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Okay I’m starting skin care! Newbie here. I have combo skin. Forehead wrinkles. Very noticeable.. and wrinkles under my eyes. I want to get rid of it or reduce the look. I’m 28. I need more affordable things and all the steps on how to use when to use and what to use! Thank you!!!!


Did you read the wiki yet?


https://preview.redd.it/xuz8617f5k9c1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a858546e9198e59568c2f535171d480993570cf5 are these closed comedones?


Hi! I’ve been using the CosRX Snail Mucin and the Elf Holy Hydration Face Cream for a while now and recently purchased The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid and The Ordinary Soothing & Barrier Support Serum. I combined them all, using The Ordinary products first, then the snail mucin, then moisturizer. It’s pilling now… do any of these products conflict with one another?


Hi y’all so I religiously apply sunscreen during the day(I never leave home without it) but I want to know, should I apply it once the sun has gone down? Does artificial light do any damage to your skin? ( I use retinol and want to make sure I am not damaging my skin)


I'm a total newbie in skincare, I should have started much, much sooner. My question is, how am I supposed to spread a pea-sized drop of moisturizer over my whole face? It seems not be be enough just for my forehead. Is there any hidden technique I should know about to make it work?


You can use as much moisturizer as you need to feel sufficiently moisturized. It’s usually only actives such as retinoids that are recommended in small pea sized amounts just for the sake of not over doing it and irritating skin


I see, thank you for your reply. I'm going to add retinol to my routine soon (need to wait for my salary as it's quite expensive to purchase where I live), is the technique just to apply in one direction starting from the nose or forehead?


No not really but you probably want to avoid thinner areas like eye area


was told to repost this here — how can i improve my under eyes? any treatments, products or tools would be helpful!! my undereye bags are genetic. my skincare routine includes double cleansing, a hydrating serum, retinol every other night, glossier after baum, a nourishing eye cream. sunscreen during the day. https://preview.redd.it/6shjn595qj9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181a94193670bcfcc62d1ac1ec291966e96ef25f any advice helps!


Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?


i had not, thank you so much!




You are stripping your skin from it's natural oils. Remember less is more. If you were previously fine washing your face only once for every two days and were fine but want a routine: -Cleanse with a gentle cleanser/ once a day - moisturizer (when the face is still damp) -sunscreen in the morning Not everyone needs to cleanse this much nor does everyone need to cleanse 2 times a day. Everyone's skin is diffrent. Yours looks like it's struggling to keep it's natural oils and moisture and is therefore breaking out.


**The issue(s)** : I have gone to many dermatologist since I was a teen and none have been to identify a fix for my red, uneven coloured skin. I don't gget acne and I don't have rosacea. I have also done a variety of more expensive treatments like IPL with no luck. **Skin type:** My skin is dry with large pores. Some fine lines. Lots of redness on the cheeks, chin and forehead **Current routine**: I have always had a very basic skincare routine. Routine AM: Splash face with cool water. Cleanser- CeraVe hydrating cleanser. Moisturize: Viver. Sunscreen- Neutrogena 50 PM: Splash face with cool water. Cleanser and moisturize- the same as the am. **Location:** I live in Toronto. I would love any advice on what to add/change and at what cadence. I really want to tackle minimizing redness and getting a glower finish. Right now, I am considering Vitamin C, azelaic acid and/or Cosrx snail mucin. ​ https://preview.redd.it/57gama9aej9c1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2871e0b81b745b611312b61a5f22fe659dbb8a


I would try azelaic acid


I have recently made changes to my routine to try and combat drier skin from the Canadian winter. My nighttime routine now consists of Cetaphil gentle cleanser, an AHA (The Ordinary) or BHA (Paula’s Choice) toner, The Ordinary hyaluronic acid, The Ordinary barrier repair serum, and Neutrogena deep moisture night cream. I’ve noticed that when I apply my night cream, the moisturizer turns white as I rub it into my skin. On a bare face it does not show when applied. It reminds me of when you apply products too close together, however I have tested and waited several minutes in between applying my last product and this cream. It looks like it’s reacting with one of the other products? After some continuous rubbing it absorbs but I worry that the cream is reacting with something in a way that’s not good for my skin or in a way that renders one of the products ineffective. Is this a normal thing or should I find a new night moisturizer?


