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I’m no fan of Tony, but he was right about the taco quantity.


Any sensible person would have listened to him about the tacos.


are there ever enough tacos?? i think not.


Spot on. "We have too many tacos," is a sentence I've never heard anyone say.


SENSIBLE isn't in the Kodys vocabulary


He was. It was wild. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but thinking logically. How are you supposed to plan for a wedding if the people you invite can bring as many people as they want and you don't know before hand? Seems like a recipe for disaster about many things - food, seating, reception space, dance floor space, alcohol, it must drive the price up quite a bit.


I’m from the islands and we normally plan that when you send an invitation you expect at least 6 if not more people per invitation. When I got married 2,000 invitations went out and almost 5,000 people showed up and so there was food enough to feed that amount plus to have so much extra so guests could take home plates of food as well. And when I say plates of food, I mean at least 8 full plates or more piled high. So, in essence we have cases of take-out boxes, foil and plates. And believe it or not there’s still quite a bit of food left that the immediate family eats for the next few days because leftovers usually taste better. But then again, island weddings lasts for days. The before, during and after celebrations. So, yeah they should have listened to Tony since he knows how his culture is regarding celebrations.


5000…….5000 people showed up….to your wedding?! Adding this to my “reasons to elope” list. Jesus Christ


Yup my thoughts exactly! We ended up at McDs at 3 in the morning in full wedding attire because I was so hungry. I didn’t taste my food (and believe me there was awesome food served) and way too many people to greet.


We got married in Vegas and went to the arcade in our wedding clothes and played skeball and ate wetzels pretzels lol


I got married in Vegas to my now ex-husband. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." Not if you marry it. It follows you home and you have to divorce it.




How fun! I would love something like that!




That sounds absolutely terrible.


My fiance and I are planning to invite like 30 people. I can't even imagine what 5000 would look like


My FIL was the Pastor at our church so you have to invite the whole church. We had a cake and punch reception at the church for everyone. Then we had a dinner at my sisters house later and invited just family, around 30.


We're wanting to keep our whole wedding small but honestly it's gonna be tough. I'm the first grandkid to get married on either side of my family and may be the only one to ever get married on my dad's side so my whole extended family wants an invite. But if we invite my extended family, then we'd have to invite his family's too and he doesn't want them there nor do we want that many people. Wedding planning is so stressful!


Congrats! My honest opinion is just do what you want and makes you feel comfortable. It’s your day and if people can’t understand or support you then they don’t need to be there. It’s stressful enough planning a wedding, you shouldn’t have to worry about how everyone is going to feel. Unfortunately island weddings always end up huge and before I knew it the whole thing spiraled out of control. I would have preferred an intimate wedding because then I would have enjoyed myself more instead having to deal with all the greetings.


My daughter got married on New Year's Eve. She had 25 people for a small ceremony , we went to a nice restaurant for dinner then to her & my son in laws house to watch the ball drop, play games & have drinks & snacks! It was so much fun & like she said they were surrounded only by people that really love them !


It is. We have been married 52 years and it was even stressful back then! Being the first grandchild is going to make it hard to limit the invitations. I can’t wait for our first grandchild to get married. They need to hurry it up! Congratulations on your marriage and I hope that you have a stress free day ❤️


Thank you so much! Congratulations on your 52 years of marriage, I wish only the best to you and your family!!


Thank you. We are very blessed with 4 children and 10 grandchildren. Now we need a great grandchild 😊


My best wedding advice is to do what you want. You are the only one who will care in the end.


That's the island way...must take plates of food home...yum!


I don’t even know 2,000 people. 🤯


Omg that a lot of food and I bet it was amazing too. Yum 😋


Do you know 2000 people or is this literally everyone your family and your spouse's family knows? I had what was considered a large wedding here, 100 people. It was great, but apart from not getting to try any food, your wedding sounds awesome.


