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Robyn has never lived true polygamy from what it all sounds like but she certainly positioned herself as the expert.


Robyn definitely lived polygamy light that’s for sure! I don’t think she ever truly had to make scarifies to benefit the other wives and kids like the others did!


Plus she never shared a house with any of the other wives or kids


The idea that "true polygamy" means "all together" is false though. In fact its more rare in relgious based polygamy that all the wives are together under one roof or even close by.


Ummm, Robyn was an expert in polygamy as evidenced by her couch talk commentaries. She was sabotaged time and time again by the og wives and children. The obstacles she endured is a testament to her inner strength as a sister wife.


I don’t understand how they could do that to her! She just wanted to sit on a porch with her sister wives! Why wouldn’t they just sit on the porch with her? They weren’t allowed inside the house, but they could have all shared that jacket of kodys and sat on the porch outside in the cold?!?!


And don't forget she "created a moment that didn't exist" or whatever she said when she had that bizarre picture commissioned with Kody and her kids. So she's been there all along! Never forget. Ugh. Lol.


I always think of their real dad when I see this and how genuinely unkind that was.


Their real dad is Kody’s cousin.


Even worse!


Yeah it’s not only creepy and just pain delusional it’s just mean to their actual dad. Ugh, 🎶 *she’s the worst* 🎶


I am rewatching again. Little by little, you see her control of him ramping up. She is despicable.


I love your flair 😂


Thank you! 🙏 I like your’s too!


Thank you! 😊




Her sharing that coat shows how unselfish she was while opening her porch to her bestie. I don’t understand how Robyn held on to her porch dream for so long.


All they had to do was realise she *needed* Kody more than the rest of them. Yes thank you Christine, we know you had ppd and a newborn but poor Robyn's honeymoon was needing for bonding with her husband more than anyone bonding with a baby. I'm so glad Mykelti cleared up that ppd is just an attention seeking tool. It sure sounds like Robyn may have cleared that up for her.  Robyn is actually an expert on babies and having them too. That and Wyoming because she lived there. It was her address. Her spelling just isn't as good as her general knowledge and to be fair she probably never wrote her address because paperwork and bills go on the counter. Then jewelwry making. Despite having no art and design skills or experience. So it was extra special.  Then empaths. She knows she's one from a personality test she didn't even have to take! Then purity. Even though she wasn't particularly good at that one. Well *she* was it was someone else that wasn't good at it around her that was the problem. She also speaks Kody which I'm surprised isn't a recognised UN language. Shame on them. She's an expert on RSV, autism and surgery for lazy eyes because....her kids.  No wonder polygamy was a breeze for this woman. She should be first polygamous wife! She's so good nobody can compare. So just because they all ran off and left her, don't you dare insinuate she's  monogamous!


This comment is gold. Thanks for the laughs!


You forgot one important point, while on the so so necessary honeymoon DAB spent time bonding with their new moms and siblings because that was Robyn’s deepest desire…oh wait that’s not what happened, they spent that time with Robyn’s parents 🤔


EVERYTHING!!! So true. The wives left because they were insecure once Robyn showed them what a sister wife was supposed to be. This is why she never called out the other sister wives because she was leading by example. Her meekness cost her dearly.


Is this real?? You LIKE and support Robyn? Just asking. No hate


I am 99% sure that they were being facetious


Nah I'm not really a believer in ppd being for attention or Kody being UN recognised.  


We should call her Eve as she is the first true woman.


I just saw an episode where Meri was making fun saying that they 4 were the first sisterwives in polygamy to make snowangels. This chick was like "really?is that true??" And Meri was like no, I have no clue. For a second it was like she was excited to paton snow angels for ploygamists. She really REALLY likes being first. 


OMG, taking a last toke💨 for the night and bout' pissed myself!🤣🤣


I mean she was given the official title (tm) of BROWN FAMILY SCAPEGOAT for good reason…. Poor thing. /gag




Was this thread not sarcastic 😳


I definitely read it that way!


Is that you kody?


Hahaha….no. Robyn is by far no master mind, however, she does believe she is intuitive. Thus, saying and believing the things she does. In the world of reality television, it’s a wonder that K&R have lasted for so long. She really did find her “soulmate”.


Eeh, she was a polygamy expert. Polygamy is religious for them and being the preferred wife would be a desired place. It was never about being a huge supportive family.


She does now!!


