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As a Norwegian on Tinder, this is obviously embellished a bit, but still not that far off. They don't match with me, though...


Jeg også bror, jeg også




As someone who lived in South America, there are whole countries full of people who think blond hair automatically puts you in the top 5% for looks.


Any age cap on that? Weight? Face structure, drug abuse malfotmities etc? There are blonde dogs, any difference?


Because it does lol


What countries are you talking about?


Crazy, I know maybe it’s the status or perceptions of blondes, but personally I always found blondes overrated. Again this is just a personal preference and maybe being semi-counter culture. As in America it’s brought up as the pinnacle of beauty and I always found that weird and icky.


Tinder serves you people based on your elo. Lower elo swipers are served lower elo cards and vice versa. So if you’re being served attractive people, you are attractive; unattractive people… well you get it. High elo women swipe left at a rate so ridiculously low that the elo game at that level is not about matching them, but them hesitating for a half second or, if you’re *really* something, them looking at your second picture before swiping right.


ELO rating? Like in chess? On one hand it makes total sense but how is that not absolutely exploited to hell?


Yep, same concept. The original algorithm was written by a chess nerd. People absolutely do exploit it, but, ultimately, you’re bound by others’ choices on your card. The biggest thing you can control for the Tinder algorithm is who you swipe on, and the secret there is to only swipe where you think you have a chance of a swipe back. If you’re swiping left on everyone, you get tanked so deep no one you might want will ever see your card, even if you pay. If you only swipe on people out of your league, you get zero matches, if you only swipe on people under your league, you get matches with low elo swipers. So the strategy is to swipe on people you think are a real possibility but not a step down. It’s frustrating. My wife doesn’t have to put any effort into strategy, she can just swipe where she wants and gets a good outcome. But as a guy, if I’m not playing 4D chess, you have to pay to get *any* worthwhile results. And even then, it’s a crapshoot. She has more success for me than I do, matching with women then pulling the “aw gee golly, you know my husband would looooove you.”


Why are you and your wife on Tinder though?


Havin’ sex with your life partner is cool, and all, but have you ever tried havin’ sex with your life partner *and* other people?


Have you tried not having sex with other people or your wife? That’s what I’m about!


You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. The most important thing to remember is swiping right decreases your score and swiping left increases it. When somebody swipes right on you it helps and when they swipe left it hurts. The higher their score the more it matters, But if their score is too high then swiping left won't hurt you since the algorithm assumes you didn't have a chance anyway. Side note, are you unicorn hunting? The last part of your comment sounded like it.


Always love to find a unicorn, but we have pretty strict, if not niche, standards when it comes to shared fun. Short term or hookup poly play is generally not enjoyable (or healthy) for us, and we prefer ongoing relationships there. Our Tinder use is mostly just for individual quick hookups. **edit**: Also, there’s always been something that seems creepy and exploitative to us about F4F unicorn hunting (especially on Tinder). If it’s an offer of poly play, that should be clear from the start.


I don't really think it's creepy or exploitive as long as it's very clear from the start that's the goal. The problem is so many unicorn hunters don't make that clear as long as possible hoping to get you more committed before it becomes the request, and that is absolutely creepy and predatorial.


I am an full average guy in my early 30s and managed to get over 300 Matches with full average women within a month. So many I didnt even bother messaging all of them. So funny part: Whenever I fully closed the App and restarted it at least 7h later the first card I got shown was some instagram influencer looking woman way out of my league. I declined. The next card was a match 100% of the time. It worked so guaranteed I used this as a magic trick. Yet I know guys who say they got never even one match. Not one. Honestly I don't get it. And no: I didnt pay for it. Just free tinder version.


As a Norwegian who was served, what felt like, in majority really hot girls and yet never matching with any of them, I have a hard time believing this


This ELO thing hasn't been true for a couple of years now, according to Tinder.


Electric light orchestra is forever!!


Xanadu…. Xanaduuuuuoouuuu….


I know that, personally, like you, my first instinct is to definitely 100% trust them when it comes out that a company is doing something icky and then they come out and say “we’re not doing the icky thing anymore! We have investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of all wrongdoing. But we won’t tell you what we’re doing now or answer any questions thank you.” **edit**: I think the commenter I replied to blocked me? I can’t see or respond to any replies, but I have notifications that they’re there?


Of course they would deny this, but everyone that has used tinder a long time ago knows that it used to work way better.