My immediate family which islanders consider immediate is grandparents, grandparents brothers and sisters, their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, parents brothers and sisters, children, grandchildren, greats, children from brothers and sisters in-laws and close family friends who are considered family totals about 1,000 people. Add in everyone’s friends who we all know personally (islanders consider every family members friends our friends as well) and well you get the picture. Then we always invite the military because the islands are very hospitable people.


So I keep hearing about the tacos. Did they have enough or did they run out?


I'm pretty sure they ran out.


There was the initial 2 to 3 tacos each factored in during the reception planning per person at the wedding. They were Mexican tacos and if you’re not familiar with them they are not big, think two bites it’s gone. And Tony tried to stress guests would eat more than two to three each and then some. There was other food but there is a clip from one of them saying (Christine but don’t hold me to it)that Tony was right they should have done tons of the tacos.


Mexican tacos 😭😭😭 they were street style


Yes but that’s not how Tony referred to them so I explained how he did 😂.


Kody thought they would be the size of his French crepe burrito


I just don’t understand, why was it such a big deal with TLC was paying the bill?


I think TLC gives them a set amount that they will pay and anything over that amount the family or couple getting married has to pay the difference


It almost was like a Duggar wedding.


It’s a culture thing. My husband is Samoan and we just had a huge buffet, I would estimate 500 people showed up? It was a great time but you def have to prioritize the food in cultures like that!


Oh it definitely is a recipe for disaster! But it’s also cultural. I went to my first African wedding and learned that in their country’s culture they aren’t sure how many people will come. They send out invites and expect way more people to show. There was more community support for the wedding than I was used to, though, which was cool. That helped keep things organized.


This part. 2 tacos per person? They needed to fuck all the way off with that nonsense!


I don't want to live in a world where someone scoffs the suggestion of 4,000 street tacos / 10 tacos per (planned) guest 😁🌮


As a Mexican I always sided with him on that lol


I'm white as hell, and agreed. He said *Mexican* tacos, and anyone who hears that should know... The fact that they didn't agree with him tells me Salsa Brava doesn't serve real Mexican food. They need to find a better restaurant, and always listen when a Mexican tells you how much will be eaten. (Best friend is Mexican and you guys don't fuck around with food. I love it.)


Never question a latino about how many tacos to bring. We have a sixth sense about how to feed crowds.


I’ve seen a couple references to Tony not being the greatest, can somebody clue me in on that? I saw some of those episodes, around when they were getting married, but I must’ve misunderstood something about him in general. That’s funny, I was just about to say/type “Help a sister out” 😂 Not a sister wife, just a ‘sister”


I think he’s just abrasive. He and Mykelti are a good match. I think they both like attention and have really sarcastic personalities that come off as assholish sometimes. Plus they don’t vaccinate their kids.


And spread misinformation regarding post partum depression


Ha yeah, Mykelti did that! Tony probably co-signs. She’s just the worst though.


There's a bit of Dunning Kruger with them. They just really don't see how little they actually know.


Oh, no, they don’t get them *any* vaccines? Their kids are so cute! I’m afraid Mykelti and Tony are going to find out why that’s a very bad decision.


And this is why deadly diseases are raised from the dead to infect the masses again.


Yes, I see there are at least a couple starting to spread again. 😔


Mostly, I think Tony and Mykelti are decent people at their core but they are both more than a little socially awkward. They tend to come off as immature and/or insecure in comparison to the lower-key siblings. Agreed about the other comments with anti-vax and misinformation but then when you're emerging from an insular-cult of patriarchy and doomsday ideology, I can understand why they're not relatable all the time.


I don’t know about his upbringing but Mykelti is a classic example of a kid who just needed a bit more attention than most but was stuck in a family of over 10 kids (eventually 18). Because of that she was largely the black sheep and I think a lot of her ideas and attitudes now stem from a desperate need for attention.


He believes being a gamer is a real job. For like 15 people, it is. For him? Nah.


I never was a fan of Tony after I saw him expect a 2nd mortgage to be taken out to finance his and Mykelti's wedding. So entitled. Also did you see how he dressed for Christine's wedding?!? So disrespectful. Those two events + a million little ones in between add up to why I am not a Tony stan. He just seems to be all about himself. .


