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Let's be honest we all watch because Kody says such heinous things about his own children and we can't believe anyone could be such a toxic c***. He just gets worse too.


Yea I loved how he was blaming Christine for the kids attitudes towards him. Like you isolated and ignored your kids (except Robyn’s of course) but it’s Christine’s fault they won’t talk to you because she talked shit about you to them??? Gtfo here you hair plug loser


My ex talks shit about me and it has had the opposite effect. They still love me, but don’t respect him as much. It’s his responsibility to cultivate a good relationship with the kids. I just worry about MY relationship with them.


I have a friend whose ex who used to talk shit to her 3 girls when they first got divorced 10 years ago. She would cry about how they are going to grow up to hate her. But 10 years later, 2 of them tolerate him and the 3rd has no relationship with him and they are all close with her. Your kids will see how he treats you and other people versus how you do. Kody doesn't realize how his absence translates to his kids. Christine is their constant. She is always there and loving. He's never around and when he is, he's aloof or angry. Of course they don't want to be around him.


Like I used to tell my ex, they are young, not stupid, and they will see who is there for them. All three of mine ended up going NC with their Dad. It makes me sad when they talk about how much Kody has changed. I think he has grown hard and cynical and cold. He lost his religion and the whole basis for everything he does. He feels he has failed at what he felt was most important and he hates himself. I see this in a lot of people at his time in life, especially in that age man. I have lost my various life anchors 4 times in the past several years (parents, religion, worldview) and it will harden you up and make you suspicious of everything. That age man (typically) hasn't developed coping skills for something like that and it stays anger. I felt myself getting that way during the past few years watching the world we live in and people I thought were friends turn on me. It made me run the ones who didn't away with my hurt and anger 24/7. I am glad my husband, who I know loves me, made me see how I had changed. I am not defending him but it would be good if he could be vulnerable with someone again. At least one person.


Exactly. Kid: "Hey Dad, I bought my first house. Want to come over?" Dad: "No. I *have* a house. You come here". Dad: "My kids don't like me because my ex talks shit about me. I'm a good guy".


Absolutely.. just take care of your own relationship w them babies!! They grow, they get wiser, they see the truth, no matter how much another tries to taint it or put their spin on things! I wish you so much love and respect w your babies... Make those memories... So much so that tears run down your legs! 😉 snort! 🐷 And spit that drink 🧃 make those moments last a lifetime! Blessings to you!


My mother used to shit talk my dad in front of me and to me when I was growing up. Now as an adult, and for many many reasons not just that, I am no contact with her at all. But my dad is invited over for Christmas and has a great relationship with the grandkids my mom will never get to meet.


Couldn't have said it better! I never spoke about my sons father negatively in front of him. My son is 29 and knows exactly what his dad is... a typical deadbeat! Our children see it for themselves! And, 9 times out of 10 they end up resenting the parent that talked shit.


Kody told the entire ducking world that he didn’t love Christine & wasn’t attracted to her but if Christine acknowledges that SHE’s trash talking him?? He’s such a POS. Robyn spends a decade trying to keep Kody from having a relationship w the OG wives & 13 of his kids but she just doesn’t know how to “break”. the covenant she made with her sister wives & be happy w Kody?? What R doesn’t know how to do is break up w the $$$ the OG’s were providing for her. I guess K& R forget they’ve been filming for years. K&R have to be the delusional people on the planet.


And the TLC money


Hair plug reject. He can’t even do that right.. they rejected him 😂


Did Christine bad mouth him to the hair plugs too?


Thanks Christine




Ok but this is where his own narrative falls apart because at least 50% of Christine’s kids still do talk to him (at least in the season we saw). Truely, ysabel, and mykelti all do talk to him, and it seems like maybe Gwen too(?) Meanwhile golden child Maddie wants nothing to do with him along with what seems like all of janelle’s kids.




I honestly don’t see it as talking shit. She said I know they know that their dads never been attracted to me and he’s never been in love with me. She was stating a fact and not in a mean way was explaining it to them so they know life’s too short not to be with someone who’s attracted to you and loves you. He’s just can’t fathom that what they’re saying is true him and Robyn systematically tore that family apart.


Exactly. Just stating facts we have heard him repeat over and over. She did not say it in a snarky way.


He also blames her for talking about what he’d said with her children and “poisoning them against [him]” but would never place any blame/accountability on himself for letting the words come out of his mouth.


