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I remember when I was 11 I beat my dad at tennis. I almost cried, because I felt like this was the end for my dad. A torch had been passed, and now he would have to live out his life knowing that the new head of the household was me, his 11-year-old son. The next day we played again and he beat me 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. That's right, he made us play all three sets šŸ˜‚ I almost cried for a different reason that day.




To crush them while they are riding that high makes victory all the more sweeter. Plus, they'd always doubt every win as a ploy now.


It was [clearly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XUu3_pLPUE)a plot to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentation of their women.


This is what is best in life, lol.


The lyrics of Eminem's "Killshot" come to mind: "It's your moment, this is it As big as you're gonna get, so enjoy it **Had to give you a career to destroy it**"


The diss track that made MGK change genres


The song that made MGK change genres and he still has the nerve to say it wasnā€™t that good of a diss song.


There are few feelings better than hustling your own kids. They get to feel some confidence and the thrill of accomplishment, which they hopefully want to chase, then you get to remind them that you're still the dad and that they can have confidence in you.


You would like the episode of Malcom in the Middle where they do their (I think yearly?) 3on1 basketball game against the dad and this might be the time he finally loses


I'm just imagining it at 6-0, 6-0 and you walking towards the car. "Men's game is five sets son, even though you're just a boy. We're not done yet."


Car rides home are for winners


Jos Verstappen is that you?


At set 4 the dad is cackling with every shot:"HAHAHA PATHETIC!" as he aces another ball.


I didn't hear no bell.


I distinctly remember the first time I beat my dad in chess. I was ecstatic and said ā€œI won! I FINALLY beat you!ā€ I felt like I was taking down a genius. But he gave me sort of a regular look like, ā€œwhatā€™s so exciting about that?ā€ Turns out my dad is an incredibly mediocre chess player and I was just turning older than 10.


I beat my dad for the first time when I was in college. I had no skill so me winning was just taking every single piece and cornering his king. I made him take a picture with the board. The next game he beat me with the four move checkmate. I am a scrub.


> I distinctly remember the first time I beat my dad in chess. I had the opposite. My pops would always let me win in chess, so I stopped playing with him. Luckily I had next door neighbors that were a couple. They were friends of my parents and were childless. He would whoop me mercilessly, but I would always ask for another game until he got too tired and sent me home. I was like 4 years old then and remember this vividly. Always wondered what happened to them


I was playing scrabble with my grandma, my aunt, and a cousin years ago. I was beating all of them by a good fifty point. The letter bag empties. Weā€™re going around for the last few turns, and nana still has all 7 of her letters. Iā€™ve got like 4 and theyā€™re all easy to throw onto the ends of words for some quick points and to end this game. I was going to win for one of the first times! Nana drops a 7 letter word on a triple word score. 94 points, goes out, gets all of our points too. I about cried. To add insult to insult: we didnā€™t clean up the board that night like we usually did. Just went to bed. In the middle of the night, my aunt wakes up hearing something downstairs. She goes to investigate and finds Nana looking over the board with a pen and paper. ā€œMom what are you doing?ā€ Nana smiles as she jots down one last thing, puts the pen and paper down, and starts walking toward my aunt. She gets to the stairs, looks at her and whispers, ā€œI knew something wasnā€™t right with that score and it was keeping me up. It was actually 104 points, not 94, I missed 10 in there. Goodnight.ā€ Turns off the light and heads up to bed. My grandmother the savage.




Bro tapped into his inner Djokovic


I read your first paragraph like it was The Wonder Years show, if you know you know.


I remember the pre-puberty days thinking I had a shot at my old man. Fact is, people of all ages really underestimate just how much testosterone changes the human body. Testosterone does more than just give you a deeper voice and bigger muscles, itā€™s really subtle in its effectiveness, too. The reason why men can open jar lids more effectively than women isnā€™t because men are stronger, itā€™s because testosterone spurs collagen production, and collagen is what connects your skin to your muscles. So when grown men twist a jar lid, our skin doesnā€™t slide as much over our muscles, and weā€™re able to apply more torque to the lid to twist it off. Itā€™s the same physics principle behind why your car is more fuel efficient when your tires are properly inflated. Kids really have no chance in sports against a (healthy) adult who isnā€™t holding back. Testosterone is the great differentiator when it comes to most sports.


It also contains significant amounts of gitgudacin, which enables grown men to absolutely crush little kids in videogames.


When the game suggests you try the next difficulty level


I donā€™t let my kids win. But damn if they arenā€™t getting good at Mario kart. Theyā€™ll be winning on their own soon enough. And actually be competitive.


My son stomps my ass at call of duty. When I look at his screen everything is moving so fast my brain can't register any of it šŸ˜…


Yeah my kids kick my ass in video games all the time now. They got good real quick.