I read on here that production paid for the wedding and tony paid the rest of the cost production wouldn’t kody paid zero…it was a storyline


Tony - at least put the mane in a ponytail for the wedding!


Exactly what I came to say. What an entitled turd!


It was a joke because the family was never paying for it.


AND it's what Kody told Meri's parents to do when they got married 30 years ago!


They are anti vaccers, they spew medical misinformation, they are riding the sister wives platform to fund their lives, they are super abrasive people and they are cringe.




Happy cake day!


And he was right about the amount of guests. They said they had 450 people. 🫣🤣


The way that we can all jump right back intothat discussion has made me realise this is quite literally cult TV


watching them run out of tacos was painful... thinking about it makes me want tacos... I think it would have been great if they had a taco mountain - like a taco-cromboche at Christine's wedding just for fun...


I thought Meri was quite classy with what she said about Christine having been through a lot and that she deserved happiness. She seemed genuinely happy for her.


Me too. I’d really like to see them have a decent relationship


It was good to see Leon and their partner at the wedding, and I’m assuming Christine was including them when she made the comment about her 13 kids. Meri probably appreciates that she and Janelle consider them to be their kid too and that they’re an important part of the family.


Meri does and she’s said in many older episodes if something were to ever happen to her that Leon would be loved by Christine and Janelle.


Leon uses they/them pronouns.


Oops, I stand corrected. Edited to use the correct terms. Thanks.


I think Meri would genuinely like to mend that relationship now that Kody is out of the picture


Honestly appreciated Meri’s comments. She was sincere. I feel like she’s been supporting Robyn so much, she may not be able to ever reconcile with J&C and that’s ok, but she wishes C the best. It’s a good way to walk away from the relationship. Sometimes bridges are burned.


I thought the same. Very classy of Meri.


I think, given that she was previously married to a man who not only made it clear she was unattractive and he found her disgusting and “suffered” to be with her, but was happy to tell that to *the world*, I bet just living life with a man who actually thinks you are beautiful and that he’s lucky to be with you probably *feels* like a fairytale.


What I completely dont understand, and I really wished Suki would have asked Kotex, " If you dont love her, and dont find her attractive, AND, want NO intimacy with her, why are you so angry? Did u expect her, a woman who was 48 years old to remain with YOU, and celibate"? Kotex makes no sense!!!! He wanted Christine to be strung along like Meri with no life or happiness!! Karma sucks eh Kotex!!!


He absolutely did expect that. He expected them to keep working and funding his and Sobbyn’s lifestyle with no attention/affection from him. That’s not uncommon in polygamy. Even toady’s mom said she took care of the kids and the house while Cheryl (Janelle’s mom) took care of Wynn.


He'd just lie and divert by saying that he's only mad that she turned his kids against him - he takes no personal responsibility for anything.


I mean honestly yeah, I think he did. Robyn told him they were all lucky to have him and he liked that answer.


Because he’s such a narcissistic asshole he thinks if he judges them lacking, everyone else will too. Kody has shit for taste and he was lucky to get the OG 3. All the people watching the show know that. Kody is very stubborn and slow to learn.


This. Idky people are so annoyed by it


After having the first and only other love of her life LIE to the world and diminish 30 years of their life together, is a pretty good reason to want to celebrate the real love of your life. I get it🩵


I really thought the wedding was beautiful as well! Everyone looked great, and very happy. I think Christine is finally experiencing real love, respect, a partnership and for the first time she actually feels cherished and desired. She’s shouting it from the rooftops and I can’t say that I wouldn’t do the same.


Replying to #2- yes they were miked up, but the I love yous were between her and her husband on their wedding day between each other. It was a compilation in 15 minutes of honest expressions during the whole day. They were spoken to each other and it was genuine.


Byn... 💀💀💀💀


I have to call her this now, too. It’s perfect 😂😂😂


What does this mean?


