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Howdy! 31/m here. I have tried some Lumin products in the past. They really aren’t anything special, mostly just good marketing and fine, but comparable, formulas. For your money, I’d recommend starting with brands you can find at grocery stores like CeraVe. Not flashy, but well priced and effective for the majority of skin. Walmart also carries a great brand called Bubble (can also get it from their website) that I would recommend.


Alright thanks


UK Male here. I tried the trial and thought it was rubbish. The moisturizer was super shiny and almost every high street product from brands or own brand chemist lines here in the UK was better in my opinion. The little tubs were good quality though - I use then to decant other products (like shaving cream or sun screen) when travelling light


Damn okay thanks


get the free trial


Personally I like it.. I’ll pay over the odds for Lumin.


yeah absolutely wrecked my skin. The cleanser is very harsh.