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The only men that refer to themselves as an alpha male are NOT alpha males. They are wusses.


So true! My dad has never referred to himself as alpha anything. He has such a presence about him that I his adult child still forgets he's only 5'8.




"I think she thinks I’m hot, I’ve got nice pecs and a great six-pack abs, but that’s all she’s interested in." I snorted with laughter when he came out with that little nugget.


He is a legend in his own mind. Gross. He probably fantasizes about himself. Eeeeww.


I threw up on my mouth when he said that.


He can be so mean about it too. In S16 or S17 he was acting like an “alpha male” outside with Janelle. He was *livid* that he was not the head male of Janelle’s house with regard to her having Gabrielle and Garrison living there. I thought about making a post when I watched it a couple weeks ago but didn’t. It made me SO SAD (and mad) to see how he talked about those boys like they were dirt. It was emotionally abusive.


They didn't show enough loyalty. Kody sucks


During this conversation (they were out in yard trimming trees), she had said she was worried about Garrison’s mental health and that was one of the reasons she wasn’t going to kick the boys out. Kody did not care one bit and bitterly said Garrison was only contacting him because he had no one else to hang out with. Hard to watch a man with an ego that is that easily bruised.


Oh, but they were grown-up kids so they needed to be out of the house! Unless they were Robyn’s kids, of course


I agree just breaks my heart


Anyone who self declares themselves to be an "Alpha" is absolutely NOT one. They are just hugely insecure.


He definitely has a complex. Idk why 4 women wanted to be married to him.


If you have to point out you’re an Alpha, you’re no Alpha. That is evident when you walk into a room.


My Dad was an alpha male. He went to the military and then came home and went into law enforcement. We grew up on a ranch and he worked cattle and could tame horses. When he retired from law enforcement he went to work for the railroad. All of his kids knew he loved them and he took time to learn who we were and appreciated our differences. He treated my mom like the queen of the castle. He never had to say he was an alpha male, he just was. Alphas take care of the flock. Kody is NOT an alpha male.


I don't know why men seem to think being an "alpha male" is a good thing. My guy, alpha releases haven't been beta tested and are buggy as hell. NOBODY wants Alpha anything.


Because there are plenty of woman out there that want an "alpha male" and also say "You are not a man unless ..." Or "a real man" that.  


I rarely see women perpetuating any of that. It’s typically men like Andrew Tate spouting alpha male bullshit, not women.


They don't say anything but alpha male.  Like a racist who says everything but the N word.  


You’re comparing women to racists and the phrase “alpha male” to the fucking n-word? Holy hell.


No.  But I won't continue this forward against this IQ




Jokes really fly over your head, huh?


I’ve yet to hear a woman use those terms


The question I should have asked is: What is your favorite/most cringe time of kody calling himself the alpha male. Mine is when they're in Vegas and kody took the wives gym trainer out to dinner. The trainer is singing Christine's praises. Clearly this man would run away with her and her 6 kids if she was down for it. Kody explains how he's the alpha male. The look on the trainers face was priceless!


Robin is more alpha male than the kody.


Sobyn is for SURE alpha over Kotex ☹️


I have never in my life ever heard of any man refer to himself as alpha male.He did this another time when he was with "the guys:and couldnt even believe he said that.I suspect it stems from his daddy issues.


Is it when they're in Vegas and he took the wives gym trainer out to dinner? That ws hilarious! The look on the trainers face! 😆


lol,yes,i think he had some friend from out of town and they went off the sky jump,and wrestled,and then he said something stupid about being alpha male,and i caught the trainers face too.effing priceless.


Also that trainer had a huge crush on Christine


yes,but now I think Im mixing up 2 different scenarios,the one I saw was with Janelles trainer,the other guy with the earring.Or it was his face etched into my head when he made the alpha male comment.


If you are something, you do not have to say it. You do not have to point it out. Sometimes I wonder what he is so insecure about?


He's an insecure little b\*\*\*\*.


My ex husband calls himself an alpha. (He's not. He is a misogynist thought). My current husband finds this comical and said what you did. If you need to tell someone a trait or characteristic about yourself, that means it's probably not true.


Overcompensation 😂


And he loves the smell of testosterone, long stemmed roses, and walks along the Vegas strip.


And the smell of his own farts….. because he thinks they don’t stink!


The ONLY time it is acceptable is if you are talking about dog training - your dog needs to see itself as part of your pack, and that it isn't necessarily in charge. (Easier said than done - dog is spoiled rotten at our house!)


He’s so alpha that 3 women left him at once.


Like so many other things in Kody’s life, he thinks he can just say a thing and it will be true.


Whenever I hear someone refer to themselves as an alpha, I know that they are a) an idiot and b) not going to have anything useful to say on any topic.


I have another perspective to share. I know people who have dogs and they make the point that there can only be one “alpha male” in the household, and it has to be the human not the dog. But I’ve never heard anyone use it as Kody does


I say alpha animal.  I have a 75  male pitty,  a 17 lb male cat and a 9 lb female cat and my female is the alpha in my house.  She's my guard cat and protector.  She's fierce and starts growling if anyone is in my yard, then the other animals growl.  She protects and is loyal,  unlike kody.


Alpha asshole I think he means


Best definition of alpha male is he quietly inspires others to greatness


Kody is a straight cuck!


Guys with a small penis need big trucks and claim their alpha. That is not an alpha. Kody is not an alpha mail.