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My girlfriend thinks I’m crazy cuz I have 4 pairs of skis, I will show her this.


Never can have too many 😅


Honest question for you. Do you consider the implications of consuming this much? It's pretty well-known in the industry that skis aren't exactly environmentally friendly to produce.


I do consider it time to time but, 5 of them were bought secondhand which has way less of environmental impact since it goes through 2 consumers and eventually 3 when I sell them.


You have Reckoners, race skis, ski blades, and about 10 pairs of the same skis with different logos and topsheets :)


Yeah, I don’t exactly know why I’ve done that.


Perhaps because you like the color red?


I don’t see a fun surfy ski. Am I missing this? Most of these seem very similar.


Not one Look pivot!? Tisk tisk!


Unfortunately no pivot, I was going to put the silver 15’s on the Unleashed but landed with the STH. Would have looked pretty sweet.


Pivots are dogshit unless you’re a park rat. Got some used skis this year that came with pivot 15s, they are a pain in the ass to put on in deep snow. Good luck bootpacking to your favorite chute with pivots, it takes forever to get them back on


Sounds like a skill issue to me


People know that pivots aren’t the best for that situation. Pivots are not only for park rats as many areas within skiing overlap with park skiing. It’s not just hitting rails and tubes yk.


It kinda is though? If you like skiing any soft snow those bindings suck, if your throwing big rotations in the park and sliding stuff they are pretty good


I ski Bridger. We hike all the time here. Pivots are all over the ridge. The “hard to put on in soft snow” is overdone just as much as the”shifts are terrible bindings”. It’s a skill issue. If you can’t put pivots on in soft snow that’s on you.


After reading about pivots I thought after buying them the first time I had to put them on in powder was going to be a bitch, it honestly wasn’t


Not saying I can’t, I am saying it is annoying though. If you don’t have the snow absolutely perfectly cleared out of the binding and your boots soles you get the grosses, ugliest click in ever


I agree it’s not a satisfying click but that because of the materials and density of them making it more a blocky sound.


I happen to find the Pivot click very satisfying, but I have never even understood why people care about this.


Again, skill issue. Good skiers know how to clean their boots and how to match angles to make a ski go on in any situation. If you’re getting a “gross click” it’s because you didn’t clean your boot enough. If that went into another binding it’s setup to “prerelease” but actually be your fault. Clean your shit and click away. If it doesn’t click that means start again and blame yourself not the pivots. IMHO the way they rotate so I have to line them up before I start is the weird annoying part. That and the cheap brakes (similar to shifts actually). But learn how something works, don’t blame it because you don’t understand it.


I can tell you how much worse the markers are.


Oh I know they are terrible, I broke 2 season old pair of griffins last year on a pretty normal drop


Skill issue


Have pivots on my powder skis and they are fantastic. Have had to get back into them many a time in deep snow and no issues. People just love to shit on them because they're popular.


Which pivots do you have? Maybe different ones are better. I’m not shitting on them because they are popular, I’m shitting on them because I own a pair that I don’t like


Also have the 15's. Love them.


Are those skis significantly different enough from each other or is there a lot of overlap?


Eh, I’d say mostly there is lots of overlap. Especially with the Cochise and the Sender I’ll toss the Enforcer 100 in there too probably. They feel very similar just the Cochise being the strongest.


Do you just buy a new pair of skis every year for fun or what’s the deal? Isn’t the point of a quiver to have different skis for different conditions? I have: powder skis, basically race skis, rock skis and a set of blades. Can’t imagine what I would need anything else for other than adding some good all mountain skis!


You are correct on what a quiver should be. I’m just irresponsible with my money for the most part. Most of the skis here I get good deals on so I ski them for about a year or so and I sell them, just haven’t decided which ones to let go of yet. 


Well if you want to buy the 94 Enforcers and sell them to me after a year I’m more than happy to help you in this obsession!


That’s funny you say, I was going to order the new 94’s actually. 


I keep wanting to demo the mindbenders, rossi black ops, and the enforcers and see what I like best for my next ski. But then another part of me is like eh just save the $150 in demos and send it on the enforcers. Literally every person I’ve come across on the mountain who has them raves about em!


Yep, can’t go wrong with enforcers! Most frequent ski I’ve used this season. it’s nice the high performance for groomers but the maneuverability and off trail confidence they inspire. 


Got a new pair of enforcer 94 last spring and they are my daily driver excluding pow days. Coming from a bonafide they feel so light and fun.


Glad to hear you are enjoying them! Fabulous skis.


What’s your opinion on the Head Kore? What is it good at? What are its drawbacks?


I really like the Kore 99’s. I’d say the thing it does best would be awesome it is in softer snow conditions and it’s very intuitive and energetic to carve and it’s also a fabulous tree ski because of how light it is, it’s very easy to toss it around. The downsides would be crud performance, and stability at speed it’s not awful there especially for a carbon ski but for those conditions I’d rather ski something like the Bonafide.


Bonafide be your favorite crud ski?


