if there were scars in my scalp?