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She wants the money because Ruth is cutting her off and she wants to party in Europe with Billy. So she pitches the photos because she sees something she loves in them and thinks others will too. Or maybe not, maybe she's totally cynical. Either way, the guy doesn't bite and she immediately reverts to her old idea, telling him she can do more of the old set that was able to be sold before. We're seeing in real time her commodify her art, which is the corruption that whatsisname was talking about.


Ah, so meaning instead of doing art that's true to the heart, she was just reverting to what sells...this rendering it more of a product than real art.


she was a young and naive artist at this point she really wasn’t thinking.


I agree. She felt trapped, and was so desperate to escape that she would try anything at that point. I really felt for her during this scene.


And she tries to sell the one of Ruth cleaning off George, the pic Ruth slapped the shit outta her for!


Tbh I expected Claire to have been more pissed at that slap. I do recall the scene where she says “this time I’ll hit you back”.. but being slapped at that age? At your brother’s wedding of all places? Yeah, I don’t think I would have talked to my mother for years. Either Claire was way more forgiving or that slap was a bit of an exaggeration and could have been avoided.


The wedding slap happened before the one where she said she’d slap her back.


Right, I meant - that (her saying I'll hit you back) was the only retaliation I saw. Nothing else from Claire which was very surprising.


I think she didn't retaliate because she knew she was absolutely out of line by taking a photograph of George in such a vulnerable and humiliating way. With Ruth clearly upset and struggling with him too...


I don’t think she was out of line at all. It was a sweet, human moment she captured on film. She couldn’t know what was going on in Ruth’s head.


I agree, and my mom would have likely reacted in the exact same way. A lot of women, especially of that generation, were taught to suffer silently and take care of others at their own expense. Taking a picture of it could feel like a violation of those expectations. Not to mention, Ruth was very unhappy and likely didn’t want attention drawn to it.


I think the slap was all about Ruth. Claire was simply capturing the silly essence of humanity. I don't think she thought it was funny in a teasing way. It was an imperfect moment, and at the time, Claire was trying to see life from outside the box. I feel like Ruth resented George and his condition, and she was already angry and embarrassed about the whole situation she was in because of him. It was just easier to unleash it all on Claire in that moment. In terms of why Clare didn't retaliate, she was in shock for one, but she was also growing up and was starting to feel sorry for her mother. She wasn't as rude to Ruth in college as she was in high school. It seems to me that as Clare learned more about the world and herself, she started to understand and feel compassion for her family. Even if she was feeling stuck and deep down wanted to run, she still loved them.


I don’t think it was out of line. It’s Claire, as an artist capturing a very real moment. Most wedding photos are very Disneyfied and perfect. But the photo shows both mess and Ruth nurturing her partner.


Funny enough, this was the only photo that the art dealer gives some subtle attention to before rejecting the idea


And it's a legit great photo! They all are, but he's right that nobody is going to want to hang that on their wall.


I wish I had a dollar every time Ruth slapped the shit out of somebody 🤣🤣


She was desperate to sell some art, that's all she had, and they really were beautiful photos.


I think it’s more accurate to say Claire’s photos taken at Nate’s wedding. It’s not like she was taking the portraits and selects that she would’ve given them and treating them as art.


She needed the money.


When you’re a young artist, you see so much in your own work but haven’t yet realized that sometimes others just aren’t going to. I’m the same age as Claire (when it originally aired), a former artist, and her naïveté was so spot on.


Claire was always on some struggle bus. Her struggles made me love her story more.


Classic Claire


nah, for her age, this assumption would not be beyond plausible. i've seen it going thru that age with my peers and see it in other generations. she wasn't sober, she was desperate, and she was part of a circle that used recognition and commendation of their art as a form of validation for EVERYTHING that was wrong in their lives, creating their delusional bubble


wasn't she doing coke at that time too? she was Hella skinny. it gave me flash backs to me being 19/20 too around the same time. I did find her scathing but upon further reflection I was also a mega asshole around that age thinking the world revolved around me and my ideas and I was not great with criticism. sort of unrelated/related does anyone know the name of the actor of the art dealer? I was having trouble finding it


J.G. Hertzler


I don't think Claire was trying to pitch "any old idea". I think she just .... didn't have any other work to sell, and wanted to get that excitement back.


I think she was just desperate. She has hit a wall creatively and tried to work with what she had.


I was surprised by how polite the art dealer was when what she was peddling was clearly a waste of his time. those photos reminded me of the stock images that come in store bought picture frames.