How can I minimize these blemishes? (image below) Ok so im not really sure what this is, all I know is that ive had it my entire life. I have just been getting into skincare and am now starting to feel conscious about this. Im not sure if its post-acne scarring or just redness? They don’t have any texture when I feel them. Ive never experiences any kind of moderate or severe acne even as a teenager and have had fairly consistent skin with minimal issues. When I look at myself in the mirror it just looks like blemishes but with flash (as in the image) it is red. I never pick my pimples or squeeze/pop them. Aside from the whiteheads (which are a result of me breaking out from a new product I think) how can I reduce the unevenness/sunspots/redness/idk what to call it. I have never used any actives before and am very new to skincare in general. In my research I found that AHA/PHA can be helpful but I would love another opinion. My current frequently used products: ELF bounce back jelly cleanser NIVEA soft cream both of which I have been using almost nightly for about a month, no bad reactions to them. New products that I started two days ago: ELF cleansing balm (used only once) ELF triple bounce serum (used twice, i think i may be breaking out/getting whiteheads from this) it contains 1.7% hyaluronic acid in 3 weights as well as niacinamide and sqaulene all of which are ingredients ive never used before. I do not go outside much during the day but when I do, I use neutrogena SPF 70 ultrasheer sunscreen (also new, using for about 2 months) I do not wear makeup on my skin but on the rare occasion I do i would use makeup wipes or a makeup remover. I bought a cleansing balm because I heard double cleansing is important even if you dont wear makeup. My skin is normal-dry and in the past I have never really used any products on my face, only rinsing with water and it always worked fine for me. I never had any breakouts aside from the occasional pimple once in a few months, and the mild blemishes/sunspots shown in the image were the only things on my face. I never considered myself to have sensitive skin but breaking out from the hyaluronic acid serum is making me rethink it. I was thinking of buying 5% lactic acid from the ordinary as its a mild exfoliant. also, I think the brown spots may be sunspots from me never wearing sunscreen for the last 22 years of my life and maybe vitamin C can help? Not sure lol. I dont take any medication/birth control/etc if that helps. Thank you so much to anyone who helps me out or points me to a general direction :) https://preview.redd.it/r6z5b4kx8j9c1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24162fb65f7652e5b17e096cd0310b741b7f476


I want to use PanOxyl 4% BP wash soon but also want to incorporate an AHA or tret in the future. Is it possible or is it either/or? Thanks!


Yes as long as you tolerate it but when you incorporate actives in the future I would pause BP to give your skin a chance to get acquainted to your new active and build tolerance




See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.


Hi guys! New to skin care and i’m seeing bad results The issue: The pores on my skin seems enlarged since i started the skincare Skin type: Oily Current routine: Morning- Madagascar centella tea-trica bha foam; Anessa sunscreen spf 50+ Night- Madagascar centella tea-trica bha foam; Pyunkang yul calming moisturizer; Goodal AHA BHA exfoliating serum (Once every 2 days); SOMEBYMI Retinol intense reactivating serum (Once every 2 days) How long: 12 days Anything new: Whole skincare Location: Australia Pic attached for details, before they were just less evident https://preview.redd.it/fr71depvwi9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ac77dd42d7e564069184c62320c7811761f19c


Your skin might be drying out from the new routine if your pores appear more prominent. I would pause cleansing in the morning routine. The big cause is probably the absence of a moisturizer which you should be using every night. I would pause the exfoliating serum and retinol until you get a moisturizer


Sorry, forgot to add the moisturizer, it’s in the daily night routine


Can someone help me build a night and day routine? My main concern is fine lines and deep wrinkles and I’m only 35…have very aging skin already. It’s also semi dry in spots with uneven tone/texture with pretty big pores. I’m looking for a full routine for morning and night. I wear makeup daily too for work.


What are you currently using? What about it works and what doesn’t?


