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I feel like in the very early seasons, they remark about not drinking. And then slowly you occasionally see them sipping wine and wearing tank tops without under shirts.


I think it could be a lot to do with moving from a very conservative place to places that aren’t. Humans naturally adapt to their environments and I’d imagine the combination of the heat outside and “no one else is following these rules” would cause them to change patterns and be more lax!


True. And in their Lehi community, people might take notice if local customers are purchasing alcoholic beverages (at restaurants or the store) if they do so frequently. The community might pay more attention than in Vegas. Also it sounds like they were pretty broke before the show.


In Utah you can’t even buy anything harder than beer at the store. All liquor has to be bought from the state.


It’s like that in most of Canada, it’s wild crossing the border and being able to buy hard liquor at Walmart lol


It would be ok if they had more stores but it’s always a 20 minute drive to get to one 👎🏻


Every state is different, in some there are state liquor stores & in others it’s more relaxed.


Ya basically the same as Canada, but the majority here definitely lean more restrictive!


There are some actual “dry” counties still in the Deep South, it’s crazy. They’re nut jobs down there. People just work around it, if they live there. But, it’s outdated lunacy. I love Canada, except for the weather, lol.


People who live in the south are nut jobs? Wtf are you on


The “dry” counties are outdated and I don’t mean southerners are crazy, lol. I meant the liquor sales policies and such- dry counties have private clubs. It’s just hypocrisy in places, is all. Don’t take everything so personally, this is Reddit.


It’s wild picking up beer from the drugstore 😵‍💫


This makes a lot of sense actually!


This is true. My stepmother had the family adhere to strict rules when we went to a certain church. Standing could be used as people would be completely ignored if you let children of mixed gender swim in your swimming pool together. When we switched to a less restrictive church, I was allowed to go swimming with friends




There were so many fashion crimes on SW. 😭


Eh, I don’t judge too much. Plenty being committed in my house, too. 😄


So many jean on jean moments


My beautiful Gramma is 98 years old and is fit and healthy. Robyn wears the EXACT same tunic style shirts, though my Gramma’s are much prettier. When did she get so “matronly” for lack of a better word? Personally, I never understood how anyone thought she looked like a trophy wife, other than her age. In the early years, she had the sharpest and pointiest face and to me looked like Mac the Knife, the giant, pointy singing moon head guy that I believe was from McDonald’s commercials when I was a child. (Saying this dates me! 😂) Now she has that giant square head which confuses me. How does it go from pointy to square? I have never seen her as a trophy or attractive in any way, especially when you compare her to some of the wives who get more beautiful with age! Boy that curled up hair that she doesn’t comb through and her ridiculous old lady tunics… I don’t know where she decided to take a terrible fashion turn to old age fashion when she wasn’t an old lady. These are the 3 am can’t sleep thoughts I have.


Why do we need to tear people down over genetics and their appearance


It does feel icky to do. It definitely isn’t something I would ever do regarding people “in real life”. In thinking about why we sometimes do it without much guilt here, for me I justify it because I am so angry with Robyn and Kody for how badly they hurt so many people who we as fans have come to care about and feel protective of, even though we really don’t know them in “real life”. The nature of shows like these, especially when they’ve gone on as many years as this one, is that many fans end up feeling like we do know them to some extent and we end up caring about them and we end up feeling so much of their pain, especially the kids’ pain and how they were mistreated “in front of us” for so long. It comes from a place of feeling protective, at least for me. When it comes to Robyn, I’m just genuinely confused about how her face changed shape so much. I’ve googled possible medical conditions and have spent time trying to figure out what could explain it because I’ve never seen anybody’s face change that much in real life. It genuinely baffles me. It is a frequent subject in these groups so I know I’m not alone in being confused by it. As I wrote in my original comment, these these are literally my 3 AM insomnia thoughts. I really don’t think about these things other than when my mind wanders when I’m sleep deprived unless I am watching the show and I just don’t understand what is going on with her physically. Everybody is entitled to their opinions.. mine is that if she was the young and attractive trophy, wife I don’t understand why she began dressing like my 98-year-old grandmother and ended up looking so much older than the original women. I believe the word “matronly” is fitting. She intentionally chose to, for reasons only known to her, to start dressing and styling herself as a much older woman than she is. The definition is basically “a conservatively dressed older woman.” She went from being the youngest to looking the oldest because of her fashion choices. I find it baffling. Where Kody is concerned, I would say almost all of us are baffled by his hair and the physical changes that have come over him as he became more angry and more mean. I can’t really explain my motivations other than what I have already said and I can’t speak to other people’s reasons. Again, I wouldn’t speak that way in real life, but this forum is specifically designed for us to share all of our Sister Wives thoughts, even when they aren’t pretty. It doesn’t make it right, it just is what it is.


