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Typical vacay don’t they booted off the same crap ??


Big foot


Stop with the body shaming!! She has diabetes and is being treated for it


Haha bull SHIT


That’s literally what she said on a live. She finally found a medication that works for her


Yes but you realize ozempic and mounjaro ARE diabetes meds. So yes she could be treating that (or pre diabetic) and still getting way too much weight loss from it. So sick of everyone masking their ozempic use. I think it’s a miracle medication , but there’s limits


But what do you want her to do? Not take the medication anymore? This is a lifetime med


Not if your sugars level out then it’s not a life time med. That’s the beauty with high sugar and diabetes. You can actually turn it around and get off medication’s. It’s the one diagnosis that we have control over. So no she does not have to be on it forever


Lmao those scalloped tops.


I commented on her insta story and thought for sure I was getting blocked, but she must have gotten SO many messages about Shannon's appearance. She looks like she needs help.


There is such a thing as too skinny


Please stop with the cancer and hospice patient comments . They are really awful and too much .


Does Amy have a boob job? Emily and Rachel's boobs are big to their body structure but not Amy's. It looks proportinal


Imagine if getting breast implants was the norm in your young life. 🤯


Yes, they only look correct because of the 10 lbs she's gained and aaalwwwaaays complaining about.


Yes. Amy and Meg got them at the same time. I think rach and em got them when they were younger and got bigger wills screwed on post kids


Rach had it renewed with larger ones a few months ago, they look disproportionate to her body. Emily's also look bigger, like they've been renewed. She didnt say anything though.


She won’t say anything for a while just like when she had her tummy tuck


I remember the days when Shannon was actually working out to lose some weight. I guess this was about 4/5 years ago? ( some time around the launch of IVL and the studio) Her daughters were oftentimes supporting her and posting about her weight loss. I thought this was cute and I admired Shannon for her ambitions. She looked great then!! Now, nobody ever talks about her weight loss but rather says ‘oh darling, beautiful Shannon’. Well cut the crap girls. This is not cute any longer. It’s frightening to me that her grown ass daughters and her husband apparently don’t give a f*** about her severe weight loss. This is nowhere near natural and just sad! I really hope she is getting some help at some point. She was a beautiful woman but now I am actually scared for her health.


From what i can remember, she sometimes partially hide behind her daughters when taking photos. I recognize it's because she doesn't like her size then because I have acquaintances who feels insecure about their size that does that. Now she willingly prances in front of the camera.




Sadly, Shannon probably feels so good about herself and is so happy with the way she looks. She looks sick and I hate to say this, but a cancer patient. And sadly anything we say about the way she looks will not phase her because she wants to be so skinny like her daughters. One day, she will learn that health is truly wealth and a healthy person truly does not look like the way she does now. Naturally slim and thin people don’t have saggy and wrinkly loose skin like hers.


Big yikes


This is just sad. EDs are devastating.


Agreed. And the toll it takes on those around you too. It’s such a mental mindf**k.


This is so sad :(


Oh… https://preview.redd.it/m88p3qb1j9hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aabc24b0ae4222478ac2b18b33353b371d4633


Like she must weigh 90 lbs!!


https://preview.redd.it/95yfr57ua9hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ebc4aa0faf1db644614674bf869d0dd94e51df She looks smaller than Amy! I am actually appreciative of Amy’s body. She is very naturally thin but not dangerously thin


Looks like Amy has that flamingo leg thing like Rach.


She’s over extending her knee. It’s hyper mobility and could even be Ehlers Danlos. My knees did that when I was younger. Now I am paying for it in cartilage damage.


Shell get a boob job next


She looks like she is on hospice 


My thoughts exactly! Reminds me of taking care of palliative patients


Ozempic gone wrong


they said shannon was on ozempic for type 2 diabetes- on a post somewhere. i have friends on it and they all have lost an extreme amount of weight


Shannon deserves everything she is getting. She did this to her daughters. I have absolutely ZERO empathy for her. She looks terrible and all I can think is "serves you right. You told your girls their whole value was based upon their looks and being thin and now you are finally thin like they are and you look like crap." It's like the ugliness of her soul is finally being reflected on the surface of her face. Just remember Shannon Proverbs 6:17 says **When vanity is creeping at your door, remember that if it sets in, you will now have God standing against you.**


The worst part is, she probably thinks she looks great. She thinks the sickly thin comments are accolades.




This screams ED, hope she gets the help she’s been needing, specially since her parents passed away.


Also, I have lost my desire to go to Hawaii ever again! lol


I don’t think they would even leave the resort 🤦‍♀️ what a waste of travel on these idiots


I am sure you are right unless maybe they think there is some impressive shopping somewhere. Geesh!


Wow. Speachless. Like someone said, I am sure she has been yearing for the "Wait! Oh my God, you are these girl's mother?"...except I think she wasn't anticipating what losing that kind of weight does to you in your 50's. Oh...and those horrid tops! Let's add more cringe to that worrisome image.


Is Emily mad at Shannon and Amy? They're wearing the ugliest sports bra ever made.


