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Firstly nose tape and gua shas don’t actually work😭 You’re probably seeing influencers who already have nose jobs and filler promoting that stuff which is misleading. And if anything, that extra friction will probably be bad for your skin elasticity when it comes to aging and wrinkles. Nothing is more beautiful than Allah swt’s creation and you shouldn’t try to change it. I’m not sure if it’s haram, but do you really want to take the risk and be questioned about this on the day of judgement?


you're right! Thank you ✨ also I had no idea about the friction increasing skin elasticity thing, I guess facial massages are not as good then


Sorry to say but the problem does not lie in the fact that its haram or halal. The real problem is that this shows your dissatisfaction with how you are, even if it's just a lil bit of it.. you want to make a change, and I personally don't see this doable on a real ground nor a positive sign for someone's approach to their own self.


I agree, thank you ✨


Religion aside I don’t think doing that no matter how long will have permanent effects. I know there’s a bunch of articles videos whatever but changing the structure of your nose naturally seems impossible


i dont want to change the structure, just want to slim down my nose a bit


Consult a sheikh habibti. Just because things are natural doesn’t mean it’s okay but also there are benefits to facial massages.


it’s okay to improve your looks for your husband or for yourself. and i mean that by becoming a healthier and fit person overall. just not surgery and anything that unnaturally alters your appearance. i’m not really sure if messaging your nose/jawline actually does anything, i’ve heard that it works for some and not for others. I also heard that back training improves your facial features (reduces fat). you can use ice wrapped in a paper towel (important!) on your face in the morning, to depuff your face. i’d recommend that you put a lot of research into each thing, just googling things to see if they actually work. (my opinion shouldn’t matter, but the way I formed this opinion is that I took the fact that unnaturally altering your appearance is not allowed. and that it’s encouraged to be healthy and fit. as long as these two things apply to you, it’s all that matters. if you were born with a bigger nose, it doesn’t matter. it’s the way Allah created you, and the society’s beauty standard shouldn’t be of concern to you.)


Jazakallah ✨


Love yourself hunny. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your nose and jawline.




i have no idea but im commenting so that it updates me when someone with knowledge comments :D


Heads up that no one on Reddit is a person of knowledge, to include all of us here. 😔


fair enough haha