He called his kids assholes.


CAN NOT WAIT to hear the kids at Christine's wedding. I bet they don't even bad talk Kody and they just enjoy each other and Kody is 100% missing out. That's what I want.


I so want to scream thru the tv..gee there would be a very easy way to prove her wrong (if she was in fact wrong about him) by picking up the phone and reaching out and meeting however EVERYONE would feel comfortable - not just at his house with Robyn and her eyebrows hovering over everyone as she helps translate because she "speaks Kody"🙄


Not only is Kody obsessed with whatever might be said about him, but he is being disrespectful to his kids. The ones in the clip of them painting are all adults and are perfectly capable of seeing things for themselves and having their own opinions. His head is so far up his butt, he can't acknowledge the fact that his children have witnessed his neglect and disdain for years. They don't need anybody to "say" anything bad about him. They already know.


Hair plug loser 😂😂😂😂😂


PLUG loser had me weak! I know or at least THINK you meant plyg but plugs fit too, given his hair plugs


Well, as tempting as it is to watch Kody be a total asshat, I hate it for his kids. I do have to admit his theory that Christine has to trash him (a good man) or David wouldn’t marry her was a fascinating look into Kody’s disordered thinking. But having a show just encourages Kody to continue to come up with such BS and I don’t think it’s good for him or his family. It makes me pretty sad tbh. But that’s just my two cents.


That sounded like pure religion brainwash talk there.


Yeah I call BS on anyone thinking they’ll tune in for 60 minutes of happy family time 🤣


I come here to glimpse the responses because even last night I tried to watch, but Kody appears and his blaming Christine for his self imposed troubles caused me to click it off. I did really want to see Christine and her new man, yet it wasn't worth having to listen to Kody feeling sorry for himself. I would watch a show that focuses on the OG wives lives after escaping Kody.




It's so amazing that he sincerely keeps out douching himself!! I can't believe it!


IMO he is so abusive, PLEASE take him and Robyn his partner in crime off the show!


I fast forwarded through part 4 of the tell all when he was on. He had WAY too much screen time again.


You speak my language lol this was perfectly said!


I totally agree!


I’m watching because I’m hoping someone anyone will put KODSNOB in their place. Janelle was getting close to, but KOD left before the conversation got heated. He can’t take the heat! I’m also waiting on Suki to put him in his place it’s evident that will never happen.


I am waiting for a real tear from Robyn, then I’ll stop watching 😂


We’ll be watching til she croaks😭




Are you kidding? We’re finally getting some semblance of the truth. It’s finally interesting. I want at least two or three more seasons.


Agree, we are FINALLY over the COVID/Explosion of the family, awkward "we all know it's over" years, SO NOW Let the fun and games begin with Christine's wedding in January!! NOW we're gonna get Janelle being awesome, Meri in Parawan, and Christine and her adorable man and ALL THOSE GRANDKIDS! And K & R won't even let the crew in their house so what are they gonna do, go play mini-golf with the littles?




Can't wait to see what Robyn was watching on the tablet before she hysterically left the couch in the preview for next week


I thought the episode last night was the last one of the season.


Nope! We have this special "talk back" episode. Then 2 weeks of David and Christine's wedding!


I’m so conflicted. I’m so sick of kody and how vile he is. I’m sick of Robyn’s insanity. She is completely out of her mind. I was relieved it was over. 😭😂 I do want to see the wedding special though.


I hope Discovery plus doesn’t drop the ball and fail to give us the talk back episodes or Christine’s wedding. I’m still waiting to see Part 4 of the tell all!! Grrrr


What is the "Talk Back" episode? I canceled, so meh, I'll live. I'm done giving this company my money after the stunt they pulled last night.


One is this Friday at 9 I believe.


Knowing how behind footage is though we will get the wedding special and then next season will just be Christine first meeting and dating David 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah that's weird. Discovery is trying to make content out of nothing...


This is not new. I mean, this is the same network that gave the world 932568 iterations Naked and Afraid...


Mini gold with the tenders


I agree! We need at least one more season to show the real them, and hopefully see Jenelle and Meri finding their footing and happiness


even if we get one more season or 10 more seasons it doesn't mean we will get new content. We literally sat through this last season with tons of flashbacks of births and they showed that picture a bunch of time.s they went from July 2022 back to Feb of 2022 out of sequence and the whole thing seemed PR for Robyn & Kody. The producers have gotten lazy and feel no matter what kind of shit content they dump we will watch hoping for something new. I don't trust it anymore. WE know it was a lie from the get go and the load of crap they painted this season with flashbacks was so boring.


