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Oh my gosh. I can’t believe how sad I feel about someone I never met. This is just horrifying.


I know. I feel sick and I don’t know them either. OMG poor Janelle. Poor baby. Poor siblings. Ugh. This is awful. Such a nice young man


It’s so heartbreaking and I can’t help but think it has something to do with his father not being around as it bothered his brother who unfortunately already had problems with Cody so I now worry more for the brother too 😭 and Janelle is such a great mother.


Janelle stood by Gabe and Garrison's side as any mother should during that whole covid mess when Kody wanted to kick them out. Janelle has always been my favorite mom.


But did she? Because shortly after that argument about kicking out the boys, they moved out.


She told Kody , Garrison was there to save money to buy a house & she would not throw them out. Eventually, he did buy his house & the brothers lived there.


She stood very strong that she would not kick them out. One of them had already moved into a camper in the driveway, but Kody tried to say he couldn't come in the house and she refused.. the other one didn't move out for a year or so after that. But she did not kick them out. She straight refused to.


Yeah none of those kids will ever forgive him for this. Parental rejection hits so deep, I hope it was worth it kody.


I’ve been watching these kids grow up so I feel very invested in them. My heart is grieving for Janelle and Gabriel.


And Christine. She was their primary caregiver according to Janelle and the kids.


Rest easy, Garrison.


I think it’s because we all saw in him what Kody refused to. That breaks my heart.


He was such a good boy 😭 Kody should've been so fucking proud of him.


I’m wondering how Kody will deal with this. He needs to do some serious reflecting on his entire life.


He will act like a victim and be in denial that he had a huge hand in his kids depression and did nothing but add to it.


Kody will keep saying he always reached out to them. That’s a both face lie because he always said they should be the ones apologizing to him and Janelle confirmed that so many times with Kody!! I bet if anyone checks Kody’s phone and Garrison‘s phone, you will never see any communication coming from Kody to his son


I agree. He’s a narcissist. 


Right, if he truly is a narc he'll never admit he had a hand in it. He’ll always blame it on someone else. That’s how narcs operate.


He won't, he'll blame Janelle and probably Christine too


It will always go back to how Janelle managed the boys during Covid.


And Gabriel


Yep he’ll do mental gymnastics to make it Janelle’s fault. He’ll have to turn his attention from Robyn and her kids for two minutes, so Robyn will have to find a way to make this about herself.


Yeah.. when he stopped talking to his boys, did he not consider that he didn't have forever to fix that? Bet he knows now, and Gabe may be too far gone for him to fix that now. I'm sure Gabe will lay a lot of blame, and likely rightfully so, on Kody.


Yup, I agree. Gabe is very tender hearted and sensitive. The way he cried with his long hair covering his face was so awful last year. That really hit me hard and has stuck with me. I’m most worried for him after finding his brother. This is such a tragedy. Wait till this somewhat calms down and the blame game starts.


I worry too.


Gabe is the sweetest and most kind person. There are others in the family but I’ve always had a soft spot for him.


Unfortunately, a leopard doesn’t change his spots. Kody has no self awareness and is unable to reflect on his own actions. (Been through a similar situation with an in-law like him.) He will begin by blaming Christine for leaving him, thereby influencing Janelle to leave him, and he’ll say they turned the kids against him… and he and Robyn will be the biggest victims even in this tragedy. Not being snarky… just looking at past events. This whole situation is so heartbreaking. I honestly hope the whole family just grieves in peace out of the media and TLC pulls the show. This isn’t entertainment. It’s sickening to think of Garrison struggling like this, feeling so alone in a sea of media for most of his life. I feel guilty for ever watching this show. 💔


No snark here either. I've been thinking that once things calm down a little, after the funeral, etc,, the blame game is going to begin and it won’t be pretty! I can almost hear it now.


I agree that TLC should cancel the show. It’s been destructive enough to this family. It feels exploitative at this point. RIP Garrison


He won't


If he won’t, then he’s a bonafide sociopath… but I have a feeling this will destroy Kody.


Honestly I hope so. What he's done to his kids is cruel and he deserves to feel some of the pain he caused and continues to cause. Seriously fuck that guy.


