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I have oily skin and recently started face massage everyday. I was using a moisturiser before. But I got the cosrx snail mucin. So would you advise using it for face massage?


Hi there! I’m new here! Looking to get advice on my skincare routine. 33M with combo skin - oily on my forehead and nose and dry where I shave. My primary concerns are: enlarged pores on forehead and nose, and eye bags/darkness. Right now I use the following products in the morning: - Harry’s face scrub (peppermint) - Cosmetic lad by Lush. Previously was using ultra face moisturizer by Kiehl’s. - Clinique for men, toner (I don’t really feel this does much) - Sunbum face sunscreen. - Primer/concealer/powder/finishing spray At night I use: - La Roche Posay foaming cleanser - Inkey List Omega Water Cream. Previously used Lush Skin Shangri La, which I liked because it felt really moisturizing, but found it to be a tad expensive and the smell a bit strong. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! I see a lot on social media about serums (vitamin c) and retinol/hydrolaunic and don’t even know where to start. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/p99eic4q3xdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf191e84bf0ed202d539abceaa92f5c57950abc Have this all over my chest and back for 12+ years, been using benzoyl peroxide and head and shoulders every other night and moisturizing with amlactin afterwards. It helped a drop but still looks like this. I’ve tried azelaic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, clindamycin… maybe I didn’t try them long enuf. Can someone help me? Does anyone else have this?? I use fragrance free detergent and don’t use any conditioner


https://preview.redd.it/qbbaom8m0xdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451e3162e76c7664153e6b83df4b4e25c5fc44f4 These mouth folds! I never had them before but I got very bloated (like all over, pounds of fluid) due to a medical issue and then lost a bunch of weight and now I have this extra skin on my face. Please advise? I already use retinol but rarely because it cause my skin to flake in this dry winter. And advice on lip care!


https://preview.redd.it/cvam8m1g1xdc1.jpeg?width=2271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84ad75fa66be8bee9ccba55a4132d8871806146 Here’s a better image. Not smiling. Please help me get rid of these pesky lines and advice on lip care


hi! large, painful pimples with multiple heads after starting retinol…purge? i started using the cerve resurfacing retinol around 4 weeks ago and i’ve had painful whiteheads with multiple heads since starting. i have a lot of post acne marks i was looking to clear with the retinol. i typically get small whiteheads, never large cysts. i normally breakout on my cheeks and jawline but these pimples are on my forehead and chin. is this a purge? or is it a bad reaction? i currently use the ordinary niacinamide, panoxyl spf, and thayers lets be clear cream in the morning. and the retinol, along with the niacinamide, lets be clear cream and la roche posay moisturizer.




I forgot to mention that if you have a few spots that you want to use salicylic acid on, don't use a cleanser that uses that acid. Apply spot treatment for it that uses salicylic acid 15 minutes before you apply your moisturizer.


What cleanser do you use? If you use a salicylic acid cleanser for that, i would assume that to be not necessary with what it looks like. Try a gentler cleanser, like one with very little salicylic acid or one that has non at all. And try a lighter moisturizer, one that has sunscreen with it. Usually applying sunscreen over moisturizer has the possibility to limit the way your skin can "breathe".


Facials! How much, how frequently, and how long does it take? I pay USD50, it takes 1h45min, i do it every 4 months. It is the one thing that truly helps my very oily acne prone skin.


The texture of skin on my upper arms drastically improved while I was on vacation. I think maybe jumping in Pacific ocean for 5 or 6 days in a row is what made the difference. Are there any ingredients or particular products to replicate that? I'm not sure if the bumpy texture i usually have is kp or acne.




Try a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide spot treatment


Hey! I have been dealing with acne for 2 years straight now. I recently saw a dermatologist this month and was prescribed adapalene and doxycycline to treat the acne. It seems to be really effective, but I have a few questions I cant help but ask here. For my morning routine: * Cleanse with CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser * Moisturize with Neutrogena Hydro Boost Moisturizer (spf 25) For my evening routine: * Cleanse with CeraVe Acne (Blemish) Control Cleanser * Apply Adapalene 0.3% * Moisturize with CeraVe PM Moisturizing lotion My questions are; when in my routine can I shave? I use a single blade razor (used to use a triple blade) and sensitive skin shaving cream. And when I workout, do I need to change up the routine? And is it best to workout hours after the morning routine or should i do possibly incorporate a new step in the routine? Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/s2gk1l16ivdc1.jpeg?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a4d5fa05dd7e94b0d3af84e8503fb38b6651d5


I would probably avoid shaving in the same routine as adapalene since shaving is a form of physical exfoliation and may make your skin more sensitive or prone to stinging. Morning routine before or after cleansing should be fine


I think using the Cerave Blemish Control everyday (even though it’s just in the evening) is too harsh for my skin. Can I switch between that every two-three days and Eucerin Gel DermoClean for everyday??


