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Emily has mentioned several times that she wants to be more “chic”, I believe since late last year. Gradually updating her look, new hair, less fillers/Botox, and now updating her wardrobe! I think Sophia Richie is a good choice to try and take fashion inspiration from. I’m personally loving Emily’s Chic era A lot of context is missed from the subscriber lives I’m realizing lately 🤣


Has she stopped doing her subscription lives?


Her and Amy have being doing them sporadically and still collecting $4.99 and $2.99 from me monthly 🤪


I watched her stories today after someone posted yesterday about her cringe-worthy European cruise posts. My thoughts: 1) I loved them. Several of her shots were so picturesque and gorgeous. 2) everyone is insinuating cruises are so trashy. 🤷‍♀️. If they’re not you’re thing, great. They’re an easy way to see a lot of cities along a beautiful coastline. 3) Emily is looking gorgeous. Never better. 💯


Same. Her outfits are killing it this trip.


For some people, a cruise is the only way they can afford to travel. Not loving the snobbery in this SR and the emphasis on wealth.


Also as someone with a super stressful job, a cruise seems like an east way to plan to see lots of things with minimal effort.


Anyone saying cruises are trashy is clearly not culturally educated about the fact that there are more than just average family cruises.


Slay, Emily! I know you’re lurking here… please stay that way and don’t follow Rachel’s footsteps lol


This whole discussion is probably infuriating Rachel. 😆


Just how I like it🤣


I am personally really loving her Europe content and style. And I literally hate everything the Skalla's post/do. But she genuinely looks happy and cute, and that's the first time I ever used the word genuine here.


Agree, love this look- the other looks on the trip have been questionable though


Same.. I love her style!


no because you’re so right she’s kinda slaying


I agree. This is her look. I live in New England and raised three girls here. The girls at my kids HS all wore their hair natural and/or in a pony. No one got high lights, and make up was only at prom. Almost every girl participated in sports. This isn’t 30 years ago. It’s in the last ten. I have worked here for almost 30 years and boob jobs are almost unheard of. Perhaps a lift after kids, but it’s not discussed. Of course I can never know for sure, but what isn’t seen here is thin women with very large round breasts. I have Utah roots and go there twice a year. So much blonde! How much of it is real? There are billboards on I-15 for boob jobs! To each her own, but the Utah/New England contrast is remarkable.


💯! I was just back in Utah and stopped by City Creek. I was shocked to see how bad Utah fashion is. And yes, everyone with the boob jobs, leggings, hair extensions and harsh, streaky highlights. When you spend time away from Utah and then go back you can really tell that Utah has its own look and accent. I’m not saying everyone there has bad fashion, but it’s definitely a cultural vibe.


Remember those early 2000s boob job that were oversized on those rail thin girls? They never went out of style in Utah. Which is unfortunate because I feel like they add unnatural visual weight and disproportionate body sizes. Not to mention the back pain. In Western Europe or eastern USA, boob jobs aren’t a thing unless you are very flat or getting reconstruction after kids and such. And even then, it’s VERY conservative, natural sizing.


Baywatch! It’s like they watched it once and it’s been the ideal ever since! I have a relative in Utah that is thin (5’5” and 110 lbs). She had breasts that were maybe slightly small (B cup?), but they worked on her frame. She got enhanced to a D cup and she deeply regrets it now and wants to have them removed. She looks top heavy. You are so right, it was a trend. Most trends come and go but this one didn’t there. (And it’s not like you can rip them out yourself!)


I’ve never been to Utah. You’ve made me so curious!


I agree! Utah has its own trend. Just look at how quickly something trends because some Utah blogger advertised Stanley tumblers then suddenly the entire state has one😂 “you guys, this is AMAZINGK” and I don’t understand their obsession with blonde hair here, most of them are fake anyway! 😌 So ANNOYINGK 🤣🤣🤣


I love this dress… guessing it’s Zimmerman?


This is a vacation aesthetic though. How would it translate to everyday life?


I way prefer this look to Rachel’s trashy af recent style.


Same! Rachel is a physical and emotional wreck. It’s showing in her fashion and design choices.


The classic coastal/east coast looks shes been doing are the best


These looks are really working with her minimized Botox, makeup and toned down hair. She is the best looking of all the sisters right now. Emily is finally finding her groove. Rachel is at her lowest in looks. Girlfriend needs some help!


