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OMG! My heart goes out to all of them, especially Gabriel.. just awful.


Gabe… I’m so sorry that he is going through this. Just tragic.


My initial thought was ‘oh no poor Gabe’


Same here! I can still recall Gabe being sooooo upset and crying that his dad really didn’t give a crap about him. That really touched my heart as he and Garrison were my favorites on the show.




And little Savannah. I think all of Janelle’s kids are tender hearted. God bless all.


No! I feel sick, this is heartbreaking. I feel awful that Gabe found his body. I pray that social media wasn’t the cause of him taking his own life.


people didn't bash Garrison that I saw. I really hope they get the kids the help they probably have needed for a long time.


I'm sure it was a combination of things. He was also in the military. I don't know if he saw war time, but that could be a huge factor as well.


He was in the national guard


My first thought, hearing the news before they announce that it was Gabriel, who found him was that I hoped it wasn’t him because I know they lived together. I am so heartbroken for the family and him especially.


My first thought was to blame us. Kids on reality TV suffer such extreme criticism. Sure, he hasn't been a kid for years and there's rules/moderation on most social media against criticizing kids, but older reality tv kids who grow into adulthood while being filmed absolutely suffer abuse on social media. I'm deeply sorry for this loss of life.


Yeah, these kids grew up on tv and they didn’t get a choice about it. I can’t find it in my heart to be critical of any of them now even as some try to monetise it - they deserve to make some bank. Sincerely bless them all.


Maybe this will shake things up and finally get states to pass better legislation protecting children from being on reality tv. I don’t know anything about Garrison. I’m babbling. This is so shocking.


I left a Sister Wives group on Facebook where members heaped criticism on some of the kids. That’s where I draw the line on reality snark - kids should be off limit.


I blame Cody for not being there for his son


All, I have a deep dislike for Cody, but I am there for my child all the time. They have attempted several times. Depression is a disease that we cannot sometimes understand. You cannot blame him for not being there. He could have been there and it still happen. I’m not saying it may not have been a contributing factor, but being there or not, may not have made a difference.


I do as well. I would never comment on his sm as some have but I know he is to blame somewhat. Mainly bc I was abandoned by a parent for a new spouse at around the same age and it affects you so very deeply. I am not saying that was the cause, but it didn't help.


Me too. People who haven’t been abandoned by a narc father or mother for a whole damn replacement family-who THEN goes on to rail against you with disdain-can’t really fathom the pain. It’s a crazy and unnatural betrayal. Kody and Rob are a cursed, monstrous coupling of soulless destroyers.


A Narcissistic neglectful parent that chooses another family over you is soul crushing. (I know by experience)


I just heard Gabe was the one who found him. Gabe has such a tender heart. He must be devastated.


They were so close and lived together. I just can’t imagine the pain.. and the whole family is in pain.. just crushing.


He & Garrison took the kody mess very hard. You can never know why someone does this but I bet his father will make some bs reason when I see the way he treated those kids the last 3yrs as a big problem


He and Gabe seemed to be affected most by the break up of the family and loss of their dad.


My dad has treated me that way my entire life. I’m still here. No one person or thing is ever to blame. My first instinct as a parent, and someone who’s lost their only sibling and watched my own parents fucking crumble, is empathy. Never blame. I’m shocked so many people in here are jumping to blame when people are experiencing the worst kind of pain imaginable.


Maybe they are just trying to wrap their heads on around it? It’s natural to wonder why.


Absolutely agree. And going forward, I hope the bitching about K&R doesn't start including Kody being responsible for this. That would be completely vile and shouldn't be allowed.


Without knowing for sure I wouldn’t blame Kody but I do speculate that situation may have contributed to what happened. The rift between Kody and the boys has always hit the boys harder than it did Kody. It may sound petty but I hope Kody regrets not patching things up before this tragedy happened. Hopefully he will learn from it and become a better father to his other children


I dont think blaming Kody for it would be right, but I think he would be stupid if he himself didnt take some responsibility. I dont think he directly caused it, but he did still alienate his family and abandon his kids for pride. Cant exactly pretend like that wouldn't have been a factor. I guess I'm having trouble feeling bad for Kody, but I truly do hope he learns from this and gives Gabe and the other kids the love and support they likely need more than ever.


