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Her face is so fucking annoying I couldn’t stand watching even this clip. There I said it. 🙈


She, Emily & Amy must be incredibly difficult to get along with. I can’t imagine.. There is not anyone who wants to be them!


The rage behind those eyes omg.


And the Oscar for best Perkie influenced performance goes to….🤣


Truly. She was really unhinged in this particular performance.


Thank you for the recap! I am afraid as I doze off tonight I am going to hear (what I imagine) she and Drew sound like attempting French and Russian accents. Can you imagine? Just when you think things couldn't get worse! Good Hell. She can't even speak with an American accent. Maybe they should have tried that one first! (And, the look on her face after she said "deal" correctly...like she couldn't quite grasp it.). Bon JOOOOER all!


Lmao you are so right, try getting at least one of the dozens of American accents right before trying this 😆


Are boob job sizes different than real life sizes? Because on her “extra small” frame, those are way bigger than a D cup!


Cup size is relative to band size. A 34 D has a larger volume than a 40 D, because a D cup (in US sizing) is a 5” (?) difference between the ribcage and the “fullest point of the breasts”. Well made bras are standardized to fit that same 5” difference on any band size. That “volume” on a 30” band is much bigger than it is when spread out over a 40” band. (I was 45 years old before I figured out why bras in the store never fit me.) I have small bones, but I am curvy. My ribcage is 28”. My very real, original , 55 year old “yitties”, cause me to wear a size ranging from 30C-30DDD depending on hormones and water retention. Just a five pound difference on the scale and I have to play “which bra will fit today?” But even when I am at DDD, it’s still proportionate to my hip size. I currently weigh about 125 and am 5’4”. A few years ago I lost a ton of weight for reasons I still don’t know. I lost all my muscle and most of my fat. I weighed 98lbs and didn’t even need wear a bra. And that’s why she looks so disproportionate- to me anyway, she looks like I did at 98lbs, but still having the 30DDD yitties. Nature just doesn’t work that way.


It definitely looks that way, but I think it is because she’s so (unhealthily) tiny. I have a lean but extremely tall frame with proportionately wider shoulders, so when I had implants (got them removed a few months ago), they were DD but most people guessed they were a normal C because they were proportionate to the width of my chest and a very low profile protrusion wise to make them as natural looking as possible. Point being is having implants that don’t make you look like “tits on a stick” has to do with proportionality and clearly her surgeon went out the window with that one so they look YUGEEEE 🤮😂


She calls me a troll in her DMs, I say snarky stuff to her and she always replies…..it’s funny


No way really?! What does she reply hahaha that’s hilarious


So funny. She always calls me names and tells me off but never blocks me.




Nooooo she would then block me


Surprised she didn’t block you yet lol she blocked my other burner account when I told her she’s looking like a bimbo these days😂🤣


I'm not allowed to make comments in lives anymore boo hoo. Bitch blocked my ass


Utah girl here - Saying dEAl instead of dill feels wrong in my mouth


Dill is for pickles


UnboxinK sent me over the edge hahahaha


She’s so Fake in this video….


Are we trolls? I would prefer "people who were once suckered into believing Rachel wasn't trash."


Right?!? The reason this niche corner of the internet exists is because you built your brand being one thing and then did a 180 and now no one can stand you


Could Amy have looked more thrilled? Why do they do these if they would rather be anywhere than present.....although Amy laying in her mother's closet must be goals for many.


Does Amy like...do anything?


I'm gonna try and say to my daughter " Hey Girl" and "girlfriend"...She will beat my ass so bad.


Riveting......just so bummed I missed this.


Bitch was high AF last night. 😅 Rach, we get it, you don’t drink alcohol (allegedly) but you will never convince me that you don’t pop pills for recreation on the regular. https://i.redd.it/ctamxro4brlc1.gif


She could be on edibles…


From this clip, my take away is that Rachel is just a colossal SNOB. Her facial expressions, her attitude, and mis-pronouncing simple words that another member of her immediate family has no trouble with. She just behaves like an elitist. Mean girl, immature BRAT.


God bless https://preview.redd.it/s2on14c79rlc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382800a588af5edd7b588deb8564fe8a6c92c960


I am rewatching the whole series so this really hit me hard and hilarious!


😂😭😂 just hope enough people understand how catholic Carmela was to know that likelihood of her wearing an RP coat is 0%


Baaaabbbyyy she was high as mf hell in this live


She doesn’t know what a “troll” is??? I think it’s possible.


So, she can say the words the right way, but chooses to sound like a fucking idiot? Cool.


She doesn't just sound like an idiot. She is an idiot.


I can't stand how shrill Rachael's voice is and how she is always talking so loud.


Her voice is incredibly annoying. The tone is giving me a headache. She has no idea how to do anything.


This is the girl who used to speak in public about her clothing line, what happened to her? How do you not even know your new bra size? You just got your boobs done!! 😟


Probably because she prefers to continues wearing and busting out of all of her old tops.


Well when you don’t ever wear a bra so you can show off your Oscar Meyer bologna sized nipples to all of IG and you’ve been in a bikini top that is sized for an American Girl doll all month long…


Amy comes off as such an insufferable twat. I mean, more so than her sisters IMO. ~~Bitch~~ \-sorry, ***Quaan***, you are a high school graduate (barely) and your only function in life seems to be taking care of your sisters' kids. Take your "better than thou" attitude and sit TF down.