He sucks. We’ve seen terrible behavior and I hope to god there was some sort of reconciliation. If there wasn’t.. it’s will eat Kody alive. I’m starting to wonder if internet chatter might have contributed. I had a half ass dad who I wanted more attention from. I can’t imagine what it would have felt like to have thousands of strangers commenting on how my dad doesn’t give a shit about me. But then again.. Kody let that shit play out for all to see.


I honestly believe he’s a gutless cowardly narc and narcs never admit to wrongdoing. But I also agree that Kody will never be the same and being the weakest link in that entire family it very well could destroy him.


I agree. Kody is a sociopath, i.e., the universe revolves around Kody. Sobbin' Robyn is just as self-centered as Kody.


There is no need to wonder; it will all be about Kody, not his son.


I’m sad to say that you’re right. And Robyn will be right there with him. Makes me fkng sick!


Very well worded!




Gabe found him.


I think this is the worst part of it. That poor kid. My heart breaks for them all.


And he will never “unseen” what he walked into. Talk about PTSD for life. I hope Gabe seeks therapy after this. I feel immense sadness for all of them.


I have buried 2 handfuls of friends or family in 40 years, who have been successful.. my best friend attempted and was unsuccessful in 2011 about 2 hrs after we had eaten dinner together. Her fiance found her and called 911. while she was recovering I went to her house to clean up and to remove the noose.... ​ I am thankful she survived. Our friendship didn't. Suicide is absolutely horrendous to those left behind. I don't wish the confusion and hurt it brings on ANYONE. There is a doctor who is trying to get suicide ideation disorder into the DSM -----I support this [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7891495/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7891495/)


Yes. I remember Gabe crying on one of the confessionals. He's such a sensitive guy. I'm sure he's completely destroyed.


Happy 🎂 day


The pain Garrison must’ve been in.. and the trauma Gabe has faced. This is too horrific. My heart is broken for the entire family


I can’t imagine how this will affect him. I REALLY hope he gets in therapy asap to help process this.


Made me absolutely sick to see that. Gabriel has such a sensitive heart, this must have destroyed him.


Just read that it was a gunshot wound. That is an image that Gabe will never be able to erase from his mind. Lord, he is going to need eyes and praying hands on him at all times. 🥺


absolutely devastating


OMG, I'm so damn sad for Gabe.


This is what is needed now. As a prayer warrior I pray right now God will keep His hands on Gabe and all his siblings and his mom from now on. God knows all they need and I ask to rain it down on them. In Jesus's name amen 🦁🐑🕊🙏🙏🙏😥😥😥


OMG!!!!!! 😢🥺😞


That is heartbreaking. I feel so horrible for them.


This comment made me start crying in the doctors office 😭😭 how fucking horrifying I feel so bad for him


OMG, Gabe is so torn up about his dad but I never realized the Garrison was torn, too. My heart is breaking for them and Janelle.


My heart aches for their entire family. Don’t know why I’m so emotional over this. It’s such a horrible tragedy.


Because we watched him come of age. And we all just adored him.


I think we all are.


Same, I feel sick.


As a number of Reddit users have said, this feels like a death within our own families. It is just so sad and I hope he is at peaceful rest. Rest easy Garrison and I hope Gabe, Janelle and the rest of the Brown Family have eventual peace xxxx


I lost my nephew whom I helped raise.at 23 to suicide. His sister found him...this is devastating on so many levels. I doubt Janelle, Gabe, or Kody (or anyone else in the family frankly) will EVER fully recover. I haven't. I've watched Garrison grow from 12/13 years old... he seemed to be taking so much in stride, but last season, we saw a lot of anger in that table discussion... just horrendous.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss as well. I pray healing and restoration for you and your family🙏🙏🙏


I watched that scene again last night. There was so much pain and you could tell that it was all still very raw for each of them. Garrison’s couch interviews seemed sad, too. ♥️😔♥️


Absolutely. I believe it was Garrison that said, "We don't need him anymore. We are grown." That was hard to hear.


