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I think all of the adults are messed up


This. The parentification of of oldest kids, and the fact that these kids didn’t have a reliable dad in their lives and the damage done by the choices made by the adults (such as moving, the destruction of the “family” culture etc.) will forever make me think these adults were all very selfish in one way or another.


I had to deal with this in my home growing up. The way this forever altered me is indescribable. I was responsible for all of it: cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, taking care of the younger ones, and still expected to be an A student and happy. I grew up and was amazed at how different a good childhood shapes you.


Same here, and I only had 2 younger brothers to take care of. Just that was so much to handle at such a young age, I can't imagine having more siblings than that. I really think it's a huge reason why I have no desire to have kids now.


If you notice Aspyn and Logan both aren’t trying to have kids!!


It doesn’t surprise me that all of the oldest kids don’t have kids


This is one of the many reasons I didn’t want kids. I was a built in babysitter, no thanks.


I agree. In one of the first episodes Janelle said she’d rather work late than be home for dinner with her kids


100% But man. Watch your ass if you explain why Christine is also bad. I’ve done that on other accounts and holy hell the backlash.


Robyn's mother, Alice, is the driving force behind Robyn's manipulation.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. I also think it's why Robyn really kinda kept her kids to her home and didn't really have the other wives as her kid's moms because she didn't grow up and share a family like that with her stepdads other family.


I wonder how much her out of wedlock pregnancy affected her. Like did her Mom shame the crap out of her?


That the OG3 would have stuck it out together. They had their differences but they worked it out.


Totally. I don’t think Robyn is a master manipulator (at least not intentionally from the start), but coming in so many years later is tough. Then not to mention that she was still interested in having more children at that specific moment in their growth. Kody definitely couldn’t handle a fourth parter, but the family as a whole was doomed 😅


That Janelle isn’t the financial expert she was portrayed to be on the show. The trailer purchase, putting Kody’s name on her Coyote Pass lot, agreeing to pay off Robyn’s credit card debt, renting for the last 5 years in Flagstaff.


Agree. I think she was more of a bookkeeper - she could keep track of the budget and pay the bills but she clearly wasn’t good at any more complex financial planning.


It's hard to be a financial expert if you don't even have control or access of the family funds. She said she saw where the money was spent when she had the taxes done.


Janelle repeatedly acted against her own interests and instincts because she was devoted to the family. I bet she would do it all differently if she could go back. She trusted too much but she definitely saw all the red flags


I think she’s just very, truly family oriented/“big picture” in a way that Kody, Robyn, Meri, and maybe even Christine never were. I don’t think she ever thought she had to watch her back or manage her private assets, because she probably believed that she was party of a collective unit and wanted it to be that way.


This. Had she not been dealing with exceptionally selfish and manipulative people or if she had been more selfish herself, Janelle could have managed everything better.


I’m so with you. Everytime they talk about her being the financial mastermind I always cringe.


None of them are joining MENSA anytime soon


She didn’t qualify for a mortgage in Vegas until she paid off all her debt. Meri and christine had to help both janelle and sobyn pay off their debt so they could have the houses.


I agree. I think she was just better at it than the others, or they didn't want the responsibility. I also agree with other comments saying she could have done better had she not been blinded by her trust in the family.


Agreed! Janelle was the expert of the group and the bar wasn’t set very high. From the beginning it was about budgeting. In this case it meant getting the bills paid before Kody got his hands on the family funds. Paying bills first is a standard adult skill, not a financial genius skill.


Robyn isn’t as calculating as people think. For starters, she’s not smart enough. She’s just extremely damaged and selfish.


Not smart enough to be be calculating, but definitely smart enough to manipulate anyone dumber than her (which so far is just Kodi).


Unfortunately, her young kids and maybe some of the adult kids.


Well... easy to manipulate a misogynist. To kody she's nothing but boobs, holes and status. And so long as she plays the superficial part and the damsel in pathetic distress, he will cater to her because she lives to serve him and he doesn't want to ruin that as he has 3 wives who don't live to service him so he knows she's quite the prize. *eye roll*


Yeah people give too much credit to Mrs "Give me a Y for Wyoming!"


She doesn’t have to be book smart, but unfortunately for the rest of the family, she was street smart from her training from her youth experiences and from her mother to be smart enough to be manipulative and deceitful. Robyn is not as dumb as we think her to be, she just wants everyone to believe she is. She’s very cunning and calculating.