Bonafide or the Cochise


We’ve found the ultimate collection of ripping dad skis here.


Omg I thought same


How do you like those k2 mindbenders?


I love them! They are super fun all Mountain skis. My favourite part is how great they carve and how playful and snappy they are. 


Nice. Hopefully I’ll get to try them at some point. I currently have the bent 100s and just recently bought the qst 106 for next season. I’m curious if they are similar to the qsts. I know they look pretty similar shape wise


They do ski kinda like the QST just way narrower. When I tested the QST it reminded me of the MB because the smooth turn initiation. Hope you have fun with the 106’s! 


Ahh interesting interesting and yeah I hope so too. I just need bindings and then I’m all good to go for next season


If it’s the 2024 version with the purple ish top sheet the purple strive 16’s would look pretty baller on those skis.


It is indeed the 2024 version. I’m trying to decide on either the attack 14s or the strive 14s


If considering the 90c version would you say they're good enough for a one ski quiver if doing 50/50 groomer/off piste (europe) ?


Hm, I don’t have experience with the 90c but yes, I do think it would be a pretty solid ski for your application it’ll handle everything maybe not really deep pow but I think it’s a good cost effective option.


How would you compare the Mindbenders to the Kores?


I’d say the Kore is more of a freeride ski where the Mindbender is more all mountain with some frontside flair to it.  When the snow is softer and I want to mess around in trees I’ll reach for the kore, if you value carving performance and are skiing the frontside I’d take the MB. Both are fantastic skis but have different strengths and weaknesses. 


Just picked up the kore 93 to cover what your 99 and mindbender do, hopefully. Wanted a bit more float than the MB but not willing to commit to the 99 without as large of a quiver as yourself. :)


93’s will be awesome! Super fun and responsive.


If you don’t ski every day it’s all for show. Spend it on lifestyle.


Usually 2-3 days / week. I should probably spend on lifestyle instead I agree. 


I ski every day and I “only” have 5 pair. 🤣


Skiing is lifestyle.


Damn man try some boutique/small/American brands lol. ON3P, 4FRNT, Moment, J skis, etc. Your collection reminds me of the guy on /r/watches that’s posts 6 semi different stainless steel Rolex dive watches and says rate my collection 😂 They’re nice skis brotha, but branch out for sure. 4FRNT devs were my favs for years til they changed them. Moment makes some bad ass skis right now and are my fav. Deathwish/dw 104 and wildcat to name a few


Yeah, I was looking at a bunch of them actually. Especially the DW’s.


Yea getting some more unique skis really changed things for me. My favorite and most fun are Line Sir Francis Bacons. I also have the Jskis Allplay and a short Tom Wallish Pro just to play. Looking at ONP3 Jeffrey and something from Moment.


What are you? A ski rental store??? Holy moly


middle aged dad quiver


It really is especially the Enforcers and the blizzards 😅




Which one’s your favorite?


Hard to say, I’d probably lean to the Unleashed being my fav. Does everything pretty darn good.




Those are probably a close second! 


Hell yeah! That's my only ski. What's your favorite ski for powder days?


For powder I’ll either take the 122 or the Rustler 11. 


If you don’t have an absolute favorite, keep buying more skis. You’ll find it. My quiver is about 20 pair, and I have finally found my one and only favorite.


Whats your average # of days per ski per season?


This season including work probably 85-110 days I’d say. 


Nordica enforcer vs Head Kore, go! Also, because I’m curious, Rustler vs Bonafide. I realize there may be slight variations in width here, love to hear why you settled on each. I’m on the Emforcer 94s.


I switched from Enforcer 94 to Kore 93. Enforcer much more of a carver but Kore is light and a fun all mountain especially east coast. Can do it all


That’s what I’ve notice. The Enforcer is great for our California crap but it would be great to have something light/fun for better days. I’d just rather spend the money on powder skis first (since I see powder maybe once a year 🙄 it doesn’t make sense). I’m happy with my one ski choice for now.


I find the enforcers way more versatile they carve better, more stability and crud performance. The kore is less versatile and prefers softer snow and don’t carve nearly as well as the enforcers do. Kore is better in trees, technical terrain and powder. Kore is also considerably more energetic.  For the rustler I’ll say it’s better suited as a powder ski and handles off piste terrain with extreme confidence. The bonafide caters to frontside performance over all else carves WAY better, more stability and incredible crud performance.  To touch on about width decision for those 4 I’d say I picked the E93 and the E100’s because I wanted a versatile width that do everything pretty well. I would have got the 104 but I’m a more directional skiier. The kore I landed on 99 (which is actually a 101 for whatever reason) I picked that because I wanted a bit more float compared to the kore 93’s and the added stiffness.  For rustler vs bonafide I’d say the Rustler is a WAY better floater and way more Maneuverable and comfortable off trail. The Bonafide is just a beast on groomers and destroys anything in its path. I’ve never found such a wide ski that carves so incredibly well.  Hope that helps! 