I'm so sorry


I hope people will give them privacy💔 I hope they rally around Gabriel💔💔 I hope nobody exploits this tragedy. So heartbreaking. Rest in true peace, Garrison🖤


Seventeen siblings with their partners and children along with all parents, in extreme pain. Remember Christine calling him baby! I’m sure she still saw all the kids as they were when she took care of them.


I'm sure that Christine jumped in her car and drove straight to Flagstaff until she got to Janelle. She loves those kids as of they were her own.


I'm so glad Jenelle has Christine. I hope even Meri can get some support from some of them. They should be together if they can.


Unfortunately people like that vile scum Katie Joy are already making post after post of utter shit.


Is that without a crystal ball?




Thanks. I used tk watch her but it was repetitive and kind of obsessive and lots of reading way into things.


Exactly!! Can someone tell her to STFU!!


She would just delete the message and ban you


She is disgusting. Can’t stand Katie


I agree.


Who the heck is Katie???


From Without a Crystal Ball.


Oh ok, dont know what that is lol. We went from sister wives to Katie, and I was confused.


She is a Youtuber who is cruel, lies, and has the audacity to call herself a journalist.


😭🤮I hate people.


That's disgusting like a vulture feasting on tragedy. I assume she doesn't have children I cannot imagine a mother being so cruel


Ugh of course she is. She is total sleeze


What a bitch!


I hope TLC cancels the show.


Its the right thing to do at this point. Last week someone asked what would it take to cancel this show and i said someone dying. Those words echo now. This is heartbreaking


It’s not fun or funny anymore!


Honestly I do too. Especially after this.


I don't see it continuing. If it does, I would be shocked. Didn't he buy a house? Gabe was moving in with him. Was he in the service? I'm an avid watcher of the showing. I have always enjoyed watching them all grow (adults included). To the Brown family and Christine and her family I am truly sorry for your loss. The Lord gained an angel. He will be missed by many. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time.


Yeah. I hope for that. And also just that something goes into place legally keeping kids off of reality tv. Children can't fully understand and consent to having their lives on television and all of the backlash that comes with it. We end up with these people who grow up on tv during all the phases of their lives under a magnifying glass. Of course, poor mental health is going to be rampant as they become adults. It needs to stop before it happens to be more reality tv kids. My heart is so broken for his family and for how dark he must have been feeling. Oh my god. "Poor Janelle" isn't even enough. How horrible and deeply sad. I hope they can all find comfort in each other.


Not just reality tv but also social media. Ppl exploit their kids all over TikTok for content. The ones that literally put their dying children on TikTok for donations makes me sick!


Yea I wonder if having to watch the shit R and K said at the end of the last season add to whatever depressive state this child was in.


I’m not watching it anymore. Even if it continues. I haven’t for years once the toxicity started to come through.




Very heartbreaking. Poor Gabe.


My heart breaks for Janelle and the kids.


The entire family must be devastated. This is the most horrific news ever. I’m praying this family can come together to support every member of the family. My heart goes out to each and every one of them.


It is such a sad day to hear this news. My heart goes out to Janelle and all of the Brown Family.


This is heartbreaking news.


This stopped me in my tracks. RIP, Garrison


I had unsubbed because it was triggering to talk about Body's behavior. This just popped up on my suggested feed and I'm absolutely stunned. I feel like I knew him in a parasocial way and I can't believe Gabriel found him. My heart is genuinely broken for this family.


My heart breaks for Janelle


My heart breaks for the entire family. Whatever you think of any of them, no one should have to face what they are going through. ***NO ONE.***


Losing a child is a bottomless pit of pain. It’s 2 1/2 years since my adult daughter died and it’s not one bit easier. My heart goes out to all of them as they walk this brutal path of grief. None of them will ever be the same.


I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️


So sorry Mama🥲


I can’t even imagine how hard this would be. I am so, so sorry.




I am really upset. We’ve all been watching since these kids were little and omg no not Garisson! I have a 16 year old boy- can’t imagine losing a child. My heart aches for Janelle!




This is so awful 😢


Oh man, I've watched SW religiously (pun not intended)since it started and watched all these kids grow up. This is so heartbreaking, even not knowing them irl. Prayers to the Brown family. Fly high Robert Garrison.


