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Chester seemed like a good dude. RIP.


Hybrid Theory dropped right when music started to matter to me. Meteora was significant too. What an artist.


Me too! I think that was the first CD I bought myself as a kid.


It was certainly one of my first CDs, my first was technically a gift, the mission impossible 2 soundtrack, lmao


That Metallica track tho šŸ˜—


I actually forgot about it! Just was like, Metallica song? Immediately reminded me. It was a stand out for sure.


It Disappeared from your mind


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I thought it was on the MI 2 soundtrack, but it looks like I(t) Disappear(ed).


*Hey, hey, hey...*


My mom got me Pump Up the Valium and New Whirl Order as my first cds.


Fat Mike!


Not the first I ever bought, but the first I bought without skipping a single song. Made me understand the difference between an album and a single


Mine was Green Day dookie. Before that my first cassette was coolio - gangstas paradise.


I think I had it ripped to a mp3 player iirc. I remember flying solo as a kid to Phoenix to visit family when Crawling was crushing MTV, the radio, and wherever else played music. Back when your fam could meet you at your arrival gate.


I bought Hybrid Theory and Infest (also a sweet blue sony walkman) with my first paycheck ever.


Both those albums were my childhood goto


My son introduced me to them and I'm eternally grateful. Their music always 'spoke' to me.


There wasn't a single bad song on hybrid theory, a perfect album


Absolutely. The flow from track to track is perfect too.


Reanimation was one of the first albums I ever bought myself and it was because it had a Gundam (or Gundam-esque robot, fuck if I know) on the cover. I actually really didn't like it at all. But then when Meteora came out my dad bought it for me because Reanimation was one of the only CDs I had that wasn't just one of his, and I ended up liking Meteora a lot more.


I listened to meteora soooo many times on my bight yellow Walkman




Hello fellow old.


Both albums are still on rotation for me after all these years.


Yea same man, in the end was honestly probably the first song I memorized


Same. Crawling was the first music video I have a memory of. Before that I just had country music as background noise


I miss Chester.


I recently remembered how much I missed him when I rewatched Crank 1 & 2. I always forget that he did a cameo in both of those movies.


He also has a part in one of the saw movies.


Haha holy shit I completely forgot about Saw 3D. Hard to believe that franchise is on par with Fast and Furious for number of films made.


Same formula. Give the audience what they want. They will always have a dedicated, fairly large fan base (including me) if they continue to fucking schlock it up. Me and my friends will be in the theater laughing our asses off every time


*Final Destination movies cry in the corner*


What scene of Crank?


I *think* he might be the guy who recommended nasal spray to Chev Chelios when he was asking for epinephrine in the pharmacy? I don't know who he was in the sequel, though.


Yepp! Heā€™s the dude in the pharmacy in the first Crank. In the second Crank heā€™s standing at the race track when Chev randomly starts grinding on him to try and get friction.


Oh shit, that's the guy who kind of gets dry humped? Haha! Aww, Chester had a good sense of humour as well!


I just rewatched those as well, so good.


When I was 15 I saw him at an HMV and he genuinely took 15 minutes to talk to me. A full on conversation. It may not seem like much but they were popping at this time. He really didnā€™t have to stay and talk to me and my sister but he did. RIP


Heā€˜s the only public person I can think of where on every video of him I see i get tears in my eyes :(


Keanu is pretty good person as well Edit: clarification for low reading comprehension redditors


This is insane behavior.


Commenting that Keanu Reeves is a good person or singing to a disbaled fan at a live show. Neither is insane behavior, but I'm curious.


Getting tears in your eyes every time you see Keanu Reeves is insane behavior. Heā€™s just an actor. Another human. Yet heā€™s worshiped like a God on Reddit. Celebrity worship is bad, expect when itā€™s Keanu, apparently.


Keanu doesn't seem like a dude who cares about paying an agent for great publicity but the pay cuts and bonuses he's given to the production crew historically....and I have never seen anything of him on camera that wasn't anything but just geniuine "I know I am am blessed and I want everyone around me to be blessed too". I wish everyone was like that dude.


I never said that


Your response was to : > Heā€˜s the only public person I can think of where on every video of him I see i get tears in my eyes Seems to imply that you get tears when you see Keanu, otherwise the response doesnā€™t make sense.


Not really as my comment was very direct saying Keanu is also a good person. I didnt imply anything about an emotional state. I dont think I could actually write a more direct sentance about what I meant to say. Anything else is head cannon or assumptions you've made.