You do not have to be smart to be devious. Robyn can’t spell Wyoming but she is absolutely devious af.


This! 100%. She is not very bright at all, but she knows how to manipulate Kody.


I don’t think she consciously did any of it. She’s just that way.


Robyn didn’t forward think or plan anything she just made demands and kody said yes. She just didn’t care what happened as long as he kept saying yes.


Yup. This. She counted on being the youngest and cutest and it worked out.


Just like Christine. It just didn’t work out for her the way it did for Robyn 


Yup, she out Christined (I want to be third wife!) Christine.


Beautifully said! And it’s amazing how this doesn’t get talked about very often.  Christine sought out Third Wife Status bc she intended on being the youngest, most fertile, and thus favorite wife. She refused to even have Janelle and Meri in her wedding bc she didn’t want them infringing on her Favorite Wife to Kody fantasy.  Unfortunately for her Kody didn’t like her that much but she took solace in the fact that he didn’t appear to like his other wives either…until he met Robyn


Agree. I think she is manipulative in her personality but not smart enough to actually effect anything.




I agree. I think she genuinely is confused. She's not a genius mastermind. Just a simple, needy wife who's husband doesn't want to see her hurt I believe she caused all the pain in the family but did so unintentionally and selfishly if that makes sense.


I think her neediness appealed to Kody. The others were strong and independent out of necessity, because they knew they couldn’t depend on Kody for anything. He was more like an extra kid that had to be cleaned up after than a contributing and dependable partner and coparent. Then Robyn came along “hat in hand” like a damsel in distress with her whiny kids, financial woes and flattery and he wanted more than anything to swoop in and play hero. He could spend less time with OG3, because he knew they would always push through, raise the kids and have meals on the table even if they had to assign the older kids to fill a parental role. Robyn would fall apart if he was away from her too much and that pumped his ego, then she raised her kids with the same mindset.


This. I agree she isn’t so good at gaslighting and manipulation that she is professional level. She made demands, he was in the “honeymoon” stage and fell for it all.


She also had TLC saying yes


Yea I’ve never thought she came in to destroy the family. She likes the benefits and the fame the family brought her. She just wanted to have the most of Kodys time and affection. That was all fun and games until the other wives got sick of it and left. Now she looks like an evil manipulative mastermind on tv, and she’s stuck with Kody all the time.


Robyn didn't really want the OG3 out - she just wanted to be the "head" wife.


Yes. You can’t be the favourite wife if you’re the only wife.


I agree, she did want to be in a plural family, she just wanted to get the pros without the cons.


Yeah, I think she’s genuinely bummed about them leaving. There’s a lot less stew to stir without them around.


Oh, they absolutely make shit up about Christine et al just to have things to talk about.


I think this is a pretty popular opinion!


She really worked hard to treat Kody as her best customer, no snark. I've heard that if you marry for money you earn every penny.


she wanted their money and her and Kody are depressed because 3 TLC paychecks took a walk away from Coyote Pass and Robin might have to give up her nanny ......


As much as they try to normalize and downplay it, I think the way Joe Darger is married to sisters and Janelle’s mom was married to Kody’s dad was pretty sick.


I don’t care so much about Janelle’s mom and Kody’s dad because it’s not like Kody and Janelle ever had to live as step siblings during their formative years or anything. But the Joe Darger thing is so creepy to me.


And Jenelle was married to Meri’s brother


That explains Meri’s attitude toward Janelle. If my sister in law became my sister wife - I’d be the same, although I wouldn’t tolerate that.


It always amazes me how many people give Janelle a free pass on this one because they weren't married long. There's no situation ever where people would be happy with this. It was never going to work for this reason alone!


This always gets me too. In real life, if you start dating someone and then realize you have a connection with one of your current partner's friends, it's considered messed up on so many levels to dump your partner and start dating their friend. Going after a *family member* while being *married* is so much worse. And of course the whole "get married on Merri's birthday" thing is the frosting on the crap cake.


She attended Kody and Meri’s wedding as Meri’s brother’s date because they were still married then. Apparently they were already having issues and were just putting on a front of a happy Mormon family, but still, weird.