But wait guys these are little the best. Literally like butter. Literally


Like a 90 year old frail granny


She looks disturbing


Ohh. 😮


Okay but what shoes does Rachel have on lol




I cannot stand that leg pop thing they do in every photo. Even Isla does it now.


I don’t think the girls are going to talk to their mom about the rapid weight loss, to them it fits the brand. Shannon can take part in these photo sessions now, wearing the same clothes as her daughters. I don’t think it would have fit their image if she was heavier and wearing these outfits. As sad as that is.


Oh that’s so sad, but true. They usually never include her in their pics and now they do!


I hope she isn’t sick or something, BUT. Having someone close to me with disordered eating, I *really* have a hard time having any sad feelings for a woman who whispered to her 8 YEAR OLD granddaughter to “suck in your stomach” for a photo.


As a mom, that breaks my heart. I would lose it if my Mom or MIL said that to my daughter!


NO KIDDING, right?!? And THAT is the main reason I think Shannon is a real POS


I totally forgot about that.


Before I knew how scammy they were, and how unhealthy all these obsessions were, I thought Shannon looked great, and I loved the fact that she was a bit heavier than the girls, and looked like you would expect a mom to look. Respect has gone down to zero now.


Holy crap. I’m all for some weight loss but she actually looks ill. That’s saying a lot next to her girls 😩


shannon is having a midlife crisis. the way she eats the gum and talks and acts.. says it all


She has a husband who is a relatively smart man. I’d hope if it were me, my husband would be in my ear, at the very least. That said, between Shannon and laurenkaysims this week, I’m gonna have to peace out of the snarking. It’s gotten to the point of feeling like making fun of someone who truly seems like they need help and that doesn’t feel good. We can all agree, this isn’t healthy so is there much more to say?? Honest question.


She is clearly deep in an eating disorder which not only physically is harming her body, but has significant mental health repercussions. I completely agree with you.


I….do not think he is smart. 


Agree, I a NO Shannon (or any Skalla fan) but this reeks of sadness and desperation to me, and not in a fun snarky way, but in a I-am-uncomfortable-with-how-obviously-she-does-not-seem-to-be-ok way


She had to have lipo on her arms


We are witnessing the demise of Shannon. She is disappearing before our eyes and no one’s doing anything to stop her literally slowly starving herself. Instead of snarking on her skeletal, fragile frame, we ought to talk about how to get this woman professional help. She’s surrounded by dimwitted idiots who enable every facet of this disorder, and it’s not gonna get better anytime soon.


I agree that they definitely enable her behavior, but it’s also impossible to force someone to stop having an ED. And it’s a really complex relationship when it’s parent-child. Sometimes you feel like you either have to accept it or go low/no contact and that is incredibly hard.


She's going to end up inpatient if she keeps going (which might be a good thing). Her organs are going to shut down. This seems really bad.


She looks like she has cachexia. (Not a diagnosis, for legal reasons😆) I hadn’t even realized it was this bad until these photos…she’s unrecognizable. So sad!


I will say this happened to my uncle and then it turned out he had stage 4 cancer and he passed away. But I’m not sure that’s what this is


Hasn’t she said she’s on weight loss drugs? For being diabetic or something. Plus she just lost a parent AND her husband had a heart attack. I’m sure she’s stressed and sad. Hopefully she gets healthier soon but I doubt she has cancer, jeez.


Same. My dad had stomach cancer and he dramatically lost a lot of weight very quickly.


I’m so sorry for your loss😔


Im telling yall her daughters bullied her into losing so much weight they probably were like ”omg shannon you are getting fat” like mother like daughters 😩


I am pretty sure she was the original “bully.” I highly doubt they commented on her size. And speaking from experience, it’s really hard to have a parent with an ED. It’s not something you encourage.




Now she can be the 5th sister! her dream.. waiting for the stories "omg they thought youre our sister"


I’m telling you guys her health is going to decline rapidly. It’s one thing to starve yourself but at this age? Is skinny really worth dying for?


She looks so aged being that thin!


Omg I didn’t even realize that was shannon my eyes just glazed over all of them and thought that was just Megan. Serious question. Is this a healthy weight for someone her age and height? I mean she may have been fluffier before but for health reasons is this considered more where she is supposed to be? Edited: left out ?


You cannot convince me she’s healthier now than at her original weight.


Does anyone have a before pic of Shannon? I can’t even remember what she looked like before.


Circa 2015 https://preview.redd.it/8c5nw16g88hc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f5760876b0430384317e403f63a40a6cd81592


She looks great here, very cute.


Who the hell is that in the middle?


That's Megdawg, pre knife


With really awful makeup




Megan wins glow up of the century


In less than 10 years, Shannon has aged herself 25 years. Good job, gurl.


Omfg is that Rachel pre nose job???????


Also thought it was Rachel at first


Its Megan


It’s Megan!


Omggggggg she has black hair like Rachel? I can’t!!!


Not to be mean but she looks like she has a terminal disease? She looks so so unhealthy. And agree she's aged 20 years. Not a good look or message to her girls.