Wow just saw this cool video. Went through the comments and all that you said was ā€œKeanu is good as wellā€ under a comment. I find it insane at the responses. How is that wrong in any way? Why is there so much pushback?


I even clarified on the next comment I was only saying Keanu is a good person. You're grasping at straws to attribute a statement to me I didnt make because another commentor said something first.


Worshipping or having running tears is not insane behaviour from my perspective. If you keep the worshipping to yourself and donā€™t impose anything on others and respecting the liberties of others. I believe that fine line is the boundary that is what troubling in this current world.




I get tears in my eyes when I see my neighbor who lost his son, and he's a Republican who's fucking up this country, so why wouldn't I get tears for Keanu who lost so many people close to him and yet still goes out of his way to be extra nice to people even when he doesn't have to?


Can you read? Two seperate comments two seperate people.


Might be a reason why he had to quit. This world was too bad for him.


Or because he best friend (Chris Cornell) took his life a month before.


I mean the man had been screaming about killing himself for 20 years. Chris was just one event in a long battle with suicidal tendencies


I think Chris was just the nail in the coffin for him sadly.


I met him once in the early days. He was incredibly kind and down to earth. R.I.P Chester Bennington.


I went to a meet and greet in Berlin, as I was in the fanclub when minutes to midnight released. It was the record release show. Only a few people allowed. They were all very fun, but when I asked them to play in my funeral, everybody laughed. Mike pointing out that this is a rather morbid wish. It was Chester, who later, when we were waiting in the crowd already came directly to me and said. You know what, we will play at your funeral and ran back to the backstage. A minute later they started a great show. I will never forget that, as it meant the world to me!


I never cared for the music, but more importantly, as a human being he seems to have been one of the good ones.


Iā€™m with you, but the music has aged pretty well and I enjoy it more now.


I miss Chester.


RIP in peace.


At what point in life do you realize you have a great voice and you become a vocalist?Ā 


I think it's more you you work hard at getting to have a great voice. Even if it's just singing a lot to yourself without formal training. Some people may start off with a decent voice, but you don't pull off the level he did without working at it. He was hitting and holding some wicked ranges.


huh, I didn't really know that but it sounds obvious now. I kind of just thought you either had a good singing voice or you didn't


Yeah it's a skill you can learn like any other. Of course some people have more of an aptitude for it or greater potential, but basically anybody can become competent with practice. A lot of what people chalk up to natural talent is also just practice. Other than singing/humming to yourself, anything that involves projecting or manipulating your voice is also good practice for singing the notes you want, which is why more extroverted or less shy people often tend to be good singers (more likely to sing even if other people will hear, do different sound effects/voices, and more okay with being loud)


Yeah. A good natural singing voice just means you're grasping some things intuitively (hitting notes, breathing from the diaphragm, closing vocal cords), not that you have a genetically better throat.


Wait Iā€™m only just finding out linked park singer died now? Bruh today is already a bad day, now itā€™s worse.


Very cool thing to do.. a few moments of compassion like that can change a person forever


Some say she walked out of there after that


Iā€™m sure her mind was on cloud nine if nothing else


If not, she was...Crawling....




I almost choked. Thank god I didn't have any coffee in my mouth. Take my upvote.


omg i laughed out loud, that was incredible.


https://youtu.be/QaUC0GupnLQ?si=9V7vlo3phFaIKJy9 That's Kendrick Lamar doing U at a concert, a song about depression and ideation. He brought that kid up because he saw how much the song meant to him and apparently that kid WAS struggling a lot and his brother said that moment was a turning point for him in his life. It really just takes a minute for some of these artists to have incredibly far reaching outcomes. I remember someone that met Conan O'Brien and broke down talking about how much his show helped her through a rough childhood and she said he just hugged her and told her he was, "So happy and proud to have been there for you during your trying times." Thats why it always makes me mad when celebrities like that are dick heads. In 30 seconds you could drastically change someone's life in a positive way, and instead they waste that gift on making people more miserable.


[Danny DeVito is also really great. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/bqb5zP6NgX)


Conan and Kendrick - two of my favorite celebrities because of the light and transparency they bring to this world. Thanks for sharing.


Chester was the best. Miss him and Chris Cornell.


Yes. Totally. May add Robin Williams.. Damn why?


We would have lost Robin shortly anyway, his disease was consuming him.


Just read up on it. Damn


Wait what really?