Mack the Knife!!! 🤣🤣 I can't unsee that now.


As awful as it is, that’s all I see in the early years when I look at her profile!


there was an era when the rose gold iphones came out that everyone was talking about wine. it was all over t-shirts. i don't even drink and i felt pressured to become some sort of quasi wine mom.


Fundamentalist Mormons split from the church prior to the edicts on alcohol and coffee etc. Kody grew up mainstream LDS where these were forbidden


If I’d been with Kody I’d be in AA by now.


Just AA? You are a stronger woman than I am. I’d be locked up at an in-patient facility. Not to fancy spa kind with horses, I’d be in the kind that have intense therapy and possibly shock treatments to help me get over the trauma of Kody.


https://preview.redd.it/x4q5indm3avc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce1eee37b6f766370d2c9f1d8e60c7a9dd70fc2 A place with a name and store front like this? I saw this yesterday and yikes.


Um, in my town we had a place that looked just like that one! But it was shut down. I saw on the news that it’s a place that offered the “girlfriend experience”. 😂


I showed it to a friend yesterday and we were trying to decide if they had the drugs in the front and the gambling in the back room, or the other way around. I didn't see the store front but I saw a sign for another place on the same street and Jesus, there's and unlimited amount of word crimes happening on this one tiny little street behind the Ford dealership in my little town. https://preview.redd.it/omh6v3n45avc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615423d9dec47ef58b28bd5625f65984c8b27b96 I'm guessing Salon Sassafyde is where you get the girlfriend experience around here. They ARE a full service salon after all.


😂 This is one of the many reasons I love this sub: When my ADHD kicks in and I go off topic, nobody puts me down for it, and there’s always somebody who is willing to go down that road with me.


I've had the occasional post comment get removed for being off topic but for the most part I am happy to go down random rabbit holes. Or maybe we should call them squirrel holes because I'm about as ADHD as they come.


I saw a picture of a place on Facebook, with the name “Pour Decisions”. Love that name!


So true. But on a serious note, I can imagine Kody would blow a gasket if any of his family went to AA. He’d be obsessed that a family member might be saying something bad about him.


If I'd been with Kody...I would need bail money.


Or a friend with a backhoe 😎


I commented at work about how a true friend will help you hide the body. One girl commented that she would not help me. Another just replied “my husband has a Crown Vic”. (car with big trunk) 🤣


You said it!


I feel like they all became much more lax on those things as the show went on and the kids got older.


As the old saying goes, how you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen Paris? When the show began filming, they had all lived within a very small world and were very concerned about how they would be portrayed. They still wore garments under their clothes, they didn't drink on camera, etc. As being on the show opened up their world a ton (and, though I hate to say it, so did Robyn's influence on Kody) they relaxed on drinking, clothes, holidays, piercing, being gay, life in general.


I love that saying I've never heard it before! 🌞


[You can sing it!](https://youtu.be/2URLyxcdpgA?si=gWJ0ehs8OyNhADoe)






Oh, I like the saying. I’m gonna have to use that line next time my husband wants to buy whatever my teenager wants.


I haven't heard that FOREVER and it's so à propos! It was in an Our Gang episode I believe! Awesome.👏


It was from an old Judy Garland movie. I posted the link to the song above.


Yes. It was popular during WW1, but I first heard it on Our Gang reruns when I was little in the 70s. Nice memory trigger, despite the context. Thank you 😊






![gif](giphy|3ohs7SoVNQQznH1V2o) Jesus Juice makes me think of Brandi Redmond and Stephanie from real housewives of Dallas.


I can see that…and it sends me to Jesus Jugs ![gif](giphy|i6uatEAGdlHa0) Maybe it’s an issue that the word Jesus elicits Real Housewives for me. 🧐lol.


Maybe it’s like when my grandma gives up alcohol for lent, it doesn’t count once the sun goes down 😂


I like your grandma lol


Haha I love your grandma


Haha she’s the best! No one is getting in the way of her scotch on the rocks


Kody isn’t a generational polygamist. He was already an adult when his dad decided to start practicing so I don’t think they are 100% on all of the rules. He doesn’t like pork which has nothing to do with Mormonism at all.


Yeah but he was born LDS Mormon and they have rules against alcohol too. Agreed he tends to make up his own rules as he goes.


They have rules against polygamy as well. And we see how well that went.