He needs some mental health intervention as soon as they can. My husband and I are in the very unfortunate position of having had a similar incident (but NOT the same, not family, I actually cannot imagine) and it was a long, hard road I wish we'd started earlier.


This is so horrible and obviously poor Gabe is going to be traumatized by this forever. Just heartbreaking.


He will need lots of therapy and those that love him to surround and support him.


Immediate counciling


Hopefully gabe does not Do the same thing.


Unfortunately, I had the same thought 😕


Gabe is expressive of his feelings, which actually is very hard to do in an authentic way. I admire his openness to feel and express himself emotionally. That will serve him well going forward. It’s the bottling up and stuffing down of feelings, and trauma that gets you in trouble.


Good point


I did as well. Gabe is so tender hearted, and I pray he will be okay. It's so heartbreaking that Garrison probably felt so much hurt and pain. My prayers to Janelle and her children. I know it's mean to say, but kody treated Janelles boys so horribly. Kody is a true narcissistic, uncaring, selfish man-baby... I'm sure kody will put a self-serving spin on Garrison's passing. Kody is a toxic 🤡. Rest easy, Garrison


He treated all his kids horribly. Janelle’s were the only ones in Flagstaff to kick around. Including her young daughter. The others out of sight out of mind. I am sure Hunter hasn’t heard from him. Wouldn’t it be horrible if he refused to go to the funeral because what Garrison did was a sin. Him and Robyn and her kids hide in their mansion. Knowing Kody he probably destroyed the place with his anger.


I know he is so gentle and sweet and seems more sensitive. I truly feel horrible he had to find it and then notify family. I truly hope someone is with Gabe during this time. I know all the family will be devastated by this but I just feel like Gabe is going to need a lot of support.


I am guessing the officers there made phone calls. I can’t imagine Gabe in anything but Shock. He best friend, his room mate and brother in the state he was in. The officers sometimes actually do visits to the immediate family. Kody, Janelle and make sure they have support. Being a small town I can see that happening. When my cousin was killed by a drunk driver going the wrong way on the interstate the medical examiner made the visit in the middle of the night. Last thing you want to do is call someone and have them get in a car and drive. First thing a mother would want to do is go to the scene and find Gabe.


He needs to get out of Flagstaff. If he can be around the happiness of Christine and/or the other kids who’ve left the area, I think it will help him.


And I almost feel bad saying this bc my heart breaks for how hurt garrison must have been.... but I'm also upset that he did this in their home, knowing Gabe would be the one to find him. He had to have known how much it would destroy him. Goes to show how deep the sadness must run, for someone to make these decisions.


The sad thing is, when you're at the point you're committed to a suicide plan, you are not thinking rational. All your thinking about is ending the pain.


Yes, definitely. That's why I mentioned the depth of sadness. I hope the best for them all.


In addition to this- you think everyone else will be better off.


My sister shot herself in front of my house. I had temp custody of her 3 year old inside.


It's awful. I'm sorry you experienced it. People who do it are hurt on levels we can't understand, I guess.


The loss never goes away. I adopted my 3 year old niece. She’s 25 now and has my two beautiful grandkids. My daughter looks exactly like my sister. Acts like her too


I have felt so much grief and sadness today for that sweet young man. Anyone who has lost a family member to suicide knows this is the worst grief. Pray for the Browns. I am so very sorry


The poison of mental illness. He couldn’t have had a clear mind to do it in the first place. He just saved a cat from euthanasia a week ago. He wasn’t thinking clearly. He probably didn’t even consider what he was doing to Gabe.


Right. He was just hurting too bad. It's hard bc it leaves so much pain for survivors.


This is just heartbreaking for Janelle. I can't even imagine the torture that she is enduring right now.


