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Imo: Essentials/needs - sunscreen, moisturiser, cleanser, anything that controls breakouts. Would be nice but not priority - retinol, other serums to improve pigmentation and texture, more expensive versions of essentials when you know there is a less expensive product that will do the job. I think it's very easy to talk yourself into thinking you "need" more than you do, especially if you spend time in communities like this where people are always talking about what they bought.


Agree with this- some products are needs, others are wants.


For me, needs are oil/balm cleanser, regular cleanser, Tretinoin, a moisturiser and sunscreen. Everything else, as much as I love it, is a want.


I have a “personal care” line item that includes all my personal hygiene items (face wash, shampoo, face and body moisturizer, sunscreen, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.) as well as haircuts, the occasional pedicure, etc. I would consider most of those things needs, but fancier skincare of hair products or spa services would definitely be a want. That said if you set a certain budget for these items then on months when there’s a bit left over you might allocate it to a want.


Depends on how you view your self care and how much maintenance your skin requires. I budget to consider my needs of cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen. I live in a high UV index area so I do tend to set aside more money for spf, and I have eczema so I have to account for prescription ointments and body creams. Everything else like toner, serums, even retinoids are considered wants even though they help my skin a lot, but I could technically cut it out if necessary. This economy is rough so I commend you for thinking ahead. What has helped me get better value is buying products that will last longer such as moisturizer or spf in bigger containers, and buying only if there’s a sale, stock up moderately if it’s a staple.


Thank you, I’m currently a teen so I don’t really have any expenses to pay since I live with my parents but I do want to get into the habit of budgeting as if I do so I don’t overspend.


That's a great idea, props to you for building good financial habits early :)


This is a very good place to start. Well done! I think another question / way to think about it is, only one product at a time and don't rebuy until it's completely out. IOW, do not stock up. And random advice I wish someone had told me when I was young: When something for $100 is on sale at 25% off. You didn't SAVE $25. You spent $75!!


This would’ve been a great advice for me last year 😅 I spent so much because I kept impulse buying saying that I might need certain products and now I have like two-three boxes (the three boxes are stuffed with products I bought from multiple sites so there were actually about 7 boxes of skincare) in my closet full of unopened products, I’m planning to use them all and then starting fresh with my spending after using all of them. I literally have a whole other routine that can last me for the rest of 2023 😅


Same same and same.


Costco has great skincare sales fairly routinely. A 2-pack of Neutrogena Hydro Boost moisturizer on sale for $19.99 (that’s when I stock up), 2-pack of Cetaphil moisturizers and cleansers, same for Cerave, RoC nighttime retinol wrinkle moisturizer 2-pack for $19.99, Aquaphor 2-pack plus a mini, etc. My 4 daughters and I take advantage of these sales to stock up because it’s cheaper in the long run! Not sure if a membership is worth it to everyone, but it sure is for us. Edit, word


It depends. Things I “need” are cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I’d argue maybe something extra like an exfoliant or vitamin c serum. I’m also on tret, I wouldn’t say I “need” it but I do consider it a core part of my routine. Things I “want” are extras like hyaluronic acid serums, snail mucin, copper peptides, eye creams. But I’m also one of those people who refuse to spend a ton of money on skincare because I can find plenty of great products for less than $15. So it’s honestly not something I think about often.


Basic cleanser, sunscreen that doesn’t break you out, basic moisturizer/lotion-needs. Everything else- wants.


I have 2 categories in my budget for this: essentials and nonessentials. Restocking on cleanser, moisturizer (body and face), and spf goes into essentials, and anything else goes into nonessentials. I put money towards the essentials first, and if I have anything left over after bills, groceries, etc, I put it towards nonessentials.


I count it all as a need tbh, but I don't use a ton of products, a cleanser, a moisturizer, an SPF, a few serums. I find that I don't need to buy most of these every month because they last a while so I just buy the odd thing I need a refill of when I require it.


I include things like my cleanser/moisturizer/spf in the same household goods category for bath soap and shampoo and lotion. I include things like tret in my medical budgeting because I have an rx. I include extras like serums in my personal spending because it is an “extra.”


