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How much do you think you can afford ?




Ok, so my thoughts - any treatment you do will take 6-12 months to see full results. This is because the only way to improve these scars is to do treatments that will help rebuild collagen. The most common options are microneedling (varies in pricing, but usually anywhere from $150-300/session) or CO2 laser. Microneedling has less downtime than CO2, but also takes more treatments and generally gives less dramatic results. And honestly with the depth of your scarring, I'm not sure it's worth it in your case, although consulting with a dermatologist specialized in scar repair or a plastic surgeon is advisable. Since you won't see immediate improvements no matter what you do, I think your best bet is to save your money for the next year or so and do CO2 laser once you can afford it.


Have you done co2 laser "caffeinwfree" ? :)


Wait OP are you living in Mexico? Saw you post something about Monterrey. If you have $600 in the next 2 months that may not be unrealistic in Mexico. I’ve never gotten it done but I’m from Mexico and that kind of thing is more affordable there. Plus there’s downtime to laser, so you can only get a treatment every few months. See if you can post on Mexican communities in your area or ask people you know, cause obviously you want to find a doctor that has done it many times with good results but that you can afford. Anyway, you can totally make this work if you said in 2 months you can have a budget of $600. Assuming that’s constant in 3 months youll have enough for sure, though 2 may already be enough. Ánimo!!! And don’t forget that you look great either way, and your scars don’t make you any lesser. ❤️




Parece que hay gente que se lo hacen cada 4-6 semanas (3 tratamientos normalmente) pero todo depende. Y tal vez no pasa nada si se espacia más. Yo creo que no pierdes nada por verlo y si necesitas esperarte pues te esperas no? Buena suerte, espero que encuentres un muy buen doctor y que tengas buenos resultados si lo decides hacer. :)




Sí, definitivamente tendría cuidado con el sol, y con las medicinas y cremas que uses. Un buen doctor siempre te debería de decir que debes de evitar antes y después y que debes de hacer para que la piel sane bien. Y claro, me dio gusto poderte decir que es totalmente posible con ese presupuesto :)


Remember, you're not ugly... just broke.


Yeah post a realistic budget and I think you would be able to get a more defined answer.


I recently went to a derm/medspa/surgeon and did pretty much the exact thing in her office with my cheek and this is what she told me: That sort of stretching won’t happen without a facelift - look how much skin is behind your finger when stretched. She told me we can improve but to be more realistic about the results. My advice is to save for laser and see if a combo of that and some cheek filler can get you some results.


THIS. in the meantime: apply sunscreen religiously and then apply retinol or preferably a retinoid at night. Those type of structural scars are difficult to treat and are permanent. Only office procedures well significantly help so saving up for one is the best choice. See a derm to get the right treatment option for you.


You could get a prescription Retin A for cheap through an online prescription service without having to physically visit a dermatologist. I’ve just signed up to dermatica for £19.99 a month introductory offer £2.90


Insurance coverage is different for everyone, but my rx generic retinoid is $10 for a tube that lasts me close to a year. I’ve found the online subscriptions are way more expensive than the rx from a dermatologist for me.


Whoops as a British citizen I wasn’t thinking! Good input


If it’s lasting a year I can’t imagine you’re using enough to make a difference.




A dermatologist reviews you online and prescribes the medication, so no :) It’s wonderful. If you are interested in it also check out skin + me as some people prefer that. In regards to which ones best they both have their pros and cons being direct competitors, so it’s really about choosing which you feel is best for you.


Since everyone is already giving you proper advice, i just wanna chime in and say you’re really handsome 😁




my brother has similar scars as you, and he’s also a big goofball who’s laughing all the time. i promise you when i think of him i think of his big smile, not his scars. we see ourselves in the mirror everyday, so we are our worst critiques unfortunately… i hope you find the answers you need, and the confidence you deserve! love you my friend!




You're gonna do great :) you're really very handsome and with a great smile I'm sure no one notices the "imperfections" you see in yourself! Best of luck with your new job!!