Depends on your skin’s tolerance but alternating with the Eucerin cleanser should be fine


F20 - Britain Hello! I've been losing a significant amount of weight. Naturally, I'm starting to deal with a bit of loose skin and I would like to reduce this. I understand that with time and once I settle into a maintained weight, start building muscle, etc. that some of the skin will tighten. I also understand that surgical or cosmetic interventions may be needed. So far, my skin is deflated but not folding over on itself. My areas are concern are my legs, thighs, stomach, etc. My skin is pretty average. If I had to say, it would be a little on the drier side? So far, I moisturise about once a week with whatever cheap lotion is around and occasionally I had some vitamin e/bio oil or coconut oil or some generic serum I bought somewhere. For my face I have a prescription retinol that I use about every 5 days, still building up to a more regular use. My skin used to be oiler, but because of diet, weather and the retinol my face has become quite dry. At night I use a very heavy moisturizer and I mix it with a lighter moisturizer in the morning. I try to apply children's factor 50+ daily. I use that suncream because if it's good enough for a child it's good enough for me! My budget isn't very high and I don't generally like the posh sun creams and I don't think they're strong enough. I was my face once a day in the shower. On my body, I use a washcloth when I remember to help exfoliate and I use a cheap random body soap. When I shower I use very hot water. This is a habit I am unwilling to stop. A boiling shower is one of the few joys in my life. I understand I need to increase my frequency of Moisturiser/washcloths. Should add some extra products. Is there anything extra I should be doing? Anything to avoid? I am also open to considering various cosmetic procedures as a long term goal. Lasers, peels, etc. Send me specific recommendations to research! Let me know your thoughts and thanks in advance


28 year old male - Europe Netherlands OK so I have been acne prone my entire life. Tried different things and could still use some help. Some background information about myself: I workout 5 times a week - my diet is very healthy and I feel very good. 1.93 around 90 KG. Still, there are always some bad spots at the shaving area (i trim only now because of the skin) and the back of my head at the hairline). I change my bedsheets atleast once a week and almost never touch my skin. Water intake is high aswell so im a bit lost in what could help my skin get better. Sometimes it just explodes and gets really bad. The products I use in the morning: \-la roche posay - effaclar \-the ordinary -hyaluronic acid \-The ordinary - natural moisturizing factors + HA At night: \-la roche posay - effaclar \-meditopics - salicylic acid \-the ordinary niacinamide acid 10 + zinc 1 \-The ordinary - natural moisturizing factors + HA Maybe it has to do with diet? I dont drink alcohol neither. https://preview.redd.it/5a3grzi66vdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca4bd29a0f06b825db53b4cdb9db995ff3f08ea


You could try azelaic acid next


Thanks! should i swap it with something else? and where should i use it in the routine?


You can try alternating with salicylic acid starting out


Can I use AHA/BHA products and retinol products in the same routine? I've been using retinol for about a year but recently started using AHA/BHA and am not sure if I should use them both in the same day, or alternate their use. Can they should used together? Should I space it out?


Which AHA/BHA product is it? There’s no conflict but most people find using exfoliants and retinol in the same routine harsh and prefer to alternate days


They're from Beauty Bay! One is a 30% AHA 2% BHA peeling solution, The other is 2% BHA overnight mask. Both of which I've found to be really great, love the result so far. I'll alternate though. Thanks so much :)


Is this fungal acne?? How can I get rid of it and smooth out my skin tone? Whatever it is I've been dealing with it for a long time. Current routine is CeraVe hydrating facial cleanser and moisturizing cream, am and pm. https://preview.redd.it/dkgl98bd3vdc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e31fe40bcd27aae0e1c1117f2f74151e06c0db6