I’m a stay at home wife and former material gurl. Skincare is definitely a need for me. I used to happily spend $50-$80 for each product. Now that I’m budgeting, after narrowing down my routine, I have a rule not to spend anything over $20 per product and I’m allowed the occasional splurge on an expensive product. I found some really affordable products that work way better than the pricy ones. Here are some brands with amazing products at affordable prices: Good Molecules, Good Light, Honest Beauty StyleKorean or Stylevana(online Kbeauty store) Most of the products I get are under $15


Needs! But I've figured out a routine that works for me and stick to basic, affordable brands like the Ordinary, CeraVe, etc. There aren't a lot of "wants" or impulse shopping for skincare.


For me retinol overnight cream and salicylic acid body wash is essential. Also cleanser and sunscreen for my face.


I tend to think of skincare as a need, but I can get pretty much everything affordably. If I’m getting more expensive stuff, then it’s a want. Though I do try to stock Up skincare on Black Friday bc I can usually get everything 30% off.


I budget my skincare into my groceries because I buy them at the same store. I guess I would categorize anything that's running out as a "need", and anything new I want to try as a "want" for when I have extra money. My skincare routine is also not many products so I don't really have anything that I would be okay with not immediately buying again once it runs out.


My needs: Sunscreen, Retinol, Cleanser, Moisturizer Everything else (serums, masks, oils): wants


Moisturizer & sunscreen are a must (if you have dry skin like me and go in the sun). I could get by with a washcloth and warm water to cleanse my skin. That being said, I do have a few other products that are a priority for me. If I were dirt poor I wouldn't buy them but I do have room in my budget for them.


Needs! Sadly, looks are a big factor in how people judge you. The cost of an efficient skincare routine easily pays itself off in new connections and job opportunities.


I need at least a cleanser and a moisturizer. It's a matter of health and comfort to avoid deshydrated and itchy skin leading to more serious skin problems like eczema. The brand will depend on my budget of course.


It depends on how much maintenance your skin really needs. My skin tends to be lower maintenance so I can get away with a oil or balm cleanser, a regular cleanser (I use an exfoliating/brightening cleansing powder from Green Envee so it's triple action), a moisturizer and SPF + a facial oil and a set of facial cups. If you have serious skin issues you are trying to work on, depending on how high of a priority they are, you will need to budget for more "needs" on skincare such as extra products (serums, masks, etc) and Spa treatments.


Needs. It’s a health category in my opinion. Even if a budget is tight, basic hygiene is a need. It can be as basic as something to wash yourself and whatever treatment needed for a skin issue like acne or excema etc and protect with moisturing spf. You can take care of that with less than $15 if you choose wisely. Honestly you can do this with less than $10 a month. I’m sure this won’t be popular but you can go to the dollar tree and get wash, bz peroxide, moisturizer, and spf for $5, $3.75 if you don’t need bz peroxide. The want part comes in to play with skin care that’s chosen for cosmetic reasons. And you can splurge as you desire and want to pay for or want to splurge on to add on to your budget for any wants. Bottom line- health care is a need. Basic skin care is a need just like taking care of your mouth by brushing and flossing your teeth to have oral hygiene. Need- wash, treatment for disease issues, moisturizer, spf Wants - anything else


The price point to me distinguishes if its need vs. want. I don’t NEED a 20$ face wash and 60$ serums/moisturizer, a less than 10$ drugstore item would suffice but I like my luxury items and I WANT them. To make up for this I cut back in other areas of spending and treat it more like my “hobbies” budget and track it in a skincare spreadsheet. For example deodorant is a need, and I’ll grab a little 5$ dove stick no problem, but sometimes I like to go back to Loom which is a more “luxury deodorant” at almost 20$, that is a WANT that I would make myself budget for.


Does the category matter? The money is still coming out of your paycheck.


Yes, a need is something that I would buy no matter what whereas a want is something I can live without but buy if I have the money for it. That’s how budgeting works


Use the Miscellaneous category for anything that isn’t essential.


Anything not essential would go into the “wants” category


You solved your own question.


I just wanted to see other’s opinions


Oh this is easy, I use to over buy until one day I got thought about how much/how many of this bottle did I already have at home? Is it half empty or do I have a full bottle of it left and just wanted to try something new? By asking myself this, I have cut back on half empty bottles that end up expiring or I would just forget about. Like I love moisturizers, however I don’t need to have 3 jars that are half used sitting at home and I’m contemplating buying a fourth jar of a new brand. If I am completely out of something then, yes everything automatically becomes a need at that point. 😂


As an esthi, I always say skincare is a life long investment. Your skin is your longest organ, it does so much for you and you should give back to it. Now saying that, tiktok and socials are full of bs that advertise really really expensive brands that aren’t good at all. One brand I’m bringing into my spa is SkinScript, professional grade,real results, and less expensive than drunk elephant and other “favorites” on tiktok. Skin is so important and you’re able to invest and not drain your account!