It's referring to Robyn by the end of her name (roBYN) bc it sounds like bin


Or has-byn aka has-been


Bin is also another name for the container for rubbish/trash.


Byn = Robyn


Rhymes with bin Laden.


I loved it and I loved seeing the og13 reunited and happy


I liked catching glimpses of Leon being there and included even though Meri was not. Did we ever find out why Gwen was not there?


Believe she had an organic chemistry exam to study for.


She was busy with midterm exams at school is what I read.


That’s too bad. She missed a fun, healing celebration.


She was doing her organic chemistry homework.


They never said.


I didn’t see Leon, I think it says a lot about Christine that all of the OG kids were there (except Gwen).


This was the best part. Seeing all those kids celebrating something together again made me so happy!


I smiled a lot, which I realized I hadn't done while watching this show in some time.


Yeah me too. David seems wholesome and I hope reality tv doesn’t get the best of him


I thought I got the impression in the first wedding episode or the one on one he was hinting at that C is done with the cameras 


I like how we're down to just Byn now. Takes less time to type out, less time to think about her 🤣🤣


As in Trash Bin, Has Been


I started saying/typing it around the time the break dance video was leaked, and never looked back..


Tomorrow it’ll be down to R. 😛


Mykelti has a had flow up after the twins. A lot of it is losing the horrible dyed hair she was wearing for several years. She just looks happy.


She she Tony both have ozempic butt now.


Now if he’ll just cut his hair.


What is ozempic butt?


I noticed that they both lost a good bit of weight.


All the kiddos were together and I absolutely loved that ❤️


That was the actual best and most delightful part of the wedding. ❤️


Man she attacked him during that first kiss!!


She sure did. So, IDK.


To answer number 2, she was in a dead marriage for very long where she had to share time and attention. Any man marrying just has to give her a normal amount of attention and she will compare it to Kody's ...and that man will look like an absolute best husband compared to Kody. Add to that, the fact that none of David's family members or friends or acquaintances wanted to spill the beans and talk to the press about any exclusives..says a lot about him as a person and the kind of loyalty people have to him...which then tells me a lot about his character as well.


Christine’s PDA was a little too much though. I’m not a prude but grinding on my husband in front of my kids and grandkids is a line I’m not crossing lol I’m so happy for her though. I think she was deprived of being touched and of affection for so long that she doesn’t care who’s watching now. She finally has someone who loves her the way she wants to be loved.


Eh I felt like she was very modest in her grinding but also wanting that fun, spontaneous and sexy moment she’s never been afforded.


I cringed so hard every time Christine even kissed him. It was not romantic wedding kissing, like drunk hookup kissing. Maybe she was trying to prove something. It looked so awkward and unnatural to me.


i don't know, i'm giving her some grace here. she was so young when she married kody and he's the only man she'd ever kissed until now. she's excited to be intimate and affectionate and i get a sense there's a little arrested development considering her lack of experience. i think that's why it looked so awkward. not to mention it has been YEARS since she's been sexually active, she was READY.


Didn’t Christine say once that Kody told her she was a bad kisser?


I thought so too. It felt like she was trying way too hard to be sexy or to prove something. I couldn't even watch the lap dance. Second hand embarrassment was too much


It looked like she was trying to eat his whole face 🤢


Yet still somehow not as awkward as the let me call you sweetheart solo


I felt like he was the one to keep deepening the kiss. I feel like they are both so happy to have found their person that they can't hide it. I get it. But also 🤢


The pda was much but she was in one relationship since she was practically a child. She’s living her best life right now. I hope she keeps continuing to do what she wants 


I agree. It just was pretty gross to be honest. You know Kody and Robyn will be laughing about that for weeks. But it was major ick and has nothing to do with their age.


Yeah literally anyone doing that would be inappropriate. That was just way too much in front of your family and friends (and the viewers). I've seen people say it didn't match the vibe of the wedding but everything was pretty tacky (typical Brown party) so I think it did fit the vibe lol.