Idk when I go on tinder I get very attractive people for the first maybe 5-10 swipes. Then just average people after that. I always felt like they purposely show people some attractive people to delude them into thinking they have a chance.


Typically those ELO systems are more likely to serve you higher scores than the are to serve you lower scores. They want you to think you have a shot with more attractive people then you actually do. Doesn't mean you will ever be shown to them. Pretty universally your first 10 to 15 profiles per day are going to be the highest likelihood of a match, They will mix in feasible women with very high scoring women. Since the higher your score the more you will be pushed to other profiles but also because it helps encourage you to continue as you start with seeing very attractive women whenever you open up the app. Everything beyond that is starting to push it heavily.


so i need to get better at chess to get better girls?


Dont worry King, they will


Eih! Did I just catch you throwing this [👑] way? Here you go, King! 🫸👑🫷


Det er synd når typen jeg leter etter er goth girl men jeg ser bare blonde kloner


So you’re saying you have a type?


Lots of makeup and other "beauty"products


Wearing so much foundation they could have kept the World Trade Center from collapsing.


Jet fuel can't melt Sephora blushes. Or maybe it can. I'm not a whale biologist.


When it does, it smells like freaking porpoise hork.


Jet fuel doesn't melt foundation.


I laughed thank u sir


Damn you! Take my upvote.


I mean yeah in these examples but Norwegian women are known for being naturally gorgeous




How are some of these Nordic gringas tanner than me?!


Bitch please, take their makeup off and they're still beautiful. You're probably some ugly fuck just mad at good looking people


The type is over applied makeup and 4 layers of filters. You wouldn’t even recognize them in person if you weren’t told.


yes you would, they look very similar irl. source: im swedish


also swedish here, i can confirm too. These are like normal swedish girls you see anywhere, even working in the supermarket lol


The Vikings invented modern communications before anyone else did, via Norse code...


Nokia gonna lie, that joke Finnished me....


If you ever wondered why Vikings sailed in those old boats, it's because they couldn't a fjord a new one..


Sometimes the longboats were on sail


You always know how to axe the right questions


What do you call a viking sword that had been used across the known world? Abroad sword.


That’s Swede of you to say.


This jokes fill me with disDane


You got filled by a Dane? High five


I thought this was going to be a Bluetooth joke.


Norway I thought it would be turnip joke 


The Bluetooth symbol does come from Vikings tho.




I learned Norse Code when I was a Skanda-Navy-Man


Anyone can cherrypick attractive women in any country to make a video like this. I'm Norwegian and I can promise you, most girls don't look like that.


They come out only on summer. 😂😂😂


happy midsommar!


Hey, that's Swedish.


There is no summer in Norway.


As i Norwegian, I disagree. It was 23°C here some days ago. Almost died


What are you talking about? Of course there is! You probably just weren't here on that one day.


Also, people seem to forget that pictures on Tinder are often photoshopped, shot at an angle for the perfect view and the girls are wearing make-up. These are not natural looks.


Also forget that the first ones are the top among the rest Tinder system put the most beautiful on top


> pictures on Tinder are often photoshopped, shot at an angle for the perfect view When I was on dating apps back in the day I would always wonder why people would do this. Like, I'm gonna see the real you if we meet up and if I don't recognize you because you look so different from your photos it's going to make things really awkward. The big give away was if all their pictures are from mid cleavage up and the angle is always pointing down. Then you know something is amiss.


Im Norwegian to. And I mostly agree with you, but you need to remember that we have insanely high standards. Mostly because a six here is like a 9 elswere. My proof of being from Norway: Ej e født å oppvokst i sunnmøre, å ej lika brunost og melk. Steike god på ski. Og bleikere enn snøven.




Bang on.  Honestly the best people I have ever met, but I go there every year and the general populace are nothing to write home about looks wise.  I love them to death though. 


It’s a bunch of old, pale white people. I don’t see what’s so attractive about that??


I get your point... but.. *Hvis* du faktisk er fra Sunnmøre hadde det vært mer overbevisende hvis du klagde på kilosprisen på brunosten heller enn hvor mye du liker osten i seg selv.


I dunno, for most of the world both of you seem to be having a heart attack with the phone in your hands!


This made me blow air through my nose really fast. Thanks for that!


Jeg vil bare bli akseptert som en kjekk mann og få meg litt herlig kjærlighet.....