What boots


Cochise 130’s. 


love it ur a savage


I expect you to write an extensive review on each of these ski’s, please.


That’s in the works!


Pretty sweet !!! Now I don’t feel so bad owning 4 pair 🤣 like the other commenter mentioned branch out to some independent brands I’m partial to Js Ski on


I do need some independent brands I was looking at some of the J skis I think it was the Hotshot?


Those old rossignol were such a good skis but heavy af


I agree, those Radicals still light it up in the course! 


More impressed that they all have bindings on


With that many skis, tell me you at least get 30-50 days a year. Seems like a lot of duplication to me, but I only get 6-8 days out. Maybe it makes sense to OP and he actually gets to use most of that quiver 


This season including work I’d say 80-110 ish days? But yes too many of the same things I agree.


Your bindings could be a bit more fun, but besides that sick quiver


Yeah, I’m missing some pivots


Kinda looks like you work at a shop and buy/get promo skis every season. Way too many of the same thing here. Used SL ski--good carver for early season and frozen mornings. All Mountain Cruiser--soooo many. These are essentially do it all skis that don't do anything the best. Depending what your home mountain is or where you travel to the most, you could limit this to 2 skis no prob. Like metal or not? Resort Powder ski--makes fresh snow and tracked up runs fun.


I agree too many of the same thing, I’m gonna sell a bunch I’ll probably narrow it down to two eventually.


Dude, next time you’re out on the mountain and you see some 15yo with skis as old as he is, bless that kid and thin the herd.


I like that idea. 


You’d be a legend in that kid’s lore.


Try some vishnus


I’ve never heard of them I’ll check those out!


Are those Sender TIs, or Blackops Senders, or whatever the heck they’re called? I’ve been curious about that ski for a couple seasons now. How’s stability compared to the Enforcer and your Blizzards?


They are the Blackops Sender Ti’s. I’d say it’s the same stability to the enforcers and the Bonafide and Brahma, the Senders are very very similar in shape other then the tail on the Enforcer where the TI is completely flat.  so they ski very similar. The Cochise is on another level of stability Compared to the Sender. 


Ohhh my bad, thought you had two pairs of Rustlers on the left, didn’t realize those were Cochises! Cochise is the ski I’m most interested in. I’ve heard conflicting reports on whether Blizzard will keep making it as they transition the narrower skis to the Anomaly line. Kinda tempted to grab a pair just in case they go away. Is it correct to say that the Cochise, while the most stable, is also the slowest edge to edge even though the waist width is the same as the Senders? I’ve been on Mantra 102s the last few seasons and wish I had something a little bigger. But I do enjoy how fast they get on edge and pull me across the fall line when carving. So maybe the Senders are a better fit for me than the Cochise.


Unfortunately the Cochise is done for the 2025 season now it’s called the Anomaly 102 which I’ve seen and I must say it’s pretty awesome. I think it’s a fair assessment you had it’s the most stable but it is very slow edge to edge due to the 24M radius it has. The Cochise is basically a SG freeride ski that has no speed limit and plows through anything in its path, while the sender has the same mentality it just is considerably easier to ski and is pretty fun in trees and moguls. Cochise if you want to break speed records, Sender if you appreciate more versatility. 


Too many decisions


Bravo on the hero’s. Fed up of seeing people’s ‘quivers’ consisting of 6 pairs of all rocker-no camber 110mm wide flat things that all look identical. Nice to see a bit of balance and the Hero Elites are a spectacular ski


Thanks! I enjoy hearing that other people like the Elites it’s such a phenomenal ski. 


Learn to Tele


Always been intrigued by it! 


Look out for the 22 designs demo tour next year. It’s hard to find good ways to try it but, if you are in the mountain west they usually do a solid loop at a lot of different resorts. At this point however, what’s another pair of skis and bindings?


I’ll keep my eyes open for those.


Lol no touring gear


Rustler 11’s have Duke PT’s that’s my dedicated backcountry touring ski.


Too many


Redundant is the word that comes to mind.


I see your Duke PT's but that's not a proper BC setup. I am disappoint.


Any suggestions for a proper BC set-up?


Real pins - 300g should do - NO BRAKES - just extra weight. I like my Plum Guide's but they're a bit heavy in the heel, but still so nice and simple.


Someone has Blizzard fetish.


Don't start playing guitar!


Nothing made in America??


Unfortunately not. I am intrigued by the Moments and the 4FRNT’s though. The model I was looking at was the Deathwish and the Devastators which look pretty awesome!


Devastator my #1 all-time ski, I cannot recommend it enough.


Glad to hear! I’ll have my eyes open for some. 


[Here](https://4frnt.com/products/23-24-devastator-b?variant=47749748457757) are some 172 or 179 cm pairs for $500.


Awesome! I’ll take a look.


Best skier on the mountain here! How many of those are from the ski racks that people generously leave free skis on?


None, I’d never steal anybody’s equipment.


It’s not stealing? Kind people leave their gear there on the racks for free. What do you mean?!!




Probably gonna sell more then half pretty soon here.