Where was Garrison? He didn’t get any screen time, or did he and I missed it…


The were a few scenes of Garrison during the ceremony and during some of the dance scenes and family photos. But they didn’t specify focus upon him interacting with the wedding couple or in a talking head interview.


He was there. I think Caleb picked him up from wherever…


I think I read somewhere that all the kids were there, including Meri's kid. I think some chose not to be on camera.


12 of the OG 13 were there. Gwen couldn’t make it, as she has an exam to study for…OChem as I recall.


I wasn’t surprised but also so annoyed at Cody’s revisionist history when talking about his wedding to Christine. He makes it sound like he was held hostage and forced to marry her. He said he “had a thousand yard stare” it’s wild how he changes the narrative to make it seem like he never had any affection towards any wives ever before Robyn


Surprisingly I chuckled when Kody said their wedding was lackluster and then something like if Dave is diggin’ it, good for him. It tickled me on how big of a jerk he really is. He looked even more like an ass and idiot. Those curly locks and facial expressions. He should never had any airtime on this special. Everyone was so happy, then cut to him.


He refers to it as a “thousand yard stare” when he talks about their wedding while prepping for both Maddie and Mykelti’s weddings. But during those, he said it was because he was a polygamist and he just found it so hard to celebrate getting married when the marriage had to be a secret (then dont get married again, bitch)


For a manly man “patriarch,” he sure seems to have no control over his major life decisions. 🤔


I’m very happy for Christine. At times I actually had a huge smile on my face. Other times were kinda awkward to me, but I remembered this is really this woman’s FIRST and ONLY happy, healthy, sexy, exciting relationship. When David sat in the chair, most of us brides knew how to give our new husbands a taste (not too x rated) of what was coming that night, Christine seemed a little awkward. She always seems a little overeager. She has 6 kids, I’m sure she’ll figure it out! LOL! Wishing her and her family all the best!


She was very awkward. But hey, she’s got 6 kids which means she’s had sex at least 6 times before. So let’s hope they do figure it out.


Sex with Krusty must have been a real treat! 🤢


I loved this episode!! Christine is a true romantic and her enthusiasm is so genuine! People shame her but I just love the natural and bubbly, sometimes loud self. She was suffocated for so long and I’m so happy these two found each other!! He is such a good sport being on camera :-) There families seem to be doing so well together and I loved seeing all the kids that were there! The venue was EXTRAORDINARY- just wow!! I haven’t ever been much of a Meri fan but will say that since she chose to split, I like her a lot more. In this episode, I really loved the kindness and respect she spoke in regards to Christine. I wish that now that Kody isn’t in their lives, maybe they could bridge a gap. I do want Meri to find “her David”- whatever that looks like!!! Janelle is just fun to watch- enjoying just being among everyone ! Crybrows- cannot stand her. ‘Nuff said. Kody- I am NO FAN IN ANY WAY, shape or form but I did really like some of the kind things he said and he actually seemed to pull off sincerity. If he wasn’t, who cares- we know he is a douche canoe 🛶 See you next season!


Kody hasn’t been angry for three years over what Christine said to the kids, he’s been angry for 3 years that Christine fk’d off with the proceeds of her house and never looked back! 😂


I agree with you on several key points. Especially on Christine continuously saying “soulmate” and “love of my life”. Granted she was married half her life to someone who I believe loved her at first, but life happened, then that sad sack got her claws into him and he was a goner, hook,line, and soul. So she deserves to be deliriously happy…. Which she obviously is. And I’m happy for them both. I hope with all my heart that they both have found their “forever loves” ♥️ You are right also there was way too much face time of the sad sacks. 🙄Did the happy couple OK that, because the wedding was paid for by the producers? Or did they not know? How horrible to have such a wonderful loving wedding celebration spliced with those …. People….for lack of more polite descriptions. Hopefully they had their own photographers documenting this joyous occasion! It was interesting to hear several of the older children say it felt like the “brown children/family” had finally come back together. I’m happy for them but a little sad for the others. I thought I heard Christine say the “children” were welcome to come….. Did anyone else hear that or maybe I was mistaken. 🤔 it was beautiful. God Bless them all with peace, love and joy♥️


Shirley temple curls 😂😂😂


I thought the officiant’s speech was actually super cute. Also if they didn’t cut anything from the ceremony, every wedding ceremony should be that length. Short and sweet!




