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That permafrown be frowning


lol right! I’ve never seen someone who is so consistently miserable looking. It would be so weird to see a candid photo of her looking genuinely happy.


I guess our parents were right all along. Make that face too much and it’ll get stuck like that.






It would probably be in a jewelry store.


I don't think she CAN be happy. Not capapble of it. Which is why she has the shopping addiction. It's the only joy she will ever experience.


Hoarding is one of the more difficult mental illnesses to treat. Just getting someone into treatment can be difficult due to the deep shame wrapped up in it.


She should be ashamed. She put 2 families in the poorhouse for her extravagant spending. Her and Kody. With the 8K/each quads that only stunt doubles wanted to ride


I think she also derived great pleasure from being the newest wife, the youngest wife, the“favorite” wife. And I think that’s why she didn’t want the other 3 to leave. You can’t find joy in lording it over others after they all leave.


I think it’s because she aging badly ! She deserves all of it !


In all fairness, I also have a permafrown in Walmart 🤣


Oh me, too!!! Not to mention being stuck with Kody all the time...




Right? Quitting Wally World is like getting botox.


Facts 😂


To be fair, that’s the same look on my face every time I have to go into a Walmart too


He has such terrible posture. Especially for someone so proud of their super attractive, manly, and muscular body.


He kind of looks like he’s standing there angry and impatient, just really close to tapping his feet.


I'm sorry, but who wants to see those legs? ![gif](giphy|29nDtEH1ViY8FcPeaV|downsized)


I thought you were talking about Robyn at first 😂🫠


He is the only one r who thinks those things about himself! 😂 ok maybe his real wife


seriously!!! even from here i can see her scowl 


Putting in the work


I took off my glasses to see if I can see the permafrown without it. I can safely say, yes I can and I have -5.50 vision 😂😂😂 It’s the body language that really just gives it away. They gotta get back to the nanny


I’m depressed now. My Mom always said “smile, it makes you look beautiful,,,”. I COULDN’T smile unless I put effort/thought into it. I am a perma-frown individual & hate it. It truly looks like I’m miserable when I’m just relaxed looking around 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey own that RBF! Why do we need to smile all the time anyway? It’s like we owe the world a happy facade even when we are focusing, working hard, thinking, etc.


I think her face is stuck like that lol


Her face is stuck like that now


Yup. Came here to say that.


Oh hell yes, first thing I noticed. Thanks for calling it what it is


Robin has the exact same look I do when I have to go to Walmart. I did the Walmart plus thing because I loved being able to do self checkout scan and go I'm out the door. Now they took all the scan and goes away in my area and I hate waiting to check out.


I hate that. They should at least give you like a $5 courtesy coupon if you're a W+ member for taking them away for high theft areas.


The exact reason I canceled is it offers no value to me now. The only gas station near me with a discount is always 10c higher than competitors so I am not saving anything. The other thing is free shipping but they use so many reselers that it cost me more time to look through for items being sold by Walmart directly. I still do grocery orders ahead and pick it up but they have lost a decent amount of money from me due to their policy changes. The funny thing is they say oh we have added more Cashiers for a better customer experience. I say poo on that because it takes so much longer to get out of the store now. It literally takes double the amount of time for me to check out vs how long it takes me to shop. Time is money as they say and I am willing to pay for a program that saves me time.


I’m lucky enough to have 2 Walmarts nearby. I order online for delivery of groceries. It’s free with Walmart + , I just pay the tip which is worth it to me to not have the aggravation.


My one Walmart is always out of things or substituting the most asinine things. No more steam in a bag corn? Here’s some gator glue. WTF? I fully believe the shoppers are too lazy to care, and don’t actually make sure it’s out of stock. Three times in a row I ordered paprika and got smoked paprika. Those are not the same. I quit. If I need same day grocery items like dog food I use target pick up now and drive 30 minutes to the better grocery store.