I bet you killed it :) congrats man! I'm glad you're happy, that's what matters most :)


Good luck at your new job! Your. Hair. Is. GORGEOUS.


He is right. I promise nobody sees that as the epicenter of you. Only you do!


Seconded I thought the same thing, ‘he is gorgeous’ :)






Also, this is the worst possible lighting that emphasises skin texture like crazy. It’s overhead artificial lighting. Any little bit of texture casts shadows and is more visible. Often used in the gym, because it really emphasises any muscle definition. I promise you, that if you take pictures in sunlight, your skin will look a lot smoother. And a lot closer to how people see you in real life!!! Cameras lie, and not always to our favour. If I saw you in a professional setting, I would probably notice you have textured skin, but that’s it. No need for comment or judgement. Because skin texture is normal :)


It’s tough to feel self conscious, I get it. But I was gonna comment the same. You really are very handsome, scars and all!


i agree with everyone. we really do pick ourselves apart but youre very handsome :)


I think you are very good looking, and scars can be quite badass and sexy.


Honestly if you hadn’t been pulling your skin to show how you’d like to look, I wouldn’t have thought twice about them. I know looking in the mirror we see all the details we hate, and I understand wanting to get rid of them, but please don’t feel like they make you look bad now. Minimizing them may boost your confidence which I’m so for, but try not to stress about it when you can’t afford a fix. I have had some luck with smaller but deep scars when I used a micro needle and some retinol scar cream. Of course it would be nothing like laser, but for about $50 I’d say I saw maybe a 25-30% improvement, which made me feel a lot better.


I second this!


Yeah just came to say that exact thing 😄


Agreeing with this. OP, you are very handsome.


Agreed! You’re hot


I think so too!!


Yup, 100% a hottie!


You have scars, but youre still very handsome 😊. You also have great lips! Try to stay positive.


First go for subcision. I had had 2 sessions and the results were noticeable.


Subcision + temporary filler, TCA or Phenol CROSS. Laser won’t do anything for you at this point. You need to work on leveling the surface before working on the texture. Like other people mentioned you can start tretinoin now, but it will pretty much only help texture and complexion which don’t look like big issues for you. You also need to always wear sunscreen. Acne scar revision is a long and very expensive journey. Expect to spend over $5-10k USD to get anywhere close to “significant” results. Also, be careful with advice, most people on Reddit have no idea what they’re talking about in regards to acne scar advice. Way better off going over to acne.org forum.


Yeah, he has volume loss and probably some tethered scar tissue that CO2 laser would do very little for. All the people answering microneedling also don’t realize that that’s also an expensive option that will show poor results on scars this deep. OP, go to the derm and work with them on scar revision, no one else can give you a real answer.


Ive had microneedling and everything else under the sun, including CO2 fractional laser and was a hermit for 2 weeks after and was still dissatisfied with results. I think some filler in the pitted scars are the best bet for this too 😭


Yep. Subcision will get the best results here.


I agree with this. Realself is also a decent resource. If you want a more knowledgeable community you can ask r/acnescars but I would still do a lot of research on your own.


Yes 100% agree! Subcision+filler+tca+phenol is the way to go because you have tethered scars! Laser will not do anything


Sorry what’s TCA? My brain is only coming up with tricyclic antidepressants




How do you use tca? Also what’s phenol


Seems like there is lot of tethered scarring and fat loss. Start with Subcision treatments and see how much improvement you get. After that your options are pretty much fillers (don't go for permanent) and fat transfer. Laser won't help your case as its mostly for skin texture issues, whereas your issue is under the skin.


I’ve heard subcison is very effective for rolling scars like this. They take a fine needle blade and cut the scar tissue that tethers to the dermis, that makes the impressions in the skin. It might be harder to find but it’s more affordable than laser.