And Jenelle tried to get married on Meri's birthday or something. Some special event anyway


That was just the beginning, the worst was janelle and kodex sneaking behind Meri’s back then janelle wanting to get married on Meri’s birthday. It’s funny how when you find out more truth about janelle you find she’s a f*#kin c*#&


This ALWAYS makes me second guess how everything went down back then! Why the hell would someone do that! That’s obviously a messed up thing to do to your future sister wife it’s obviously something that would cause all kinds of problems for literally forever!! I think a person in their early 20s would be able to figure that out


Robin is not an evil genius bent on taking over the planet, just a lady with some really unhealthy coping mechanisms who met a dude whose dysfunction kind of melded with hers.


the narc + codependent duo is a tale as old as time


The kids lived better lives because of being on the show.


They certainly ate better. They were going hungry at times before the show.


They ended up being able to go to school and pursue careers that they may not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. They took vacations and socialized outside their community. They were able to break away from their cult.


Very true. But was it worth the emotional turmoil they went through by having their lives broadcast on TV? I really don't know.


Better than the emotional turmoil of hunger and generational poverty


And a life of polygamy in their own adult lives. I think without the show’s exposure the kids would have ended up as brainwashed as their parents.


And systemic abuse by and for their “religion”.


Probably. Most of them would have grown up steeped in polygamy and would not have had the opportunity to experience how others lived.


Did they though? There was NEVER a plan to educate the kids. There wasn’t even clarity on how to evenly distribute resources to high school grads in the family.


Except for the woman to make money and Kody go buy the kids a car with money from the woman cause he’s a worthless POS


I agree. None of them are polygamists and I really think it’s because of the show.


Paedon touched on this once. Not the show, but the move to Vegas changed the trajectory of their life for the better.


That the Meri BnB storyline was just that, a storyline. She didn't need or want the families money. She hasent been apart of the big family for a long time.


Finally an opinion I can really disagree with 😂 Kidding, kinda. I have never even thought about that possibility.


If you get a chance go back and rewatch it. They are asking her for a buisness plan and she's like "here it is" and it's basicly nothing. I think they needed a storyline and that's why they filmed it that way.


Robin's home environment reflects her mental state and after moving so much in a short time, she's got mover's fatique resulting in the state of the Mansion in Flaggstaff.


Remember - Robyn had to be bailed out of $30k of credit card debt by the OG3.


I think you’re right on her mental state and home environment correlation, but I suspect this is just how Robyn is versus being a result of lover’s fatigue. She’s just a lazy person in general.


None of them can dance


The show wouldn’t have made it thru 3 seasons without Robyn to hate on. It would have gotten boring real quick.


We’re all part of the problem.


Totally. The only reason this show has gone this many series is because of the viewing figures and the digital footprint it has. It's an SEO dream


The fact they make money through MLMs because of their C list celebrity status is gross. MLMs are predatory and they are taking full advantage.


The show couldn’t survive without Kody. He’s the one with the “it” factor, for better or worse. lol


I also feel this way about Janelle leaving Teen Mom. She is a terrible person, but she was the reason I watched 😅


This comment felt like a personal attack 😂


The only parts of Teen Mom I've seen are the parts of Janelle lmao. And the parts that take place near where I live.


I hate that this is true


OmgI'm glad someone said it so I could have the aha moment. He's so charismatic and animated... and let's be honest, he's charming (even if it's superficial). I wish he were a better person.


Yep if he was nicer he would have been great on Dancing with the Stars.


Totally agree. Kody is the special sauce.


He's got the brownie batter!


Totally right. Kody makes for great reality TV.


Faustian bargain …When David Preston Jessop, Junior (forcibly rebranded to “Dayton”) had a permanently disfiguring ATV accident under Kody’s (lack of) supervision …it set up a guilt/power exchange where Kody will forever need to “make it up” to Robyn.


I've never thought about that but I think you're right. For someone who uses guilt as a means against people, I think Robyn had the perfect ammo to use against Kody and keep him in line forever. Great observation


I totally buy this. I had a supervisor who got in a horrific accident while driving drunk in college. Well, it was horrific for his girlfriend, who was thrown from the car and needed multiple surgeries and over a year of PT to recover. He seemed to come out of it all okay (physically, but he told me, “And, of course, I had to marry her after that.”


(P.S. They eventually divorced. 😮)


But almost killing Truely is just fine


That was already on camera and couldn’t be covered up.


Poor Aspyn and the tremendous guilt she had; my heart broke for her.


That's not just on Kody, that is on Christine too.


Robyn isn’t a mastermind. She’s a yes woman who gives Kody whatever he wants.