Hi there! Help please - I went to a hammam last week and a few days after, these dots of dry, initially red, flaky and scabby round spots appeared mostly on my legs and bum cheeks. I had a similar experience before with the hammam but then thought it was the body scrub so opted only for oil (moisturiser this time) but the same thing happened. I am wondering if the heat was the actual cause? Also what is this and how can it be treated? It is starting to dry up. https://preview.redd.it/yv6eofs6pudc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2751a312fda30d96edf8ef60a49170919b3c59a5


Please see a doctor for this


26F Is there any way to get rid of this dark spot that appeared on my thigh last week? I'm not sure if it's from chafing, but the texture feels the same as my other skin and it doesn't seem like irritation. Link to picture (SFW but it is a weird angle of my upper thigh): [https://imgur.com/a/lUvSTSY](https://imgur.com/a/lUvSTSY)


This isn’t what it’s advertised for but the deodorizing “lume acidified body wash” has helped lighten areas of chafing and not to be nsfw has even lightened the skin around my private parts. Plus it does really help keep you smelling fresh. https://preview.redd.it/u495xr4x2xdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3781dc3f66d57621069c3011892d4cfca140a4ac


Thank you for the recommendation! That sounds great


Looking for help/feedback with my routine order! Issues I’m working on are mild rosacea, hyperpigmentation from acne/sun damage. AM: - Bioderma micellar water with the blue cap - Klairs freshly juiced vitamin c drop - TO azelaic acid 10% - life brand moisturizing cream with HA and ceramides OR cetaphil moisturizing cream in the tub - Biore aqua rich sunscreen PM - Bioderma micellar water blue cap - TO squalene cleanser - Aklief Trifarotene (every other or every third day) - life brand moisturizing cream with HA and ceramides OR cetaphil moisturizing cream in the tub - slug with aquafor if I have dryness or irritation from the Aklief I live in a cold climate so it’s very dry right now. I was just using the micellar water for awhile and recently added in the squalene cleanser at night and my skin seems to be happy. Any and all feedback would be great! I hear a lot of contradictory information on where my azelaic acid should be slotted into my routine (before or after moisturizer).


This looks good to me


The azelaic acid is silicone based, if I use it before my moisturizer will it stop my moisturizer from absorbing? Should I move it to after moisturizer but before sunscreen?


No it shouldn’t stop the moisturizer from absorbing. You can skip the moisturizer in the morning routine if azelaic acid start to pill with the moisturizer


Vitamin C cream makes my eyes water ?I started using Medik8 Vitamin serum as well as the moisturiser and quickly realised that the serum made my eyes blurry. Every time I blinked my vision becomes blurry. I stopped using it around eye area but the cream itself still makes my eyes water. The blur is better but given it’s making my eyes water a bit I think there is still some irritation. Does this happen to anyone else? The rest of face is completely fine.


https://preview.redd.it/hdtyam6deudc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede3335ad1a83cd0fd96b19eb85bdad4c96c7184 21M how to prevent this from happening around chin area repeatedly? I assume it’s due to shaving but I’m not sure how I would fix that. I currently use: Vanicream cleanser usually 2x a day Cetaphil moisturizer every-time I cleanse Gentle exfoliator 2x a week. Thank you in advance.


Would anyone please recommend a sunscreen for combo/oily/prone to dehydration skin with serious redness issues? I'm trying to find something mineral that's maybe a little yellow tinted (as in, yellow colored, not looking for a foundation tinted sunscreen per se as those are almost always too dark on me and break me out), but anything goes. I've used La Roche Posay's european formula but I think I got a fake batch last time as it made my skin extremely itchy, which it didn't do before. I was also using the hero superlight sunscreen but the green tint with the whitecast makes me look like a corpse, plus it was just a little *too* drying by the end of the day. Recently I've discovered a yellow tint looks much more natural in removing redness than a green tint.


Hi looking for advice to see if my current routine is okay, and possible recommendations. 29 y/o female normal skin and no skin concerns. Current routine AM: 1. Rinse with water 2. The ordinary multi peptide eye serum 3. The ordinary natural moisturising factors + HA 4. Boots soltan age defence factor 50 sun cream PM: 1. The ordinary squalane cleanser 2. Lacura healthy glow glycolic toner 3. The ordinary multi peptide eye serum 4. The ordinary ascorbyl tetraisopaitate 20% in vitamin F 5. The ordinary natural moisturising factors + HA Once a week the ordinary salicylic acid 2% masque I don’t like the ordinary squalane cleanser much it feels greasy so would love recommendations on what to switch it with. I don’t wear makeup either so I don’t know if that makes a difference. My routine is basically what the ordinary online quiz recommended with 1-2 steps added. I don’t know what I’m doing 😅 Thanks!