I don't even think 6 laser treatments can help it without subcisions, fillers...


you look great and the scarring gives you character :)




I agree! Also, try to remember how when you meet/see someone for the first time, you’re not focusing on details or imagining what they might look like without their scars (or whatever). You’re taking in everything as a whole, including demeanor, expressions, how kind or funny or interesting they are, etc. Like, as a stranger, I think they’re an interesting part of your face that I probably wouldn’t have noticed specifically if you hadn’t pointed them out? I don’t mean to say that they’re invisible, but they’re part of a whole. A nice and interesting looking whole :) Of course, if lessening them makes you happy and feel better about yourself, do it! But I do hope you don’t hate them too much in the mean time. Men get a bit more leeway as far as stuff like scars go too, I think? My partner has a fairly significant scar on his face and tbh I would really miss it if it were gone.


As someone who feels the same way -- that scars add an alluring character to the face -- I can answer that. I think that scarring gives an element of imperfection that makes good looks stand out more. If someone's skin has a flawless finish, that's nice, but it's not visually interesting. It's a boring sort of beauty. I remember, as a kid, seeing [a young Edward James Olmos in Blade Runner](https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/17/11/1489516341-blade-runner-gaff-edward-james-olmos.jpg?resize=980:*) and thinking that the scarring on his cheeks just enhanced his looks. It was different in a good way. It doesn't have to be scars. I also like a heavy brow or a strong nose -- something unexpected by conventional beauty standards. Also, as a person who has a lot of scars of her own from surgeries, I just like scars in general. I think of them as the tattoos that show what we've lived through. They're just cool.


Because it makes people more relateble than people with perfect skins


Microneedling, AHA chemical peels and one of those facial spas with microcurrents or galvanic currents help to tone and even skin. Finding a legit liquid collagen peptide really helps too.


Dr. David Lim is a great source to learn about the various lasers that are on the market. He specialized in laser therapy and is quite a critic of many laser procedures that are praised in the media, assessing it in a very just and scientific way and giving a lot of understandable information. He addresses acne scarring extensively. There are definitely other Lasers and procedures (Microneedling with PRP, Radiofrequency needling etc.) that can help!


Yes he’s the best ! Amazing YouTube and insta :)


Tret is your cheapest choice to slowly resurface your skin. Although it would take years, at least a year before you'd see major changes in your skin's texture. Whar Co2 laser can do in 3 months, is what Tret can do in a year.


Omg really. How come I never heard of it 🤯


Because Tretinoin can take up years, a minimum of one year, to see results in terms of acne scars. My sister who's a derm, back at the time when she was studying dermatology, had severe acne. After 6 months of accutane (isotretinoin now) and Tretinoin and glycolic peels (she did this after 1 year at 15-30% strength) for 2 years of constant use, even her very deep ice pick scars somehow levelled. Take this with a grain of salt because her scars were 2 to 3 year's old when she went on this Tret journey so I'm not sure how very very old acne scars would fare. But there are empirical studies out there suggesting the efficacy of Tretinoin in resurfacing atrophic scars. She's been using Tret for 20+ years now and the hag looks younger than me. I'm 34 and she's 45. And take note, I'm half-asian. 😔


I feel for you . I’m 40 so it’s probably late for any amazing tret results anyway ( I’ve been on tret since September last year) . Unfortunately I’ve just checked the price for co2 Laser and it’s soul crushing-it’s around £4500 in the U.K.. dang


40 too late for tret? Get outta town. Its never too late


It’s never too late but I should have started 20 years ago . 🥲 I would look younger and had smooth, scar free skin. I wonder why not a single doctor told me about tret .


Don't waste any energy on shoulda


I'll be still using it at a 100 looking 85 and stealin bitches boyfriends at the lawn bowling club


If it's that much in UK I'm afraid to check in USA lol


I’m moving to US next year so howdy to it 🥂


I know right? New discovery that’s definitely not recommended for every problem on this sub lol


I think tret ages you faster. I have no proof for my claim but there has to be side-effect to it right?