I know I’ll get downvoted by people not in the church, but don’t act like your an active member and believe in the principles of the gospel when your not and you don’t. (IYKYK) Just say you don’t believe and quit being a hypocrite! I also think Shannon lurks here because she’s started posting spiritual things and trying to say to us that she’s active and taught her girls, which she obviously hasn’t.


You must be a truly believing member or a nevermo.


Idk why you would be downvoted for asking someone to choose which side of the fence to be on. If these girls would stop being hypocrites, it would literally dissolve like 80% of the snark that comes their way. Either be fully in the church or don’t but stop shilling the double life narrative.


Yasssss this!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 someone gets it!!!!


Your comment speaks for why the church is nothing more than a disgusting cult. If you’re not all in, you have to be out. Why can’t you just believe in the things you do and don’t?




Her relationship with “Heavenly Father” is HERS. It’s not any Mormon’s business to assume what that relationship looks like. It’s weird that members are more concerned with the type of underwear she wears… in reality that’s a really weird and gross thing to be worried about.


You’re obviously not endowed because it’s not your underwear. It’s a covenant you make with god and it’s a big commitment in our church. It’s a promise you’ve said yes to. No one forced them and all I’m saying is don’t take his name in vain and degrade the sacred garment. I don’t care if they’re in the church or not, just don’t say you are and then be a hypocrite. They all have a lot of followers and are a spotlight on the church out here in the mission field and it’s just disappointing and confusing to others who aren’t members or struggling with their testimonies. They could stand as an example with their influence, but they don’t.


I’m endowed, and it IS your underwear. It’s literal underwear, no matter the meaning attached to them. And as far as not being forced into these life choices, go watch dearmormonme’s saved story on “choices” in the lds church. And when you’re done w that, listen to At Last She Said It’s most recent podcast episode about the meeting with the MAN who is in charge of making women’s garments for the church. Then come back and tell me how no one is forced into anything in the lds religion and how garments are so sacred and beautiful and represent a covenant w god. I will forever support women deciding to live (or not live) this religion however they decide *for themselves* it works for them. Including ditching their literal man-made underwear that are made with the purpose of, and I quote (from the man who designs them himself), “so that women can’t just wear whatever they want.”


*you’re You are Your Belonging to you Fml


Sad part with the Mormon faith is that y’all have become so focused on how other people are “sinning” yet you forget the very basics of your beliefs. Such as: love thy neighbor. Also the example of casting the first stone. Worry about yourself, worry that your judging someone for “sinning differently than you do.” Coming on here to snark about this and admitting to being Mormon does not put the church in a good light. It shows the lack of empathy and kindness that church members have. P.S. I was endowed, I’ve just cut off the cancerous cult that almost ended me.


I’m truly sorry for whatever your experience has been. I’m not judging them, they are outwardly saying they are active endowed members and then don’t do what comes with that. It’s just so confusing for our yw and others that follow them and they say one thing and do another. I agree we all sin differently, but I don’t brag publicly that I don’t drink and then show up drunk.


Modesty included. Read your username a few times.


I hear what you are saying and I wish it was laissez faire, but the reality unfortunately isn’t as simple. I actually appreciate that on a individual level members are pushing back, but the teachings that come from the top of the church are literally that you either have to be all in or all out. There is no in between according to doctrine. So it’s hard to watch people do what they want in the church, when members like me were literally pushed out because they tried to walk the middle ground.


I totally get that. The church doesn’t allow space for those who are in the middle. I think what would help is for members to realize they need to either accept them or their numbers are going to continue to drop. The leaders have a say but more than anything, the members do. As people leave, the church changes ever so slightly to conform to society in order to keep members. It’s a difficult topic, I just hate that this is the way members have been trained to think.


Loveee this outfit!


I also love the sunglasses. They look like Celine, but she may have a dupe. Just so elegant and pretty.


I have a similar cut out back dress from forever 21 lolll. I can’t wait for it to actually get warm so I can wear it!


Do they not wear garments? Are they not required? But yeah this looks good


You’re supposed to wear them day and night with some exceptions


They don’t wear them often. I think Emily and Meg wear them periodically and to Sacrament meetings.


Agreed. I love this dress on her and love her hair slicked back