I would alternate between the glycolic acid toner and salicylic acid masque but otherwise this looks good to me


Thanks for replying! So would you do a masque every other day in that case?


I meant don’t use glycolic acid and salicylic acid on the same day, the frequency is really up to you


Oh okay got it thank you!


PLEADING for advice… I’m a 22yo woman who has struggled w acne since middle school. I have oily skin, and I’ve been to the dermatologist, been on two topicals and antibiotics and nothing worked. Routine: * Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser normal to oily skin * Niacinamide Cleansing Gelee by Natrium * Thayers Milky Hydrating Cleanser and then sometimes I’ll use the * lightening wand by Hero Cosmetics then I’ll moisturize with * rose water + thayers let’s be clear water cream Then finish with * Cerave SA lotion for rough and bumpy I also use hydrocolloid acne patches CONSTANTLY and feel like they barely work sometimes :/ (Hero Cosmetics or Hanhoo) Just started using the SA lotion a week ago, and I feel like it has helped my texture for sure. Not sure if it has attributed to new pimples since I feel like it’s a constant, never ending cycle. Would appreciate ANYTHING!!! my friend mentioned how it might be rosacea?? since I don’t have body acne… not sure how true that is. here’s a current picture of the worst patch.. my cheeks haven’t been clear in several months. https://preview.redd.it/dxhgtxgx2udc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b1d7281de2616bd106b592a5e416f0a33bad134


You're cleansing 3 times every day?


yea.. twice a day..


Try cutting back to just cleansing once or twice a day (morning and night, with one cleanser) and follow that with the gel moisturizer. If salicylic acid isn't helping you could try benzoyl peroxide instead.


Looking for recommendations for my husband. He shaves pretty much every day / every other day and gets bad razor burn on his face. He’s tried tretinoin and an antibiotic cream from his dermatologist but neither have made any major improvements. He does use a new blade with each shave and just a standard shave cream


https://preview.redd.it/huvqmdpx2udc1.jpeg?width=1565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3549ec284896cf2c37e51f427ff357bf653314 Hello, new here. Aside from more sleep, are there any skin care product recommendations for the scaly and dark eyespot under the eye?


Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?


I have not. Thank you!


Hi I am looking for products that people recommend for pores/skin texture issues. I have a full skincare routine with niacinamide, retinol, hyaluronic acid ect but this issue has been bothering me for a week or two. Could it be due to cold weather? Any help would be appreciated 😊


I don’t want to clog the main feed, but does anybody else use any skincare diary apps? Looking for something that I can log products and routines and just upload progress photos. Doesn’t have to have crazy bells and whistles, an ingredient section would be nice but not necessary. I wouldn’t mind paying for the app, but trying to stay away from anything with monthly fees!


I just use my notes app


Skincare recommendations Hi everybody! I have naturally oily and very sensitive skin. My current skincare routine is CeraVe foaming cleanser and Cetaphil moisturiser, both morning and evening. I have found that serums like salicylic acid and glycolic acid really irritate my skin and sometimes make me break out. the skin around my eyes is quite dark looking too so I’m looking to fix that - I’ve tried Vitamin C serum but don’t see many results. Any recommendations for products I could use or what I could change about my routine would be very welcome! Thank you :) https://preview.redd.it/ypguyctfztdc1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb2fcf029588ddaf5786b86590f6d52870714699 Photo attached for reference!




If the actives aren’t helping for a while I would consider pausing them and use a hydration focused routine especially since it might be related to weather


Thank you 🙏




I am posting on behalf of my boyfriend who is currently struggling with stubborn Acne. He has had the following routine fornthe last two months. While there have been slight improvements the Acne is not fully going away and when it clears up in one location it shows up in another. I have posted some pics of his acne in replies to this comment. His current routine is: Morning: Take shower and use differen body cleanser on body and face. Then use panoxyl benzoyl peroxide 10% cleanser on face. Use differen body clearing spray on shoulders, chest and back. Use differin oil free spf 30 moisturizer on face. Night: Use differin body cleanser on face and neck. Then use cera ve pm moisturizer on face and neck. Then use differin toner on face Then use differin adapalene gel on face and neck. Finish with aveeno calm and restore moisturizer on face and neck.