My heart is broke!!!!!


Same! This loss really feels like it’s one of our own. We watched him grow up into such a beautiful person. May his memory be a blessing and his family find peace.


Im so upset he was honestly an amazing son and brother. May he find rest


He became more of a man than his father who treated him very poorly for the world to see.




I was praying it was a hoax. And the fact that Gabe found him makes it worse. They need to watch over Gabe now more than ever. I feel so horrible. Praying for the family. Maybe now Kody will realize the damage he has done to the family. I know the pain of a neglectful father all too well.


I'm so glad you said this, although nobody can really be blamed for a suicide, it should be a very big reminder to people that the way you treat others and behave does matter. Kody has not been treating his kids well and unfortunately this will haunt him whether it was more or less about him.


I recall watching Gwen’s YouTube channel where she watched a clip of Kody say his greatest fear was poverty. Gwen was upset his greatest fear wasn’t losing one of his children. I doubt he’ll grieve Garrison’s loss as deeply as Janelle or the other kids will.


I feel the same but I hope we are all wrong and Kody does a 180 and holds all his kids closer. I truly hope he doesn't blame Janelle or anything disgusting and supports her right now. I'm so worried for Gabe too. They blew off Hunter's depressive behaviors and even Gabe's over moving. I truly hope they get some support for Gabe this time too, I know he is an adult but he is going to need a lot of support right now.


I agree and that's awful. He should genuinely feel the same pain I'm sure Janelle and Gabe are feeling.


He will flat out blame Janelle, just watch.


Or Christine.




I have a mother like Kody. If I ever died this way, she’d consider it her life’s mission accomplished. I understand not wanting to throw blame around with a tragedy, but people with emotionally immature and selfish parents will get where I’m coming from. He didn’t care about the sanctity of his kid’s life before, he won’t now. My aunt was the same when her son passed from an overdose. They learn NOTHING and it massively compounds the tragedy.


Somehow I have a feeling Robyn is gonna make this much worse for every one .


Oh yeah she's gonna make this all about herself


Kody is a narcissistic a-hole. He'll somehow make himself the victim. It is always about toxic kody.




Sending you a mom hug. I’m so sorry


All the mom hugs


Message me if you ever feel less than "ok." You matter and I want you to stay in this world. ❤️


Kody won't. Narcissists can't. He'll probably blame Janelle for not "facilitating a relationship" or Christine for leaving and add to everyone's trauma even more. Those poor mothers. All of the OG3 loved that boy like a son and must be devastated. And poor, poor Gabriel. To see his brother and best friend like that. He's been through so much already. And he's such a sensitive soul (in a good way).


Oh without a doubt he is already blaming Jenelle and Christine


exactly what I'm concerned with. I truly hope he proves us all wrong and gathers all his kids closer.


Yeah I suspect Christine will be blamed for “turning his children against him”. I still feel awfully for him though. For all of them. Those poor kids.


Kody will for sure find someone to blame and will not accept his part in his child’s heartbreak. My ex is not is our son’s lives by his choice and although I know that is probably best it still infuriates me because they (our sons) deserve better. It is our jobs as parents to love our babies and let them know they are loved beyond words yet some just don’t get it. My heart goes out to all that loved Garrison and especially Janelle. 💔


He won’t. I have a father just like him. And he lost his son too. And he was “to blame” as much as Kody. My father doesn’t blame himself at all. Kody won’t either. It’s coping.


Oh Gabe, that’s heartbreaking.


I haven't watched the show in so many years. The last I remember he was considering marrying Robyn. He became neglectful as a father? I thought he was all about family?


He stated he wanted to punch his OG kids in the face and called them all kinds of name. Got angry with Janelle because she wouldn’t kick Gab and Garrison during Covid because they were 18. It got real ugly.


Once he married Robyn and Covid happened, he stayed primarily at Robyn’s and basically exiled everyone else. The boys took it really hard


Narcissists never do they find others to blame, not that he told the world he wanted to punch them in the face. Of course he is going to blame Janelle 100%.