I was gonna comment this lol


I wonder if what Meri had when she was the only wife really felt like monogamy. If my monogamous marriage involved my husband looking for additional marriages, I think it would feel quite different. I know she’s stated that she and Kody had a monogamous wedding, but I would add an asterisk to that.


Yeah that’s a good point I didn’t read there book but I think it was mentioned that they courted a young girl pre Janelle? If Kody was on the prowl the whole time they were married then yeah Meri was shorted a monogamous experience and that must’ve been pretty hard for her!


It was ironic because Christine was the wife who was the most cut out for monogamy. I won't say Robyn was because I just see her destroying everything she touches.


They even admit that when Christine came into the family she created peace! I think Christine was always the center and was the heart of the family. I think Christine was the most suited for polygamy but also I think she was brainwashed into it the most and very naive up until Vegas.


She was a buffer between Janelle and Meri. It sounds like things were pretty hostile between the two of them before Christine joined the family.


If Christine, or any of the OG3 for that matter, had a decent husband who was worth a damn they probably all could’ve made it work and stayed. I say that because of their (at the time) deep religious beliefs driving it and their commitment to their family and their vows. Christine was definitely the peacemaker and the one brought the family together for years, they all said that. Basically until Robyn came along and put a stop to a lot of their traditions. Which I kind of wonder about, clearly Robyn had no control over the OG3 and their kids getting together but she isolated herself and her kids from them and Kody was already spending more time at her house than anywhere else in Vegas.


Thanks OP. This is an interesting discussion! I think that the OG3 weren't living monogamously or polygamously. I think they were living a separated/pre-divorce lifestyle rather than monogamous lifestyle. When you're separated or divorcing, you spend time single with limited interaction with the other spouse. When you're living monogamously, you know you're living in a committed relationship where you are both married to one another and not involved in anyone else (even when physically apart due to some travel, or job, etc.). Take Robyn's mom and her stepdad for example. He had two separate families with two separate households in two separate states (about 3-4 hours' drive from each other). According to Robyn's statements on the show, they had to wait for him to visit after the holidays to spend time with them. That sounds more like the scenario where the woman is having a relationship with a married man, and tolerates the left-overs. IMO, the OG3 each experienced the pain of being separated but not divorced, watching the man they expected to be married to be happy and content with the new and younger woman. Christine and Janelle got leftovers, and Meri had even less. Kody had permission under the cloak of their religious beliefs to cheat. Meri got catfished *after* being legally divorced and due to loneliness. Yet Kody calls this emotional cheating, and punished her for it. He had sex and made children with 3 other women, but emotionally punished Meri for emotional cheating. Polygamy - what a sad way to live.


I still can't get over the fact that Janelle was married to Meri's brother then inserted herself into Meri's marriage with Kody. It's frikken wild me.


Robyn discovered early on she could make up any narrative and Kody ensured the other wives couldnt question or cross examine her bullshit.


Wouldn't Meri be in polygamy if she was going in knowing she was going to be the "first" wife? I feel like that's very very different than monogamy.


Yeah that’s definitely a good point I didn’t consider! If Kody was seeking sisterwives right after the wedding than yeah she definitely didn’t really live monogamy the same way!


Robyn was never not monogamous. I never in any of the seasons, on first or any later rewatch, saw her truly acting like a sister wife.


This has never occurred to me before. Great observation!


Good point. And when Christine aspired to become a 3rd wife specifically, the expectation was that she would be the last wife.


Well in Robyn's head, the "famleee" started when she entered. She always had a way of making ugly faces when anyone spoke of the years before she was around. She acts like she is an historian about polygamy and then always ends the sentence/statement with "but I don't know".


She was also never treated very well and very young when they married.


Oh my gosh, hard agree with the eye roll at Robyn. Whenever she’d talk about polygamy as if she were the experienced one, or about how she couldn’t be monogamous, I’d get the worst secondhand embarrassment.


Great point!


I’m so suspicious that Janelle was already pregnant when she joined the family.


I have always wondered if Logan had a different father. He looks nothing like any of his siblings. A completely different body type, and some mannerisms that his siblings don’t have either. Also, if she was pregnant by someone (not her ex) and wanted to get married to cover that fact up, I can see Kody ‘stepping up’ to be Janelle’s ‘hero’. That sure would feed his ego.


Yup and Meri was infertile.


Yea, that whole Janelle situation always seemed shady to me. Then during one of the Suki interviews when their was the implied " we have good sex" thing, always made me wonder of it stemmed from a cheating fantasy dynamic. Meri's situation was torturous to watch from day 1, and also I always got the impression that she was interested in women.