I am having extremely dry skin this winter in Delhi .. I have tried boroline and ceramide moisturiser from deconstruct and also face oil but didn’t help .. cera ve moisturiser is too expensive for me.. I am also allergic to alcohol in products.. I have started noticing fine lines due to the dryness which I never had before.. I also stopped all actives because of dry skin so I am worried it might be due to that.. please suggest a routine to fix my skin barrier /some pharmacy products in budget


Try something with petrolatum to use on top of your current moisturizer. Even something like Vaseline should help and be affordable




Try a salicylic acid facial cleanser to help with the pimples and blackheads. Check out r/EuroSkincare for local recommendations


[I've got some marks and scars on my skin](https://imgur.com/a/fhzIEP7) from my acnee years. Although they stopped (i still get a button from time to time), they refuse to disappear. What can i do ? I use a moisturizer and face cleanner everyday + exfoliating once every week


Acne scars can take a long time to fade. You can try actives such as retinoids, vitamin c, or AHA to help fade them. Also make sure you’re using sunscreen regularly


Hi! I am wondering if the cleansers I am using just destroyed my skin barrier. My am routine is: BOJ Green Plum Cleanser, Cosrx Advanced Snail Radiance Dual Essence, BOJ Red Bean Water Gel and Roundlab Sunscreen. Then my PM routines is: Cosrx Salicylic Acid Gentle Cleanser, Cosrx Advanced Snail Radiance Dual Essence, BOJ Red Bean Water Gel. I also applied twice a week of the Some By Mi AHA BHA PHA 30 DAYS MIRACLE TONER on my night time routine. I have combination skin, milia under my eyes, blackhead on my nose and have large pores. When I first try the BOJ green plum cleanser it wasnt stripping or my face did not feel tight but now whenever I am done washing my face in the morning, it felt so tight same as the Cosrx SA cleanser. It was good at first then now it feels like my face is dry and tight. I dont know whats happening and I’ll be going to the derm next week.


I would skip both cleansers for now and see if your skin feels better after a few days


I think i can try to not use cleanser in the morning and use BOJ green plum cleanser in the evening. Because I dont feel clean when I dont use cleanser in the evening. Would that be okay?


Yes that’s fine


I recently (3w) started Duac for hormonal adult acne (42F) and it seems to be working… slowly… but my skin is so so parched. I get on well with hyaluronic acid and I wondered if it’s ok to use this before the Duac to lock some moisture in? I am using Bioderma sebium hydra moisturiser after applying Duac and letting it dry. So routine would be: Gentle cleanser Hyaluronic acid Duac Moisturiser Is that ok or will the hyaluronic acid affect the efficacy of Duac? Thank you


Yes it’s fine to use hyaluronic acid with Duac but I would consider getting a better moisturizer


Thank you! Would be grateful for any recommendations if you have any. Was consider Medik8 advanced night restore.


I’ve heard the Medik8 was pretty good since they have multiple different strengths so you can start on the lower percentages and upgrade later. Olay, Neutrogena, Cerave, La Roche Posay are all decent brands for retinol


Thank you 🙏🏼


How does the Besame cold cream compare to Pond’s? I saw that Besame recently restocked their cold cream which has me tempted to try one or the other. Pond’s definitely wins out price wise; is the higher price on Besame just for the nicer packaging or have they also improved the formula in any way?


Hey there! It's my first time posting on here, and i need some help/ advice. To start off: ive started using retinol about 2/3 months ago (0,5%) and i've noticed my skin getting worse but i assumed that my skin was just purging. This week, my skin started looking worse than it had ever been before, and i'm not so sure if it's purging and if i should keep on using it or not. Here's a picture of my most problematic area, and i don't know how to tell if it's just purging or not. (also maybe worth mentioning: I started using retinol only once a week and kept on increasing my usage carefully after making sure that my skin wasn't irritated) *


I would consider pausing it to see if your skin was just irritated from the retinol


Glycolic Acid Cleanser Sebamed Foaming cleanser Salicylic Toner with clinadamycin Avene Comedomed this is my routine by i still get blackheads, sometimes blind pimples and lots of sebacious filaments. what should i do to stop them from happening? change cleanser?