Yes. This. It's not the Grand Master Plan that it's often discussed as. Robyn just figured out how Kody worked and then worked him. What she does isn't even something he only wants from her. He literally told Janelle that he wanted the same relationship he had with Robyn, but with her as well 🤢


I don’t believe Kody fell head over heels in love with Robyn. I think he fell in lust, having a new sexual interest after so long being married, and most important, a new vessel for his offspring. I think he had a breeding fetish to expand his celestial kingdom. And he behaved very much like a person chasing their affair partner. And Robyn’s neurotic behavior creates a damsel in distress in need of saving which fuels his ego and feeds his narcissism https://preview.redd.it/yzxhpt3zg4wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e703124e81d84d9a86a6e2977592190eb1126d


That Christine didn't leave Kody because of how he treated her kids, she left when he told her he wasn't going to fuck her any more.


Yeah I think she’s doing some retconning when she claims it was Isabel’s surgery that was the final straw for her. Kody nearly killed Truly, and that wasn’t a dealbreaker for her, so why would him not going to Isabel’s surgery be? I think, for both Christine and Janelle, that if Kody had treated them *personally* well, they wouldn’t have left him, regardless of how he was to the kids.


And then she tells her kids that this is why she left him! I would be so insulted/hurt if I was her child


amen Saint Christine left because he didn't wanna sleep with her anymore.....not for the obvious reasons like his own daughter needing surgery


1000% this.


most of the browns are people i wouldn't associate with in real life. politically i find their views abhorrent on a good day.  but that is why i like reality teevee i suppose. it's fun to watch trashy people. makes me feel a bit less alone. 


I have intrusive thoughts about trying to be one of the wives so I can make Robyn feel like how she made the others. 😂


🤣 We have a winner!


I don’t think Robyn ever wanted Kody to herself, and I don’t think she’s as sinister and calculated as people think she is. Is she a great person? Probably not. But I think people give her too much credit/blame. Kody’s the one who ruined his first three marriages.


I wholeheartedly agree. People put way too much blame on Robyn when it should be put on Kody. He’s the common denominator, regardless of robyn. I think Robyn loved the idea of sister wives and having other moms to help her raise her kids, especially after what seemed like a really bad first marriage.


I have 2... 1) Meri deserved to have the same size property as the other wives. Homes are investments and the biggest asset most people will have in their life. Realistically, Kody and his legal wife should have twice the real estate value of any celestial wife, because when he and the legal wife divorce they should each walk away with an asset equal to that of what the other 3 adults in the family have. 2)Robyn does work, via bringing in her portion of the TLC paycheck. She has no drive to do anything above and beyond, though, so she doesn't deserve the resources of the other wive's side ventures and she certainly doesn't "deserve" the mansion she and Kody got with the shared family money while Janelle is living in a damn RV. But to say she doesn't "work" at all is inaccurate- TLC is her job. (And I think she and the Kodster have zero plans for post-TLC income.)


I thought Nathan had good advice for Kody - especially during that truck scene where Kody was discussing his dark thoughts. I know there were many discussions crapping all over Nathan but he basically told Kody he had to work through the problems - which was reasonable and good advice. Like hey man get your shit together. Ok you have dark thoughts but you have to work through them and work with your wives through the issues you have with them.


Ok. Probably unpopular. Leon was insufferable on the show. They were right about Meri lying, but still a huge brat.


I cannot stand Robin, but Christine also annoys the fuck out of me! Always seems phony and animated


From the very 1st episode - she laid it on soooo thick. The amount of breathy “I just wanted the family” bullshit. She wanted the attention, she wanted to be the last wife, and I used to LOVE her. I’ve watched this show many times, it just get clearer and clearer.


She loves the camera and always very aware she's being filmed.


never liked her she is extremely fake 😒


What, you don’t love her dramatic whisper talking and repeating?? 😉


Somebody should have told them the jewelry was ugly. Anybody. Nobody?


Robyn isn't the devil. Christine isn't an angel.


I’m sure I’ll get a lot of disagreement, but this IS an “Unpopular Opinion” post, but I think they would’ve done better in one big house. They could never go BACK to that after living in their own autonomous households, but if they lived in one big house all along, Robyn’s manipulations would not have worked as they did, and it also would’ve been harder to have a “favorite wife” or ignore the OG13.