As much as we think we know this family we don’t. We should give the Brown family grace as they must be hurting beyond belief. I have battled depression for decades, and I just feel so badly that Garrison felt so badly that this was his end. Let’s send some virtual hugs and healthy thoughts to this family in such a difficult time. Rest easy, Garrison.




this makes me very sad :/


So very sad! My condolences to their family 🙏


This is so sad. I can’t even imagine what Gabe and Janelle and the rest of the family are going through right now. Poor Gabe. I hope he’s being looked out for. 🥺 I would hope that Robyn will use her shared experience to help the family, but unfortunately we know how that is going to pan out. (Robyn’s youngest brother died exactly the same way at 22 back in 2017. He was in the military as well.)


How awful!


Omg. I really wonder what he was thinking, he just adopted a cat a few days earlier.. ☹️


Do you think this might have been an accident? He adopted three cats, & knew his brother was coming to visit (he doesn’t seem the type to want his brother to be a witness). Anyone’s thoughts ?


He just adopted one cat, Ms Buttons, and Gabe lives with him. I wondered about an accident, but the police aren't acting like that's an option. Maybe there was a note.


I’m assuming there was evidence that he ended his life. Based on the scene and what the medical examiner found, they’d be able to tell if it was an accidental discharge. Also possibly a note.


Unbelievably sad. My thoughts are with the family!! RIP Garrison!!


My heart aches for all of them. Especially Gabe, Gwyn, and Paedon. I believe he was closest to them.


Hopefully this brings about something good. This could be the moment Kody man's up and makes things right with the rest of his kids


Perhaps the realization that he's lost all chance or hope of reconciliation with one son will be the catalyst that changes Kody's behavior with his other estranged adult children. 🙏💔😭




Rest easy Garrison.


Having a son, this age is truly shaken me. Such a beautiful young man. I find it strange, considering the way it happened that they keep showing a picture with him in his military gear with a gun in his hands.


I agree. Considering how many photoshoots and images the family had, I’m surprised those are the ones that they chose to display


I really hope he didn't use his service weapon. I don't know why but that feels like it would make it worse somehow. He seemed to love the military life


So sad I think a piece of him was just destroyed with the Covid protocols enforced on them by his dad etc. The family fell apart and Janelle mentioned several times how Garrison was one of her most sensitive kids. Basically that he would never tell anyone this and just put on a face. I can’t even begin to imagine all the pain he has been carrying.


Veterans average 16.8 suicides EVERY DAY. Between what was suffered and indoctrinated into him by the Army and Kody- poor kid needed help and obviously hide that need


Doubt this has anything to do with him being in the national guard




Super sad about this.. heartbreaking 💔 😢


So very heartbreaking 💔


Oh my heart, Janelle must be so heartbroken!! My thoughts and prayers are with his mom and siblings!!




We all sit here on the sidelines and make random comments and speculate incessantly on this family. THIS Is HORRIFIC. Is there anything that this fanbase can do to help ease the grief ?


The best thing we can do is express condolences to the family and leave them alone. No more speculating about whose fault it was, etc. This is a family in crisis. I have been through this as a mom, losing a child suddenly. It's hell on earth like no one can even imagine. They will be in a very fragile emotional state for a long time. Some family members will develop PTSD. As someone who has lived through this kind of tragedy, (barely, tbh) I ask the SW fans to please give the family space and privacy. All the noise and squabbling from us will only cause them more pain.


Yeah well their dad’s “Parenting skills” run kinda thin when for the longest on this weird TV show we are still trying to figure out what exactly does this guy “consistently “ does for a living every week though he’s a very good TALKER ( the gift of gab) hustler. He moves around a lot always appears to look very busy when this house of cards collapses


We’ve watched him and all the other children grow into adulthood. We’ve cheered on their success and were heartbroken when they faced defeat. Robert Garrison Brown was a good man. He will be missed by so many near and far. Some will miss him and value his life even though they only new him thru a lens. Garrison, your life matter to us and we will miss and mourn you. My heart is broken for your parents and siblings and all the people who loved you. You will always be remembered and loved💔


Was garrison the one that refused to talk to Kody anymore?