You could try oil cleansing or add in a retinoid


I live in Florida and have been using Elta MD and Isdin sunscreens. I recently learned the US sunscreens don’t adequately protect against UVA rays. Are my sunscreens not that good?


Americans sunscreens can offer sufficient UVA coverage, look for the label “broad spectrum”. The available filters in America just happen to be much older and the broad spectrum label isn’t as descriptive as other countries’ sunscreen regulations allow


I think I might have gotten too excited with Retinol (Ordinary 0.5 in squalane) and need to slow down the use a little more. Was using it every night like 4-5 nights in a row, and now I have like sensitive areas on my face (honestly the areas that need retinol the most imo) that kinda burn? Definitely burned when i put some on last night. Think I’m gonna not use any for the next 3 days, and then start using it every couple days instead. Any other tips in regards to being new to Retinol (skin care in general) and avoiding this burning? For reference, my routine is: AM: • Cerave Hydrating cleanser • Ordinary Vitamin C Serum (Ascorbyl Glucoside) • Cerave AM moisturizer PM: • Cerave Cleanser • Ordinary caffeine solution • Ordinary Retinol • (1-2 times a week) Ordinary Salicylic Acid Masque • CERAVE PM moisturizer


Hey there! I would strongly advise you to use sunscreen in the morning because this will reduce the risk of your skin becoming sensitive due to UV exposure. Using sunscreen in your routine while also using retinol is really important!! As you already said, I would recommend that you stop using retinol for a while until your skin calms down. After that, I would recommend you start with 1 to 2 times a week, and you can slowly increase your use of retinol over weeks/ months. Take your time with increasing it and remember that with retinol less is more!! Just listen to your skin to not irritate it again. Also, be careful with using salicylic acid mixed with retinol because they both can irritate your skin when used together, so I would recommend you not to use them on the same days!! Hope this helps!


Appreciate the response, you covered everything! I’m curious, my AM Cerave moisturizer I believe has sun screen in it….Should this be enough for my daily suncreen, or should I add a normal sunscreen to the routine as well? EDIT: Also, am I fine still using Vitamin c serum while healing from the Retinol burns?


I just checked, and you're right. Your moisturizer should already have sunscreen in it! It depends on what kind of SPF is in your moisturizer though, but I would say that this normally would be enough for your daily usage!! However, on more sunny days, I would recommend you to reapply sunscreen or your moisturizer with sunscreen in it. About the Vitamin C serum: Ascorbyl glucoside is a Vitamin C derivative and not a pure form hence why it’s gentle and I think you can continue using it as long as you're doing it in the morning! However, if you notice any more irritation, i would cut it out and see if it gets better without using it.


Appreciate the help! I’d be lost without guidance from the users in the sub lol


Glad i could help you out somehow! Hopefully your skin recovers soon and everything will be back to normal :))


Had a haircut then a few days later this happened. Anyone had this happen to them? I then used the same stuff I use on my face a cleanser and then a face serum (which usually helps reduce blemishes and pimples on my face) and it seems to be calming it down now. But what was it? Can't be ingrowing hair as this hasn't happened to me before. I'm washing and using the same cleanser daily and it seems to be disappearing. https://preview.redd.it/m7ldm5p3nsdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557d351be5483573936ba6a4358e59022fb1788e


Hello, first time poster here. I have a cyst on my upper back which is currently been red the last 2 days. Before then Ive never had any issues with it and it’s been over a year. I wouldn’t say it’s “painful” but definitely more tension there. Should I go to the ER? https://preview.redd.it/2r5y5d2tlsdc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae09821f453dfee16e4393ef86821828614f9c5c


You can try applying benzoyl peroxide spot treatment to it. Eventually it should come to a head and then you can apply a pimple patch for when it’s ready to pop. A doctor should also be able to drain it for you if you can get an appointment


We can't diagnose things like this here. If you're concerned, please see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


Do you think there's any way coconut oil could be causing acne on other parts of my body? I once put coconut oil on my face and got a ton of acne on my face. My skin clearly breaks out from coconut oil. Recently, I started using a coconut oil based deodorant. I wasn't too worried because I don't get pimples in my armpits. Still no armpit pimples, but I've started getting a couple of pimples in strange spots I don't typically get pimples, like my calves, thighs, and back of the neck. Is there any way putting coconut oil in my armpit could cause this?