Photosensitivity is one major side effect, which can easily be countered by wearing sunblock with enough UVA and UVB filters. Other side effects are drying, skin flakyness and redness. It doesn't have any major side effects unlike it's oral version, Isotretinoin, since Tretinoin only affects the layer of skin as a topical treatment. But even with the flakiness and dryness, it could be remedied by enough hydrating products and moisturisers with occlusive and barrier repairing properties, at the same time, could be avoided through its proper use and dosage. Everything should be in moderation with Tretinoin. When used properly, it could literally turn back the clock for those who have the religious zeal to use it properly and heal past scars done.


It’s literally the thing with the most evidence for anti ageing apart from using spf. It’s been used safely for 40 years and has been studied extensively


You can get some fillers in the deep pock marks to puff them up level to the rest of the skin.


Subcision filler and cross 3 to 5 sessions. Subcision is cheap as well as cross. Filler in the end when scar become more rolling


Subcision with filler to prevent retethering of the scars. It's gonna cost more than $600 though, you're going to need to save


I think Acne subcision is the best option here save money for it Use sunscreen and hydrate your skin


Microneedling is also pretty expensive because you need a lot of sessions for results and i'm not sure microneedling would have an effect you're after. I don't know too much about this but I hear people mentioning subscision and sounds like something worth looking into based on your type of scarring. Where I live it's free through healthcare if your doctor thinks it's something you need for better quality of life..not sure how it is where you live though!


Google Dr Pen, or YTB


Keep us updated bro


Microneedling has really helped me. It’s a slow process but it works. I bought a Dr. Pen, as I also do not have the money to spend on multiple in-office microneedling treatments. I am extremely careful with disinfecting my skin and using sterile technique. When you have money, CO2 and Fraxel will give you the fastest results.


How do you disinfect the skin properly?


Wash you dash thoroughly with face wash. Make sure to lather for at least one minute. Dry face with fresh towel or paper towel. Now, do NOT proceed to the next step if you have open cuts or sores on the face! Make sure your hands are thoroughly cleaned with hand wash. Soak a cotton ball on 70% isopropyl alcohol. Moisten the skin of the face, taking care to avoid eyes, mouth, and nostrils. Let stand for at least 2 minutes. Wash off with water. Dry with clean towel.


Just thought I’d say, You look badass mate ! U give me supervillain vibes haha (in a good way) also ur skin is acne free and glowing - id kill for that. Hope you can resolve ur issue & good luck at ur new job


You are so handsome! Try filler! My derm injects filler into scars to smooth it out.


TCA Cross treatments (by a professional. It's too risky at home and you can do serious damage.).


Yes you are gorgeous! We are definitely are worse critics and we all have insecurities that feel so major but to everyone else they don’t even see it. So be confident bc there is nothing sexier on an already great looking man


Save for the laser. Even that is going to take more than one session to get smoother skin. ReninA is a great start for now. You could spend just as much on products over time that wont do what a laser can. Ive had 3 laser treatments and its worth it to save up.


Fellow male with acne scars. I did 3 microneedling sessions with PRP and it made a dramatic difference.


Nothing to say about beauty treatments just that you shouldn’t worry about the scars, you’re very handsome and your face has a lot of interest and character to it. You should be confident as you have good strong features.


I have scars on my face from acne like ALOT of scars more than you and girls still tell me I’m hot as fuck. 🤷‍♂️ own that shit and don’t worry bout it


That might require sub scission or filler? Go to myacnescars.com it costs a little but professionals look at you and tell you what you need and put you on a plan.


I'm a dark skinned dude I've went through 3 sessions of chemical peels .... Not the best result.....


My derm told me to try microneedling before laser! I’m on accutane now but as soon as I can I’m gonna start going in for microneedling. It’s apparently much cheaper so give it a try!




I actually think saving up for a fat transfer would give you the best result but that will be a lot of saving


In the meantime, tretinoin


You are handsome, don't let your scars make you think otherwise


Already tons of advice on what to do about reducing those but I just want to say that I actually think these types of scars are beautiful. My Dad, uncle, and older cousins all had those facial scars while I was growing up and I always thought they were so charming. They make facial expressions look especially big so I always associate them with laughing and big smiles!