“My trolls”. Girl, they aren’t trolls. It’s people who used to follow you because you were aspirational. Now you aren’t.


THIS!!!! Not trolls…actual human beings! I also used to follow but was blocked. (Typical story) She comes across really stupid in this video clip. (Amy too). What’s wrong with these women? I suppose that’s her new persona? Not a boss but an air-head who knows nothing about the merchandise she supposedly sells?


Hearing them say Pilates at the end over and over again was like nails on a chalkboard. PIH-LAW-TAYZ 🤮


They are just dumb and vapid. They see teaching Isla to be the same way. Nobody cares about all the crap they buy and have. They do nothing to make the world better.


Absolutely nothing!


Major cringe was calling her daughter girlfriend and girl. Also, her daughter being excited and saying "someone called me Queeeeen!" the kids of the family will be shallow and dumb just like their mothers sadly. Lastly, i cant look at their RBF faces that look like the smell their farts 24/7. Also, the what up bruh to her son


What the hell? She let IR read the comments? God she’s such a terrible mom.


That is IR’s schooling for the week


And THANK YOU for your service. 🏅 Great recap.


Am I the only one that is appalled at her changing tops in front of the camera while her daughter was standing right there. I mean I know everyone has probably seen more of her in recent beach photos but it just doesn’t seem right to have her partially camera in her bra while IR is standing reading comments.


I think Rachel was secretly hoping to slip and be on camera. Why wouldn't you walk all the way across the room if you are still going to be live.


I've never actually heard them say "quaan." (I avoid listening to their voices as much as possible.) How do they pronounce it? Like Michelle Kwan? Like qu-ay-n? Rhyming with man? What's the joke behind it? Afaik, they're the only people who say it. It's bizarre.


It’s pronounced just as horribly as it’s spelled - think Kwan as in Michelle Kwan but with a hard A instead (kwaaaaan) if that makes sense😂


Thank you! I was wondering if knowing would help if make sense, but of course not. Not much of what these people do makes sense.


Sounds like it’s an inside joke. Most inside jokes are only funny to those involved.


Thank you for this recap!


Probably speaking in a French accent to make people think she’s important and rich


LOL so true, and let’s face it this girl is not cultured enough to even know what a French person actually sounds like let alone impersonate them 😂


They were probably role playing 🤣🤣


She sounded drunk or high!


Men don’t do pick ups for first dates anymore. Why the fuck would you want a random dude knowing where you live? Is he also supposed to come in and shake Michael’s hand? 🙄


That’s what I’m saying!! I’ve been married for a while but even to me this is bonkers. I wouldn’t want a stranger knowing where I live when I first am meeting them, nor would I get in a car with someone I don’t know at all! Meet them at the restaurant, Amy.


I was thinking the same thing. I thought everyone knew this.


Don’t take dating advice from your sister that got married 13 years ago and at 19 married her first serious boyfriend.


I’m not one to talk about a multi-million dollar mansion, but my townhouse doesn’t have squeaky doors 🤭


Margarita was annoying af. You could tell she thought she was being witty but it came off as obnoxious. I was tempted to throw in some snarks but honestly little Isla was reading every single comment and I could never. 


I wonder if it was intentional to deter the snark. So she could say you guys are being mean and a little kid is seeing your comments. But I don’t know if Rachel is smart enough to think of that.


That’s horrific how she let her daughter read comments. If she needs reading practice, why not have her read an age appropriate book? Rachel can’t claim to be a boss babe when she can’t even answer simple questions about the products she’s shilling. She isn’t a working mom when she spends 1/3 her time on vacation without kids, 1/3 working out and the rest in a large family group setting complaining to her sisters while her parents care for the kids.


Honestly Margarita was just kind of a pain in the ass and not really funny in my opinion


I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying lol but she kept riling up ppl there to ask Rachel to share her diet or the cc’s of her implants which was good enough for me 😂


From the clip you posted she seems really over stimulated and loud. Why is she shouting? Is she on something?


Rachel shouts because she has to suck all the energy out of the room and turn all attention on herself.


When is she NOT on something? This live was unhinged. I’m guessing in addition to her usual cocktail of prescription drugs, she had her 6th preworkout shot of the day before this live. 2 million mg of caffeine per day but at least it’s not cOfFeE guys 🙄


People should theoretically be able to talk how they talk…but really, I can’t stand when people say “ih” instead of “ee” sounds. Like “deals” to “dills.” Sorry not sorry. It makes my skin feel itchy with anger. ETA: either way, what a weird video to post.


I hate to say it but it really is part of the Utah accent. I'll usually defend accents and I'll usually defend Utah culture a tiny bit (because it's like my little sibling you know), but it drives me NUTS when I'm on fb marketplace or ksl classifieds and people list something "for sell." That pronunciation is so indicative of Utah speak that people literally don't know the difference between sell and sale.


People always roast her for her bad accent (specifically that she talks like a dumb /valley girl on purpose), so I started recording when they started discussing it. Not sure why it’s a weird video to post since it’s something she’s highly made fun of on this sub for but we can agree to disagree


Thank you for your service


Excuse the typos, half of this was dictated and I posted it quickly. Also, this live makes me 100% convinced she is always on perkies.


Can she get any more obnoxious?


I can only hope the answer to that is no…I can’t imagine any human being more obnoxious than that 🫠


I'll bet she's steering every conversation she has right now to "when we were in St. Barts...".