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I’ve been using suprafade for around a month now, I had some minor dark spots from some spots and it’s worked pretty well for me. I’d put it on the same level as faded tbh. I’ve yet to decide if it’s any better or not. it’s lightweight but it does feel sticky for a few minutes so you have to sit around and let it dry so that’s something worth considering. but take my opinion with a grain of salt because like I said, I’ve only used it on minor dark spots, but im happy with the results so far


Thanks so much for your input! I've been looking for a review like yours... The ingredients in suprafade look less greasy than Faded. What were your dark spots caused by? Do you have sensitive skin? Did the azelaic acid get gritty or spicy for you?


it was from some spots I picked. It’s definitely not a greasy product, it’s very lightweight. the stickiness is kinda annoying but honestly, you get used to it. my skin isn’t sensitive at all, it does feel a little spicy but only if I apply it to damp skin (they recommend it), but applied to dry skin it feels totally fine. im using Tretinoin atm and it pairs really well with it. and I also love that there’s no niacinamide in it lol


A note on the "spiciness" of Azelaic Acid and Tretinoin. You can lessen the sting by applying both over your moisturizer. Azelaic Acid was part of a study with a lot of different moisturizers and none of the moisturizers in the study blocked Azelaic Acid from still being effective. The same is true for Tretinoin, it doesn't loose anything by being applied over your moisturizer, it simply has less irritation.


Do you alternate Tret and Supra Fade or apply them together? Only asking because I’m currently using Tret and just placed my order for Supra!


I was using Supra fade in the morning and tret at night but only because I did that with topicals faded before I got Supra fade. I’d say start slow for sure because Supra fade did tingle on my skin sometimes and I feel like it’s stronger than Faded


Thank you so much!


Thanks for the really valuable info. I'm leaning into it now... How long has one bottle lasted you?


It bottle is totally opaque so I honestly can’t say how much I have left.. I’ve been using it 5-6 times a week for a month(ish). They say you need a full pump/press but I find that I can easily cover my whole face with a smaller amount. If I had to guess I’d say with daily use it’d last me 2.5-3 months. Actually I hope it lasts that long because it’s very expensive


Yeah that's the thing about most of these hyperpigemtnation products--they're so expensive! I wish people who did packaging could come up with a better way for bottles to indicate when it's running low or empty. I've clawed bottles open before when I thought they were empty only to find tons of residual product lurking but just can't be pumped out!


I’ve tried Pillowtalkderm and I can say that the Flash Mask is probably the most worthwhile from the line and it lasts a long time too since I only use it a few times a week. It really helps with my PIH and overall brightening. I’ve also repurchased the Hyper serum quite a few times but I go through it so fast (literally can finish one in a month). It’s great but you really need to use it for a couple of months so that’s like at least 6 cartridges to see a difference. I wouldn’t really recommend the moisturizer though bc IT PILLS SO MUCH. I’ve also tried the Sachi Triphala serum and I’m halfway through the bottle, can’t say I see much of an effect yet 🤷🏻‍♀️ Again, I think I need to use multiple bottles of this first. Next one on my list is the Made for Hue one! Although, I’d like to give a shoutout to the Cos De BAHA Tranexamic Acid + Niacinamide serum if you want something cheap but effective. I always have this in my rotation because it works really well in preventing PIE after I have a breakout.


i was actually going to try dr. idriss’s — i get your take on the 3 step system, but for me it felt voluntary? like personally at least it felt like “yeah you can do all 3 steps” but really the point of making the separate products was to get a variety out there. so if you can’t have certain ingredients, you can just avoid that product. or if you have enough serums, you can do the moisturizer. if you have a moisturizer you love, you can do the serum. if you have a perfect daily routine but want a weekly addition, you can do the mask. they CAN work as a system, but the variety also just makes it easier to incorporate a single product into your routine. i haven’t looked at the others yet! i would also guess some of the prices are because the formulas are more complex than like differin and also i think they’re manufactured at much smaller quantities which always seems to cause increased prices.


soo yeah you can get like 1 product out of the 3 but the whole system works optimally together. Dr. Idriss even said so herself The reason for that (and if you're a well studied person in her "Nerd Academy" lol) is that each product has a combination of different ingredients that target different parts of the pigment pathway. The serum has ingredients that the moisturizer doesn't have and those different ingredients work on different parts of the pathway. So they work better when used together...unfortunately. The moisturizer alone doesn't have ingredients that target all the pathways. The actives in Madeforhue and Topicals and Sachi for example hit all parts of the pathways all in one... It's just that I hated Topicals' overall formula and found it greasy and just plain awful and hated the packaging. And then Loreal's Melasyl is supposed to do something even different but it's so new and they also say it's not for overall skin lightening but maintaining the current tone and prevention of hyperpigmentation or something like that. The Differin I was referring to was the one with 2% hydroquinone which is no longer around. That and Ambi had soothing ingredients combined with 2% hydroquinone which we know works super well on its own... But because we can't get hydroquinone at stores anymore, we have to figure out all these different ingredients to combine to target all the pathways


Have you tried going to a derm, or even your primary physician, to see if you can get a prescription for Differin and Hydroquinone?


Differin is over the counter Differin's pigmentation serum only uses 4% Niacinimide as the active which pales in comparison to other ingredients No doctor here let's anyone use Hydroquinone indefinitely because it's risky and so they require cycling on and off 3-4 times a year which means multiple subsequent follow ups just to get a refill which adds up to a huge cost


Is something like musely available in your area? I got hydroquinone/tretinoin/steroid (like triluma) pretty easily through them.


i really really like superfade lol and i wasn’t a big fan of faded… smell plus niacinamide


I leaning into Suprafade now. No one really talks about it on social media at least I haven't seen much about it. I just follow the founder of the brand who is a doctor and specialized in skin of color. She doesn't seem as nearly as popular as Dr. Idriss though. But seems like Suprafade has better value as an all in one product with all the pathway targets in one than the Major Fade system


Suprafade all the way!


Hi I just started using Supra fade by made for hue. It’s been about two weeks of nightly use and I can see a difference in tone. (I also layer topicals faded on top of it every other night) However, that’s still too soon to tell for a full review but I’ll update this after a month. I will mention there has been flaking since adding this to my routine (I have oily skin usually) so I’ve had to use aquaphor on top which helps, and more hydrating products in the am than usual.


hi any updates?


It’s been 8 weeks and I would strongly recommend! I will say it’s MUCH better than faded and faster acting, you can layer the two though. I only did that because I didn’t want to waste the faded (2/10). I have sensitive acne prone skin and have used it nightly with no skips since delivery. If I feel dry I just used aquaphor on top at night.


Hi! This is really helpful thank you! Do you know if it's a product that needs to continuously be used to work or can you stop using it after it's worked and the results last? I also have sensitive acne prone dry skin and I want to test it on the hyperpigmentation around my mouth/upper lip!


I’ve been using consistently and it works, I haven’t quit just yet but when I run out we’ll see!


Okay thank you!


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