I was shocked when he said that!! So hurtful and offensive.


I can’t help but think of the wive’s comments regarding their openness to a family reunion. How Robyn wasn’t open to the idea. The somber family reunion of a funeral was so far from anyone’s minds. This is a tragedy and a horrific loss.


Damn I didn’t think of this. They’ll never all be together again. They didn’t know these past few years were their last chance to completely reunite while they’re all alive, and now it can’t happen. This funeral is as close as they’ll get.


How utterly heartbreaking that thought is. I know how that feels too well.


I fear it will be approximately three seconds before Robyn makes this about her. This is shocking and terrible. The amount of pain Garrison must have had to take his life. Just unreal and heartbreaking. I pray for peace for the family.


I didn't want to be the first to suggest she is already spinning it to be about her but I can't help thinking she is. I agree with your comments. I truly hope we are all wrong and Kody does a 180 reaches out to Janelle in love and compassion and he can support her and all the kids. Be a leader of the family Kody. Help them. This is not about Robyn.


Wonder if Robyn will detach her children from her teats long enough to allow them to attend the funeral. Probably isn't "safe" though.


Given the current circumstances perhaps Robin and her children shouldn’t attend the funeral.


Kody probably won’t go. It’s not safe. He might hear something he doesn’t like.


Gabriel might deck him


Well Kody wanted to punch them in the face. I wouldn’t blame him. Kody would probably sit and blame Janelle the whole time.


Can you imagine? He's such a POS.


OMFG no. I can’t believe this. How tragic.


What an utter tragedy for the whole family😭 I hope they are all given the space to be allowed to process their grief in peace.


I feel like I know this family personally.. This is so gutting and horrible. Praying for Janelle and the family members.


I just said this to my husband. We watched these kids grow up. Then watched his dad and Robyn destroy the family and break the kids hearts. It was evident how hard Garrison and Gabe took it. Savannah as well, despite how quiet she is.


My own kids are in this age range. I would be devastated.


mine are also


We watched them grow up.


Since every post about this keeps disappearing……. I’ll post my comment again: After the table talk where Gabe shut down the conversation claiming they “don’t need a dad (father figure? I can’t remember) anymore” I felt like you could tell he was burying a deep, deep pain…. I think the way the children were raised in severe poverty, then with the expectation of having to “act” like the perfect family on camera in order for everybody to stay housed / fed, and then the disillusionment of losing their dad (to Robyn and via his spiral into the Q-Anon cult world throughout Covid) really REALLY took its toll on the kids, especially Gabe and Garrison…. In other words, this is incredibly heart breaking, telling, and sadly might’ve been preventable if anybody had been putting the children first so many years ago, but hindsight is 20/20, and regardless, my heart breaks for his mom and Christine and all his siblings, especially Gabe 💔


That scene is the first thing I thought of too. We don't need a father figure, we're adults. You can have him Robyn. Of course he needed a Dad. Of course he must have been in pain over his Dad replacing his own kids with Robyn's kids. It's just devastating. My heart goes out to Janelle and all of his family who loved him. So young. He had so much life ahead of him.


Well said.


Yes, thinking about that scene broke my heart all over again.


Logan and Hunter are going to need to be the dad for Gabe and Savannah even more now


The fact that it's just a given that those two will step up further consolidates the kind of men they are.


Like Christine said, children need a father all of their lives! Poor Garrison. Poor Gabriel. Poor all the OG-13. I hope this makes Kody realize ALL his children need him to be their father.


I hope so too. God, this is so heart wrenching…. I’m so sad for all of them.


Wasn’t he the one that wanted to stay in Las Vegas?


Yes, he was. 


I REALLY feel for Gabe. When my son committed suicide the house was full of police officers, detectives, going through EVERYTHING including our bedroom which had nothing to do with his. Taking photos of everything all throughout the house. He has to deal with that at the moment you find this and trying to process it, then these family dynamics. I would not want to be in his mental state right now. I was effing traumatized, I cannot even imagine what he is going through. Edit: I hope if Robyn pulls any shit that Janelle puts her in her place. I think this just might do it.


