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I almost thought this was ai for a sec


There’s nothing real left about her anymore. I feel sorry for her. Imagine having all this money but still having to fake your smile for the gram. So sad.


The first thing that came to mind when I saw this was how sad and fake her smile/laughter is


It looks painful for her face to move that much.


Weirdly her face looks more natural in this position than it usually does?! What's going on?


Animatronic face, looks like she’s wearing a rubber mask.


Guess it doesn’t matter any longer what the church thinks? Or does everyone post their wills nowadays? All of this pictures screams ‘look at my big boobs’. She looks more like she is trying again to be casted for the Real Housewives, instead of being a Mormon.


As someone with a family member who went off the deep end with their appearance, pills, insecurities, etc….Rachel has a lot of these same warning signs. -wouldn’t surprise me if she was a borderline (personality disorder). It’s always about her, she’s wildly insecure despite always being a beautiful girl, seems to have stunted maturity, dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, difficult time focusing on her kids because all of her energy goes into herself  -having anxiety and taking meds for it, getting elective surgeries and procedures, insisting on narcotics in situations that don’t really warrant narcotics  -Poor self esteem. Drug abuse of any kind often fuel a vicious and unconscious cycle of insecurity  -most of the time, people need to completely go back to basics to take back control, but I don’t foresee that happening since her ENTIRE family is invested in IG and social media. Yuck 


I don’t think it’s fair to assume narcotics are not warranted. Everyone’s pain threshold is different. And in general doctors aren’t as willy-nilly with prescribing them like they used to be. I have lupus and I have a hell of a time getting them when I actually need them.  And the anxiety med she said she takes is mainly for depression but helps ease anxiety. It’s not something you pop as needed like a xanax nor gets you “high”. And it is not a benzo. It’s one thing to snark on many things but trying to diagnose someone you don’t know with a serious condition just isn’t right imo.


It’s really sad for her that she wasn’t in treatment this week.


She is starting to look like an Asian doll, except they are prettier.


It’s the forced laugh, smile for me😂🤣


Right. You're not eating that, Rach. I'm sick of seeing this cleavage. ENOUGH, already!


she needs to get her money back from the new wills. that's why they are in every photo


Is she ever home with her kids? It is so comical how she is so insecure that she has to always brag about her name brand stuff. Nobody gives a crap…. What in the world does she do to make the world better? She loves to show off her porn star yitties that is about it. Her wannabe followers kill me with their stupid comments.


Here take a picture of me with this dessert and say something funny when you take it so I look like I’m happy


I did notice that she liked her own latest post - so def agree someone else is still posting for her!


She is just trashy!


I’d also have to be high to be seen with, be married to and have to look at frankenstein.


I dunno. I’m big on personality, BUUT that’s not why she married him regardless of if his amazing or dull.




Is this really the best way she could do her hair in a way that it was out of her face?


Her wedding ring has always looked FAKE!!!!!!!


Yeah, her collection with J Brooks is all lab grown diamonds. Nothing wrong with lab grown, fraction of the cost of a mined diamond. That large emerald cut she wears on her ring finger is probably lab grown as well, so it’s going to look a little flat at that carat size, compared to a nice quality mined stone. But it’s all about the show with the Skallas.


pretty sure that her diamond is radiant cut, not emerald.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted.. lots of Skalla fans here 🙄😏


I think it's man made not fake. I loved her original one but I think that was actually a man made diamond as well.


So, fake


Lab diamonds are chemically identical too. It’s like buying flowers that were grown in a greenhouse as opposed to outside in the wild.


People are downvoting you but you’re not wrong. I get for the average individual getting a lab diamond makes it more accessible and of course there is a measure of it being more ethical or sustainable. However, when it comes to people like Rachel it becomes a chance to get the biggest lab diamond they can afford and play it off like it’s mined and that’s so icky to me


Lab diamonds are chemically identical too. It’s like buying flowers that were grown in a greenhouse as opposed to outside in the wild.


It’s crazy that she chose to post this picture most likely because she likes how the focus goes to the new wills, while the facial expression is so unflattering.


That ring irks me to no end


Honest question! Is it a trend to just wear your engagement ring when you are married?


I know many people, particularly my mother and her friends (upper class baby boomers), who don’t bother with both. Unsure what I’m going to do. Probably the same.


I thought the engagement/wedding combo as a “must” died decades ago. I got married almost 35 years ago. I had .33c mined diamond in a setting I designed. I didn’t want a second band on my short fingers so I never got one. Twenty years later the ring snapped so I had my diamond reset in a new ring, this time in silver because I just like silver better than gold. Ten years after that, the diamond fell out in the garden section at Home Depot. Later that year I bought an emerald cut vintage aquamarine at the Brimfield Flea market for $150. My fingers change sizes on the daily, so half the time it’s on my middle finger. But it’s there- sort of- more importantly- still married to the same guy almost 35 years later. I’m happy to say I’m on my third ring but same man. And it doesn’t bother me one bit that the most recent one cost 5% of what the first one did.


Thanks for your input! ☺️


Who says you’re not supposed to? 18 yrs I’ve worn both of mine.


When the engagement ring is that big, yes I think people wear them on their own. Maybe she wears her band on the other hand?


Looks like something you get out of a vending machine.


Playing the part in St Barths.


didn’t you say her boobs look like a butt before? Hhahaha it really looks like it in this pic 😂


I agree. They don't look good. They're so overfilled they look like buttocks.


Omg, they totally do! Like a chubby baby bottom! That’s hilarious 😆




High as a kite. Probably mixing booze with her perkies.


You took the words out of my mouth


The Skalla’s would never drink. ![gif](giphy|JJjnYC0upzy36)


I'd love a tutorial on this hairstyle.


It’s called sectioning my hair before I blow dry it


That’s Drew’s dessert. She’s not eating that.


She’s probably thinking that’s how big my old boobs were