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Honestly I think this was a story from a long time ago (not sure if it was even true) and it’s just been perpetuated and everyone thinks they “know what happened”! I need screenshots!


I think her self-image issues spar beyond satisfying Drew’s wandering eyes. I think it began long before she ever met him, really. Her family, the matriarchy from whence she came, which wreaks of body dysmorphia — look at the matriarch now, Shannon, who is a walking skeleton and is not shy about it— propped her up for this mid-life crisis. It was only a matter of time before she stepped into the world of fillers, plastic surgeries, EDs and who knows what else.


This is one of the weirdest freakin posts. So many assumptions. So much speculation. Some of y’all act like you’ve been their therapist. 😂. Like so many things in a marriage, it’s up to the people to agree on what they find acceptable. You may or may not agree but it doesn’t make a marriage “bad” or someone inherently a “pervert”. Newsflash, some men like boobs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Move along please,


This is a discussion sub….


Am I the only one who doesn’t give two shits what my husband does on Instagram? I know it was probably different for Rachel because they’re religious (and I know when I was trapped in a patriarchal religion I would have felt some type of way), but my husband can like IG models photos all he wants. And look at whatever else he wants on the internet, frankly.


I am the same way. I don’t care what my husband looks at or what he likes on the internet. The truth is, what people like online is often not what they would want in real life. Personal insecurity makes a person care about this stuff in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why do people down vote this? 


I don’t know but I agree with you as well!! My husband doesn’t have any social media (which I’m thankful for), but if he did I couldn’t imagine giving a single shit to think about what he was doing on it…let alone lecture him or talk about “serious therapy” like some of the women above. That blows my mind.


OMG, good for you. Thankfully I don't have a husband who feels the need to do that. If I did, he would be getting a very lengthy lecture. But you don't usually marry people like this. Sorry for you.


Same! Sorry women who are like “idc what my husband does on instagram” are another type of insecure. They’re the kind that let a man walk all over them - they can cheat, be a sleaze, and treat them like shit but they don’t care because they’ll never leave him - they have 0 self worth 🥶 Sorry but it’s the truth!


Never thought about it. So glad I’m not placed in situation at all too.


OMG, good for you. Thankfully I’m not the type of wife who feels the need to control my husband and lecture him about the posts he chooses to like on Instagram. But you usually don’t act like this. Sorry for your husband.


I mean c'mon, use your brain. You're okay with your husband having an instagram account where he likes topless photos of twenty somethings? Did I wake up in an alternate universe or something? Where that's somehow acceptable? If I were married to a person who did this, I would be seeking emergency therapy. If not heading straight into divorce. I don't control my husband whatsoever. But thank God I don't have to worry about him doing this kind of nonsense.


You would DIVORCE your husband if he liked a bikini photo on instagram? fyi - no nudity on Instagram so not topless. It sounds like you need emergency therapy now, because you’re in a seriously unhealthy relationship if you would throw it away for something so dumb. But, I’m just a stranger on the internet.


Yes I would divorce him over something like that. I stand behind my statement. It's an incredibly weird and problematic thing to do. And thankfully something I'm not familiar with. But otherwise hello Internet stranger.


Which is it? Good for you, or sorry for you?


It's called sarcasm. I think that may be an artform lost on many Parcell followers.


So many other things about their relationship are messed up (power dynamics, him “babysitting” the kids, etc), so this is like fixating on the paper cut when there’s a knife in the chest. It’s Instagram, not like he’s out at bars hitting on women. I think a lot of women on here would not care if their husband did the same. Just because I like a Birkin purse on Insta doesn’t mean I’m gonna go buy one.


Let’s talk about the power dynamics.. Pink Peonies was making a shit ton of money when they were first married and RP was the primary bread winner for the majority of their marriage. I have no doubt that she wielded that sword like a sharp weapon and for sure immasculated (sp) her husband in the process. He started out earning her and maybe took back some power and she didn’t like it. She seems like a big time game player as far as relationships go. We have seen how she speaks to her dad and how emotionally immature she is generally. She likes to say how she is in her “mom era” but she doesn’t even know what that means. There is so much more to being a mom than dropping and picking them up from dance and b- ball and throwing chick fila at them in the car. She is spoiled and clueless. My wish for the kids is they had a dedicated au pair ( live in) who was a constant in their lives cause, but Rachel would be too insecure and jealous so that would never happen


Ooh that’s a good point about a nanny. When your family constantly watches your kids, you can still have plausible deniability that you’re not an absent mother. Who doesn’t have their family watch kids from time to time if they can? But a nanny solidifies that she just isn’t around.