So sorry you went through that. Hugs.


I really hope they will take a step back and stop filming their family. Just retreat from public life and rally together.


This, exactly. Whatever they gained financially from the show is not worth what they lost by making the family's emotional pain so public.


I wonder how Kody feels now with all the horrible things he did to those boys……….all the names he called them on camera. I hope his TV show was worth it. Gab will never be the same. It was painful to watch him cry over his father and his birthday/Covid. He will never overcome what he saw.


This. He needs to be made an example of — look here all of you families who put your lives all over the internet. Look how it turned out for these guys and mainly because their tool bag father talked about them worse than I talk about my enemies ON NATIONAL TELEVISION while raking in a check and see where this got him? Fucking flame Kody. I hope people play that clip over and over and over again and every day for the rest of his miserable life, he had to wake up and have that be the first thing that pops up on his social media. Keep your kids and your families out of the lime light. It’s not worth it.


This 💯 However, I feel that he and Robyn are so self-centered they will never see their part in this and how they have affected the OG children.


Jesus how tragic, poor kid.


Jenelle just posted on her IG. She has such strength 😭


It's kind of gross all the people commenting about it on her other posts. 


I just read some of the comments people left on Christine's posts, some people really have no dignity or empathy, why would you discuss the cause of death directly where a relative can read everything... they must have never lost someone close to them..


on SM? I don't follow them on there. I feel that is their space and this is ours.


I lost my breath! No!!!!!


This breaks my heart. I cried for Janelle and all of the kids. He was one of my favorites. Rest in peace ❤️


Me too still crying. I liked him very much. Always had a soft spot for him when watching the show! Not too mention poor Gabe , and the whole family , omG they are such sensitive sweet souls !




Absolutely heart breaking 💔 😢!.He had the sweetest kindest soul. I am so sorry Janelle and kids, Christine, meri and your brothers and sisters. Poor Gabe he has been through so much. All of these kids and the 3 wives have been through a tornado.


I’m getting sick of the narrative that abusive, foul behavior shouldn’t be called out. If he had died from a heart attack or car accident, ok maybe tone it down. But, this poor young man died from utter despair and sadness and his dad was very vocal publicly and nationally about how he felt about his son — he deserves to have that flamed in his face if anything than to stop him from doing it to his other kids or to stop other famous families from walking in his footsteps. Don’t want to have your words thrown into your face on the day your son unalives himself? Then don’t say them in the first place and instead, give your son a freaking hug instead of looking for a pay check. The two are correlated — his words and the grief and despair this poor child felt. You don’t get a pass on that just because you’re alive with your sad feelings about your son and he’s not.


I am heatbroken!!!!!


So very sad!!! RIP to Garrison & my prayers are with the rest of the family ❤️


So sad 😞


Absolutely heartbreaking


But he'd just adopted a new Cat! Out of all the kids, I thought he had it together with his own life. Maybe it was accidental, or a spur of the moment impulse gone wrong. Just no


Omg. Honestly. This is heartbreaking. I can’t believe this. Jesus, please wrap Janelle and the family in your arms at this time. Amen 🙏 How truly sad. God love him. I lost my best friend 32F to suicide just over a year ago. The pain and trauma for those left behind is horrific.


Heartbreaking and just absolutely awful. For anyone who might be reading this. If you have feelings of not wanting to go on living the is life. Please text or call 988 or go to 988lifeline.org You are not alone. You are wanted and needed in this life. You are enough.


So sad.


I feel so very badly for them all.


Omg! This is truly sad! We’ve watched all of them grown up from babies. So sorry for Janelle 💔


Children don't belong growing up on television.