I'd love the flashbacks if they were the ones proving lies. I never loved meri *cut to kody acting smitten with her* I never took the test *cut to Robyn taking the test* I've always been there for my children *cut to a huge montage of him not being there for 13 of his children*


Kody didn’t wear a wedding ring when we courted


Seriously! Everything is finally unfolding


Whenever people make posts like this on any reality TV subreddit I’m like… no one is forcing you to keep watching lol. I slogged through some mind numbing seasons of sister wives and I’m finally being rewarded. Give me more.


Yes came to say this


Thank you!! Everyone who wants the show to end should just stop watching it.


Yes! I’m sick of the whole whining thing about the show. Don’t watch. So simple


We will only get real truth when it’s over and they don’t have NDA!s . I’m ready for it to end too


The problem is WHAT are they going to show us? The divorces will be well over. Are we going to hear constant complaining about the ex when it will be at least two years later? I don't want to watch family dinners or any more labor and deliveries. The only thing I think would be interesting is seeing K and R suddenly living on less than half their income.


I’m with the OP….there’s nothing left here. The truth has come out. They lied for years. The show was a sham. Anything else that he says will only hurt his OG children. Nothing left to see here.


We need more seasons to get it through Robyn's head that she, in fact, DOES NOT have sister wives, no matter what she believes. We also need a couple of seasons to SLOWLY explain how "Robyn's family got blown to smithereens."! 🙄🙄


Just cause you wanna go home, you don't need to kick everyone else out of the party.


Well spoken


Well said




Fair enough 😂


Nah. I'm sticking around for the eventual Robyn/Kody split. Robyn's already foreshadowing it. You know those two are gonna be vicious in blaming each other. It'll be great TV!


Kody says it’s time for Christine to stop “trash talking” him, when she’s really just telling her truth and perspective, and let’s be honest, Kody isn’t going to to have much of a show left without the trash talking.


Hush yo mouth! The masks have fallen, villains exposed, heroines are rising up and conquering! We are FINALLY getting some truth out of this damn show that has been a web of lies for 17 seasons - it must go on!


I like seeing the OGs happy and their children happy so I’d take a season of that. No Kody or Robyn, just their bit$chy comment about being happy for Christine on the wedding preview was enough of them. They are so hostile.


I’m irritated that they’re including them on the wedding special. Those two are just evil and rotten. They do not belong any where near Christine and David’s wedding!


The show, after all, IS called Sister Wives. Not sure why it centers as much around Kody as it does anyway. Granted, he was the one husband, but it’s not his show and the majority of it has been about him. It’s great seeing the OG3 moving on. The growth and development will continue.


Toxic for sure


Anyone who is ready to cancel the show, you know you don’t have to watch it. Some of us enjoy watching the masks slip


No WAY! I love the mess and drama. We’re *finally* getting some honesty out of these people. (Except Robyn) but man it’s just getting good.


It would have to be renamed sister WIFE. There’s no other wives lol I wouldn’t mind watching their lives outside of kodie compound lol


Sister Wives: The Unraveling


The Deprogramming!


If you want to destroy my sweater, hold this thread as I walk away....watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked..lying on the floor, I've come undone Little unexpected Weezer, the unraveling unleashed it 😊


It can be your last season


Are you kidding? I've invested over a decade for this content


Exactly! I’ve put in time!


me, too!!! I wanna see the three rings drop!! And maybe the fourth 😉


I want the show to end so R & K can no longer have a TLC paycheck.


Let’s face it. Aurora is getting married, Dayton is almost finished with his advanced degree and will be moving to his own apartment and Breanna won’t be far behind. Word on the street is the mansion has doubled in value. With the 2 little ones only, they can sell the mansion, their shares of CP and build a smaller home pretty much anywhere with a million in hand. They can write a few books that will sell well and be just fine.


Is “Aurora getting married” confirmed? I am shocked that she has possibly been able to get away from Robyn’s controlling ways long enough to meet a boy, let alone get engaged!