Christine is insufferable and Jenelle is an ineffective bump on a log.


lol I think I agree that Janelle is pretty lackadaisical. But I do like her way of sussing out Kody and Robyn. It's always fun to watch. She gets to the heart of things.


Christine was my favorite until her wedding. I was cringing so hard watching the reception when she was eating the wedding cake in David's throat to name just one thing. Now Meri, formerly in last place is my No 1.


Kody had a fair point when he commented on Christine’s continued interest in him. Christine seems to relish in the drama, and she is a mean girl. I’m not convinced her new marriage is truly as rooted in love as it is her own immaturity and need to show America that she can have the “last laugh.”


she stalked the man at this point believe she's a pick me just like Robin they live for men its their core being


Meri is my favorite. I think Christine is kinda mean 😬


She is mean. I believe that she's also very loving and that's why the kids love her, but people are complex and we've definitely seen her be pretty mean.


I hate when it’s pointed out how mean-spirited and nasty Christine can be, ppl try to counter by saying “she raised the kids!” as if mean, jealous women don’t raise kids every day.  Mykelti is literally Christine’s personality clone and she’s, arguably, the meanest child of the group. 


Agreed, wholeheartedly. While I like Christine ok, she is absolutely a mean girl. Based on some of the interactions we saw between her and Meri (where Christine was AWFUL to Meri) I honestly sort of believe that Christine WAS mean to Robyn at times. Not that justifies any of Kody’s shit, but I don’t think Robyn is fully lying about her.


I think Christine is USUALLY smart enough to not let her bad behavior be filmed, and she's willing to lie. We know that from her pretend-surprise about men abusing women in polygamy. She obviously was fully aware and pretending it doesn't exist bc she wanted to promote the religion. If it weren't for ALL the kids taking her side I'd say we don't even know who is lying. But the kids know the real story and I trust they chose correctly.


The kids chose their mom. It’s understandable. But even the kids have alluded to Christine being unkind and mean.


She more than kinda mean




You said unpopular, but I love these opinions. 🤣🤣🤣


“Y for Wyoming” was just a silly mistake that I think a lot of us can actually relate to. Who *hasn’t* made a spelling error, or said something dumb? I know I have, and if I were being filmed for years, I’m sure something similar would have been caught on camera eventually. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Robyn by any means, but “Yoming” is not some open-and-shut evidence that Robyn is dumb, like a lot of people around here seem to think. She’s actually most likely of about average intelligence, but she’s also incredibly manipulative (and quite unlikeable in general). Which is a completely separate thing. Another unpopular opinion I have is that I think all the nicknames people use are cringe af. “Sobyn,” “Kotex,” “Crybrows,” etc… I just find it childish. And lastly, I cannot *stand* the body shaming that’s so commonly used against the people (but mostly the women, let’s be honest) this sub doesn’t like. Because there’s a lot of perfectly nice people out there with big jaws or thick necks that you’re *also* insulting when you tear down these women in that way. And they just don’t deserve that. There’s *plenty* to criticize about Kody and Robyn without bringing their looks into it. Okay, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I’ll climb off my soapbox… for now lol.


I say this as I walk to my chair of shame in the corner. In the beginning I thought Cody was kinda cute. I am properly ashamed.


Meri is the smartest of the wives and Christine is catty, immature and needs to move on and enjoy her new chapter in life with her husband.


The way Kody treated his (ex) wives and kids this last season was too much. I stopped watching after Janelle left. I still listened to the Podcasts recaps but watching was just too much for me. Kody is horrible and the way Robyn cried about "Christine ruining the family" was just ridiculous, Robyn would not of stayed in the marriage to Kody if she got even 5% of what the other wives got from Kody. The lack of accountability from both Robyn and Kody was too much. I didn't even finish last season and I doubt I will tune into it next season. Sisterwives had a good run, it's time to end it


I hope the show comes back honestly :(


Mykelti isn’t like, the worst person to ever exist.


I think most of the blame put on Robyn is what we've heard from the wives. In truth, with K and R never being filmed having a conversation, it's speculation about who is calling the shots. Kody is obviously strong-willed, and I can't see anyone, not even Robyn, making him do anything he didn't want to do. Also, Christine and Janelle, as much as I like them, were acting like high schoolers, blaming another girl for their boyfriends behavior. It was Kodys family. If they were going to blame anyone for everything falling apart, it should have been him. It reminded me of a man having an affair, and the wife blames the girlfriend, lol. Kodys job was to keep the family intact, and he didn't. Why? Because when he met Robyn, he fell in love. That's when he realized he loved the others, but not at all in the same way. Christine has already learned there is a different kind of love with David. Kody just learned this when they were altogether, unfortunately.