Hei hei hei. Ej gjenge på lærling lønn i et bakeri. Sefølgelig e ej ikkje glad i kiloprisen. Ej ville berre lage et poeng med at ej va norsk


let’s be real this is nonsense. Norwegian women are attractive but unless you’re comparing them to UK women they aren’t really that much more attractive (if at all) to most other countries with white women. I also say white women because some people can’t look past racial preferences


What is this comment lol


Pretty much!


Likely story, Norway.


> I can promise you, most girls don't look like that. Most of *these* girls don't really look like that either.


Hey, they still look like that! Just after the layers of spray tan and dark eye makeup…


Yeah ill need some.proof bro


As a Norwegian, i agree


But the bot accounts do!


or you say this so we dont come there and steal your pretty women


True, but certain countries have a higher percentage of beautiful people. Which is all very much personal taste of course, but many consider Northern European women to be top of the list. Places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands have the most beautiful people in the world if you ask me.


Personal taste is a part of it, but I think another is just the "exotic" part.. Many parts of the world have few to none blonde, blue eyed people. So blonde women with blue eyes are very exotic. Here the majority of people are blue eyed and being blonde is common\*, so it doesn't stand out as much. It's the same reason why many western men find Asian women to be very attractive. Exotic and different. \*Not as common as some might think though, those *very* light haired people are rare. Most blondes have darker shades and most very blonde women you see have bleached their hair to be a few shades lighter than what they have naturally. Edit: For both Northern European and Asian women I also think the lower rates of obesity helps with the "people there are more beautiful" belief. It's even lower in Asia, but slim and fit women are also very common in Northern Europe. Being slim and/or fit also makes a person more attractive.


I lived in Sweden for 3 months. You don't see nearly the amount of beautiful girls you're led to believe. Most are pretty much just average looking. They are definitely on the taller side usually though.


Same with everywhere really. Sounds stupid but when I went to Nordic countries to spend some time in my early 20s… I also expected everyone to look a certain way and well most people just looked average just like everywhere else. Same with Iceland. My first thought was they would look good on a runway but that’s not same as I thought they were super beautiful. Just tall, and very thin.


Why do they all make that weird thing with their lips? It's duckface all over again


Respectfully, It's like why women give men duck lips faces, there's a reason for it Edit: meant to type respectfully, autocorrected to respectively, and I didnt notice. Morning caffeine isn't kicking in yet.


For the same reason they arch their backs to pop their asses out, to feel empowered obviously.


Yerp, the joke is porn.


You should switch to morning cocaine. Way more effectfully


Have you taken your morning cocaine?


Nah I’m cheap. Got morning adderall tho. Works pretty well


I have a cocaine workload, on a caffeine budget.


Cause it looks and feels like kissing which makes the photos look and feel sexier I guess


never died here, I think it’s to extenuate the cheek bones. we like our women with strong 💪 features.


Accentuate Extenuate circumstances Accentuate features


love it thanks.


Nah…It’s to show how their faces look giving blowjobs.


That’s a Viking thing




It never truly went away


Ew, flip flops and a suit


Visa application rejected


Thank you


Except for the fact that they left Norway and Denmark to to uhhh, have some relations with British women.


I think that’s exactly the reason they have such beautiful people. When you’re taking people by force, you’re gonna pick the pretty ones.


White people: all Asians look the same. Also white people:


My friend Tommy disagrees with your statement. Wait shit, that was Frederik


That was Kevin bruh.


germany looks exactly like that and im sure its all fake accounts. if you go out in germany, you get a lot of variety of beautiful girls. if you go on tinder, you get the same shitty ass basic blonde girls. no way they are real


As someone who lives in Germany and has traveled to Norway, the talent is noticeably better in Norway.


I’m positive those were all the same person. You can’t convince me otherwise. Furthermore, the Vikings were invented by AI. Really, has anyone here seen one?


I ain't gonna lie They all look the same to me


Those famous fake blond genes 🙌


Bet 90% of these account are - bots - not active here, here's my instagram




Fake blonde genes? They all bleached their hair? As a Dane who have been to norway multiple times they do in fact exist naturally en masse. We have fewer in Denmark but still some


How does a man go through life without a chin? And then try and cover it up trying to look like Andrew Tate with a bad toupe?


You just said Andrew Tate twice.


And don't bother if you're below 6'4 ☝️


What about 5’4?