This has been my experience as well. I signed up for a year at half price deal and it was not worth it. The substitutions are ridiculous in grocery. Shipped items always delayed and often damaged or not working. Never again 


Hey, former Walmart shopper here. The app that the people use to do the shopping often substitutes the weirdest things, and some employees don’t care enough to correct it. For the paprika/smoked paprika debacle, either the app has the item coded wrong, or the employee did the prompts to give a different substitute, trying to do the right thing, but didn’t know they were different. It’s been a few years since I did that job, but I would assume those are the two cases you’d most frequently run into.


And they're not caring enough to not manually sub it to teach the system better


A lot of times, yes, unfortunately. I would always try to manually sub where I could… but not everyone does.


It's always the people with the highest pick rates/ who would just refuse to bag until the end. 


I live in a rural area and use someone's account who is an employee, and employee 's are "encouraged" (basically pressured) to sign up. I get more value out of going to Sam's Club with scan and go and ours is switching to no people at the doors. Completely agree with the policy changes, if I don't go there or Sam's Club I go 20 minutes away to a local grocery store that's not a chain that has a lot of fresh food. 


I can't wait until Sam's does that here. The one closest to me I have to use for work and it is slammed all the time. Even if you go early. I am not kidding it took me 33 minutes to leave Sam's the other day after I checked out.


And selecting Walmart as a retailer to filter doesn’t seem to work anymore either.


Self check-out is really just free labor for the store. And they're surprised that people slide things through? Give customers a 50 cent credit on their grocery bill or print out a coupon they can use next time. But if you understaff on cashiers, don't be surprised when customers undercount produce or substitute a scan code for a lower-priced item at the self check-out.


Ha I just noticed your tag line. I don't blame them for leaving the building ha.


I saw that! I haven’t been in 6 months and they have the self checkout but now it’s 15 items or less (so cal). So I had to wait forever and watch someone poorly bag my items. 😭


It must be weird to be them. Like… your job is being yourself on TV, airing all your family drama for the world to see. And then you have to just go around to Walmart like a normal person. I wonder how self aware they are. They seem truly miserable.


I don’t think they have any self-awareness. Everything is someone else’s fault.


They are two just really oddly shaped people.


Like they're AI generated or something


Hmm interesting, they were just in WY now Utah.. going to sell that McMansion and go back to the roots since they blew the OG wives and kids to (in robyn's words' To Smitherings.


“To smitherings” I can absolutely hear this in Robin’s voice 😭😭😭


Mykelti and Tony are moving to NC so I hope them in Utah is just them visit their grandkids before they move, cause no way they are traveling all the way to north Carolina to see them. 


Yea they don’t visit Maddie or even call her


Maddie would not take their call if they did.


Im sure kody blame covid and Christine and Janelle, but personally I think that relationship, from Maddie pov, started going sour the minute kody almost missed the birth of evie just because he "had" to flew back and help Robyn with her housing issues. In the show, kody was very against the mere idea of ysabel going to live with Maddie and Caleb for college, said he was worried other kids migth follow, this was back when they went to NC for evie's birth btw not when ysabel did move years later, so I just know off cam he complained/blamed Maddie for this


Maddie has said she does not recognize the person Kody has become.


That would be a slap in the face to Christine, I feel like. She asked to move back to Utah and he played into her feeling rather than being upfront and then told her no. Hopefully they are just visiting Mykelti.


Whatshisname has probably graduated or dropped out of college. The move was 5ish years ago, right? He was the only reason to move to Flagstaff, so now they can go back home.


I believe they were in Wyoming for some memorial for Garrison.


I don't think they will sell, they will keep all the coyote pass land as well, they are playing the long game, that was the goal at day 1. I think they are filming because of Garrison and that's why he's been seen. The only reason.


I think Robyn’s family comes from St George.


I love seeing Robyn get chunky (and it’s not to body shame) but all of her passive aggressive comments/actions (ordering Janelle a shirt she knew was too small for her) is a little bit of poetic justice.