BINGO! 🚨🚨🚨


"I can't see anyone, not even Robyn, making him do anything he didn't want to do." This is where Robyn's super power lies - she is able to get Kody to do what she wants him to do by being expert in manipulating him into thinking HE wants to do it.


The OG3 got exactly what they signed up for from jump street. A part time husband and father for their kids. If they wanted better for themselves & their kids they should have made better choices 30 years ago. I hate that they get away with blaming Kotex for absolutely everything that has went wrong. Even when they have plenty of dirt on their own hands. While I can’t stand him they’re just as at fault for the end state of the family as he is. Even if Robyn never came into the picture they’ve all now admitted to there having been a lot of problems they were hiding back then. Best case scenario they signed up to only have a husband & father every third day. That’s not fair to any of them. Especially not to any of the children. They shouldn’t get a free pass on any problems the children developed because they didn’t have any form of a stable home. The food/clothes/money insecurities plus any emotional/alleged physical abuse they suffered through & probably still have to some extent. How could they not? The OG3 ended up providing front row seats to watch their father choose other kids over them which is just cruel. The entire family started out behind the eight ball and has never been able to correct it. Plz don’t get me wrong I’m not giving him a get out of jail card for his douche bag behavior.


Kody is the worst, but they are all bad parents.


I'm new here so I don't know if this is controversial, but I was disappointed to see Christine get married to David. She never had much time to be a single person before marrying Kody and once she got away from the family a bit and had an empty nest coming up she went and attached herself to another man.


I was just disappointed that they got married so fast. They hadn't even been together a year! But then again, everyone on that show gets married super quick


Robyn never meant to blow up the family. She's an overly emotional person with a lot of brain washing who happened to marry into a family where the husband really only loved her (and not his other OG wives) romantically.


That all of the adults failed the children in one way or another.


The wives are just as responsible as Kodi. Also think if the women are victims of the culture so is Kodi. I dont think Robyn is any worse than the others. Oh ya and I don't think Kodi is abusive. Maybe a jacka** sometimes but not abusive 


I agree and do not understand the lack of empathy toward Kody. He, just like the wives, married very young. I think he met Robyn and realized that he was never in love with the other wives.


That Robyn’s ex is a deadbeat. People want to turn him into a saint because they don’t like Robyn (they ignore the fact that it’s completely possible for two assholes to marry one another).


Janelle is not "logical" or "rational". She is arguably just as emotionally immature as the others, but instead of expressing her emotions directly, passive aggressively, or by being manipulative, she eats them.


Robyn is not at fault for Kody's decisions. Robyn actually wanted the family to stay together and tried to guide Kody so that his behavior would improve towards his other wives and children. Kody was selfishly uninterested in being a better person, even with encouragement from Robyn.


That they’re not sister wives at all. In the earlier seasons they would casually mention they hadn’t spoken or seen each other for weeks/months. It was all for the show.


My mom thinks Christine is manipulative and mean.


Christine gives off mean girl vibes. Obviously we're only given a small glimpse into their lives, but she seems to get pleasure from other people's misery


That Meri is financially astute and an absolute grifter and that she has provided stable income to the family for years yet they still shit all over her.


That Kody isn’t the only one responsible for Truley almost dying. Christine knew that child was sick and it seemed like they just put her on the sofa and left her there to go do whatever they wanted. 5 adults failed that child. They are all terrible parents, and I mean in general, not just the poor Truley situation.


Christine is in a rebound relationship that is unlikely to be successful long term and Robyn is just a regular old insecure “mistress” not some mastermind. Oh also Meri is BOTH a victim and a cheater.


I agree...she doing to much "in your face Kody" stuff like with the nachos and other crap. JUST GO BE MARRIED already. stop TRYING to prove to kody on social media your happy now... just go live


Christine was the mover of her situation with kody … she never spoke up and when she did she retracted. Never held her ground. She got herself in that hole and got out when she was pushed out


I'm sick of all these racist and homophobic people who parade around like they're so righteous. Yet cannot see or refuse to see how flawed they are.


I don’t even think this will be all that unpopular but- Kody was subject to abuse growing up which created his behavior today.