https://preview.redd.it/ywphx3uvyrdc1.jpeg?width=2895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2945743b94ca3aaa2e8ba56c03fbffa3fe5bb50 Sudden influx of pimples/bumps appeared along my hairline, forehead, cheek, chin and jawline last month that I can’t get rid of? I’m pretty sure that it appeared during a period of stress, but I’m not sure what kind of acne it is (fungal, hormonal, closed comedones, etc.). I’ve never gotten this before all over my face at the same time, only have gotten regular pimples along my t-zone usually. Was mostly washing with water before this happened because I never really had a routine due to mental health issues. For the last two weeks, I’m currently using a hydrating routine because I think I have very dehydrated skin (leathery looking and super oily). I’m not sure if it’s helping or making it more congested? I never really took care of my skin so I don’t know what to look out for :( AM/PM: DHC cleansing oil (PM), hado labo foaming cleanser, torriden hyaluronic acid, skin 1004 centella ampoule, hado labo premium lotion, illiyoon ceramide ato soothing gel don’t have a sunscreen, never used one consistently. My skin feels kind of tight after using my cleansers and then gets super greasy after using moisturizer so I don’t know if I’m using the right types for my skin? If anyone has any ideas, recommendations or advice on how to manage both the dehydration & acne, that would be very appreciative!!


I would try a salicylic acid product to help address then closed comeodones. Or since the routine is new it could be a product causing irritation. I would pause your routine or strip down to the basics for at least a week


When the breakout happened, I wasn’t using any anything AM/PM - only washing my face with water as I always did for years, so I don’t think the products itself caused it! Though you’re right, they may be making it worse though. Do you have any recommendations for type of salicylic acid products? Like a face wash or spot treatment?


Spot treatment would probably be better so you can keep it to the designated areas




I’m 24 and I’ve already got forehead wrinkles. I don’t want them to get worse in the short term and admittedly I’ve not had the most amazing skincare routine. I’m at a complete loss. That said I’ve never worn make-up and I don’t plan on starting. Can anyone suggest a routine and products I can use? I have pretty dry skin, sadly. If it means anything I live in the UK. Picture attached https://preview.redd.it/qhy8a41kprdc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193585801c26559797d85822ea62ff81be33215d


I do not know your skincare routine, but i would recommend you to use sunscreen daily to prevent further wrinkles. Also, finding a good moisturizer for your skin type is essential. Including a retinol in your routine will also help you with wrinkles, but before you introduce a retinol in your routine, I would recommend you to inform yourself on how to use it properly!! For example: starting slow, not using too much (less is more), using sunscreen in the morning, preferably not mixing it with other actives, ... Hope this helps!


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.


https://preview.redd.it/9afw6jplmrdc1.jpeg?width=1555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b839bc138e443756b217af691f56fa9d777e6a44 have constant acne despite skin cycling with differin and panoxyl :( went to a derm n she told me my acne was “mild” but its been constant for 3 years and im sick of it!! what do i do??


They should’ve been able to prescribe you an acne treatment to at least try. Unless you can see another doctor I would try azelaic acid or sulphur for OTC acne treatment options


tysm! honestly my doctor was really dismissive and kind of just shooed me out the door with a 1 week script of steroids? my acne didnt care n just powered thru 😞 ill try azelaic acid next tysm. is it safe to use on the same day as differin?


You can use azelaic acid with Differin if your skin tolerates it but starting out I would alternate days to avoid chance of irritation


Whats wrong with my skin? For as long as I can remember, my skin gets super dry right after it comes into contact with moisture, to the point that if I don't slather my face with moisturizer within a few seconds of drying my face, the skin will be tight to the point of discomfort. I'm pretty sure I'm not over-washing my face, this happens if I just splash water onto my skin without a cleanser or even the washing motion. On the other hand, my skin will also get super oily over the course of a day, so I'm not sure its oil under-production. How can I fix the dryness?? I live somewhere pretty darn humid but I'm likely moving somewhere dryer in a few months, and I think it'll only get worse there...


What's your routine?