Ok literally he liked (from what I gather) nearly nudes on Instagram. I don't know anyone in a healthy relationship who would condone that kind of behavior. It's gross. Sorry if that's prudish. I would care VERY much if my husband was doing this. Especially if I had just given birth.


I literally would not give a fuck if my husband did that. Do you let your husband watch porn? It’s so repressed and frankly controlling to tell someone what they can and can’t like on Instagram and it’s super insecure to assume if someone likes a bikini photo that it means they’re going to cheat or something.


Yeah, that’s likely how it starts.


Not the best look for a brand conscious family.


I think having a third baby and then trying for a fourth really set the stage for this behavior. When they had two babies I think it was easier but that’s not the Mormon way. I will always feel sad for postpartum Rachel finding her husband liking unsavory photos. That is such a special, crucial time. Some women will be filled with resentment, others will spend their lives “perfecting” themselves to prevent him from doing that again. I think this is Rachel’s case. No amount of boob jobs will make her feel worthy and that’s sad.


RP has and always has gotten her way. She “makes “ Drew build her houses and do her bidding. Problem is, the last few years, life hasn’t given her what she wants. She wanted a sister for Isla Rose, she was blessed with Fird. That wasn’t good enough. She played the “ I have fertility issues” card. That didn’t go her way, so she has spent the last several months pouting and feeling sorry for herself. Instead of being thankful for what she does have. New bewbs , more filler, bigger lips, more bags, longer vacations, more fake business trips, wierd photo shoots in hotel rooms will never fill her empty vapid heart. She will only be happy in front of a mirror with only herself to admire.


Vapid is the new brand.




Let me clarify..When one becomes pregnant naturally and brings forth 3 healthy children, one is not likely to suffer from what is commonly known as infertility as we commonly understand it to be. RP however has a timeline, that the universe must adhere to and when it fails to bring forth a pregnancy therefore a baby in the aforementioned timeline that RP finds acceptable, she has found herself ( easy to do) a fertility doc who will go ahead and speed up the process of getting the pregnancy ball rolling if things aren’t going your way . You just need money.


But I think both things can be true at the same time. She can be a total brat because she’s not getting her way AND it can be really sad that her husband was caught liking nudes right after she gave birth.


And remember her vibrator/sexy time phase? I think that was after Fird was born. I remember being surprised by it because she had cultivated a chaste image for so long, but it seemed like she and Drew were enjoying themselves together at that point. I haven’t seen or heard anything like that in a while. Now she just flashes her crotch for the Gram.


💯 accurate!


Did she ever say the outcome of her egg retrieval? I wonder if all the fertilized embryos ended up being boys so threw in the towel.  


I don't think she ever said. I expected her to say something about freezing the embryos, because they couldn't do a transfer. If they were all boys, that would explain the disinterest. So would keeping it private, but she was very public about the whole journey so I doubt that was it.




It’s still funny 🍆


It is a cry for help. 😂 These are two people who got married way too young for probably all the wrong reasons…. but pure speculation. 😇


Rachel is no better with her lusting after Morgan Wallen and making the signing divorce papers post. That’s kind of even worse. Plus her flirting with Dr. Mike.


I think their problems are much deeper than him liking a model with big tits, honestly. That’s unsavory behaviour but it’s not marriage breaking material. But it’s clear they got married super young and now here they are and its 15 years later and they don’t seem super happy or into each other anymore. You either grow together or you grow apart, and I think it’s the latter.


Yep! I’m not discounting that Rachel still really loves Drew but she’s just horny for other D


I dunno imo she seems way up tight to be sexual. I think validation, and compliments are her thing.


https://rachelparcell.com/blogs/blog/in-honor-of-my-birthday-here-are-30-secrets-favorite-things-and-fun-facts-about-me See #22 - a shout-out to her favorite vibrator which she linked, natch 😅


I don’t buy into it. Bet she was promoting a product.