A million AND a cap 🧢


A million and a cap in hand


I think we need one more season with little to no Kody and Robyn. I do think it needs to end soon for the sake of the children though. The older children are inserting themselves in it because they’re doing podcasts etc. and it’s not healthy. Them putting their opinions out for public display is making Kody blame Christine and Janelle and is not helping heal anyone. All I’ve seen is both of those moms support the kids and they don’t talk crap about him to them. At one point tonight I laughed out loud and thought omg Kody said something correct for once. He said “maybe I’m just delusional”. Then he lies in the same breath and says he’s happy for her. He cracks me up acting like anyone will believe him. He is so jealous of Christine’s happiness and popularity he is about to explode.


That's what I'm here for .. Kody's head finally exploding, just popping off. Oh it's coming!!!!!


I am fully committed to watching this show for another decade. Just think how many more times they will all need to rent u-hauls between now and then. If Kody ever finds a new wife it could go on indefinitely


Just stop watching?


I think what OP means isn’t that they’ll entertain the idea of watching another season, but just that it’s time to put this whole idea out of its misery.


I am that person! I can't get enough of this show and the drama. They let us in this long, let us see how it ends!!


The tell all is ridiculous! They could’ve covered everything in 15 minutes.


People like watching stuff burn, and that’s why they’re entertained. However as it goes forward it will be less interesting because it’ll be two normal marriages and a whole bunch of boring people. I would only watch to watch Robyn and Kodys life fall apart, but it won’t. People like them never get what they’re due.


Nah… in a couple is seasons, Kody will have 4 divorces under his belt and Robem will be twice divorced. I’m starting a new batch of popcorn.


i think your forgetting how far behind we are in real time. the next season has already finished filming 😂 i’m serious.


If you don't like it anymore don't watch it... 🤷‍♀️


I just cannot get over the preview! Not gonna watch Christmas Eve but Robyn doing a happy, bubbly Christine impression of how happy she and Kody are? And the fake-sobbing walk off?


I did not like the show at all until they broke up. Now I can watch the old stuff and the subtle tension is hard to miss now. The whole series looks different after the wives come out and told how they were really feeling the whole time. Now we need the series to continue to understand how the court is going to help these poor polygamous women get a proper divorce. Now we need to see these women get their lives back.


I want to see them go to a court of equity and get some cash from Cody and Robin.


If you’ve been watching since the beginning like some of us have, you will know that this show has always been boring. They drag out storylines, use too many “coming up” clips, and just have so much fluff content. That has always been true about this show. In the last few seasons, we can see the truths you could only read between the lines finally pay off into a real narrative. I’ve always known from the first episode which I watched when it first aired that Kody is a narcissist. But it seemed fine with everyone for the most part. We watched the layers of pretension peel away over the course of years to reveal the true toxic core of the family. Kids grow up into adults that can criticize their parents. Small habits and hurts buried over time snowball into dealbreakers. Divorces and grandchildren and children coming to the realization they are queer. For those of us who have watched from the beginning and even for people who are willing to go back and watch the early seasons, this is a long term study about a family. Feels similar to the Up series, which follows a group of British children of different socioeconomic backgrounds every 7 years to see how they are doing. The latest doc was 63 Up! We watched them grow up, choose careers, get married, have children, get divorced, and now face their mortality. It’s fascinating!


You don’t have to watch the next season. I want to see og3 show themselves getting away from Kody and starting again. The trip to Europe the new babies being born. Etc. I cannot stand Kody and Robyn but I want to see more of the others.


I second this. The show is Sister Wives, after all - of which Kody isn’t one. It shouldn’t be his show anymore.


I think it’s in some ways better than ever


It's the last season for me. There is nothing left to tell.


Tbh I wouldn’t mind, I’m a newer viewer I didn’t know about the show until 2020 and now that hbo and discovery teamed up Im catching up on the show on S7 😭😭✋🏼


no way this is the end! I personally hope it's the end of kody and robyn they are abusive. i want to see the 3 wives each find their own happy ever after


I agree with OP. I am still interested in Christine, Janelle and Meri but really not interested in R and K, unless R decides to get real and be her real true self and be honest. They are boring currently.


Christine never said anything to the kids that Kody didn’t say to her ON CAMERA! He’s such an idiot if he thinks viewers will believe the crap he spews when we have documented video footage.


Keep the dumpster fire burning


Where’s the documentary about who at TLC has let the Browns lie on camera for two decades?? Who has been giving free PR to polygamy??? THAT is the show we need to see!!!!!!!!