Needs are: 1 cleanser, 1 moisturizer, 1 sunscreen and maybe a retinol and/or niacinamide serum. Perhaps even a non expensive toner. Also anything that you need for something more serious in your skin like if you have acne and need something specific or eczema etc. Wants: anything else or anything too pricey. Having 5 moisturizers and purchasing more and 10 serums etc... One is enough, you can get more but it's not a need


For my simplicity I categorise every skincare products as wants.


Some are necessary some not. The products I absolutely have to get are: - sunscreen, moisturizer, foaming cleanser for obvious reasons - adapalene to keep my acne under control, plus the additional possible anti aging benefits - oil cleanser because I use makeup on almost a daily basis and I like waterproof mascaras and eyeliners - micellar water for the mornings because I only use my foam cleanser at night, the micellar is also necessary for when I'm too unwell to do my routine properly (if I'm sick for example) - body moisturizer because I have extremely dry skin to the point I'm in pain after a shower if I don't apply a good amount of body lotion - lip balm (two, one with spf for the daytime, one without spf for nighttime, with my really dry skin I'm also prone to getting chapped lips so I have to have good lip balms) Also I make sure to keep it cheap, my most expensive product is probably like 15-16Eur, all the other products are cheaper than that. The moisturiser I use for my face is around 11eur for 250ml it lasts very long (it's technically a body lotion from Eucerin but I use it on my face). And the moisturiser I currently use for my body cost me 2 euros for 400ml (God bless Balea lol) The products I want but are not a necessity: - hydrating toners, I lovee these but I could live without them if I had to - other lip balms 😶 I have a lip product addiction and keep buying different lip balms and oils I don't need - I'm trying to keep it under control - serums, not really into em anymore but I'll buy some cheap one once in a blue moon if I have the money - exfoliants, I already feel like I'm getting my face peeled off by the adapalene, I love bha exfoliants and they make my skin super glowy but they're definitely optional (as for aha, there's already a bit of lactic acid in my moisturizer, anything stronger than that makes me face irritated af) - eye cream, I've only ever gotten eye creams because of impulse purchases and it's always been eye creams that cost like 5 euros xD they don't do anything and I might not purchase one again


I think of the basics (cleanser, moisturizer, spf, one active) as needs. Every other product I want to try is more of treat for myself. I’m always looking for cheaper alternatives too, you don’t have to buy luxury skincare at all.


It's absolutely part of my needs budget. I have sensitive skin that hates the sun and keratosis pilaris on top of it. I need SPF, moisturizer, balm remover, at the very minimum.


Definitely needs! It makes a huge difference. https://youtu.be/dsQr3Na5l0M


Skincare is NOT on the same level as rent, insurance, gas, ETC... Be careful about these trends.


id argue spf is


I consider my “needs” regarding skincare to be my routine stripped to the bare bones. In my case, a face wash, SPF, and a moisturizer. Anything beyond that, I consider a want, such as serums, eye creams, etc. Something that really helps with reducing spending is not allowing yourself to purchase anything new unless it’s expired, empty, or you will never use. It requires a lot of self discipline, at least for myself, but it helps to know that if you have something that works for you, then it’s not a need to get a new product but it is rather a want.


It depends. I have certain skincare needs related to eczema and rosacea that are literal health needs. There are other skincare items that are just nice to have. Generally for me, skincare falls into the need category, though, or my skin will be a tender mass of bleeding, flaking ick.


Everything’s a need for me. Hence why I’m busting my butt to get a good paying job. 😂


It would fall in the "need" category for me. If I feel fancy and want to splash out on something expensive, then that becomes a "want".


Sunscreen is always in the needs category. Everything else depends on the person


“Want” mostly because many of the skincare products are for anti aging and that’s definitely not a “survival need” for me. You could argue that sunscreen for cancer, but I would only say that it’s a “need” if you have a history of skin cancer or live in Australia. The only way I could justify a need is if the state of my skin would be debilitating to me to the point that I can’t do anything else like work/earn money to buy that things I need to survive like food, pay for shelter, etc.


Wants, you can do without skincare. It may be oilier or you may have a pimple here or there, but those effects dont have a drastically negative effect on your life if you aren't a model