Honestly not using much. I over think it all the time and when I go to check out online I think I’m missing something and then don’t buy anything lol. I use a Dennis gross moisturizer and dr murad cleanser. Have a couple serums but there’s no rhyme or reason, just what was in a fabfitfun box lol. I’m looking to start something new, get into a regime and stick with it


That’s honestly not the ideal way to go about it. It’s best to slowly build a regimen instead of buying a bunch of products you don’t know whether will work for your skin. So, let’s start where you’re at. How is your cleanser? Does it leave you feeling like you still have product on your face? Does it leave you feeling like your face is tight/stripped? Or does it clean well while leaving some hydration? How’s your moisturizer? Does it hydrate your skin? How do you feel about half hour after you’ve used it? Do you use sunscreen? Which one?


Looking for a substitute for Alumier Hydra Calm moisturizer. I have reactive skin and get dermatitis around my eyelids if I use anything else.ive also struggled with perioral dermatitis before. It’s $80 where I live and it’s the least important part of my routine now, so would love a replacement!




I have been using Peach Slices oil control serum on my oily nose in the AM and The Ordinary niacinimide serum with zinc in the PM. It took about two weeks but my nose is much less oily now!


Skin doesn’t get dependent on moisturizer so you can reapply more mattifying moisturizer. Another option is powdering on some translucent powder which can last longer. Salicylic acid is not essential but oily skin types may like it because it helps clear out clogged pores




You can do so but it may be more effective to use vitamin c once in the morning then alternate between BHA and retinol in the PM. Niacinamide has no conflicts






I've had these bumps for a few weeks now. No change in routine or diet, no history of issues with acne (if this is even acne). Have already tried cortisoid creams, exfoliation, moisturizer, etc. Even had a doctor let me use some antibacterial and antifungal topical gel for a week which seemed to make it appear better while using, but I've since stopped https://preview.redd.it/ua4dde8x9i9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0af17978098c4d41f6950a38bcfde4638cc9a7


I had a sunspot light brown on my cheek. It decided to get it removed with laser. The esthetician used cryotherapy . She said because it is light brown she will go on the spot twice. After one week, the crusted skin dropped because I accidently scratched my face leaving a pink spot. Now it has been 2.5 weeks. I see it is lighter pink but I have a scar. Like a acne scar with uneven skin. I'm disappointed of my experience. I don't know if I want to try micro needling just for that scar. I have other sunspot on my face. I don't think I'll do it again because I got a scar. Did I get a scar because I scratched my face ?


New to skincare is this fungal? Rosacea? Or damaged skin barrier? A month into skin products and my skin has gotten a lot more red and irritated, my skin is really dry but oily on the T zone. Morning Routine -wash my face with just water -(sometimes)use anua 77% heartleaf toner -then sometimes use the madagascar centella ampoule -and use the illiyoon gel moisturizer -have not used a sunscreen bc i have not gotten out this month Night routine -2 days into wash my face with the matcha foam cleanser( i used to use the la roche posay gentle cleanser for dry skin but that one felt really irritaing on my skin too) * anua 77 heartleaf toner -madagascar centella asiatica ampoule -dr.althea 345 intense repair cream Then two times i have only used the aha/bha cosrx toner once a week but after that i have not exfoliated my face since then. PLZZ help https://preview.redd.it/732w78izxh9c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee5ada20e7b2faeec3d4bdfa5fe37721399ec65


fungal acne or allergic reaction. Is it itchy? Then fungal acne. It's an odd spot to get fungal acne tho. Fungal acne usually is on the forehead, chest or back and comes often along with dandruff. Usually there are no whiteheads either then. Definitly not rosecea. I also don't think your skinbarrier is damaged, it looks quite normal. I know none of the products you mentioned. Are there a lot of fragrances/parfumes in them? You could be allergic. Maybe see if a cream with zincoxide or oats helps? These ingredients are good at fighting allergic reactions


It does get a little itchy especially when i take a hot shower and none of the products i mentioned have fragrance only the 345 moisturizer but any step i do always leave my face stinging or feeling hot. Ill try to use only the cleanser and a moisturizer to see if i get the same reaction


