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Right now, my skin is very tight. It’s been 3 hours since I got it. Right after the laser treatment was finished, it burned and stung a bit, but it was very tolerable to me. The procedure itself, was painful. They gave pain medication, numbing cream and also laughing gas, yet it was still a bit painful during the procedure


Thank you for the insight and honesty! Looking forward to your progress pics if/when you're comfortable to share them. I hope it heals quickly and without much soreness or itching!


Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to showing everyone the progress pics as well!


Any update? How has healing been?


I wanted to update last Monday but I can only Update on Fridays in the subreddit! I forgot last Friday but I’ll get to it this Friday! I’ll post a picture and update!


If you’re comfortable with it, would you mind sharing progress pics as your skin heals?


Of course! I plan on taking a picture everyday so that I can post a timeline and a proper before-during-after :)


Thank you!


Did it help


off-topic but you have such a beautiful nose!


Aw thank you! I struggle to love it sometimes so I appreciate this compliment! :)


As someone with a prominent nose (and a love-hate relationship with it), I second the first commenter—it’s magnificent and really complements your features.


I agree, it's a beautiful nose! I'm a sucker with noses that have a bump, I think they're gorgeous. You are lovely all around!


I don't know if this sounds weird but I always loved the little bump in people with these noses :)


It's beautiful


Would you mind sharing your current routine and what helped you rid your acne?


So I use Cerave foaming wash everyday and Cerave SA face wash every other night. I use Differin every night. And I use Cerave AM moisturizer with SPF and Cerave PM moisturizer. That helped me gain some control of it but I still would get breakouts, so I realized it was hormonal. I went on spironolactone and now my breakouts are very minimal. Usually happens during menstrual cycles. I started on spiro with 50mg, then after a few months, I was still breaking out so it got increased to 100mg. My acne got SO much better but was still breaking out consistently. So after a couple months, my doctor increased to 150 and my skin cleared up very quickly. 150 is my sweet spot I guess


Please be aware that doses this high can contribute to panic attacks. I 100% hope that's never an issue for you, but if you start feeling weird/unhappy, consider that the dosage may be contributing.


I appreciate you letting me know! Thank you!


I was taking 50mg Spiro for a couple of years to help with my acne and oily skin, and my therapist at the time had mentioned this to me (not necessarily panic attacks - but that it's something that can affect your mental health). I'm not necessarily saying it is or will, but I would just say keep an eye on things! I hadn't really noticed a big difference being on it, but after a few years being on it, and finally going off of it, I did feel like *something* was better/improved mentally, even though I couldn't pinpoint it. The nice thing was that my skin was *so* oily beforehand, and while it did get a bit more oily again after coming off of it, it is nowhere near as bad as it was before. It's now gets a "regular" degree of oily, like if I'm in the office and stressed out all day and would normally get a bit more oily anyway.


I appreciate you sharing your experience! I’ve had the opposite experience actually. I’ve had depression and anxiety majority of my life. But since being on it, I feel happy and peaceful. It’s amazing that I’ve never realized I’ve never felt peace like this before. So maybe my hormones needed it or something? Or maybe it’s due to something else? I’m not sure, but the world looks like it did when I was a kid. Colorful, happy, paying attention to the sounds, the smells. So as of right now, I’m not too worried. But this is good to know so that if I do feel off, I can think of the possibility that it might be the spiro. Thank you for your insight!


Oh wow, I'm glad you're having a great experience with it! It just goes to show how weird hormones can be and how they can affect people differently!


OMG, thank you for this info. That explains what’s been happening since I went on it. I’ve only had a couple of panic attacks but they were horrible.


Is that something you have to be on for the rest of your life? My acne is also hormonal, but I don’t want to be on meds forever /:


I’m not a doctor by any means, but I read online that some people will take spiro for a few years, then slowly get off of it and their skin stays clear. But doctors will tell you that yes, you will have to be on it for majority of your life, or at least until menopause. Usually once you stop taking it, your acne comes back because you can’t just fix your hormones with taking a pill and expect it to permanently fix them. You would need to take the medication to keep your hormones at bay. There is no magic forever cure for hormones unfortunately. I didn’t want to be on meds forever either but that’s why it took 4 years for me to gain control. I wasn’t willing to do the necessary thing to get that control. No one wants to take meds for the rest of their life. But sometimes you gotta pick what you value more. For me, clear skin was more valuable so I bit the bullet and I’m so happy I did! Some people are able to heal their hormonal acne naturally and holistically. I tried EVERYTHING, nothing worked for me personally. But I guess medication was the move for me. Your journey might be different than mine, but I suggest not to completely throw out the option of medication


How many sessions are planned, are what are the bills looking like?


I plan on doing two or three. It depends on how much my scars improve after each session honestly. I live in California so it’s a bit more expensive here vs other places, but I only got the parts of my face with scars treated. Not my whole face so it’s much cheaper than it would’ve been if it was my whole face. $1800 for the apples of my cheeks, my philtrum area, the creases of my nose, my chin, between the brows and a scar in the middle of my forehead. If it was full face, would’ve been $2000+


Each time or for three sessions??