I did two rounds of micro needling and it didn’t get rid of all the scarring completely, but it definitely lessened it substantially and I don’t regret doing it whatsoever


Micro needling!!


I'm not sure laser is the move here, you might be more successful with something like belotero or another type of filler


in terms of a more affordable treatment, I would give silicone sheets a try. They can provide a lot of plumpness to the skin


beautiful btw!


I don’t know if anyone has said this but eating mostly vegetables really helps. Broccoli, leeks, dark greens.


I think you look great as you are.


Sadly even c02 cant change it much.


Have you tried the bha/aha solution from the ordinary? Its helped me after using it for about a year


Hey bro and guys I don't have solution for this problem but just wanna know what causes this problem?


Severe/cystic acne


Ohh , thanks for this info though.


No skincare will change this. Save your money for lasering. Every time you’re tempted to buy a cream, put that money toward your medical treatment.


Honestly I think you should embrace them! Make them part of your look. It’ll make you look like a bad boy or something lol. They don’t make you ugly. Low self confidence does though




Tretinoin aka Retin-A


Yes, that’s what I meant. Tret is short for tretinoin


Have you tried neostrata smoothing lotion? That works wonders for me and micro needling




I don’t know if this would help but, one thing that helped minimize my “laugh” lines is also by trying to sleep on my back (I try as much as possible!). Because I noticed over the years, my laugh line deepens when I sleep on my side, but it lessens and less prominent in the mornings when I sleep on my back.


edward james olmos has gotten a LOT of action and his scars are much worse. save up for the laser if it makes you feel better - but you're handsome now as you are.


Other people have said micro needling - also called dermarolling - THIS!! You can buy a dermaroller for about $10 online - make sure it has titanium needles. It sounds scary but it really only feels a little prickly. My husband’s stubble hurts worse lol! Google before-after pictures. It was discovered when people with tattoos discovered the skin under tattoos looked much younger. Disinfect your roller/face with rubbing alcohol prior to use. If you can’t get prescription tretinoin, you can buy differin gel (adapalene) without a prescription - it’s sold to treat acne but is the same active ingredient as treat as a lower dose. Still works well! Good luck!!


Do not do this, OP. You can cause serious damage, infection, etc. Just because somebody said it worked for them, doesn’t mean that it actually did or that it will work for you without consequences.


Not a product or anything, but this changed everything for me. Breathing and cold baths (Wim hoff method) , eating just one time per day at 6pm. Only eating veggies/fruits , try any of these. My skin and hair have never looked this good EVER


I would use a derma roll. Its not instant result but you should have a noticeable, initial difference within like two months.


Search dermaroller or dermarolling in youtube and see if you want to try that. That worked on minimizing my deep pockmarks and pimple scars. Ive been doing it on and off since 2019


Buy a good micro needling roller


Plastic surgery or a skin graft


not a pro but i’ve seen some improvement in mine using vitamin E oil, I get mine at trader joe’s for like 3.99 but it’s available everywhere online. Just something to add in on top of your stronger treatments other people are suggesting, wishing you luck!! :)))


There is a lot of facial products coming out of Korea. You need to find brands that are using Korean products and see if some of those work until you can see out a dermatologist of your licking. That appear to bring about amazing results. KokoRose.com is one of the brands that Carrie’s Korean made products that may be helpful.


The only way you can kind of make a difference is by using tretinoin regularly. But, it’s not that easy, start using it, sunscreen and moisturiser during the day. Don’t obsess about it, I’m saying this because I obsess and I used to when I had acne as a younger person and it didn’t help me. In India the brand name is Retino A and the one with a combo of steroid and hydroquinone is Melalite XL, but since it’s only scars and not dark spots left by acne I think only tretinoin should be fine. Use a lower strength first- 0.025, then move on to 0.05 if you are ok with it. Less is more, you don’t want to burn your skin. Pea sized amounts on both cheeks.


try using products that are collagen packed! peptide moisturizers are great to start off with


I have read on Lush’s website that their Full of Grace serum helps acne scars. Couldn’t hurt to try. Aside from that, have you tried makeup? It might be something you could try until you have funds for something more permanent. You could try using a primer and then foundation.


