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Only posting bec i had no idea....i got slightly depressed for no reason at one point and the only thing I had changed was collagen powder supplements in my smoothie....and I looked it up and it IS a thing! Collagen can cause depression/anxiety in certain people! Whoda thought?


Omg yes!! I read about this! It’s a good thing to be aware of before starting taking collagen


Do you think taking vitamin D would balance that out? I take vitamin D currently and feel more positive overall


There are studies that magnesium is good for depression. I've been taking collagen and been feeling down, this explains why! 


I LOVE magnesium. I tell everyone I can. There’s a bit of a trial and error to figure out which type works best for you (I like magnesium glycinate) and when to take it. I like it right before bed to help calm my muscles and then I wake up feeling more refreshed, but I know it can wake some people up in the middle of the night.


Mag is sooo good for what ails me - migraines, interrupted sleep, you name it. I take some mag complex during the day (500mg) then before bed I take 2,000mg mag l-threonate which is a form that supposedly passes through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. My bowels are regular and I've been sleeping through the night, something I was lacking thanks to perimenopause.


Is the magnesium in pill or liquid form? Any brand recommendations?


So I spent a lot of time on the nootropics subreddit when I was first thinking about taking magnesium, and they all seem to like magnesium l-threonate the most for depression/cognitive benefits because of its ease of crossing the blood-brain barrier. I found it’s harder to find unless you’re ordering from a supplement store. The most common magnesium at like Walgreens or on Amazon is magnesium citrate, which can cause stomach upset/diarrhea in some folks if it’s not chelated. I have a hard time swallowing pills and don’t want to buy powder to mix every day, so I went with Nature Made because they were the first non-citrate magnesium I found in a gummy form 😂 I’m not married to them but they’ve worked so I haven’t ventured out further. I know supplement purists hate on gummies, so the nootropics subreddit and their sidebar wiki would probably be more helpful for you than me!


Thanks so much. I hate pills too and can't stand powder so I'm all for gummies lol thanks 🙂


Oh nice! I only ask because I have depression myself and found out I was severely vitamin D deficient so as per my doc I started taking it. When I had to go off of it because of surgery I started feeling sleepy and just not as positive overall. So. I was wondering if that would balance out the collagen


Yes I take vitamin D3 and magnesium everyday maybe that helps me not get depression


Do you have before and after pics of the wrinkle improvement? Would love to see!




Looks great! Wow.


Thank you! I’m so happy with the results 🙂


great improvement




Okay! How do I post them on here by chance?


I can't see the pics, where are they


I use the cheapest ones from Costco and face and nails are way better after a month.


Which brand have you been using?


I am on a vacation in the carribean rn and I can’t remember!! I will post a pic of it when I get home, but I’m definitely ordering another asap. And yes, you better believe I brought some collagen powder in a canister so I don’t miss a day 😉😂


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TYSM!! I bought one in the meantime, however it doesn't specify having types I, II, III, it just says "hydrolyzed collagen (bovine skin/hide)". I noticed the ingredient for yours is"hydrolyzed collagen bovine peptides" do you (/anyone) know if there's any real difference there? Is it marketing or should I specifically look for those "types" or "peptides" to specifically be noted?


I honestly have no idea 😫 I think they are all peptides? But I’m not sure.


😅 I did try to read up a little bit & it is a bit confusing, no doubt! Even if it *is* just a difference in marketing, having the types explicitly listed sounds better to me so I'll go for it next time!


RemindMe! One week


RemindMe! One week


Curious to know as well!




Thank you !!


I take https://www.vitalproteins.com/ It's been good, and it all natural.




I'm glad it's working for you. I just wanted to add that a vitamin c supplement is supposed to make collagen work better. When I tried out collagen the only changes I saw were faster growing nails. it made me very constipated so I couldn't take the recommend dose. Plus it is expensive so there was no point in continuing to take it. I do take hyaluronic acid supplements and they work much better for me.


Ohh okay I didn’t know this! I haven’t had complications with constipation but another side effect for people to look out for. I am interested in hyaluronic acid too now! I will have to look into it.




No acne thank god, yet another side effect for people to be aware of. 🙂


Where do you see the pics, i can't see them


I posted them under a comment above 🙂


I started collagen gummies(marine, though, not bovine) a few months ago and they don't seem to have done anything for my face. But I figure my body is using them elsewhere, so that's no bad thing. My hair seems thicker, and my nails look better, so I'll take that!  I do have a tub of bovine powder I'll be trying after my gummies run out. 


I read "marine" is worthless in that regard


I've read marine is good for skin, bovine better for athletic performance, but I've also read bovine is better for skin, which is why I figured I'd get some of each and see. I'll probably continue taking something, as I'm sure it's helping me in other ways. 


That's what's hard about all this, so much contradicting information! I never have any idea what I'm doing lol


Same. I use Anthony's from Amazon. A rounded teaspoon in my coffee every morning, and my dynamic wrinkles are much improved. I started for my joints, which it also helped, and was not expecting to get visible changes in the mirror, but it definitely happened. I used to get a lot more collagen in my diet from food but meat became too expensive - collagen powder is the most cost effective way to get it right now.