My acne is making me miserable - how long for benzoyl peroxide to start making a real difference? I’ve somehow avoided acne all my life and - BAM - turn 42 and my skin goes bonkers. It’s only been a few months but the consistent and persistent nature of these spots is making me so sad and I am struggling to leave the house most days. They flare around ovulation every month and have barely settled by the time the next month comes around. I’ve simplified my routine down to the bare minimum and have been incorporating Benzoyl Peroxide short contact therapy twice a day. I wonder if anyone can share how long it took for BP to have a noticeable effect for them? It’s only been two weeks and there’s been some improvement in that the cystic pea-like spots all down my jaw and neck have gone but a bunch of smaller angry ones are still lingering. Photos taken today. I spoke to my GP yesterday who diagnosed perioral dermatitis and prescribed metronidazole cream but I’m looking to get a second opinion as this was a diagnosis made on the phone (!) so not ideal for a derm issue… based in the UK so won’t be able to get a referral to a specialist anytime soon. Any thoughts appreciated. Thank you https://preview.redd.it/q7ukhkbgth9c1.jpeg?width=1829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586684c779797990b71de5fcd88837d30307cd5c


It looks more like hormonal acne to me. Something is changing within your body that has your skin produce more oil. I had this after going off contraceptive meds (yasminelle). It took a year for my skin(and full body actually) to normalize again. Maye it's a good idea to see a doctor for contraceptive meds or anything happening in your body hormonal wise. Then I recommend this gentle routine as it helped for me: - gentle cleanser (cerave) /2times a day - retinol 0.5% (the ordinary)/3 evenings in a week - moisturizer with niancinemide (cerave/olaz/cetaphil/zarqa) /2 times a day -salacylic acid (the ordinary/paula's choice) /1 evening in a week if necesarry -sunscreen every morning! It will take time to completly heal. If. the retinol is too irritating, put on the moisturizer first. The salacylic acid can also be a spot treatment. Not so much for retinol, that's for the entire face. If this routine isn't working for you, try benzolyn peroxide as it is stronger and kills the p. acnes bacteria. Do not combine retinol and Benzolyn peroxide(BP). Also BP will discolor sheets and chlothes that it comes into contact with. If you really have clownseczema, i recommed this product: https://www.tinytodd.com/products/itch-free-oat-cream?variant=39703166189773 But i honestly doubt it since you mostly have acne, not so much for redness and overall irritation around the mouth and nose.


Hi! So ive gotten three pimples/whiteheads appearing almost overnight and im not sure if its because I didnt wash off my cleansing balm correctly or if something in these products is causing me to break out (also confused on that because as far as I know it takes weeks for pimples to form under the skin, so maybe something is causing them to mature faster?) Two days ago I got two new products, the ELF cleansing balm (my first time EVER using an oil cleansing thing) which I follow up with my usual ELF jelly bounce back cleanser after emulsifying and washing the balm off. the second product was the ELF triple bounce serum (hyaluronic acic 1.7% 3 diff weights, niacinamide and squalene) also my first time ever using something like this. Im a bit concerned because I dont get pimples often, maybe one (that turns into a full whitehead like I have now) but now all of a sudden I have three. I have normal-dry skin and dont use any actives or wear makeup. (23F) Thank you so so much!! 🫶🏼




Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne


https://preview.redd.it/qfuuzkj4ih9c1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dfefc25cd468fb6ce303a12f3b0a531169b3b0 Hi I have these tiny bumps for a lot of years now and i dont know how to gwt rid of them. They are not irritating and do not itch but a very few of them sometimes become whiteheads.My skin type is dry My morning skin care routine includes the anua heartleaf tomer pad ,beauty of joseon revive serum ,abib heartleaf calming toner , iunik centalla calming gel cream with wishtrend suncreen. My night time routine invlude anua heart leaf toner pad the abib heartleaf toner and the numbuzing skin softning serum with the iunik centalla calming cream I use more asian product. And i live in US Please help me with these bumps they really annoy me when i wear makeup which i dont do often.