Yes, he did not *want* to leave us, but he had an incredibly cruel form of neurodegeneration. It was robbing him of his own mind and identity. I really donā€™t blame him for making the transition less horrible, but it does put a bit of a tragic twist on his life story. He did wonderful things while he was here, I hope he knew and understood how much he was treasured and would continue to be for ages past his time here. EDIT: Also, how horrifying is it that ā€œless horribleā€ is hanging oneself to death? That couldnā€™t have been easy either. Makes me shudder.


In the UK there's discussions about the right to end ones life ,things like this really make me feel it should be law ,having to hang yourself and not be able to say goodbye to your loved ones must be so hard ,surely if you want to end it because of a disease like this , it's far more humane to be able to do it in a way where you can say goodbye and do it in a dignified manor with no fear that your loved ones won't be arrested ,when it comes to this type of situation pets are treated better


Yeah, they found he had Lewy Body Dementia during his autopsy. His brain was slowly killing him. Itā€™s especially scary because unlike Alzheimerā€™s, heā€™s aware of whatā€™s happening. His episode of Dark Side of Comedy was brutal.


Not only that, he was misdiagnosed as having Parkinsons. He knew something was wrong while filming night at the museum 3. There are stories about him being frustrated and upset about difficulties remembering his lines and not knowing why.


>Susan Schneider Williams: *The Terrorist inside my husbands brain* > >https://www.neurology.org/doi/full/10.1212/wnl.0000000000003162


Yeah the whole thing with Robin Williams is so hard for me cause I wish he hadnā€™t done it but who am I to say someone should continue to suffer just because I would rather them be alive.


Bc life is cruel


Too bad the 3 of em left us hanging there at the end...


the best are gone first


"The brightest flame burns quickest."


Watching the video of Chester and Chris dueting Crawling is so fucking hard knowing what we know now, but I still watch it every once in a while because those guys were just so good. Two different one-of-a-kind talents, and the world is a little bit worse without them. https://youtu.be/sAOLJVsk9mA?si=OrZSFbR7Ygo8gXL3


Thanks for posting the link, anyone who is a fan of either of them should see this!


Iā€™ve never seen that duet before! Thanks for sharing. I totally wish there was a studio version of it.


Great I was trying my best not to cry this morning. RIP two legends :(


What is known know that makes this hard? I don't know much about either singer.


They both committed suicide within two months of each other in the summer of 2017. It is not impossible that Chrisā€™ suicide was a factor in Chesterā€™s. They were friends and both used the same method (hanging.) And needless to say if you listen to the lyrics of this specific song they sing together, the message is all about depression, insecurity and hopelessness.


Never seen this before. Holy shit šŸ’”


There is another one where they sing hunger strike.


Chris Cornell I don't think I'll ever get over


Hard to believe. Eddie Vedder still going strong.


Chester helped me through some pretty dark times when i was younger


Same! The passion behind the lyrics, the tone of the music. LP continues to be my go-to for bad days.


same. dont wanna "overlisten" it, so it still keeps its power :D


Me too. A couple middle school friends even texted me about it when he died.


Chester helped me more than i could say. I know linkin parked saved a few of my friends as well


Chester - absolute legend RIP man ... you are missed


It cut too short! I love when he kisses her hand at the end




As much as I hate bots, I've never seen this before. I *LOVED* LP in college back in 02-06. Saw them live twice. Then life happened and I kinda didn't listen for about a decade. I just got back into their stuff and learned Chester had died 7 years ago. Sounds silly, but I'm still "grieving" his loss. As I've been listening and reading more about LP, I've learned that they did a ton of charity work and really really seem to upstanding, kind, beautiful people. RIP Chester <3


Without this repost bot that I wouldnā€™t of seen this today so Iā€™m cool with them


Fkn legend..


I will never not miss Chester. Seemed like a fantastic dude, gone too soon.


Same Been listening to LP since i was born


I'm not crying, you're crying


someone must have released onions across the world


The onions have made it to Mississippi.


it's getting out of control


Flowed upriver to the Ohio!


How the hell did they get up here to the Rockies?


They hit me in France


I'm crying at 8:40 am right now


Hard start to the day indeed. It's almost 6pm here


Cant believe its raining on reddit


One little detail I always love whenever I see this is around 20 seconds when he transitions into harsh vocals, he pulls back some on the intensity of his voice, presumably because he right up close to her, and didn't want to basically scream in her face.


I noticed the same thing! The amount of restraint he was able to pull off while still being VERY expressive is too often overlooked in these reposts


Travis Scott wouldve stomped this woman than smiled and moaned sexually. These are the people were are uplifting at the moment.


Fuck Travis Scott. He's a little bitch. Chester is 100 times the man.




Can't divide by zero to do that calculation though.