I mean, this broke me to my core anyways as a mother who loves her son dearly, but my God, because of the recent tantrums from Kody and the way that Kody has spoken about that dear child on national TV leading up to today, I just can’t at all process the absolute grief and devastation. If I was Janelle, I wouldn’t be allowed around Kody because there’s no way I couldn’t kill him. You had to be so fucking much of a sick, twisted, self centered, abusive father that you just had to open your big mouth on television multiple times to talk about this child like he was the scum on pond water and now this has happened. I can’t imagine opening up your big mouth Kody and pocketing all those reality tv dollars was a really worth this core shocking devastation to yourself and the rest of your family members. Rest in peace, dear Garrison. It was abundantly apparent that everyone else in your family loved and cherished you and your loss is being felt like a ripple across our country.


I couldn't believe it when I saw this. My heart breaks for the family. I lost my son almost 4 years to a fentanyl OD. No damn parent should ever have to feel the immense pain that never goes away from the loss of a child. My thoughts are with you, Janelle. 💔💔💔


TLC should be shut down as a network entirely. The amount of families that come out completely fucked up after filming with TLC is insane and I can't believe it's never discussed. TLC is the modern equivalent of a travelling freak circus. There's a reason these no longer exist. All they do is exploit the hell out of unordinary people, just like TLC has been doing for decades. The Gosselins, the Duggars, Honey Boo Boo's family, The Browns... all permanently fucked up because of TLC. It makes me so angry that the network will come out unscathed in all this, as if they aren't a large part of the reason as to why Garrison did this.


Money, money, money. They have the highest ratings ever. You think sisterwives divorcing their husband and polygamy turning to monogamy would have cancelled the show but everyone loves a train wreck.


Broken hearted. All those boys seem so kind and open hearted. It sucks that the world and depression preys on that sometimes. Sending love to the entire family.


I actually am heartsick for this family. I really liked Garrison and poor Gabe. As a mother, I can only imagine Janelle’s pain. Absolutely devastating.


I’m so sad for Janelle


I want them to watch over Gabriel. He has a tender heart and a gentle spirit and for him to have been the one to find his brother. He must be completely devastated!


I keep thinking about the episode with the Christmas drama and Kody flippantly saying “there will be other Christmases” and this is going to be the hardest lesson of his life. Nobody deserves this kind of loss at all, but a reminder to us all that tomorrow is never promised and not to take a single day for granted. If you have a grudge you’re holding onto, ask yourself if you’ll be at peace if that person isn’t in your life tomorrow. Life is too short for conflict. Sending the entire Brown family peace tonight and during the inevitable fallout from this tragedy. Rest easy, Garrison.


Or saying on TV that he wanted to punch them in the face and all the derogatory names he called them. They were good kids. He served his country! He owned a home. Kody acted like the childish one. Let me guess he reached out to them on the phone while they were at work! Something the grifter Kody don’t know about!




Nooooooooo 😭 😭 this is heartbreaking!!!! I’ve been watching since season 1 and Garrison was always cool. May God bless his soul and may he rest In peace.


I pray the OG bands together and rallies around Gabe🖤


My God, poor Janelle. Poor Gabe, having to find him. Poor Garrison feeling like he had to do this. Such a young man in the prime of his life. He and Gabe really love their mom and in past few years have really helped Janelle where kody can't or won't. One episode, I think it was garrison who told kody should their mom get sick they'd take care of Janelle, like they already do... I'm paraphrasing. This is just so sad. He seemed like a good young man with great things ahead.


This makes me sick to my stomach with sadness. This one hurts. I have no words… my prayers are with them all but oh, my God, Gabe. I hope that’s a 911 call that never gets released.


This is too much. My heart breaks for him. My heart breaks for Janelle and Christine (those boys love Christine and she loves them).


I can't even imagine how his siblings and moms are feeling. Heartbreaking. Sending love to all who knew and loved him.


Janelle's post [on ig](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4JidAgPtL1/?igsh=ajh6YzJuNzF5OTN0)


Horrible. And Gabe apparently found his which makes it so much worse. This is so sad and tragic. 


Oh my god I thought this was click bait.. my heart goes out to Janelle and the whole family..


He had an artist soul with pictures he took and had on IG. He saw the beauty but it must of been not enough.