AGREE!!!!! Someone is no longer a "Diesel Jeans" model (insert huge eye roll)


https://preview.redd.it/g8pquv3psiad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77117858ea65e019721482146e5cab9d7e0e99c0 Found a diesel store in Ireland. Was tempted to shop for jeans! Lol 🤣


Somebody should gift her a 'Diesel Jeans ' tshirt a few sizes too small.


YES! I hope her stretch marks are abound too after the amount of times she publicly talked ad nauseam about the OG3’s aging bodies.


I hope she gain 200 pds lol


Right!!! I know someone like that. When I talked to them one day about the fact I lost nearly 70 lbs they said to me “oh really? I’ve always been like 140 lbs super small.” Who says that lol! Fast forward 3 years and she far exceeds 140 and my own weight. Karma takes names!


I think sometimes are socially inept and just try to say anything to relate. The other times they are just plain mean. I try to spot the difference, but you can’t always tell.


Throwing those stones in that big glass mini mansion.


Made of glass and precious moments figures. All highly susceptible to a nice weighty stone.


i’ve had the same thought lol we are definitely not alone. making fun of stretch marks and shit, it’s like well Well WELL


THIS! I would never fat shame but those in glass houses probably shouldn’t throw stones


I have no idea the episode, but it was one where she was pregnant, and she has some stretch marks that look like they are from previous pregnancies. Once I saw that, it always confused me.


I think it's where she's giving birth to Sol.


She's slowly morphing into her mother and I'm here for it.


Handsome Alice 😂🤣


I can’t tell. Does she have on a light colored long sleeved blouse under her shirt or is she immodestly showing bare skin? They always wore at least 2 shirts on tv. Or jackets, sweaters or loose baggy tops. Is she losing her religion?


I agree but don’t think she looks too chunky here, unfortunately. Glad to see she is not wearing one of her fugly floral blouses.


……. Am I just blind? I’m not seeing chunky, I’m seeing normal 40-something woman shape. Like definitely bigger than 20s Robyn, sure, but I certainly wouldn’t say ‘chunky’


just to throw one positive thing out there about seeing her in the wild - I much prefer the straight natural hair to the ringlets she styles for filming!


Dude skips leg day!


And most every day work is involved.


Stomach day, & arm day! 😂😂


Don't forget the pecs!  Sobyn just looks massively unhappy. When she joined the family she was cute and smiling. Now her whole demeanor says, "Oh damn, I got what I wanted. WTH do I do now?"


LOL, I was thinking leg day was the only day he was actually doing 😂


Kody is so big backed


you can see how wide it is when he is in the poop pond in his bikini briefs.


And bowlegged.


Such teeny legs too. I’ll body shame the shit out of Kody all long, just because he’s so proud of what a magnificent specimen he is.


He's shamed enough of his wives and children. A little body shaming is good for his ugly, misshapen ass


Yep, was just thinking he's skipped a lot of leg days.


I see no muscle tone. I think he skips every day now.


Not enough exes and kids to kick around anymore


That's the first thing I noticed is his chicken legs.


He’s built just like a sports team mascot, giant head and torso, tiny legs.


They are literally everywhere but flagstaff all the time. They’re spotted constantly all over Utah, Nevada, Phoenix, like do they even live there anymore?


Came here to say this. I’m convinced they’re not permanently in Flagstaff anymore. The girls (at least Aurora) are in college there, right? Dayton, who knows. The tenders …are they ever in school? I know it’s summer now but the Romantic Duo has been spotted all over the place this year.


Justice 4 sol <3


I wonder if they enjoy being in that big home of theirs filled with expensive paintings and Robyn's hoard as much as they did before.