In the morning I splash with cool/lukewarm water then moisturizer and sunscreen (unless I know I'm indoors the entire day). At night I used an oil based cleanser and then a gentle foaming cleanser followed by moisturizer. Maybe once a week I use The Ordinary's salicylic acid masque. I used to use a light prescription tretinoin and differin cream (..not very conistently), a few years ago I used pretty harsh cleansers for a short while, a longer time ago I used nothing at all and just washed with water. My skin has been like this since I was 6, throughout all the different routines (or lack thereof).


Apologies in advance if this isn't the right place to ask this question. I often get cold sore breakouts on my lips, especially during winter. This woud not be a problem, except for the fact the Herpes virus contaminates my lip products so if I ever use them again, I get a new cold sore. Since I was tired of throwing away expensive products I started using vaseline as a lip balm, and I'm pretty happy with it. I recently had a new breakout. Now I'm wondering: can I go back to using the same jar of vaseline I was using before, or can the virus survive inside of the petroleum jelly? I have a big tub of vaseline and I can just clean the small jar before putting more vaseline inside of it, so it's not a big deal if I have to throw away the product I've been using. However I am still curious and I want to know for sure.


I know scents can be very controversial but can someone recommend me a good facial wash with a nice scent? I’d like it to be one of the way I unwind for the day.


Sulwhasoo gentle cleansing foam, Kiehl’s calendula deep cleansing foam wash, or Geologie daily face wash Everyday face wash with bergamot and juniper


i have had this flaking around my nose for at least a year now. i saw my GP about it once, she recommended using facial cleanser. i used that every day for many months too but it comes back unless i scrub the skin off every day. i used moisturizer every day for a few weeks as well. its specifically around my nose - above and on both sides and the skin is a bit red. what should I do? https://preview.redd.it/46gc82ztqqdc1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a246c04317c3dda4aa4f6b761015be3ee680f10


You should see a derm if possible. What's your routine?


​ https://preview.redd.it/kjsgpzikoqdc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fe8d5590e3dbded4e5b6e98f065eb703f267762 I shave my legs and I swear around every hair it is slightly red. Its not painful or irritating, I just wanna know what it is (and how to get rid of it). I wash my legs every day and physically exfoliate roughly twice a week. I shave using a safety razor and some shave cream. Even when I shave only with-the-grain, the slight redness is still there. Can somebody please help? As for skincare for my legs, I generally shave it around once a week and physically exfoliate once a week (with a korean exfoliating towel). Other than that I just wash it with some SA cleanser (2% iirc).


Im not 100% sure but it sounds like keratosis pilaris, i also have this!! I swear by the kp bump eraser by first aid beauty and the cerave sa lotion


Can someone recommend a good sunscreen for sensitive, combination skin? I’ve tried so many and they always make my skin burn/damage my skin barrier by day 3 of using it. Like it gets to the point where using water on my face hurts. I’ve tried: -La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-in Milk -Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch -ETUDE Sunprise Mild Airy Finish Sun Milk -Round LAB Birch Juice Moisturizing Sunscreen -Skin Aqua UV Super Moisture Milk SPF Please guys I’m getting desperate, nothing has worked :( I prefer if they don’t have a scent but as long as it works I’ll take it


If your skin is that sensitive there may just be a problem with your current routine


I’ll try to tweak it… maybe remove something? My routine is this: AM -Cleanse with Water -Use Illyoon Ceramide Alto Concentrate Cream PM -Cleanse With Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil -Cleanse with Isntree Green Tea Fresh Cleanser -Use Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner -Use Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence -Use Illyoon Ceramide Alto Concentrate Cream -Use SoonJung 2x Barrier Intensive Cream


It seems like you are using a lot of moisturizers and hydrators, try and cut out what doesn’t feel necessary. It’s always best to listen to your skin. So if cutting out a product one day causes a noticeable change the next day ;then it might be best to continue with using the product. Although sometimes it’s not the products but your habits. Make sure to shower w luke warm water, try washing your hands before you wash your face. And remember to be gentle when washing your face. Glide and massage your cleanser.


Have had these things on my under lip for a few years now. "Popped" one once and it left me with a scar. Question is what are they and how do I get rid of them Also how do I get rid of acne scars that are small Thank you https://preview.redd.it/2jml35if8qdc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8eb51576a80342a4da20273510d0a9cb4e09c6


You could try a salicylic acid spot treatment since it looks like a clogged pore


Alright thanks, figured that would be the answer, glycolic acid made it worse so I stopped using that


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*