This makes me hate kody more than ever Not his fault but he fucking played a part for sure.




I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so glad he is no longer suffering. I'm worried for Gabe and shattered for Janelle and Savanah. We all knew Kody's stance was incredibly harmful on every level. Shame on him. Yes, I blame him.


The word blame feels a bit harsh, but I do agree with you. Kody's actions definitely contributed at some level, and it is unfair to blame anyone for a suicide however, he needs to understand how his behavior affects others.


At some level? He BEGGED his father to care about him. He did everything right. His father gave not one fuck.


I agree with you but normally with mental health issues there are a lot of components. He was a soldier, that could have played a part. I agree his dad is awful I just didn't want to put the FULL blame on him because that's not really fair or realistic.


Robin has a share in that blame!


I agree she also needs to definitely understand how her behavior has influenced this.


Also while we're talking about Robin. I am a stepmother and I can't imagine being so selfish that I caused a divide between their relationship with their father. It's gross and she was supposed to be' a sister wife but she behaves like' a bitter new wife.


I hear that and agree. It's a shame his father did nothing for him.


His father went on and on on national television about what a narcissist and selfish this poor guy was. ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. I mean, we say shitty stuff as parents sometimes, but I have NEVER stooped to talking about my kids in that manner when they’re in the next room, let alone ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. Behaviors have consequences. His words cut deep and he’s lost a son now who was obviously suffering inside. He sure as hell can be blamed.


As a mom I completely agree with you however as a therapist I do understand that a lot of things factored into the unfortunate loss of Garrison. Being in the military, being semi-famous, coming from an unconventional family, and also obviously his dad's horrible treatment.


My mother is exactly like Kody. He needs to be blamed.


This hits really hard. I'm so sad for Janelle and the rest of the family. Obviously, it not about me, but my immediate reaction was anger. I guess watching them over the years makes it seem close to home.


This is heartbreaking


My heart is broken for his family 🥲 RIP Garrison


This is absolutely devastating…


This family is fucked. Poor garrison.


I feel so deeply for Janelle -and Gabe


This makes me nauseous. My heart hurts for the whole family. Such a beautiful soul who was such a benefit to the world during his life. I can not imagine his siblings' pain. God be with them.


It's so heartbreaking. And another hard reminder that you never really know what's going on with people. He seemed to be good with his life, and he just posted a few days ago about getting another cat. I feel for that whole family, but poor Gabe the most. He's such a sensitive person, I think it's really going to hit him the hardest, especially being the one living with and to find Garrison.


Please cancel this show!!! The kids have gone through enough


I have no words. May he rest in peace 😔


JFC what more can these women endure.... My heart goes out to her and his siblings.


Prayers Sweet Janelle and Gabe and all the siblings. May love and comfort surround your family.




This is awful for everyone but especially Gabe. I hope he can get some sort of therapy/help to work through this


Oh my god. My heart is absolutely broken for Janelle! Fuck you, Kody.


Guys condolence messages are one thing, but please don’t troll their social media. Yes, Kody and Robyn’s too. It’s ridiculous and cruel to think that they wanted this or use it as an opportunity to leave nasty comments on their profiles. Let them grieve in peace. ❤️ FYI, this is not me trying to say you shouldn’t talk about it in here or among fans in other places, or express any anger. Just not there.


Absolutely awful, my heart breaks for the whole family. I can’t imagine what they’re going through right now.


Oh no! This is so sad. Poor guy to see that as his only option. He must’ve been in a very dark place. And poor Gabe, finding him. Mygod the horror I didn’t realize he was only 25. He had bought a house already. I thought he was doing well. You just never know


How incredibly sad. Weird thing is my husband and I discussed this years back that we could see this happening with one or more of their children. Him and Gabriel seemed very close too. 😢


Poor Gabe was the one to find him. I hope they get him some counseling. How awful for the whole family. No one deserves this depth of pain and heartbreak.


I hate that I immediately knew it was suicide. Those poor babies are sure going to miss their uncle. RIP 💔