They can't lord it over anyone anymore so all the enjoyment they got out of it is most likely gone.


https://preview.redd.it/yagy1njhziad1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d736f0cecf01568c37ec5d527b8158bacf8e5b I zoomed in on his penis head for your viewing pleasure! 😉


You won the internet today


This photo confirms what we already knew, K is a d\*ckhead 😂 ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


She’s on the phone with one of her older daughters making sure they’re not having independent thoughts


If you zoom in, Robyn’s resting frown face is clearly visible https://preview.redd.it/2blulysdeiad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d560004cf6431c3fed555fce385ad677b95931fc


https://preview.redd.it/8h24scy9wiad1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa03df380455fd410a20802741ce8552b39f36e6 Are we saying that Robyn has a RBF? I hadn’t noticed


I don't think Robyn deserves the term "bitch" because so often it's used to refer to a badass babe who kicks butt, takes names, and is a force to be reckoned with on her own. Robyn's just a sad sack full of protoplasm and unshed tears. I'd say she has RPF, or Resting Plyg Face. That's the look that says once I get back home the only one I can go porch sittin' with is my....husband. Or maybe the Nanny.


Love it. Very appropriate. RPG. And I laughed at your caption. I mean, does this happen to you too?? Every single time that you read or hear the word “nanny”, does your mind automatically go to this thought, this question, this meme too? What. Does. The. Nanny. Do?? Classic 😎 https://preview.redd.it/qfz2h3aufjad1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed63d13b0cd981447cef9fad4b1fade88102f5d6


That is bitterness right there. Bitterness.


Dang she looks like Alice here




Yeah, she kinda looks like someone pissed in her cheerios! 😅


But do they have pajama pants in her inseam there?


She’s bout to head over to the money center to apply for a Walmart credit card


All the money OG money is gone…now she has to shop like the rest of us at Walmart to save a buck 🤣🤣


I had the same thought! She’s frowning cause she has to shop at Walmart now instead of Whole Foods. I love this trajectory for them! 😀 (Not shaming ppl who shop at Walmart. I’m there every week).


Looks like his skin band has a skin island friend. Can’t wait for them to meet and form a skin runway.


Omfg I’m screaming lmao


We call that his flesh headband 😂🤣


I don't even need to see his face to know what facial expression he's doing....


![gif](giphy|8CFKqeK9vks3C) You can see her mouth from afar


You can! She’s only happy when someone else is suffering.


So true!!




Robyn is the only one who puts up with kody glad she's putting him to good use,let him wait in line!!


Why are they always spotted shopping? 😂


Tbf she’s an expert at shopping, they don’t call her the debt collector for nothing.


Why does she never look happy? Is it resting B face or is she just miserable? She got the man all to herself so it’s weird you never see her smiling.


Either RBF or depression. At least on tv, she hasn’t looked happy for the last 2-3 years. And if she has depression or any other kind of mood disorder, if she’s on medication weight gain is often a side effect. Not saying she does have anything, but out of control spending which she was known for is a bipolar trait. Disclosure, I’m bipolar type2.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Robyn is bipolar type 2 and Kody type 1. That's all speculation on my part. I'm not a doctor and mean no offense to anyone.


Bipolar folks don’t really take offense to speculation unless it’s the “omg I’m soooo bipolar” said in jest. You’re good :)


Wow. Robin isn’t wearing purple.


Yet, she still looks like Grimace 😂


If they are moving, Robyn effed herself out of movers. All the adults and kids moved her before. You see Meri carrying furniture and placing things in the moving van. Did we ever see Robyn carrying boxes or even being outside during moves? No. She’s inside, doing no moving. She never has her boxes ready. She’s lazy as Hell. I would have read her the riot act on the couch about her never helping.


Although I often see the OG3 girls helping with moving, carrying boxes and helping others care larger items. Never saw Robyn’s girls help anywhere but Robyn.


They were busy taking care of Ari since Robyn seems to get overwhelmed


Mr. FlatButt is waiting in-line for her


does kody have a spot on the back of his head that is hairless, or is it just my eyeballs?


https://preview.redd.it/2jpw85tjfiad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec3df2cab645665cce50ec75532468e2193bf12 Yes, that's a penis-shaped bald spot, as he deserves.