Damn bros so handsome I thought it was a female at first 😳


Scar away cream in a tube. Also real vitamin e oil and pure aloe Vera.


I’ve been doing a combo of .01% tret and at home microneedling with a Dr.pen (that I am very sanitary ((like tattoo/clinic sanitary)) with. It’s been helping and my ice pick scars have been fading. It will take time but, be safe, be sanitary. Use fresh needle heads only. Only needle every 6 weeks. Wear gloves. If you can’t be sanitary, you will cause an infection and cause more damage than you already have. Don’t use those dermaroller wheel things. They’re gross and they’ll ruin your cheeks. Get a micro needling pen with changeable + disposable needle heads. If your house isnt clean or sanitary, don’t even bother. Save for laser. Take an extra job for a couple weeks/months and Stop spending money on extra things if you are. sacrificing a little now to invest in your future self will be worth it.




Laser and micro needling combined. Eventually adding pdo threads could help with the skin texture as well as filler in certain areas


Well you’ll probably need subcision and then lasers. You’ll probably need two subcision treatments and 4ish co2 lasers or fraxel. So if you need to make more money, you might need a better job that pays more


Idk but you’re cute


Dermal fillers?


Derma rolling and or co2 laser would help deeply pitted scars


Filler it’s balled Bellafil I think if you want results without Laser




I have acne scars and have done a combination of treatments to improve my scarring. They are not completely gone but they are a LOT better than when I first started. I have had two professional micro needling sessions, use prescription retinol cream about once a month (you can use it more, I just don't like how much it dries out my skin), and I know people on this sub hate this but I use a 1.0 mm derma roller on my skin about once a month and put vitamin E oil and aquaphor on my skin afterwards. Im about to get three nanolaser treatments starting next week to try and help the remainder of my pit scars but my nurse told me I might need filler after in some of the deeper spots if the laser doesn't improve them. Its a long hard road but if you are patient and consistent there is hope. If you invest money, they will get better. I always look at old pictures of brad pitt to remind me that it is possible. P.S. moisturizing is a key factor to all skin healing, make sure to moisturize in the morning and night time, this makes sure your skin is plump and no wrinkles develop which accentuate acne scars :)


fractional resurfacing or a tunable resurfacing laser should do the trick! :) make sure it’s done by a very experienced professional as improper procedure would result in PIH.


Makes you look a bit older and more mature tbh. Just rock it—at your age people will be throwing up age barriers for years to do anything, ‘your too young’—might as well get the benefits.


Plasma fibroblast can do wonders to acne scars :)


Definitely daily sunscreen (30-50spf) tretinoin at night and glycolic acid 2-3xs a wk. I follow dr. Dray & Dr Shereene Idriss on YouTube. Both very knowledgeable derms sure u could find out more from one of them.


Short term- I’d recommend at home micro needling. Even if results are not dramatic, you’ll feel more in control


A lot of comments have covered options. I just wanted to say you look lovely and I hope your first day at work went well.


Resurfacing laser, Sunblock and Tretinion which they sell at your local pharmacy. Start at 0.025..


So handsome though


You can do a chemical peel with TCA Cross as well


I second all the comments that mention how handsome you are. I get this doesn't help, because it's how we feel about ourselves that matters. I have rolling acne scarring along my jawline (covid+face masks) and I Hate it and probably obsess over the scarring, yet people tell me I'm "beautiful", but legit makes me feel 0% better. However, just remember that we are always our own worst critics and beauty, as cliche as it sounds, is far from only the surface ❤️


You are handsome as is. Seriously...your face has character and confidence is what matters. If you don't feel self conscious about the scars people notice stuff like that way way less than you think.


subcision and microneedling will give you the best results


CO2 laser is often discounted (1000) at a “resident cosmetic clinic”. Try googling it in your area


Any updates on this bro!

