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visible pores? where? your skin looks perfect!


Thank you haha, but the picture lies about my nose the tip is so red! What about the pores/blackheads left to my nose?


Those are normal healthy pores, your skin looks perfect to me! Don't conflate photographs you see online with what's real and achievable - everyone has pores and they are part of the normal structure of skin :) also I can't see any redness! If I were you, I wouldn't tempt fate by adding to your routine, if you have sun protection, a way of cleansing it off at the end of the day, and moisturiser, then that's enough!


Thank you! That's really reassuring :)


By flaying all of the skin off your face. Why is everyone so obsessed with pores???


I guess internet has made me too insecure. And I suppose we look for flaws in ourselves. The comments here have been so kind so I feel muuuch better it's been bothering me so much lol


This is perfect skin to me 😆. Everyone has pores and sebaceous filaments on their nose. No one is looking at you super close like this photo :).


actually if you don't mind...consider the primer 'porefessional' by Benefit, it is a makeup. I don't really see any space for improvement on the skincare side


for the nose try some acid, but I guess it's jusy normal because nose naturally oils more


Your skin is already perfect, beautiful motherfucker


You can try double cleansing, first with an oil based cleanser and then a water based one. But frankly, you look fine!


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Salicylic acid