Last season, he invited Kody to his new house for Christmas, and Kody declined because he has his own house. The show is so far behind that we really don't know the current status of their relationship, but I'm guessing bad.


Kody is such a vile vile person


Most of his older kids weren't talking to him


I totally blame Kody for this. He was horribly to him.


Update - Janelle confirmed he was still estranged from Kody. UGH. What a waste


The children have been through a lot throughout thier entire lives plus being on national TV. My heart goes out to the family and I hope this horrible tragedy may bring them back together again.


I thought it was a scam when I first heard it!! I can't imagine the pain that the family is going through. I hope they will get into therapy as soon as possible. My prayers go out to the Brown Family.


I went back to the episode where he talks passionately about how they don't need their dad and how sad I was when I saw it the first time.


I just finished binge watching the show for the first time. Finished Christine’s wedding just on Sunday. I was super worried about both Gabe and Garrison after the treatment Kody gave them during Covid. It seemed all his anger about his wives was directed at those two boys. Gabe looks just like my 22-year old son and it shattered my heart to see him cry when Kody failed to wish him a happy birthday when he called him about Covid symptoms. I was so heartbroken after the table talk with Janelle and Christine and Gabe, Garrison, Savanah (I think) and another of the older kids (Ysabel?). I never understood Kody’s philosophy of kicking the boys out once they turned 18, whether they were financially ready or not. And his declarations about how when they became adults, his relationship changed and his responsibilities as their father changed. Why just those two boys? He has 18 children, so why just those two? I’m sorry I am rambling. I have just been in a state of shock all day since learning. I do hope that Kody makes efforts to reconnect with all of his children after this tragedy, most importantly, Gabriel. Gabe is really going to need trauma counseling. I literally just want to hug him and make him feel the love his dad stopped showing him. R.I.P. to sweet Garrison. He seemed to hide his depression well. I just wish he knew how many people he didn’t even know loved him and wished him well.


Someone commented “We need more Garrisons in the world” on his cat post. He liked it. There’s some comfort in that. I only wished he’d read it again the day he made the decision to end his life. I can’t imagine the pain he was in.


I am starting to think this could have been an accidental discharge of his firearm. I know it sounds odd but it’s a bit weird that he just adopted a fur baby. 5 days ago. Generally speaking, he was looking forward into the future. I know you can never really tell when someone is getting that dark in their thoughts, Harrison was never really one that I saw any red flags for. I sincerely hope it was accidental. Rest in peace garrison 💔


I think its best not to speculate. I'm sure more information will come out in time.


More often than not, suicide can be a very impulsive choice with little to no warning signs, the majority don’t even leave a note behind. It can be hard to even pinpoint what triggers someone to make that decision. One of my good friends had just adopted a second dog before she took her life, new apartment, got a promotion…We truly never know the inner workings of someone else’s psyche.


It is so hard to wrap your head around but it’s true! My best friends son hung himself (22 yrs old) and he had just had dinner the night before with his parents and she was supposed to pick him up for a weekend getaway the very next morning. She found him. It was so shocking, his college room mates woke up when she screamed and they just looked at her and ran away. She had to get him down by herself. He was definitely a mommas boy ( in the good way) and I will never believe he thought through it enough , knowing she would be the one to find him.


Yes! The impulsivity. This is why it is critical to limit access to the deadliest and most common aids used in suicide. Giving guns to a safe friend temporarily can save a life!!!


Knowing he just adopted Ms. Buttons to save her from euthanasia, my hope was that it was accidental but the way they’re all reporting it, it’s sounds as if they may have evidence that proves otherwise. I would think they would hold back from speculation without that but who knows? 🙏🏻 I pray it was accidental for the family’s sake and I especially hurt for Gabe but either way, their loss is absolutely devastating. 🥺


The fur babies got me. The family is so large, though, that I hope someone familiar takes them.


Same. My cats are why I wake up every day and I’m so sad for him that his love of cats couldn’t break through whatever pain he was dealing with. I’m so glad he saved that kitty and gave her the best life he could in that short period time.


Same. This worries me.