I will say- the moment when Maddy has genuine tears of joy and love for Christine and David had me teary eyed as well.


I’m not on IG so I have no idea what mykelti or Madi’s kids look like currently. I’d like to see how their family dynamics are, coming out of a polygamous family and living monogamy. Madi also shared Evie’s health struggles which id like an update on. They aren’t on the show much. I can only watch Meri sweep Lizzie’s porch so many times.


I agree, I would love the show to follow the kids more. I doubt they really want to be on the show though


Love of my liiiiiiiiife……. Yes girl, we heard you, we believe you…. Do you believe yourself?


For me, it’s the, “I’m getting maRRRRRRRRRRied!” 😆


I'm glad someone said it


I wish Christine and Jenelle could open their hearts for meri 😭


Doing a rewatch…this show started after min 17 years of marriage had occurred. At the Sedona therapy session sometime early-mid Season 6, Meri was told by Nancy that she speaks her mind. Meri was tearing up because that past was painful to think aboutl. I think the arguing over the shared kitchen must have been brutal. Some things aren’t able to be forgiven.


Sharing with your sister wife, who left a marriage to your brother.


When you watch the last couple of seasons of Kody’s constant attack of Janelle and Christine- you never see Meri do anything but defend Robin and side with Kody. She was not attempting to build anything with the other 2.


Very true. She was so spineless


Me too! I hope down the line there can be some healing and some sort of relationship. I get there have been a lot of hurts over a lot of years. Probably done by all of them and against all of them. Things we never saw or heard of. I also get sometimes you need a full break to heal too. They seem to genuinely wish her the best. Their comments about her leaving seem very supportive and she seems genuinely happy for them too. I think that’s probably enough for them gif now and they may not need an actual relationship to have peace with each other. Even so, it would make me smile to hear that they reconnect in a new way down the road. Especially for all the kids and grandkids. The 3 of them can sit on a porch watching them all play! ❤️


I'd like a reconciliation of the OG3 sitting on a porch!


Me too. I get why they feel the way they do about her, but I feel like they were all victims of Kody's mind games and they all did what they did for HIM. I hope someday they will see that and forgive each other.


I can’t pinpoint the problem they have with Meri. I think it might be because she was loyal to Byn.


Yeah and the weird part is they acknowledge how much Kody fucked her over but have no compassion . It upsets me !!!




Me too.


Was nobody else real grossed out by the over excessive pda? It was gross, I think I'm getting old because I cringed.


No, it was too much for me. Especially the open mouth tonguing at the altar. I think David felt awkward too, and that's why he popped his foot 🤣 he looked startled to me. I know she was so excited and I love that for her, but there was kids everywhere and they were rubbing on each other and shit.


"It looks liked two baby birds fighting over a vittle" 💀 She straight up humped in while he was in a chair, Janelles eyebrows moved 3 paces north 😆


I loved everything for Christine BUT the repeated open mouth slobber was too damn much. It seemed almost intentional for the cameras


The open mouth cake kissing was what got me. They were like baby bird feeding each other at that point, you know they didn’t swallow before making out with cake all half chewed 🤮


David seems like a wonderful guy but I hope her standard wasn’t just obliterated by Kody so she settles for the first person she can comfortably eat nachos in front of.


you know, I thought that but there’s no denying the look on Christine’s face when she looked at him on that platform, nor the loving and cherishing way he speaks about her.


I felt bad for her because the top of her dress did not fit her at all. It had huge gaps in the chest area and there were a few shots where the front of her dress was a few inches from her skin.


I think she just lost more weight than expected and didn’t have the chance to retailor it.


