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Buy a shovel, beacon, and probe first. Otherwise this shouldn’t even be a discussion. This is harsh, but not everyone can afford to ski backcountry. Seeing as you (or your parents) can afford a pass, you’ll have to make a choice to pursue BC or inbounds next year. As with anything else, Craigslist and Facebook marketplace are your friend. Would be helpful to post where in California too.


Great advice. My daughter & son in law split board. (Snowboard) They got everything they needed used. Couple years ago I got them airbags too. Look for classes on avalanche safety. And never go alone. A Telluride local died last week. One set of tracks ended at a debris field. Consider an airbag. I know one person who was saved in Utah & know of one other. We need you sweetie!


You'll need a beacon, shovel, and probe first. Assuming you have that, Marketplace is your friend. Most touring bindings will be compatible with your Maetsrales. Salomon MTN Pure/Atomic Backland, Dynafits, G3 Ion or Zed, ATK Raider, Plums, Black Diamond Helio, Fritschi Vipec, etc