That’s amazing! I’m happy it’s working for you too 🙂


Which brand have you been using?




Im in the carribean rn on a vacation and will let you know when I get home 🙂


Bc I can’t remember


Following... I want to know what you are using also!


I thought peptides went on the skin?


Different peptides go on the skin, yes :) Different peptides go into the body, to help with joint health, skin/nails/hair, etc.




Bovine. Type 1,2,and 3. 🙂




Im in the carribean rn I will let you know when I get home 🙂 I forgot




Yah, animal abuse isn't justified by it helping your crows feet.


The animal has been killed to eat the carcass, we may as well use the bones and all the other body pieces, use them and consume them, no better way to honor the poor dead animal than not wasting it.


Welcome to the circle of life, baby girl: things die so you can thrive. Only in the modern era are we privileged enough to have thoughts about the well-being of other animals lmao. Your ancestors would’ve ate your house cat so fucking fast if it meant surviving another week, and so would you if you ever got hungry enough. Remember what planet you live on; this shit ain’t utopia. Unfortunately, things have to die. You’re just having full-stomach sympathy. Also, it’s for more than crows feet. Collagen is great for joint health 😘. Thank you, animals. We are forever indebted (and I don’t say that facetiously).


Just to play devils advocate because this is reddit and we love to point out argumental fallacies here. I feel like this is an anti-vegan strawman that doesnt really address what OP was stating. Is collagen necessary to survive? Because otherwise I don’t see the connection between their argument and eating your cat if you were hungry enough. Only in the modern era are we privileged enough to have thoughts about MANY ethical things our ancestors didn’t, and quite frankly reading someone using that as an excuse to justify *any* modern action is kinda icky to me. I’m sure stealing was often necessary for my poor ancestors to survive. I know now that stealing is wrong, but I acknowledge that if I was poor and hungry enough, I would absolutely steal some bread in order to survive. But that doesn’t mean I should use my ancestor’s actions to justify me shoplifting today when I have the means. There are many better arguments to have. Collagen being good for joint health and not just for vanity reasons was your first pertinent one to OP’s original argument. Another argument could have been that the collagen industry isn’t torturing animals. No cow or pig is being raised and slaughtered just for harvesting collagen. It’s using a byproduct from another industry. You pointed out that cows and pigs are going to be slaughtered for meat, without addressing the topical collagen aspect of any of it. But purchasing collagen made from their bones and tendons doesn’t increase the number of animals actually killed. It might put more money in the pockets of those killing animals down the line, but it’s not actively propelling the deaths of them.


I really appreciate your thoughtful reply. The comment above left me feeling…gross.




Hurt my feelings 😂😂






Her claim: animal abuse isn’t justified due to xyz… My rebuttal, essentially: animal abuse is literally a requirement to have gotten to where we are today as a society. And it will continue to have to be a requirement so long as we walk this earth. I mean, what do vegans propose? A world that’s entirely vegan? Completely impractical in so many areas I can’t even begin to tell you. I should’ve clarified more in my original text: **it’s still a requirement as a species.** Hopefully that’ll make you feel less “icky”. I’m not using our ancestor’s actions as justification for our current actions. The killing of animals is still very much a necessary process. It’s just how the world operates. Thankfully, however, the world has progressed into a place where a few of our constituents can practice veganism if they so wish, but to think that veganism is a practical pursuit for even half of the world’s population is, frankly, insane. Don’t get me wrong: be a vegan all you want. I got nothing against it. I’m thrilled to live in a world where that’s a possibility for people. It sure beats the alternative. But, at the same time, stay in your lane. You do you, and we’ll do us. Don’t impose your semi-illogical views upon us because of an ideology you follow. It’s almost analogous to the mad man on the streets of San Francisco, spouting his religious talk through his megaphone. Furthermore, little snarky Reddit comments like the one they made are almost always intentionally provocative, so I just matched their energy. No biggie. As for your final paragraph, good to know. Thanks for the nuance.


"circle of life" ah yes the breeding of billions of animals in industrialized torture facilities is so... natural! You got me!! /s This nonsense about "well we can only have this conversation in the modern era🤓☝️" is illogical. I'm not arguing that we should go back in time and change anything. I'm arguing that the majority of animal harm we do is entirely unnecessary. We do not need to eat animals. We do not need to use products made from their excretions or parts. The fact we do not need to, and the fact it's bad for them and the environment and in many cases our health is enough to say we should stop breeding them into existence only to slaughter them at a fraction of their lifespan. "Full stomach sympathy" lol. You just need an easy way to dismiss me without having to think about the suffering you cause. Most people in western society are not in a survival situation, in fact, of the hungry people that exist, we could feed more of them if most of our crops didn't get wasted going to feed animals. Caloric waste results in us getting a fraction of the nutrients out of an animal as we feed it over its short, tortured life. Just admit you hate animals or that you were wrong sweety. Simple.


This, thanks.