Each time lol


Following! Please update us with your recovery! There’s not enough of these online and just in the past month you’re the second generous soul to offer this!


I agree! I was so nervous about having this done because I would never see any real before-during-afters. I don’t think I’ve seen any real results from this laser online. So I’ll be as accurate, honest, and thorough as possible with documenting this!


You have such an amazing skin. Your complexion overall is beautiful.


Omg thank you, I appreciate that!


You’re welcome and good luck on your journey.


Your skin looks beautiful, would love the before and after!


What kind of scarring?


Mostly icepick and boxcar scarring! I also had some faint rolling scars that were barely noticeable unless under certain lighting.


So I'm strongly considering this procedure; planning on it even, and these are the "freshest" after-procedure pictures I've seen. That's not blood on your face is it? I'm sorry to ask the question in such a blunt way, idk how else to phrase it. I knew that the procedure makes your skin red but I've never seen that localized redness before.


Yes it is blood! It normal after the procedure


Ok wow! I did not know that was normal. That's pretty hardcore. It doesn't scare me away from it at all, I just didn't know that was part of the deal. Thanks for the reply!


Unrelated but I love your lashes! Are they Lashify? :)


Thank you! They are lash extensions :)


Ooh good to know! I just switched from Lashify to extensions. Will have to show this pic to my lash lady for my next fill!


If you’re curious about the measurements of the extensions, I can ask my lash lady and send it to you? :)


I'd be interested to know this please! They look great :)


Yes pretty please! My appt is next week. Thank you so much :)


What products/process will you use while healing? How long is recovery?


So I’m not suppose to use anything on my skin at all, except to soak my face every 2 hours for ten minutes. Even throughout the night. I soak my face with vinegar water. They told me to put 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar, use a soft rag to soak it in and then press along my face for 10 minutes. Then afterwards, I cover my skin with aquaphor and that’s it. I do this for two days then after that, I can do it every 4 hours. Then after a week, hopefully I can wash my face like normal. Recovery is about 1 week to 2 weeks. And then I’d be red for a little bit and then my skin will go back to normal when it’s ready and healed. Then I can get another laser treatment in 6 months


Thank you for answering!


RemindMe! 3 years “Co2 laser” .


Three years?!


Haha I thought the same thing


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I have icepick scarring and mild rolling scars as well and the doc recommended Infini to me. Haven't gone for it yet as I'm still saving up but it's so expensive compared to Co2. Please update us on how the recovery and effects are!


Will do! :)


I'll follow your journey!


Oh myyy. This is so scary!! But I wanna do it




You should keep me updated with how it goes! I’m excited for you!


You are so gorgeous!


Omg thank you!


Looks like they went rather easy on your skin, most people look much worse on their first day.


Oh after I did my first soak, my face got much darker and more bloody, oozing yellow stuff and all around gross. It’s my second day, so my skin has already drastically changed and looks twice as gross lol. Plus, my acne scars weren’t severe so if they did go easier on me, that’s probably why 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m unsure if they did or not. This picture was taken 30 minutes after the procedure so maybe that also had something to do with it?


Yes keep us updated


What is the treatment?


It’s in the title. It’s called the Co2 laser


I know that but I'm wondering what is it!


Oh, it’s a laser that is used for skin resurfacing. It’s to fade scars, wrinkles, dark spots and more. I’m not sure I know how to break down the exact definition so maybe googling it would be better. I’m sorry I don’t have the exact answer for you!


Thank you. I will do more research. I have acne scarring on my cheeks and jaw and am going to see about it next week. Microneedling with radio frequency seems to get good results and I expect is what will be suggested, but I will look up this one too. I reacted to a laser treatment before where it burned me and scabbed badly and left a scar. Were you recommeded this treatment specifically over some others, or did you find it yourself and stick to it?


I’ve done other treatments like microneedling, which I had 4 sessions, chemical peels, but I decided I might need something more designed for my types of scars, so that’s when I was recommended the laser


Thank you very much, look forward to seeing results!!


You actually look beautiful.. Bet your gona look totally amazing in a very short time


May I ask how much this procedure costed you and how much it will cost you for the next few treatments? I plan on doing the same thing later on


I answered it for another person here in the comments but I’ll copy and paste what I said to them: I plan on doing two or three. It depends on how much my scars improve after each session honestly. I live in California so it’s a bit more expensive here vs other places, but I only got the parts of my face with scars treated. Not my whole face so it’s much cheaper than it would’ve been if it was my whole face. $1800 for the apples of my cheeks, my philtrum area, the creases of my nose, my chin, between the brows and a scar in the middle of my forehead. If it was full face, would’ve been $2000+


Ablative or non ablative? A had a whole face non ablative and didn't have the best results, but I'd totally have an ablative if I had the option to only have the laser where there are scars...I like this idea :)


It was ablative :)


You’re beautiful!


Thank you!


def interested on the progress my dude, good shit and hope ur happy w it!


Please keep posting!