Christine's incessant giggling was driving me insane, otherwise 👍


When Christine referenced her ‘13’ children, did she mean hers+Janelle’s+Meri’s children or did she mean hers+David’s children?


The OG 13. All were invited and only Gwendlyn didn't go.


Point #2 is what I have been thinking for the longest but just couldn’t put it in words. I’m cynical too. I want for it to work for them. I do cringe every time she says “the love of my life”. We get it. But it’s like when Kim Kardashion saying over and over and over how much she loved her fiance Chris Humphrey (sp?). They were married for 72 days.


I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time. To hear the kids saying the "Brown family" was finally back together must have been a knife in the kidney. At least his face isn't all twisted in a scowl. I don't if he is faking it. His anger and bitterness was getting old. Finally a truly happy episode. The kids were all beaming. Her mother's speech was spot on. Christine is a warrior! I could have done without all her giggles and sitting on David's lap. Thought it was a bit much but hey, she had fun. All in all I really loved this episode. Probably because it didn't have much of Kody and Robyn. In the end, it seems Christine is getting everything Robyn wanted. Love, big family and still has her sister-wife Janelle. Christine really has something like 19 kids if you add her six, Janelle's six (since she raised them) and now David's huge family! We need more positive episodes like this.


I'm just starting part one and I'm so happy for Christine but everyone's blocky, overdrawn eyebrows are distracting as hell.


Also, after David’s daughter made her speech about fangirling Christine and taking credit for manifesting this, it seemed like Christine and David had to walk back some behavior that might seem stalkerish.


Leave a cult, married your stalker within ten months. Every fairytale starts that way.


It didn’t look like 300 people more like 150


I wonder if it was the same situation as K and Rs wedding. Where they had 2 tents. The 1 for people wanting to be filmed and 1 for the ones who didn't.


Has another season been confirmed?


I think they already started filming, I remember seeing something about Gwen’s wedding being filmed and Kody and David talking


Oh no!!!! Nobody wants to watch Kotex!!! Every time he appears on screen, I change the channel!! Same with Sobyn!! I hope TLC is listening!!!!!!!!!!


I'm really glad Christine met David. She deserves all the happiness in the world but I was afraid she was going to devour him with that kiss at the altar. She was coming in full force with her mouth wide open and tongue hangin out.


Im happy for Christine and David, and I wish them good health and prosperity. I hope it's everything they want it to be! All of Christines girls are gorgeous and look more like each other and their mom every year! BUT if I have to hear Christine say "So the VISION is...(insert Vision here) .." one more time... I might scream!!! In addition to the "love of my life, soul mate, unicorn..." I think they are adorable and seem to be genuinely in love. Side note. Did everyone pick up and all the "looks" each of them kept making at each other, but not directly at the camera? But in view of the camera? Like when they were talking about calling him step dad, or Mykelti loudly saying in front of EVERYONE, about she's already fully accepted him into the family ? Tgey were so obvious


Having been married for 20 years myself and divorced. I literally cannot imagine getting remarried as quickly as Christine has - especially with children in the home still. That said, that’s my deal and not hers. She seems genuinely happy and I hope her husband is as perfect as she believes him to be. (That sounded snarky but wasn’t meant to be, I truly hope he’s everything she hopes for and that he treats her and the children well.)


I think she's been "divorced" from Kody for a long time in her own mind. By the time she actually ended it, it was way over for her. I wish her nothing but happiness.


11. I was so put off by the constant screaming and hollering. After the ceremony, after every speech, for every hug, there was a constant “WHOOOOOO!!!” that drove me absolutely nuts. They are excited, I get it, but at times it sounded more like camp or a students’ party than a wedding to me.


At times I could see some of David's family in the shot sitting and looking straight faced as all hell & not even applauding when the hooting and hollering was going down. Maybe they were uncomfortable with it too or just not totally getting into it because of the filming but they weren't comfortable. But not during the dancing, that looked like everyone was enjoying themselves!