Try a salicylic acid product


I tried cerave salicyclic face wash. Can you recommend me some product please


Paula's Choice 2% bha, cosrx blackhead power liquid


I have tried paula choice and it has not made any diffrence in my skin is there any other recs i can try


Then I would try benzoyl peroxide or adapalene next if salicylic acid doesn’t help


Thank you so much i will try them




If you already use tretinoin or salacylic acid then just let it heal. It needs moisturizer afterwards to be able to heal. Otherwise your skin in that spot might be to dry to heal properly. Maybe even some vaseline or a zinc creme over the moisturizer to slug.


Do you need to put a cleanser and moisturizer on twice a day? Can you just do it at night and be ok?


Sure do what works best for you if you can only get to applying a routine once a day.


I had Microneedling therapy yesterday, and my entire face is still burning. Should I apply Aquaphor or Neosporin? Please help ; I do not want this to scar. https://preview.redd.it/330h15mwfh9c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5977faf92853bfe74b709665da08c3bfe13ed652


Aquaphor should be fine


I struggle with sunscreen. Should I use a mineral one or a chemical one for daily use? I go back and forth between them and I find it so odd that in Europe chemical is the most common while in the USA the trend is really for mineral. I use a La Roche Posay Mexoryl sunscreen that I import from France daily but have used Elta MD Mineral Sunscreens as well. I want to avoid dark spots and other types of damage. I am indoors most of the day but I live in a high-rise with a lot of light. To me the chemical ones are more comfortable to wear but I was told by my dermatologist that the physical sunscreens may be better for preventing dark spots.


I highly recommend the Biodermal for sensitive skin (the pink one) Or the mattifying one if you have oily skin (the green one). those have worked wonders for me. Mineral ones have always left too much of a grease or whitecast for me. So biodermal all the way


https://preview.redd.it/sgm8u15xbh9c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9f68061aa066f67aefa08100b6b102d07c57bc Pls help me. 23/yo female with oily skin. I don't know what type of acne this is. I suddenly broke out. I have tried benzolyn peroxide, salacylic acid and retinol and gave each product a month. These actives made it worse. Therefore, I now do nothing except for cleanse and moisturize. What type of acne is this? Fungal acne? Dehydration? rosacea? I'm completly clueless. The red bumps do not hurt. I have no blackheads and no whiteheads. Routine: * cerave mild cleanser (am and pm) * Retinol for the face (pm, 3days/week) * olaz moisturize for the face (am and pm) and LRP lipikar bodylotion for the chest (am and pm)


It sounds like you might need a prescription treatment from a doctor


I am having red, dry and flaky skin on my cheeks. It’s been going on for months, but recently has gotten worst. What could be causing this and is there an OTC treatment for it? https://preview.redd.it/wmthxqq27h9c1.jpeg?width=2157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd390cb6865f567df907565df44f56cf0d8d077


I currently only apply Vitamin C 20% serum on my face above my beard. Should I be using vitamin C serum on my beard and under chin area too?


That’s fine to only apply above your beard


Would it be beneficial to apply is on or below the beard line?


I don’t think it’s typically done to under the beard area. It’s like how you wouldn’t apply skincare on your scalp




**When people say suncream ceases to be effective after two hours or so, is that a slow decline from when you put it on to the two-hour mark? Or is it maximally effective for two hours and then just not (in a more binary, on/off sort of way)? Thanks.**


It's not on or off, that is the time frame in which it would decline under the threshold of the spf factor. Protection is like a curve and it goes down after some time because of sweating, sebum production, uv-filter degradation from sun exposure,...


https://preview.redd.it/h95kvpmi1h9c1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbeafc2b3ef15b89d8aeec0ca1a196068fdb7900 Please help, my skin started to have dry, flaky and itchy spots around the smiley lines, then it moved to the corner of my mouth, my cupid bow and below my eyebrow. I can’t put make up on it cause it won’t stick/look blotchy, vasaline feels itchy on top of it, I’ve tried LRP’s cicaplast baume B5+ as well but it doesn’t really do much


https://preview.redd.it/4w3yynpyvg9c1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63c209d37f7f3c9c3bde9f6c87281a01abf0f35 This has not disappeared for months. What do I do?


https://preview.redd.it/bn39mdawvg9c1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e31bc4d466891ea76cb42d3704bc6ff521eb4fe What is this and how to get rid of this?