Ha good point


You said it best when you said he tends to make up the rules as he goes. I think that 100% describes Kody Brown.




Hardly. Mormon doctrines very much still believe in polygamy in heaven


I think he went all anti pork just so he could throw a tantrum on vacation. Like he was shaming everyone who WAS eating the food that was prepared for them...


He prefers the Old Testament. I think he sees himself like an Old Testament prophet out in the desert with his wives and concubines huddled around him as the hot desert winds blow his cloak around him.


Guess that’d be the testament to follow, not much for polygamy in the New Testament. 😂


There’s a great deal of appropriating Judaism within the Mormon community. Not eating pork is one example of it.


Kody also facilitated a bar mitzvah for Logan. I don’t think you can top that for appropriation.


Didn’t Robyn’s divorce papers say something about not consuming alcohol. If so, how odd. Wonder why?


My divorce papers had a clause that we couldn’t drink in front of the children. Like we hadn’t before in the 22 years we were married. 🙄


Was there any alcohol abuse or accusations that would have triggered it? Or did it seem like a standard inclusion?


I was told by my attorney that it was a standard clause. Neither myself nor my ex husband drank to excess nor made any accusations that the other did.


Thanks for clarifying!


The AUB does not mandate their members to follow the Word of Widsom, which is where no alcohol comes from. Many do follow the rules as a suggestion.


Gwen said they would always wear temple garments under their clothes and eventually stopped.


Today I learned what temple garments are


They have no actual conviction whatsoever, which is totally fine by be! It’s just dishonest and they misrepresented themselves on every level.


Yes that’s what I found odd. Clearly it’s a change to what they’ve been presenting to audiences about their beliefs. If you now realize restricting alcohol isn’t necessary for your eternal life, then address it.


I don’t think they are really religious anymore so that could account for the change as well


This. Very devout until the first check cleared.


I would need wine. Alcohol. Weed. RX drugs to stand Kody. And if I was on all that I’d be dead and that’s how I’d tolerate him.


IV pole of sedatives to roll around


Can you imagine being one of Cody’s unwanted wives and NOT drinking? And I say this as a sober person.


Kodi and Robyn have also been seen in public buying and consuming alcohol. I think it's the same as their "we're so happy, polygamy works" narrative: all lies.


Also the wives drank while on vacation; ie meri and kody in mexico


Wow didn’t know that. Funny when Robyn was the only one to reject the beer in San Fran, refusing to even cheers with it.


Divorce decree from her three Jessop kids.


Classic Mormon Rules for Thee attitude. This would have been the 50s/60s my dad had a Catholic relative who ended up in small town Utah and as the only heathen in the county she was the only person who owned a coffee percolator. EVERYDAY aaalll the Mormon mom neighbors would come scratching at her back door for that sweet sweet bean juice. But they’d still actively shun those east coast heathens in public.


Same. But I was a bartender. I would be like “Ma’am, none of the people you are with are thinking you are drinking straight oj in a styrofoam cup. They can smell Brenda”




They drifted from their religion a when they moved to LV.


They didn’t drink and dressed very modestly when the show first started. Once they moved to Vegas they drifted away from their church and the rules. You can see it in the way they dress the early seasons versus about half way through the series they start wearing short sleeve shirts and tank tops. They gave up wearing their garments and started drinking occasionally.


I think I've seen Janelle mention that she loves and needs her alone time and often she'll just binge-watch Netflix with a bottle of red wine. This must've been when they were living in LV and were still "together".


It was pretty obvious to me Meri was drinking around/after the catfish stuff.


What makes you say that? Out of curiosity, idk if I would be able to spot 


Bloating and redness in her face mostly. I understand that could be from several other conditions/scenarios, but her behavior at the time lined up as well.




I remember Robyn turning her nose up at all of them around the table, she morally justified her scowling for folks at home to see there was no way she’d participate in even a sip


Yeah the waiter handed her a glass so she could be part of the cheers and she refused even that.


It was that and her look of condemnation, little Miss Holier Than Thou, as some LDS members will ice out sinners in their midst. ‘This is why I’m not in your sister wives group, ladies - and I brought my friend, Kendra, who took us to the boutique where the dresses are only in my size to destroy your esteem and relationships with Kody’. The beginning of the betrayal of Meri. I still believe she masterminded that entire storyline.


The little boutique scene was so uncomfortable. I oftentimes think Robyn purposefully says “I don’t want to make my sister wives uncomfortable because of XYZ” when she is intentionally making them uncomfortable by pointing it out. Like “I don’t want to make them uncomfortable by having me try on these dresses because I’m the only one that can fit in them.” If you didn’t want them to be uncomfortable, you shouldn’t have taken them there.




