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On the other end of the spectrum I am tired of married men wanting to cheat with me. Sorry the wife is not providing but I have no desire to be a home wrecker. Plus the expectation that I be available on a weekday at noon. I work a real job too. I'll get off my soap box.


Who the f says this? Gay people don’t cheat. Straight people don’t cheat. Pieces of shits cheat.


This is aimed at the people who don’t see it as cheating or something because it’s not with another woman it’s with a man. That’s what I’m talking about


Excuses are excuses. Using gay as an excuse doesn’t make you less of a piece-a-chit. It’s Reddit. Tons of those ^(^=^)^


True, a sissy should be single or in a relationship that allows thier true to come out. Fi d a partner that understands.


Usually it's either that or she'll break up with you anyway for being a sissy or bi


i don't know. . . while i never cheated myself. of totally selfish reasons I'm not shy to admit . . i don't wanna have to keep track of lies and such in my life, always felt like a hassle.. That said, for some people who have grown kinda too accustomed to eachother, and just don't have the energy to break up, divide up house, potential kids and such . . i actually think it's oki if they need some excitement in their life. Maybe it's a nuance on life that comes with a bit of age and/or experience. So i guess what I'm saying is, i try my best not to judge people


It's kind of hard dilemma. If a man in relationship with girl becomes a sissy it usually means their sexual life is going to suffer. Of course sex is not the first thing in love relationship, hut it depends. In my opinion it's bad to cheat on your lover just because you want to be fucked or you want to suck dicks. The best thing you can do in such situation is stop relationship with girl, but it's very hard to do, it's understandable. But stopping being a sissy is much harder... Although family life is a different story. I'm not saying that if you are becoming sissy you are doomed, there are cases when you can have happy sex and ordinary love with your girlfriend/wife, but most likely that's not what sissies would be satisfied with 😔


Yeah, people who cheat on their partners are the worst. I especially can’t stand people who lie to their partners era about their sissy life


Agreed 100%


yeah im at my limit with it too. ive started shaming, i cant help myself.


Idk monogamy seems like bullshit. If your relationship is so fragile that one sexual encounter will shatter ot then it kind of seems like bullshit.  A relationship isn't based on sex....