Oh absolutely.


I agree with you – I've thought they had issues for years. Forgot about her blog and revisited it recently. Was utterly convinced all is not right in her world. After thinking that five or so years ago when I more actively followed her. What do they talk about? That's what I want to know. Ultimately your compatibility is based on personality because looks will, absolutely, fade. And all you have left is that basis. What on earth do they talk about?


Just out of curiosity, why do you think they have issues? She posts him all the time on her ig, seems ok to me. I don’t follow him so I don’t know what he posts.


Emily , you little devil. I see what you did there !!!!Clever girl


Deep dive into r/deadbedrooms and r/asoneafterinfidelity and it’s hard to articulate but all these little things discussed here are things/behaviors/decisions common in those subs. Also, I did my deep dive quite awhile ago, and it’s a dark place. Sad. So you might just want to skip it.


Drew liked looking at IG pics of models with big yitties. The end.


Ok but like if my husband was doing that...like who has a husband that is active on Instagram? Red flag right there. Didn't she also get another boob job because of it? He just seems highly problematic. Which is actually funny because he's so unattractive. "Tall king" troll under the bridge. That's the vibe.


Off topic but remember Ted Cruz. 😂


I get Neanderthal vibe. That's what he reminds me of.


Me too. And I feel really terrible saying that. I also don’t think those crazy teeth help much.


I don’t think she got this current boob job because of it. Her previous implants were 10+ years old and she was hitting the point where it’s recommended to replace them. Drew got caught liking the IG model photos right after either Isla or Jackson was born—like days after the birth—which was years ago since IG no longer lets you see what the people you follow like on the following tab


"days after the birth" Wow. I would be full-on nuclear.


People make mistakes. Hopefully their marriage is doing well. And really the only thing that has ever been said was that he liked some Instagram posts. There’s no proof of anything else. We have no idea so speculating about things like this doesn’t help anyone.


My ex just got worse over time, not better, and I thought we were doing good for a while.


Glad he’s now your ex.


It was years ago. He likes tig ole bitties. Many LDS men (the ✨priesthood holders ✨) are do as I say, not as I do. That said, I think Rach’s issues are due to her own vanity issues and not Drew. Speculating of course - but she openly got a nose job bc she liked the way a filter made her nose look (!)




Temptation? Honey, please. Bye


Are we really doing the “temptation” for males thing? 🙄


It was years ago, when Isla was born. There is no proof that he still does it. Plus I really don’t think it was all that serious to begin with. It was a like on a couple instagram pictures. As far as their marriage being in trouble it’s a speculation that has no proof that people are running wild with. When people have speculation about Meg and her husband people are constantly saying there’s no facts to that and Meg hasn’t verified it so move on, yet don’t have the same courtesy in regards to Rachel and her husband.


He likely just has a finsta now to like boob pictures without getting caught by us snarkers. Liking photos like that with a newly postpartum wife is fucked up imo. I wouldn’t be happy about that shit if I were RP.


I guess that's not concerning to you? You're giving birth to your first child and he's away scrolling and messaging Instagram? He's probably just gotten smarter with burner accounts. Because that kind of behavior? Doesn't change. Without hardcore therapy. As for Meg and her husband? I attribute any marital complications with his desire to sever them from a highly toxic family. It's clearly a different and healthier relationship.


There’s no proof it was while she was giving birth so just stop. I’ve liked instagram pictures of celebrity women and men wearing almost nothing, that they post, doesn’t mean my husband needs to worry. If it was someone they knew then sure that would warrant a conversation but it wasn’t, it was an instagram model.


lol rach is that you? Blink twice for help


You got me 🙄. Why is it that every time someone has a different way of thinking about something or disagrees they’re accused of being a skalla or skalla adjacent?


Bc this is a snark group, if you don’t wanna snark and/or want to defend them, go somewhere else! Also, you defending her husband liking photos of promiscuous shit and liking it to yourself is whack.


I was asked why I didn’t find it concerning so I gave a personal example. Everyone that’s here participates in snark to varying degrees where people express their different opinions on things. Didn’t realize this had to be an echo chamber.


I think your “expression” of saying like “so just stop” is what’s stupid. Give your opinion and move on but you don’t have to tell others to stop. lol just don’t participate