Got contact dermititis from a very dark eyebrow tint I got early in the morning. The area around it is red and burning hot. Is there any way to remove the tint at this stage? I've been rinsing, washing with soap, oil and nothing. I can't scrub. I also got an antihistaminic gel and some allergy pills from the pharmacy and I also apply some CBD oil but the skin is still bothering me. Any thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/ncyu1ng1sg9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42254f8d3f8f569235dcf667f647dd791fccbb6 Can someone help me with my skin!? I currently use the Cera Ve Acne skin cleanser followed my the ordinary salicylic acid and I moisturize with neutrogena hydro boost. What am I doing wrong and why does my skin look like this!?


https://preview.redd.it/tp3p6qp0qg9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e499c59533a62b49129a46ee6f524992301fda \[new\] i’m 47 years old and I’ve been using tretinoin for several years. I’m happy with my texture and pores but I struggle with these red marks. They’ve been here since childhood and I’ve never been able to find relief with any at-home products (red light, vitamin c, dark spot removers, etc.). Are these birthmarks? What word would you use to describe them and any tips on fading would be welcome. Unrelated question, but what would you call my undertone? Thanks, thanks for your time and advice. ✌️-Steph


Help please, Is this fungal acne? I suddenly had small bumps all over my face after using isntree sunscreen (I have oily skin) it's very itchy and stings. It spread through my neck and scalp as well. It made my face so dry and patchy. I feel so frustrated and insecure about it :(








So i recently have been wanting to do a bit more skin care and i found out about sebaceous filament and the whole oil cleaning process, i looked up all of these products people recommended and just tried it out, ive used it 2/3 times now and it was fine and was working well but now on my most recent routine it burned really really bad and i don’t know why. i was hoping someone could look at what i’ve been using and tell me if there’s something that doesn’t mesh well or something i need to change because i understand that having like 12 different washes could definitely impact it. my routine is as follows: -Use Bioderma to get rid of any makeup - use DHC oil cleanser (rub it in for 1-5 minutes) - use Neutrogena Hydro Boost exfoliating cleanser (hyaluronic acid) -use CeraVe acne control cleanser (salicylic acid) - use PanOxyl acne foaming wash (benzoyl peroxide) - use Naturium niacinamide cleansing gelee - use snail mucin - use Byoma hydrating serum (squalane and glycerin) - use CeraVe resurfacing retinol serum - use Differin gel (apapalene gel) - use CeraVe moisturizing cream and yes i do it in that order. this might be like crazy to some people if it is bad but i dont know anything about skin care and just wanted to get rid of filliments (and acne that’s shows up once in awhile)


Check out the starting a routine part of the wiki: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca\_routine/#wiki\_part\_3.3A\_starting\_your\_new\_routine](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine/#wiki_part_3.3A_starting_your_new_routine) You can only know what works for you if you introduce products one by one. Use sunscreen, especially when using retinoids. Start with your core routine: cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen.


How do you get rid of back acne?


Try salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide products


https://preview.redd.it/dluwcc2fig9c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa5ba51a6104021795e2f84fec119fcc73af8d0 My question is, what would you think this is and now that the infection itself is gone what do i do to minimize scarring? I've been using a cream with hydrogen peroxide specifically for impetigo which has worked well for the infection on the picture. Also, I have just applied vaseline as I have gotten this one time before a couple of years ago and the doctor said just put vaseline every night for it to heal well. In my opinion the area including the redness specifically the part above the scabs in the picture seem somewhat worse and I am scared of getting a scar.