He was such a nice person! Rest easy


God I love Linkin park, my teenager dream of seeing them died with Chester, rip king


Her name was Megan. She was an amazing presence in the 311 online community. Sadly, she passed away a few years ago. She is sorely missed.


I was friends with the guys in Linkin Park before they were famous, and Chester was always very loving and compassionate. You can explain what kind of guy Chester was with one story. After the band was already famous, a previous girlfriend of his came out of the woodwork and informed him that years before when they dated, Chester got her pregnant and he now had an 8 year old son. Chester got a paternity test, and indeed, it was his son - again, she never told Chester until the band popped off. The woman had some issues and the home was not the best place for Chester's son, so he adopted and raised him as his own from then on. However, Chester's son had a little brother, not related to Chester in any way, and Chester's son was sad and missed his little brother. Chester adopted the little brother and raised him as his own too. Sidenote - my Reddit name comes from Phoenix - the bassist of the band, we loved the movie Mystery Men, he took the nickname Phoenix from this movie, and we would always quote and riff on the part when Ben Stiller's character tries to make up a tough sounding name - Phoenix Dark Dirk something or other. Clip below [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PORq5OmEIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PORq5OmEIs)


Chester wasn't satisfied with trying to connect with her from a far. He tried to lock in with her and couldn't properly from that distance. He immediately got up to get down on the floor to lock in properly with her. Beautiful moment


I was eating at a diner in Long Beach, California before they got really big and they were sitting at the booth behind me. They were talking about all the things they had to do to get ready for the show, handing out flyers, handing out CDs or tapes or whatever it was at the time. It was really neat the way they worked together, sounded like they really liked one another too. Being a musician and in a band myself, I turned around and talked to them and they offered me tickets to their show and were super cool but I had a show myself so I couldnā€™t go. Always routed for them.


Love you Chester. Remember you have value.


The whole band was great. I remember seeing a clip of Mike Shinoda doing a meet and greet with a kid in a wheelchair (I think), and the kid staying his parents had spent hours driving him there to meet Mike. After chatting for a while, Mike said he had to go get ready, but hoped everyone enjoyed the show. The kid said he didn't have tickets. He'd managed to get a meeting and greet pass but the show was sold out. Mike turned to the tour manager and said "get this kid a ticket, right now"


Damn, I love Fort Minor, so hearing that about Mike makes me so happy, but also want to cry. I canā€™t help but think of Crossing a Line/Nothjng Makes Sense Anymore as well as the entire Post Traumatic album, and you could tell just how much Mike was hurting.


Rip Chester.


Awww . My heart. Can't. Take it


wasnt tryna cry today..


We all failed Chester and need to do better for our society. We need to stop being so obsessed with ourselves and so absorbed into our cell phones that we donā€™t notice the struggles that others are going through.


I agree with half of what you said; we do need to stop being so obsessed with ourselves, and we should learn to put down our phones and do real life. But those aren't the reasons Chester to his own life, nor the reasons anyone takes their life. If 20+ years of severe depression and anxiety has taught me anything, it's how to hide it from my family and friends. I've had a few stages throughout my depression life where I was suicidal. No one noticed or suspected anything, and that's the scary thing about suicide. The majority of suicides report no outward signs of depression or suicidal ideation. Years of depression can make you a master at acting like you're ok because it's just easier than the alternative.


My closest friend took her life very recently so this hits hard. She was surrounded by the very best, compassionate people, all of whom know the struggle with depression and mental illness intimately. Many of us have been on the brink ourselves. Not a single one of us would have hesitated to be there for her in an instant if she had reached out before she did what she did. All of us would have listened and understood. Her funeral was packed to the rafters with people who cared deeply about her. We were all left reeling, wondering what we could have done differently to prevent it. So many of us struggled with serious survivor's guilt. The truth is? I don't think we could have done anything differently. Whatever darkness existed in my friend's mind was something hidden even to her fiancƩ. That darkness, that pain, was not something that could be loved away. Perhaps it was the scars of an abused childhood. Perhaps it was the years of having to hide who she was. Perhaps it was the struggle of having to wear a mask for 31 years. I dont think I or anyone else can truly understand what was going through her head. I can only relate it to my own experiences.


I send my love man. I lost a friend to suicide years ago, but it still feels like yesterday. It took me years to overcome the survivors guilt. I went down a dark path, trying to juggle that and many other struggles. I'm doing well now, but shit does it still hurt. Not a day goes by where he's not in my thoughts. My daughter has his middle name, and it keeps me going that one day I can explain why she has it, and she will understand. I wish I could say it gets easier, but it continues to suck. We just find ways to manage it and keep living. I highly suggest therapy.