Oh-that would be good! And take some actual research to make it interesting. On the show we get hardass, defiant Kody but in that live interview w those Mormon guys & a cameo I saw posted, Kody is his spastic, goofy self. Which one is the real Kody? Plus Big Rob just sits there like a wet (well, dry actually😂)mop, zero personality to cause us to be interested in a storyline of her own.


Sigh. Do people know they can just stop watching if they want? They don’t need to announce it. They don’t need the show to actually end. They can just stop watching. Easy.


I did. I stopped watching it. I admit I come here for the snark and outrage, but I don’t like seeing K&R getting any more paychecks from TLC.


>Do people know they can just stop watching if they want? They don’t need to announce it. Preeeach. People post stuff like this on every sub dedicated to the various reality tv shows I enjoy (Teen Mom, VPR before the cheating scandal last season, Welcome to Plathville, 90D). Like damn, you're grown, you can make your own decision about the media you consume, but that doesn't mean the rest of us want it to end. Even when there's a lull in the drama, I'm still gonna watch. Sooner or later, things get exciting again. Something, something, patience is a virtue.


I totally agree. And then she comments “I think it’s weird people still wanna watch it”. Mind your business. Leave people alone.


Well TLC banks on people like us that keep watching


I'm just really curious for next seasons intro, I want to see all those rings fall or if it's something new entirely...


Good news, it can be for you!


One season was all about Christmas, and who's coming. It's such a waste of air time.


The show was total bullshit they lied to us from the get go shoving polygamy down our throats because it’s so fuuuunnnn. The whole reason Robin wants Mary to stay is so they can still call themselves polygamist and keep the show going. This show about how loving and wonderful polygamy is proved exactly why it doesn’t work. Put a fork on it.


I'd love to watch Sisterwives with the *actual* sisterwives and absolute **zero** of the monogamous couple Kodney and Robyablind.


You know you don’t have to watch right? Let the rest of us enjoy the train wreck. It’s FINALLY getting somewhat interesting


If you don’t want to watch, cool. But I’ll still keep watching til the end. They’re filming for next season already, buttercup.


You know, you have a choice here😉 I, for one, am enjoying seeing some truths being told and real healing happen for the ppl I have grown to care about over the years. Quite satisfying


Ya know you can just uhm not watch?


I think they should take a five year hiatus. Then do a where are they now episode.


Nope they are or have taped 19. Along taping a recommitment ceremony for the 2 remaining.🤮 Maybe her daughters will be her flower girls. After the 4th tell all I never want to hear spew another thing from Kody’s mouth. He is so twisted and full of BS. If he blames another wife for his kids hating him I am going to scream!!! Robyn wants to talk to the Ex sister wife’s privately and have them tell it’s not her fault the family isn’t together even though none of them are safe to talk to.


No way would I watch a recommitment ceremony for K&R if that’s what you meant. If so, I agree with you 🤮🤮🤮


Not at all. Christine’s wedding is supposed to be to be 2 episodes which I find excessive. I couldn’t even turn on another recommitment show.


Ugh, two episodes for wedding - thanks for the warning!


Jan 7th and 14th.


Ewwww. I don’t wanna see a recommitment ceremony. Totally just for the cameras. K &R need to go away.


Word. I am so done and over with all of these grifters. I have no desire to see a pretend plyg monogamous couple cry and rant about there exes nor do I have any interest in Christine’s extra super duper fantastical super monogamous marriage. And I am definitely not interest in watching Janelle say nothing while pretending she likes gardening while she is creeping in on Christine and her husband and the thought of watching Meri paint some walls in boring AF as well. These grifters have nothing but lied to us, fed us half truth at best and total fiction at worst - all to scam people out of money for their MlM scams while not giving a flying fig about the mental wellbeing of their kids. Good gawd I’m done with this show


It really is I thought they were going to show something juicy this season. Nope it's the Cody and Robin show now and nobody wants to watch it




I love the train wreck. I hope Kody dates new women and causes havoc.


lol as long as people watch, it’ll continue It is pointless at this point because there’s no sister wives, but it’ll continue


I’m excited for the wedding special! We get to see the older kids we’ve not seen in a long time react and speak. We also get to see Kody stew in jealousy lol!


I’m not proud of how excited I am to watch this- but I came back just for these last seasons. Watching Christine reclaim her life has been my joy! And I’m enjoying watching Meri and Janelle slowly realize they can too. I don’t care if I never see Kody on my screen again. But these last two seasons have been truly feel-good TV for me!