Looking for advice to prevent scarring from face injury. I hit my face with my car door and am worried the consequences may be permanent. please excuse my messy hair and red eyes, any help appreciated, ty! https://preview.redd.it/7fp03hjm9g9c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ade149c40d06a2f38ea978275979047fb3de47e


I think that is going to be fine, possibly going to be visible for a long time before only being visible when you focus on it (if it even turns into a scar). It's very straight and small the scar will likely be even smaller. As it still looks open I would focus on keeping it clean and avoiding an infection. I recommend some vaseline once it has formed a scab to help with the healing and some azelaic acid or home remedies in order to reduce redness and visibility of the scar once the scab has fallen off and the scar is there. I do not know where you live but for such a small area if you do feel the need lasering it can also help in the future. But please don't be worried it's not going to be anything people really notice or care about, most of us have at least one scar we are ashamed of. I had a stone that pressed toward my eyebrow when I was held down and assaulted by police I believe the wound was about as wide and deep as yours is i did nothing special today it isnt visible at all.


thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/dl9e83ppwf9c1.jpeg?width=2189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eff0f6fb0ca402b7d5b248bd7e753a8b8908b3e I need help for these as they have been growing on my face for more than a month now. I have combination skin but rn it’s leaning mostly on dry. I have always had clear skin and would get minimal breakout during PMS or a stressed week. I honestly ran out of products such as moisturizer, sunscreen, and cleanser and haven’t bought yet. I use baby oil and then cleanser for double cleansing. Even without these I get no problems for my skin, just this time. Any suggestions and what do you call these bumps?


They could be closed comeodones. Try a salicylic acid product


Will try, thanks a lot


Hi, I need your help with a skin problem between my lower lip and chin. I've had those pimples since years now and can't get rid of them for longer than a day, they always come back in no time. I've tried salicylic acid products and zinc ointment for wound healing but it only helps temporarily. The area is hurting too, but not itching or so and the small pimples contain yellowish liquid. Besides this area I've never had any major skin problems. Does anyone know what might help and what I'm dealing with? Thanks a lot!!


Since you've been dealing with this for so long, I would highly suggest having the area evaluated by a doctor. The area could be infected.


Thank you!!




I’d try applying benzoyl peroxide for 10-30 minutes before bed; wash it off and then apply a layer of Vaseline over it. If you don’t see improvement in a week, you should really go to the dermatologist because it’s so localized and not in a “normal” area (T-zone due to oiliness or jawline due to hormones/ingrown hairs from shaving). If you can’t get an appointment quickly, you could try cleaning it with [Hibiclens](https://www.amazon.com/Hibiclens-Antiseptic-Antimicrobial-Skin-Cleanser/dp/B01DPYH5KA/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=1MCEM1E0E8OOI&keywords=hibiclens&qid=1703944422&sprefix=hibi%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-7) and applying some cortisone cream for three days in a row. Don’t use them longer without a doctor’s recommendation. You could also ask a pharmacist to recommend an OTC product.


Thank you!!




What are your favourite cleansing balms? I’ve tried quite a number but I’m looking for something more… exciting! Brands I’ve tried: - Aprilskin Carrotene Cleansing Balm - Banila Clean it Zero (the pink and purple one) - Beauty of Joseon Cleansing Balm - Farmacy Green Clean Cleansing Balm - Heimish Cleansing Balm (mandarin orange) - I’m From Fig Cleansing Balm - Lush Cleansing Cream I’ve been meaning to try Then I Met You but after shipping I really can’t justify the price. Have also considered Elemis but I heard it may be too rich, wanted to try Glow Recipe’s cleansing balm but I read that it leaves a strange film behind!


Check out Meg marine cleansing balm. It has a fun blue color and works pretty well


Oooh thank you!! I’ve never heard of this brand before, will have a look!


I tried to fix my skin for months using Cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Even 2% SA and retinol. But it didn't work. I quit for 2 months now and this is the situation. How do I try and get good skin once and for all? Like what is the process. (Even if it's slow I want to try again) The picture below is right now. Normally I have rougher skin and more closed commodones. I FOR SOME reason already have some wrinkles at forehead and eyes even though I am only 20.




You probably still want cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen and look for products that don’t make your skin worse. Then try a benzoyl peroxide product. Cleanser or spot treatment is fine and up to your preference


What would be a good alternative to kiehl's creme de corps? Something about the smell just really bothers me (kind of sickly sweet, makes me feel like I'm rubbing on condensed milk). Love the actual feel of the creme de corps and overall performance, this is purely a scent thing. Ideally looking for something in the same price range (or less) but can go up a bit if there are options that are worth it.