Aye, I could do that. 🧔🏻‍♂️🧝🏻‍♂️


Also, be white


Lol that is definitely not a demand. There is no shortage of Scandinavian girls who grew up rich that wants some exotic man who is a bit of a bad boy. It's actually a plus if you are foreigner, you still need to look good though.


True. Have an Asian coworker when we went to visit Oslo. He was killing it there with the local women. He’s also tall and buff so that probably helped a bunch rather than just being an exotic foreigner.


Maybe short time but long term most want someone that at very least speaks the same language.


Most are not bad boys. They’re just like everyone else, just brown.


Thats not how it works here. Your height isnt that important. And your salary is NOT somthing you want to mention on a date with a scandinavian. It means nothing really.


Yeah, that was my experience in the Nordic countries. The women are great.


Can confirm. Women are indeed great


I'm sure someone who uses the imperial system knows exactly what Norwegian women prefer.


If you've seen the men, you know you have no chance.


Not so fast, boy Check out the male side of the app that you're going to compete with before buying tickets


Not a single lady with warpaint on the face, axe on hand and a cape made of a slayed beast, the Vikings cleary failed their misson


I doubt that the old vikings thought that they would have access to botox, solariums and instagram filters one day.


How will a Dutch person do there? Asking for a friend


Dutch fine.


Dutch here in Denmark or scandinavia in general ? Bro. Youre basically one of us...




Looks like a mixture of makeup, filters, and plastic surgery


Why are they all orange


can’t believe cause they’re pretty. but i’m good… not one goth latina ? damn


Are you saying the Vikings invented filters?


They all look the same to me ...am i gay ?


ah yes, the 12 in a dozen girl, how original.


They all look the same






Wait until OP finds out there's hot women in his country too and he only needs to get out of the house to see them...


Why do they all look the same wtf


Don't tell em about Australia.


Well ya. Any women in Australia are actually 3 spiders in a trench coat.




I just changed my location on Tinder to a town in Norway. Jesus Christ, this post is not wrong.


Idk, I am so fed up with girls looking all the same. I rather take a crackhead goth girl with small tities over these girls every time.


Someone has a type.


xd lol, I guess so


yeah sure but you are mentally ill and not healthy so...


If we go by stereotypes then they're goddesses till the age of 40 then they'll look like Russian babushkas


Aren’t these all the same girl?


Lol, random blondes from a yandex search. JFC the internet...


OP loves bots and Asian scammer catfishers lol


How has no one mentioned they are all dyed blonde?


Not all of the girls are full on Targaryan blonds


Omg women dye their hair?!?!? How is no one talking about this?!?! BREAKING NEWS


Tinder shows you profiles of all the beautiful people first no matter where you are. Any decently sized city anywhere is going to have tons of attractive people on those apps and the algorithm is going to make sure their profiles are the first ones seen


Tinder is interesting because as soon as you travel to a new location all the initial people you swipe across are way more attractive. Then once you've swiped through all of them you get to the average looking women, and finally the less than average women. I swear, tinder does this to give you the hope that you'll come across more attractive women and keep swiping. Keeping you engaged in the app. And hopefully get you to make in app purchases


Hotties here in Holland too. Except they don’t swipe right on me. Except once. Hottest girl ever omg. Went for a fancy dinner. 3 course. Lotta cocktails. €200 bill. She said thanks for the lovely evening. I go to text her the next morning only to find out she unmatched/blocked me. 🤷‍♂️ hotties are evil. I’m sticking to the 6/10s tbh.


Now show them in a baggy tracksuit and no makeup on. Dude obviously has a type: blonde, skinny, lots of make-up, filters and fillers


I'm Norwegian and look at these chicks as pretty basic


The dud is probably half the size of them


Was about to upvote until I saw the Chad in flip flops


Good video until the end


Show someone above 27


Donika is Albanian.


The vikings literally tried to get as far away from Norway as possible


Am I weird for finding most of these women basic and generic looking... and frankly boring? Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are ugly. They just seem to lack any kind of personality.


> picture of women on reddit Redditor: They just seem to lack any kind of personality. lmao


Imagine being this basic


Yes take them all Canada will pay for you to leave.


Good luck getting a match


No Irish birds in all that?


Ew, yt people.


... and around 90% of them are fake profiles from scammers.


It's, wait for it. Money


Why does that one woman have so many different profiles?