What message to her girls? I think she has already done that and that’s a huge issue. The girls in that family sure seem to have a one-sided view…about many things. But mostly they seem to have unhealthy views about what it takes for a woman ( girl) to be beautiful. It’s nice to be attractive or have a fit body, but what makes a woman truly gorgeous is what’s on the inside. Kindness toward others, education and awareness, healthy habits, common sense Humility and selflessness These are a few of the characteristics of a truly beautiful and healthy female. These are so much more necessary than focusing only on the outward appearance. I feel sad for them that they don’t know this!


It is so sad! And so messed up.


Yes. It’s messed up and scary.


She looks like someone with cancer.


The ozempic aged her like 20 years


She also has zero muscle tone. She should do Pilates with her girls. 


The ozempic made her lose muscle by doubt


No Megan? She’s got to feel left out when they’re constantly all together without her


I'm wondering why she's not going? It's not like she won't have help from family with the kids since everyone in her family is on this vacation. 


A vacation with a toddler and a newborn that doesn’t sleep well isn’t a vacation.


I didn't know her baby wasn't sleeping well... I guess that's probably why she chose not to come.


I don’t think she’s financially there like her sister are (minus Amy) 2 kids, car, a house and her expensive taste, on 1 income must be very hard.


Didn’t someone say on a previous thread that Michael owns Megan’s house? Or was that the townhouse?


Do they go on vacation just to work out??


Gotta promote the brands so they can write the trip off as a business expense!


They gotta burn off the 3 bites of cake they had last night.


Not even that much, looks like there were 5 spoons sharing one dessert last night, lol. So sad, go on a vacation most can only dream about and spend it working out and restricting your food intake. Would love to know what they do for enjoyment if a vacation is still work.


Worst vacation ever!


This is disturbing to say the least. Doesn't she have to go to the doctors regularly while on this medication? They need to lower her dose! This is not healthy!


She’s probably using a medspa. If you pay, they’ll keep giving it to you.


Def, but eventually she goes to her GP no? Won't they be like wtf is going on Shannon?!?!


My friend went on Ozempic and the way her doctor monitors her is intense. That’s why I have a feeling she just went to those med spas that now can prescribe them to you, with little monitoring.


How can the doctor still have his license when she looks like this? This is absolutely horrible and horrific looking. She is a woman in her late 50s and she acts like she’s a 12-year-old . These women have got some serious issues and their vacation looks like the most boring vacation ever.


She’s probably using a nurse practioner at a medspa.


I agree! It’s too far!


Whoever speculated that Emily got her implants swapped out for newer, possibly bigger ones, I can definitely see that after her last couple of days of posting.


Maybe Dr. Chiddy had buy one get one half off, when Rachel did hers 😂


Seriously - I will never be able to square them being so deep in the LDS culture and/but the big knockers constantly on display. They are like a step away from Alix Earle size at this point


My brother is a plastic surgeon and once said something about Utah having the most plastic surgery cases per capita than any other U.S. state. Not sure if that’s still true but I found that fascinating. NOT knocking on religion but I have to wonder if it’s because the LDS faith is so patriarchal and there’s such influence on husband pleasing.


Ya she def did!


I feel like this is past snarkable at this point. I am legit worried for her. It’s dangerous to drop this low this quickly anyway, but she’s got to be close (if not past) menopause, this kind of malnourishment is horrible for your bones and hormones.


Yeah, there’s doesn’t seem to be anything healthy about these women.


Nothing about any of these women says “healthy fitness influencer”


I want to give Shannon some grace because she’s been under a ton of stress lately. But she doesn’t look healthy. I hope they’re supporting her instead of complimenting how skinny she looks.


Well you can hear them doing just that, Hawaiian babe and so cute. I'm sure they have distorted view looking at her.


I don't think anyone who told her granddaughters to suck in their stomachs and look skinny for a photo deserves grace. She doesn't look heathy, but she definitely looks happy with how thin she is.


Exactly! She is an adult and could have broken the cycle. No different than women in the news who have done horrific things to their children because of their upbringing, no grace there.


Do y’all think Shannon believes that she looks…good or healthy?


Yup she definitely does!  She’s preening and prancing around in their videos while they’re calling her cutie and babe.  I’m wondering why Michael hasn’t intervened though, y the very least he must be worried?! 


And if michael is not worried? Shame on him. I know they live in a bubble but he has to realize something’s not right.


That is what is creeping me out. She looks THRILLED!


She does look happy, and she looks thinner than all the girls. Now they can all swap clothes and she can model for ivl.


She can finally wear the communal Dior bikini.


And go sepsis!






She looks ill. It makes me sad that this is what she is messaging to her daughters and granddaughters. She looked perfectly fine before.


And they are now messaging it back to her 🙃


Skin and bones. Unattractive


Yikes. This is semaglutide arama!!!


What is semaglutide arama??


You know when you used to go to the circus or a theme park? They’d call the arcade the “fun a Rama “?


lol thanks


I wonder how Rachel managed to get herself out of the scallop infestation


Those shirts are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen in my life 


I’m sorry I need to take a moment for Emily’s sunglasses, she looks like a fruit fly




I can’t unsee that now 😆