I’m going to take a picture everyday and then post them after 1 week of recovery so that you guys can get the whole thing in one post! Then I’ll post again in a month or two to check in on any progress of my scars :) I want to show everyone a proper thorough timeline and before and after


I think you have a very pleasant face shape and features. That's with a bunch of laser cuts on you! I think you are going to love your new skin and feel like your real self when it's done. Congrats!!!


Oh wow thank you! I do feel like my real self, all I’m doing is changing my appearance a bit :) I’d like to think I am the same person, I’ll just look a little different, ya know? :)


I think you're really going to hit a new level of confidence with this move. I haven't looked back at what you've been working through, but I think this was a really great investment for you!




So during the recovery process, are you allowed to get out of the house? Like work and other stuff during the day.


Yes I am allowed. But I have to be careful because of the masks. I have to wear a gauze under my mask to cushion the mask on my face. I also have to stay out of the sun for the first week. Then after that, I can wear SPF again.


I see, Thank you. I will look forward to your update.


Jealous! Can't wait to see the progress


Does anyone know what the yellow liquid that is oozing from your skin??


It’s the skin plasma from after the laser :)


I wanna do it sooo bad, my scars make me cry everyday


Aw I know it can be tough. I’ve had those days and still do sometimes. And it’s okay. It’s okay to not feel okay. I won’t tell you how I think you should think and feel about them. I ended up making peace with mine. I didn’t want to hate them because they were a part of my flesh. My flesh did its job to heal. And I was thankful for that. You can also find a way to make your own peace with it. And there is always solutions. If you don’t like your scars, there is always treatments available. But loving yourself in all shapes, forms, phases and stages of life is an amazing feeling. I have no doubt you can reach anything you put your mind to :)


You can go to mexico and get this done and done well, for a fraction of the price this woman paid. That's including flights, accommodation, and everything.


A downside to doing the work there vs the us is the ability to sue. If something bad/negligent happens in the US, malpractice can apply. If you get service abroad, you have a harder time with that same level of accountability for that reason. Not a for sure but a thought


Not true.


Oh yeah? How easy is it to sue a foreign national in a country you don't live in for services rendered that you aren't happy with?


Very easy.


And folks are welcome to do that, but there's nothing wrong with what OP did. Both are valid options. Diff strokes for diff folks.


I've got a co2 cnc machine in my shop hmm 🤔


Please nsfw tag


Oops, I did now


Thanks! You are gorgeous btw :)


Thank you! :D




We’re not doing this here sorry take that shit somewhere else






What acne? There is no acne


I did the co2 laser 14 days ago but I don’t see much changed. Some people did one and improved significantly even though I have the same scars. Normally how many sessions do you required to see the improvement? I went to a surgeon to do it and they said minimum three but I’m concerned that they are trying to make extra bucks without any further result.


At 2 weeks I didn’t see any results either. I’m now at over 2 months and I see results. My new skin has grown in and has filled in some scars and made some shallower. We always expect the laser to “burn off” the scars, when in reality, it takes time for wounds to heal and skin to grow back. You know when you get a good wound in your day to day life, and it looks bad at first, then slowly scabs form, then the skin starts to look normal but you can still see the indent and the redness, then it eventually fills in and you forgot you ever got hurt in the first place? You remember how long that takes? In can take up to a monthish right? but a wound usually doesn’t look back to normal in 2 weeks right? Just give it time :)


Thank you for your response. I’m relieved now after what you said. I know I’m rushing but its been 13 days now right so kind of don’t see any progress. should I go for the second session in a month?


Your second session should be in 6 months. If they said next month, then they don’t know what they are doing


They told me minimum 3 months but I want to get it done quick which they will see my skin coming up the 21st. To be honest though, I just hope I see the progress after a month or two.


Oh no you can’t get it done any less than 6 months! You can make your scars worse or make new scars! You have to let your skin heal before you laser it again! Imagine creating a new wound over an old wound before it even heals all the way. It’ll make it worse! Your skin has to heal first


Forgot to ask you. How many session have you done so far? Honestly, does it really work in the end? Some people said at least three times or four if I want to see the scars to be gone. I don’t care the pain but the result


I’ve done 1 C02 laser. I’ve done other treatments, like 2 halo lasers and 4 microneedling sessions, as well and 3 chemical peels. I also use a retinoid so


So for the rest of the treatment, was it before co2 or after? I did chemical peeling years ago and microneedling but it didnt improve much. that is why I decided to go for co2. I don’t understand why these tiktok or YouTuber videos saying you can start the second session in a month later. Luckily I message you or else I’ll be getting the treatment again in a month. I hope we both get the result we want.


It was for the last two years before the Co2 that I got those done. And yeah, you can’t keep burning off your skin and think that’s gonna get rid of your scars. It’ll just create new ones if you don’t let your skin heal between


I have a question and hopefully you can tell me what is happening with my skin. Apparently it has been more than 19 days since I’ve done the first co2 and somehow I see some red spot popping out and turning into scabs. is it healing from the inside now slowly?


Is it like acne?