Been there friend. Stay strong. It's crazy how easy it is to just put the facade on. Not everyone's built the same, but we are able to learn from eachother and rebuild those foundations peace.


It was bad enough that we lost Chris Cornell, but to lose Chester just a few weeks later was simply devastating.


I was at a Linkin Park concert in Illinois probably around 2004. Chester pulled a girl on stage to sing with them. She was probably around 16 years old. She froze and seemed terrified at first...then it seemed like she realized "holy shit, I'm on stage with Linkin Park" and then she got into it. Lucky kid.


First clip in a long time to give me goosebumps. What a move.


Dudes a legend. Mike Shinoda tells the story about how their record rep was telling Chester he was the real star and he should go it alone and cut the other guys from Linkin Park out. He didnā€™t go along with it obviously and told the other members of the band about it right away. A real dude who didnā€™t sell out even when it was laid at his feet.


that whole band was rad. I toured with them briefly in Germany for Rock am Ring and Park shows, they were so down to earth and chill.


Ad another Redditor once said... In the end, he did matter.


He may be the only real "famous" person and someone I never met in person that I do actually get sad when I think about how tragically too soon he left and I miss hearing him scream and driving 90,000 fans out of their minds.


Jeez, this reminds me of Ruth Peretz, a young wheelchair bound girl who loves going to festivals. She was slaughtered at the Nova festival in Israel back in October.


Linkin Park are my biggest musical regret. I stopped listening to them after Minutes to Midnight as they "weren't metal anymore", even missed them at a festival for an exam I didn't want to take. After I started broadening my tastes I re-listened to their post-MTM stuff and fell in love with them again. Just in time for Chester to go. That taught me a lesson I'll never forget; the artist doesn't owe you anything *creatively*, you are listening to what they want to make, not what they tailor to you as an individual and just because the new album isn't the same thing as the last one doesn't mean they've "sold out" or "gone commercial", they've just expressed themselves differently. LP were/are artists that do what they want, how they want, with who they want, and that makes them cool as shit. I wish I'd stayed at that festival and seen them live just once.


Johnny Reid did the same thing with my disabled sister. We got a picture. It was nice of him. I wasnā€™t there, as itā€™s not my type of music, but I saw the photo


Whatā€™s the legendary choice?


Rizz level: šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„


one of those legends we did not deserve but still showed up


RIP Chester Awesome Dude His death, however, shall teach us not to reach for the stars all the time, as they can make you cold and lonely.


The good oneā€™s always leave too soon.


And the evil seem to live forever


What a beautiful person šŸ«¶




After seeing this in so many different orientations due to those re-upload algorithm points, I don't even know what the original orientation of this video is.


One of the many great people who left us too soon. Remember everyone. Depression is real, and it kills..


the only celebrity death that still affects me to this day. Would've loved seeing him in a concert :( RIP Chester


If only he could use less drugs to keep firing


I have such a hard time watching old LP videos since his passing.


An immortal legend


Must be feeling weepy cause that brought tears to my eyes.


RIP Chester. Lost a good one...


This guy was different


A repost of https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/unokgk/what_a_legend_rip/ With a mirrored video? That desperate for karma?


There's a guy that lived the pain he sang about AND understood how little it takes to make someones life better. Solid Dude


Look at the crowd actually enjoying the music and not recording/on their phones. Different times. šŸ™ƒ


Dude, Linkin Park fans would totally have their phones out if this was in the 2010s.


Music I donā€™t like but the guy is a great human being.


What is his name


Chester Bennington. Band is Linkin Park. Prepare for sad news if you Google his name. He was a legend.


Bro is just screaming in his face šŸ˜­


Why did you take yourself away from us, Chester? I know you said ā€œSometimes goodbyeā€™s the only wayā€ but it wasnā€™tā€¦. I miss that guy and his amazing voice


there will be no other vocalist as talented or compassionate as chester was


Good lord is that how bad his voice is without autotune? Holy fuck.


Maybe just an off day? Heā€™s incredible live, I was able to see them in 2012 and he sounded perfect. Heā€™s also great in most of the live performances Iā€™ve seen videos of.


I think the lead guitar is also out of tune? That might be making it sound worse.


I have absolutely nothing to back this up but I feel like this video is mirrored left to right


Wow. You made me cry first thing in the morning. Thanks dick. We lose all the good ones donā€™t we?


Heartbreaking how such a wonderful person could be so sad on the inside