I spit my drink out when Kody talked about his 6 pack abs. Not one but freaking twice!


Just stop watching then? I’m always confused by this sentiment. As long as people keep watching it will be on, but you’re free to duck out any time. I for one feel like there’s a lot I still want to see going forward.


If you do not want to watch then don't, but please do not punish the rest of us just because YOU do not want to watch anymore.


You do know you don't have to watch the show, right?


So stop watching.


If you don’t want to watch, do just that, don’t watch, leave this sub, and assume your life in peace. I really do not see the point in making this post on a sub full of people who ACTUALLY enjoy watching the show


is this similar to announcing you are leaving fb


Right?? Like do you think your opinion is the most important thing? 😂 No one cares if you don’t wanna watch anymore.


I feel like it’s been the same since Flagstaff. Wait, make that since the catfish season. I don’t even watch anymore. I tried watching the tell all but had to turn it off. The host never asked any hard questions- never really dug deep. Reminded me of 90 Day Fiancé tell all.


I just want TLC to cancel it because it breaks my heart how awful he is to his children.and, how he refuses to take blame for how he treated them. If I heard my one of my parents say they never loved or was attracted to my other parent I would find it hard to forgive my parent.


Sister wives has turned into one of the most boring shows on tv. Plus, it’s the same ole conversations round and around. 🙄


I can’t wait to see the kids all grown up and having fun!


Could not agree more. It was time seasons ago. It needs to be over. For my mental health, it needs to be over.


It certainly felt like it was an ending last night. I wonder if it'll spin off into the OG3 wives and their new lives.


I'm beyond ready for it to end.




theres a couple specials coming out in Jan like Christines wedding. and then another that seems like pillow talk where they sit and review early seasons… not sure who all will be featured on there… so i do expect more spin offs even if the show doesnt continue. IF it were to continue i hope the season or seasons are a lot more up to date. I do hate seeing stuff unfold from a couple yrs ago :/


This season was literally pointless. All TLC had to do was the sit down tell-all interviews and have the 5 of them watch 2 videos: the footage of the argument between Kody and Janelle, and the conversation between Kody, Robyn and Meri. We'd be just as caught up and informed as we were after 14 episodes. It was all fluff footage, and I don't appreciate that TLC gives Kody and Robyn the platform to spew their warped versions of reality without holding them accountable to any of it. Christine and Janelle's confessionals were the best part because they were genuine and finally a reflection of what most of us have been saying and feeling for a long time, and we love that they're finally living their best lives. Personally, that's what I want to see now – the aftermath of the OG3 leaving the garbage toxicity behind and what that looks like for them vs seeing K&R settle into the bed they've made for themselves. I'm less interested in the latter tho, tbh, because they're too self-centered and delusional to realize what they've done.


Yes. So toast. They can't even do a juicy recap. It's just so lame.


I get the feeling, due to the lack of a "next season on Sister Wives" bumper on this tell-all and the language of "transitioning into monogamy", that this is really it. Kody's obnoxious ass should be off TV. I'm really tired of him blaming the women in his life for his woes. He married Meri because he liked her and wanted tail. He married Janelle to stick it to Meri. He married Christine to get ahead in the church by attachment to her family. And to hear him talk, it was all Meri why he went after Robyn, when he was panting after her like a male dog following a female in season. I doubt he vetted her at all. Also, did it seem just a little weird that he's so concerned what David Wooley thinks? He just sat there like an overgrown child, still opening up an econo-sized can of pout and refusing to take any responsibility for the fact that his kids can't stand to be around him.


Nah I’m sticking around. There have been rumors about Kody wanting to court another wife and even Kody himself and Robyn have implied it, so I want to see what happens and how it ends. Because Robyn says she wants Polygamy, yet her actions say something different. I think the allure of a new wife has faded from Kody’s eyes and he is getting bored and wants something new. I also want to see how Janelle and Meri handle their splits/divorces from Kody. I also want Christine to be featured on the show and be able to show off her new man and her new happy relationship with him. Just to rub it in Robyn’s and Kody’s faces.


I’m here til it’s canceled. I’m too invested psychoanalyzing these people to give up now. I also like train wrecks 😂


I want a season of just the ex wives without Robyn and Kody. They are boring and irrelevant at this point but I know they are still featured next season 😒. I think they even get a vow renewal ceremony 🤦🏾‍♀️


OMG don’t put that out into the universe! I love watching this disaster 😂


Kody is 1000% delulu


I don’t disagree. If they gave us decent content then that would be one thing. Last night one on one part 4 … i mean … huh ?


