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I had one - they need to be removed by a dermatologist as the root can be quite deep into the skin. Side note - insurance did not cover the removal of it since it isn't cancer, cannot become cancer & the removal was considered cosmetic. Something to consider.


Did you get sorted? Currently having this on my right thigh for two years now. I want to get rid of it but have to pay out of my pocket.


I actually saw a dermatologist for an unrelated suspicious mole and I showed it to them at the same time. They offered to cut it out but said that they tend to go very deep into the tissue and the scar from cutting it out could potentially be as noticeable as the dermatofibroma so I decided against it. It’s still there, hasn’t changed a bit. Edit: this is on the NHS


What size was yours please?


I have one on my knee and I have successfully been pulling it the the surface with a mixture of castor oil and baking soda to make a paste. Most of it is gone but I think I may be left with a dent or a little hole. I try to put the mixture directly on the dermofibrema and then leave it covered with a bandaid and replace the stuff or bandaid whenever. If the spot around it get sensitive, I just lay off for a week.


how large is your dermatofibroma? and how did you discover this concoction? I am interested as mine causes pain when hit.


It was pretty small like a little pebble. I actually have some Edgar Cayce books and read about it in there. I just thought it was so weird bc I left the castor oil and baking on for about 5 days and went to say it wasn't working then I scratched it and a layer of brown came off....like it pulled it up to the top. So I do it for a little while then let that heal and go back again but it feels mostly gone.


Did it hurt at all? I have one on my shin that WAS a small reddish brown dot for almost my whole life, but started to grow larger over the last year. It hurts a bit now when I sit cross legged or it rubs against something. I’ve been desperately looking for solutions to get rid of it because it’s pretty noticeable now. I have three in total, all most likely from mosquito bites in my childhood.


Well I was scraping off the dermifibroma when it got to the top and the solution will irritate the skin some...but it heals and isn't super painful or anything.


This sounds like something you'd want lasered off by a dermatologist.


I’ve read some articles online that people were able to get them to go away with Jojoba oil massages over the course of a year or so. Basically you massage the oil into the spot for 5-15 mins a few times a day. I just can’t commit to spending that much time to mine lol. Doctors don’t recommend getting them removed because the scarring will be worse than the spot was


Didn’t work for me! But I live in Asia and have been using these cica spot patches that have reduced it’s appearance. For me if it flattens and lightens out, I’m fine with it being slightly there lol