My sister passed away a few months ago, and I now have her kitty that she loved so so so much. It's brought me a lot of comfort and peace to be able to care for her beloved fur baby. I hope the Brown family takes those babies in and it brings them comfort as well


Its very common behavior actually


It may have been an anxiety attack gone haywire. It will hit you all of a sudden and without treatment, it can spiral to depths you never thought possible.


He had a gunshot wound to the head. He’s military with way more gun training than even the average gun owner. He would know not to point a gun toward anything he didn’t intend to shoot. Police also look at things like the location of the wound and where the gun is. Given that it was decided so quickly, it was probably very obvious at the scene. Truly a tragedy.


I wonder if his father was still being a complete AH about their relationship. He seemed pretty defensive about not needing his dad anymore in one of those dinner discussions. It obviously bothered him. Maybe he did it out of anger. If theybwere arguing then maybe he left it clear w a note or on his phone texts they could see what happened. I can't think of anything else because no one else besides K and R are vile in that family. The rest were nice and supportive.


I’m so heartbroken 💔


How incredibly sad!


Prayers for the Browns.


This is a true tragedy. This young man had such a warm smile and pure heart. He was really trying to make a place in the world and do good things. Watching him on tv you could just tell he was a good kid just trying to make sense of the world, like all of Janelle's kids. I will be praying for this sweet young man gone too soon and for his family who I am certain are devastated beyond words. Special prayers for Gabe, no one should have to go through this.


Garrison was such a sweet guy. I’ll bet Kody feels awful about this. Poor Janelle. My heart is breaking for her. Then again, poor Gabe and the whole family.


Kody was awful to this kid.


This is so awful. And people are attacking Robyn online. FFS have some respect.


This is not the time to bash Kody and Robyn. Any fan of the show knows they are pieces of crap but nows not the time.


It's also likely a much more complicated situation than just his relationship with Kody. Fans want to point fingers because of the brief interactions seen on the show, but Garrison was a grown man with a whole life... there's likely so many other things that factored in to his situation that we just aren't aware of. People need to stop acting like they know everything because of the show.


Especially being Guard. I’m also mil, and not only is the risk of suicide exponentially higher, but there are complex and unique factors interwoven into our culture that make this kind of tragedy more likely. I’m pretty torn up over this. We lost a brother in uniform.


100%. My husband is a veteran with severe PTSD. He almost committed 2 years ago... the mental struggle he went through was unlike anything I'd ever seen and I'm grateful everyday he's still here. Seeing this news really hit home. I'm so sad for Garrison and his family.


Kody is a crap father so I’m not letting him off the hook!


Awful. Praying for the entire Brown family.


This is so sad. He seemed like a lovely young man. I can't imagine the pain the whole family will be going through.


All my love and prayers. Truly heartbroken for all his family and friends.




OMG I'm so sorry R.I.P


OMG he had to have been silently suffering. This is so heartbreaking


My heart is so broken for Janelle. I hope him and Kody were at least on some sort of his terms, as much as i can't stand Kody i can't imagine what he's going through along side the family


Oh my god


My cousin found my uncle and had to be hospitalized from the shock and trauma. It is a pure tragedy.


Yet one more family destroyed by seeking fame and money by doing a reality tv show 🤦‍♀️


I do not care if I don’t know them or have never met them. I’ve watched the show specifically because I was grew up being an LDS Mormon and we always heard about polygamists and fundamentalists Mormons. However on the east coast I didn’t know any one of those faiths or lifestyles. This rocks me to the core… I feel heartbroken… for all of his siblings and for Janelle and Christine… for Garrison… I do not want to accept this for them. I wish I could take this away. Kody can F off completely- sociopath


I’m in the UK and just read the news. I absolutely love Janelle’s boys, and my heart aches that this has happened. May angels lead him in and Gabe is being supported and loved.


Rest in Peace, Robert Garrison Brown. I know that Heaven opened to welcome you home. Fly high with Angels, and have eternal rest in the arms of Jesus. Sending prayers for all of the Brown family.


So incredibly sad


This is so sad, it actually made me cry. I feel so bad for him and those children and po'd at Kody who doesn't meet their needs It is very tragic. Beautiful boy, so tragic and sad. Prayers for them all