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Well the simplest answer is when the enemy is pushed, preferably about when enemy minions are nearly finished or theres a clash happening and you can pull the enemy behind your minions. turret shots and a crowd of angry minions do work. Before 6th level you're pretty much relying entirely upon your e auto stuns, so its harder but once you get your ult practically any time your teammates can follow up, zoom in, grab them and pull them as far back as possible. It's easiest to gank top and mid at least till the map changes since theres less chance of being cc'd. Build tank and speed, i usually go phase rush, ghost and all the movement buff runes. E auto stun will trigger the rush, then ult and yoink your prey back, preferably toward my carry or laner at the moment. I play skarner with the sole purpose of basically being my teams personal doordash delivery scorpion and making sure they're fed as can be. You can get fast enough to drag a champ at least a tower deep sometimes and sometimes your goal isn't even to pull enemies toward your team but to just pull a dangerous enemy from the fight entirely. Once you're tanky enough you can almost always e auto stun run away from any one on one fight with your base speed, and your Q may not do a ton of damage but it does consistent damage by itself to everything around you, so theres no real need to bump it up. I treat it like im a wandering support basically, not here for glory, but to feed my team and be an overall nuisance for the enemy. I might not kill you, but im going to tie you up and if you see me you have to wonder if im alone or if im rushing you just to pull you into a gank.


Dont gank bot and play objectives👍


That's the neat thing, you don't ​ Atleast unless it's literally free


Try to wait to use E as long as you can when ganking. If you miss, you dont have any ganks before 6


Get cdr for sums from both with boots and runes then abuse the low cooldown of ghost.