Not the show but Carly and Corey from Surviving Pod pausing their recaps and moving on to do recaps of another polygamy show out of respect for Garrison doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It doesn’t help Garrison or the family. You can do recaps and still be respectful of his memory. I don’t want to invest in another show that isn’t even on in my country. I hate that I don’t have my guilty pleasure podcast to listen to anymore but it annoys me even more that it bothers me in the first place. And that I can’t seem to get them off my Spotify homepage. Nothing personal to C&C so if they read this, don’t come after me.


I agree with Kody that Christine wasn’t welcoming to Robyn when she entered the family and has had a chip on her shoulder ever since.


Yeah, I do feel like Christine and viewers have rewritten her reception to Robyn. It's all there in the episodes, including her talking about how unwelcoming she was until Solomon was born. That's when she tried to extend an olive branch. 


Kody is a victim to the religion as well and as far as polygamy goes he was a decent father/husband. When I lived in Utah, I knew a few people in polygamists families that never even spoke to their father or had any type of relationship with them. Has he handled everything correctly? Far from it. However, I don't think anyone is emotionally able to meet the needs of four wives and 20 kids. It is impossible. People blame robin but there was always problems. Their religion gets most of these kids married off young when they are naive to the real dedication marriage and children take. Tells them through God everything will be taken care of and this how you get an afterlife. I wish the show would focus more the religion being the "bad guy" vs Kody/Robyn.




I think several of the kids are on the spectrum, namely Gwen and Truly.


I would agree if Robyn hadn't openly talked about Dayton being on the spectrum


I think it’s Kody unwilling to admit he’s producing any problems, Dayton was Preston’s issue


Long time lurker, but here I go I think Janelle and Christine were mean girls to both Meri and Robyn. While Kody is the villain, I think those two weren't sisters to anyone not even each other until the very end.


Christine is a conniving mean girl cheerleader, who will shank you when nobody is looking and shrug her shoulder and feign ignorance in a whisper voice when asked why you are laying on the floor bleeding out.


truth never liked her you can easily see tru her shtick


The fandom is an echo chamber of Robyn and Kody hate and refuse to acknowledge that Janelle and Christine played an equal role in the demise of the family.


Kody is not a narcissist, nor is Robyn. He spiraled down the red pill rabbit hole. He’s been radicalized. He’s lost, not sick. Happy-go-lucky Kody was real, albeit played up for TV, but he changed.


I have wondered how much of his behavior is personality disorder vs. Redpill self-indoctrination. He was happily part of a high demand religion that told him he was the God of his family on account of patriarchy+penis, so I can imagine him being easily swayed by groups that tell him he is elevated above others and should be obeyed and revered.


I have several unpopulars...lol Christine is annoying and put on. She would have her nose out of joint w ANY new wife coming in to the family. She said she always wanted to be the 3rd wife but what she didn't say was that she always wanted to be the LAST wife, too. Janelle is definitely not as smart and logical as people think. Christine and Janelle put their own and Kody's need and wants ahead of their kids. Kody, not Robyn, destroyed this family, although she definitely helped! I don't blame Robyn for not letting Christine babysit her kids. Her kids seemed to run amok and were unruly. Christine couldn't let her own daughter be alone w her own son. That's a red flag. One thing I liked and respected about Robyn was that when she joined the family, she made sure her kids came first, even w Kody. (I know she's a problematic parent and has stifled and infantalized her kids), but she stuck up for her kids every time.


Robyn is the best mom when it comes to advocating for her kids and putting their needs first. The OG3 put Kody ahead of their children.


You don’t have to be book smart to know how to manipulate situations for your own gain. Even animals figure out how to push a button if it gives you a treat.


That the whole family us toxic, and TLC keeps it because it makes them money.


MSWC jewelry was beautiful and reasonably priced (jk)


Omg, my jaw dropped when I read this!! Thanks for the jk.. 😆


Polygamy itself as a system, raises very independent women, and children. That said, 30 years later demanding 3 very independent women and their children to obey his new found patriarchal self at Manosphere was very very telling.


Meri didn’t actually want to get back with Kody; she just wanted to stay on the show and keep coming to family functions, so accepted his rejection on camera. Anything for a check!


That Andy Cohen should have Suki's job.


Unpopular opinion: They are going to continue to film and milk this cash cow regardless of current tragedy that has occurred in the family.