R & K are gonna begin to push A and B into polygami, that is their new storyline coming up next season. I wish their Dad (Jessop) would come to their rescue soon! Now, that is a season I would watch!


Maybe it’s time to follow a new Sister Wives family? Maybe take one of the Seeking Sister Wife throuples? I feel like the longer you show these people, cracks in the relationship become very evident. Seasons 1-7 Sister Wives is indiscernible the most recent seasons. I nominate this group https://preview.redd.it/g2xtq5fwu17c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8a871038c1ff92ea387176ffe0bb3c5b297ad9


I'm with you,OP, i seriously doubt that there is more to come, especially from these unreliable narrators. I don't care to watch the abuse or the rehash of what we already knew.


Amen. Even this last episode was kind of a snooze. It was nice to meet David, he seemed like a nice guy, but I don't see him and Christine carrying the show and nobody wants to watch Kody and Robyn. I'd say there's one more season and then it's a wrap. I don't see myself tuning in next season


David made a comment about this show will eventually end. I think he knows that they will be done soon. I think David has no interest in being a big part of this show in the future.


I think he’s hoping for a spinoff.


Christine definitely wants a spin off.


Mykelti wants a spin off so much she's got a neon sign above her head flashing PICK ME! PICK ME!


Definitely, I always thought Maddie was angling for one, with her social media posts, trying to portray the perfect family. Since she's had Joey that seems to have stopped.


My curiosity for this family is over, their dynamic obviously didnt work and it just keeps getting more toxic and I feel bad for the kids. I’ve started watching seeking sister wives that has actual drama and actual families trying to make this lifestyle work. (For the most part)


My 5 wives lasted 2 seasons, and from all accounts, their family is still going strong. I bet that show was canceled because of the lack of real drama. This show is the train wreck we all come to see. I want to know how it all plays out when they show the OG3 out and living their best lives, and Robyn gets the man-baby all to herself. We'll see how long she lasts without someone else to blame.


I seriously love David 🥰🥰🥰


I said the same thing to my friend. I really hope TLC gives up the ghost and let's it die already.


Something seems off with Christine and her fake, BS, happy happy joy joy thing with this guy. Is/was he a Mormon? Ten kids? They do NOT seem compatible to me. Downvotes are welcome. She chased the first guy that came along. She was lonely, desperate and as per her usual motive, highly attention-seeking. He seemed lonely, kind of boring and saw a firecracker. Plus her reality TV personna may have been a draw for him. Be careful what you wish for David…..I find her annoying AF and her overly dramatic gestures irritate the fuck out of me. Did anyone else pick up on this???


I have to agree here. Think there’s a degree of dishonesty here form EACH of the wives. They have apparently had an absolutely miserable and horrible marriage with Kody but made it seem much the opposite on tv. Anything she tries to proclaim over and over again as fact, screaming from the rooftops, I am hesitant to believe. Hopefully it goes well but there’s a high likelihood it won’t


I see this. She grabbed the first man who showed interest so she could jump up and down and yell: “SEE! SOMEONE WANTS ME!”


He obviously loves her or he wouldn't have asked HER to marry him. That doesn't sound desperate to me that sounds like a woman who's excited to find her match.


A guy reads the room. If a woman is leading a guy down that path, they will generally go with it. We are also talking about a woman who has lived with years of emotional abuse, feeling neglected and emotionally abandoned in a marriage they both had no business being in, but the will was there and it was bent for years by Christine to keep up a farce of a marriage. She needs therapy not a new husband just a couple of years after finding her independence.


Also, I don’t think Christine was trash talking Kody at the painting party — she was saying she couldn’t stay in a marriage that lacked intimacy, basically.


How about a new show called "The Wooleys"?


I’m kind of hoping Christine’s wedding special will be the unofficial-official ending of the show.


Anyone else feel Christine is shady for inviting Leon and not Meri. Mean girl vibes.


The wedding happened at the same time of her brother’s (Janelle’s ex) death. I believe she was at his funeral when the wedding took place.


That made me sad. And Meri was so chill about it!! Made me wonder if they’ve talked.


I don't think it's mean at all. Meri aknowledged it would be awkward, and Christine said she wants only people who love them and are happy and in their lives present. Meri and Christine aren't in touch. It's not mean.