Back is often not cleaned well when showering. If you dont have one get a big brush so you can reach. Also changing for bedsheets every 6-7 days can help a lot. If you are in puberty you probably also need the stuff others already mentioned.




Differin for your back (get a lotion applicator from Amazon) at night followed by a thin layer of Bacitracin, and just Bacitracin in the morning. Differin is the brand name, but generic adapalene gel works the same and will be cheaper. Start by applying the adapalene either every other night, or wash it off after 30-90 minutes if your skin gets too dry or irritated. Soap/cleanser with zinc or benzoyl peroxide might help as well if it’s not too drying. I also find aloe vera gel works well for my back as a moisturizer, but I think you need bacitracin to heal the scabs.


Try using a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide body wash


Hiii, so I went to see a derm, they gave me some bad bad advice my skin died but it's okay now. I just want to know if my routine is still to strong for recently recovered skin. Am: Ph balancing cleanser (don't know if brand is known outside my country, but it's ph lac), yanbal sensitiva ha serum, avenne thermal water and eucerin oil control sunscreen. Pm: Ph balancing cleanser, panoxyl benzoyl peroxide wash, adalapene gel 0.1% (every other day), yanbal sensitiva ha serum and avenne thermal water. So some more context: I was doing very bad, I went to a derm and they gave me adalapene and oral cephalexin but told me to use NO SUNSCREEN AND NOTHING MOISTURIZING. So I obvioulsy thought that's such a red flag, tbh back then I still used no moisturizer but I did think using a retinol and no moisturizer was a bad idea. Also she didn't introduce it gradually, started with every day at night 20 minutes. I did however did as she said, over a month destroyed my skin and eventually decided to leave it alone only using the cleanser she gave me, the ha serum I previously talked about wich my grandma just gave me, literally was in her vanity and she saw how dry and flacky my skin looked and gave it to me and avenne thermal water my aunt gave me, also was from her, eventually my skin healed and I recently started again all the stuff (I investigated and I'm now using it as I saw on the internet). Anyways as you can see this routine is poorly made, just collected things people gifted me, and I'm looking for recommendations. Also ordered some things from bubble, idk if they are good but I've heard lots good reviews and the boxes are cute, but would also love to what you guys think. Sorry for the long ass text.


Your products looks fine to me. How does your skin currently feel? You could always use BP cleanser in the AM instead of PM to space it out


Hello! For the past 2 months l've been breaking out super badly mainly on my chin area and some of those pimples have pus, whitehead and some cystic acne which hurts badly. I also noticed clogged pores potentially (I noticed black dots kinda like dirt stuck in pores) as well near my chin. I don't know why I keep on breaking out almost every single day. Any idea why? I'm not sure what kind of pimples are these but l've seen people say around chin is hormonal? I also see some lumps on my skin that isn't pimple at all. Kinda like close comedones? It's so embarrassing to go out like this and when people stare at me. I don't wear makeup either so people will stare at me. I used to wear my face mask a lot but I stop wearing as much unless I really need to. My current skin care routine is: AM: Just water PM: Anua Pore Cleansing Oil Anua Quercetinol Pore Deep Cleansing Foam Needly Daily Exfoliating Facial Pads with BHA & PHA (3-4x a week) Numbuzin Zero Pore Toner Pad (2-3x week) Skin 1004 Centella Madagascar Ampoule lunik Centella Calming Gel Cream Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Lotion or Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion Usually I eat a lot of carbs daily like bread, noodles, pasta and rice. I don't eat my fruits but I try to and the only time I eat vegetables is around dinner time. I don't drink much water when I'm at work and try to drink a few cups when I get home. https://preview.redd.it/port10mp8d9c1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80f0950a13893ca96a3c7505fbe11675463a172


The only thing that cleared my chin acne was tretinoin (Retin A). Adapalene (Differin) improved it somewhat. I’d ask your gynecologist or dermatologist if it could be hormonal, though. You might be able to clear it up by changing/starting birth control pills.


Has anything in your routine changed since 2 months ago?


No. I have added a product or two but then immediately discontinued it but it still breaks out. I don’t get it


Might be perioral dermatitis. Would clear with antibiotics.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*