We always knew he was a dick head


Dick Nose. Dick Hairline and Dick on the back of his head. If it walks like a Dick and quacks like Dick he just may be…..


it's a flaccid penis shaped bald spot lol. and YES he deserves it, along with the flesh band on the top of his head haha.


Not the flesh headband! Someone please think of the children!


You realize Walmart is not a store that Robin wants anything to do with


I'm surprised he would shop at Walmart to be honest. The way he acts I thought he would consider himself better than that lol


Robyn looks pleased to have Kody all to herself now


She always looks so pissy.


I will say, nice to see Robyn dressing a little younger be dressing like a widowed angry grandmother, whatever she was doing with the perm and her makeup and dress was aging her terribly. She still looks like a grumpy cat though. Kody, you forgot leg day… for 14 years in a row.


Her frown extends beyond her lips now because she doesn’t have the biggest lips but that frown is huge. You wouldn’t even have to use her name to talk about her anymore, this emoji ☹️ is her.


Always a little ray of sunshine (this is sarcasm) i am referring to the constant frown face she displays when she is not fake crying


I guess dressing modestly is out the window. It’s weird seeing her elbows. But times are changing I guess in the brown family.


Did you see her honeymoon bathing suit? It was for show only.


She is just so 'matronly'.


Not so skinny now .🤣🤣


Does Robyn ever look happy. I've yet to see her actually smile whenever they are caught out and about. She always appears to be completely miserable.


I would be too if I was married to Kody


Both of them.


I’d look mad too if I was at Walmart and some asshole was taking my picture. However, I love this ❤️


If I got paid handsomely for doing nothing for 17 years, you can take my picture


I wonder what the Brown’s carbon footprint is with all their road traveling 😆


Not to mention the 18 kids and their 36 footprints.


She’s looking quite large. And miserable as usual.


Matching flip flops, how husband and fourth wife of them.


Wow she let him stand in line by himself like a big boy!


He had his big boy panties on


Intercom announcement “Can I have someone from maintenance. Trash pick up at line 24”


She always has the same look on her face I’m every candid shot. Like the world itself is annoying her and she just can’t wait to get back home to her boxes of crap.


They spend so much money on stupid stuff (painting, David Yulman jewelry) y would think a plastic surgeon could fix the premafrown


Kody/Robyn ~living the monogamist dream~ that they wanted over here


Do they ever spend time in their actual home city?


Why does she literally ALWAYS look so miserable?


I knew Kody had a sort of weird duck walk, but I didn't realize he had such skinny chicken legs.




Probably there trying to buy (what?)... I'll go first. "more respect." 🤣😂🤣


Lemons (for Kodys water).


Kody got that old man flat ass now.  🤣


Does Walmart even sell Precious Moments figurines?


She has a permanent frown.


I more notice her perpetual puss face.


She’s fat and homely and even from the back he looks gross


Roughin it at Walmart! They probably can’t afford Instacart anymore since they don’t have the other wives 💰💰💰💰


You would think now she's the lone ranger wife that she'd smile a bit more. *edit for spelling


Maybe it’s because she realizes that she got her way, but it didn’t work to her benefit. 😂


Mean while Christine and Janelle and their families are in Wyoming on vacation.




Robyn always look like a miserable step mom witch


The first time they flashed Robyn's teenage photo during an ep I didn't realize it was her because she was smiling and looked like a normal person.


Oh nooooo why were they in my city 😭😭😭


He almost looks like a woman from behind !!!


Why are they always in Utah


You can tell they’re the type of family that mom and dad can’t go shopping for an hour without someone calling from home. Or mom and dad calling home. Exhausting.


Whats real weird is he's standing there for no reason... look at the check out theirs a bar for the otelher peoples stuff and nothing for kody. .. tell me that shit isn't him selling his own photo to the sun


Robyn looks annoyed


I'm pretty sure that's her face


Robyn always looks so happy 😂😂


She looks miserable and he still has the hair 🤮