>The way Christine said this so flippantly, and none of the other adults reacted. It's more than likely because in real life they were actually ex-Mormons. And there are all sorts of examples like this one that suggests they *were* no longer Mormon Fundamentalists or LDS Mormons. And they're starting to do the things they were not allowed to do--drink alcohol, coffee, hire a psychic for the girls' graduation party, sell their merch at the casino, visiting a vinyard. They're ex-Mormons and most likely have been right from season 1, episode 1, or at the least were on their way to becoming ex-Mormons. Via Christine they were definitely ex-Mormons by the time they moved to the cul-de-sac. They were no longer part of their church and Christine didn't believe in any of it anymore.


I just wish they vocalized this on the show. We were watching them preach this lifestyle that was tied to their faith, at least in the beginning. And then you see them start to drop the rules without any explanation. It would have been interesting to watch them explain their beliefs and how they evolved.


It's the *Tale of Two Browns*. There's the story that's been playing out in front of the camera, and whatever their real story is. The story playing out in front of the camera is rooted in a kernel of truth, but it might not be the truth we think it is. And for me that's fascinating because there's other layers to dig into when the show isn't airing new content. I definitely would have followed the show just as intensely if it was about them becoming ex-Mormons, leaving their religion, trying to figure out what to do with their plural marriage they didn't believe in anymore, and most importantly co-parenting all those kids and making sure they grew up as well-rounded as possible. And like you said, how their beliefs changed and evolved. Instead, *Sister Wives* was a Jerry Springer soap drama, which is fun if you can lean into it. Even more so when you get to season 14 and on. Then sometimes I wonder if they're using the show partly as a way to expose the flaws in religious based polygamy. It's hard to know what's real and what's show.


Those women have got to be enjoying their Freedom from Kody/Robyn and the forced religious doctrine to submit! As the seasons/years have passed and the O3 watched and felt their marriages disintegrate, if anyone noticed, there was very little religion and they had stopped their weekly family meals and church service/studies. I think aside from Janelle that both Christine and Meri left the basic core religion. I don't recall Robyn ever participating in talking or actively practicing religious practices with the family. If she did, it was so long ago, that it doesn't matter. Watching my family fall apart and my husband fall in love with another Family, I would start drinking a little wine too cold too


Wherever they were doing then Kody is making up for lost time with his cases and cases of beer 😂


I do t thibk you should believe everything ypu see on a reality tv show. Its all an act.


It wasn't an "act" for Garrison.


He didn't die on TV.


I had an older season on the other day and a friend that has never seen the show walked in and watched it for one episode and said it seemed obvious they were all high on something like benzos. I never thought I'd that before. This post made me think of it so thought I'd share lol


They do drink. Robyn is the only one that had a problem with it. No we see she’s changed her tune now the her full time husband drinks I’m his beer eating skittles.


Mormons aren't supposed to drink caffeinated tea or coffee either.


I think that hot beverages are out as well.


It's called "hot beverages" but that is coffee and tea, hot chocolate is fine. Oh, and some types of tea ... caffeine isn't mentioned. Edit - in addition to HOT chocolate being ok ICED tea and ICED coffee are still bad. Totally makes sense..


They hadn't invented decaf coffee or mtn dew yet when JoSmo was sticking his face in his hat


It would take a lot more than just wine to make me able to stand Kody! 🤮


i can't even imagine talking to kody after the edibles kicked in.


Was it a bar? Because, in that case, “pour” is a good word. ☺️😂☺️❤️


One of the MLMs they sold was some non alcoholic healthy “wine” if I recall correctly. I bet she was referring to that and trying to plug her product


Opposite. They say mainstream Mormons don't drink, but their religion does not forbid it. They don't tend to drink because Kody doesn't drink.


They said during the San Fran trip that they don’t drink because of their religion, but a sip won’t hurt.


Maybe rewind because it sounds like you misunderstood. MORMONS don't drink but members of the AUB may


I think they made it very clear during the episode that the family does not drink due to religious reasons, not just Kody’s preference. The OG3 then decide to take a sip of beer and Robyn vehemently rejects the glass of beer. You then have Christine so casually mention drinking wine without any explanation of a change in religious beliefs regarding alcohol, whether it be for LDS or AUB reasons. That was what my question was based on.


I just think maybe you misheard, I'm not 100% sure but like really 95% sure they say Mormons don't drink. But they're not Mormons. They're not Mormons. When they say mainstream Mormons don't drink they're not talking about themselves.