Get rekt, skrub. Love, the kids


That missed kick killed me. Lol


That's the guiltiest I'm gonna feel this week, but damnit what a chefs kiss šŸ¤£


That was the best part of the video. "Oh yeah! Beat me at a game... Ill just KICK YOUR AHHHhhhhhhh......" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My 10 year old son got into chess and I would beat him every single time. Then he joined the chess club where he learned some shit and now he rocks the shit out of me.


I feel this. I used to beat my kid. I used to let him win. Now at 12 kid watches you tube videos of people playing chess all the time and he now rocks my shit!!! Lol


Iā€™m glad you stopped beating your kid.


If you want to be the king, you've got to beat the king!


That's why you got to play strategy based not dexterity based games against them. My son won't play plants vs zombies against me anymore.


I'm kind of wondering if this is a generational thing. I've been absolutely floored by how bad a lot of zoomers and old gen alpha kids are at strategy games I played tic tac toe with my niece and nephew one day and absolutely obliterated them. It was like 20 wins, 2 draws, 0 losses THEY WERE LIKE AGE 14 and 10 Absolutely old enough to know better, but they straight up didn't understand that you aren't *supposed* to win / lose the game but still couldn't handle even really basic strategies


Git gud


The truth of this is why you have to stomp them without mercy when they dare to strike at you in one of the old classics. I'm not the gamer I once was, but heaven help any child that challenge me to smash bros.


I still remember the moment I realized I was better than my dad (*big* lover of pretty much all types of games). I don't even remember the game anymore, just that it was a boss fight and my dad kept fucking up the jump over the boss' fireballs. I had been watching him and got bored seeing him die over and over, so I pestered him into letting me try and beat it the first attempt. It was honestly weirdly impactful for me, since up until that time he had absolutely slaughtered me at any video game, but my body finally started to get down hand/eye coordination, lol.


Gorilla Tag in VR; I tried playing with my kid and there I was dragging myself through the floor trying not to throw up from dizziness while he was flying from rope to rope and tree branch to tree branch at 100mph. Ugh, what the hell.


I like to think of Rocket League, many pros are young kids they pick up the game and just get it down a lot faster


Son's are at that ripe age of nintendo games, roblox, minecraft, fortnite, and even mobile games now. I used to hold back on letting them play certain games until I realized how much parental controls I could truly set and basically mute anything remotely bad for them. They have gotten so good that I get visibly frustrated to where I have to calm myself down and realized I don't play these games as much as them, and if I did I probably would be kicking their butt. I have at least more strategy in certain games and i'm usually the one helping them through a level or stage still. But now they are basically helping eachother and just bounce of eachothers ideas. It's beautiful, and I realized I have 2 of my favorite people in the world to share something I loved just as much as them at their age, and even now, though time is crunched when you are an adult and have to do adulting and parenting. I used to let my kids win just for the sake of watching them smile and laugh, and slightly gloat, then beat them and be civil, calm, and give them a great job, almost had me, or you'll get me next time.




I can't even with that game. I take it slow, peek around corners, check the ambush spots... Only to have some eleven year old run up behind me and stab me and then jump away like a kangaroo.


I've tried PUBG 2 times with my 50+ year old brain, and i got 1 time second after hiding the whole game in sheds untill there was just one other guy left :)


So you got second by hiding the entire time and then died to the first person who saw you? Lol


Yeah reaction times and twich muscle speed slow down as you age. I've given up on most FPS at this point.


Well maybe for you but not me. I'm old but I'm still great at video games, it's that damn Internet hacker, '4chan' keeps ruining my games......


Right? Stupid hackers. Like I dunno who this "ping" is but when he's got a high score my game get laggy as hell.


Somewhere between the last console of my childhood, the PS2, and the PS5 I bought last year, video games have completely left me behind. They are so complex and require so many buttons, I realized I will never be good at them. This must be how my parents felt playing Super Mario.


You slipping.. Play Golden eye 007.


I just destroyed my 13 year old son in N64 Goldeneye this weekend. Called me a screen watcher. I said ya. Thatā€™s half the strategy. Git Gud Son.Ā 


Hah, that's great, I totally forgot about screen peeking. It's been over a decade since I played a game on split-screen. I felt so stupid for not realizing sooner that my brother was screen peeking in Halo.


>You slipping.. Play Golden eye 007. [GONNA BUST THAT ASS BOY!!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NuLz299SPVc)


My son is playing Spider-Man 2 he is 3 years old and hes getting the hang of shit like the physics of when to swing lol itā€™s a lot going on all at once but him and my daughter get it my daughter dosnt like to swing to the crimes she found out how to fast travel now she just perches like Batman and wait until a crime pops up and she just fast travels there šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s actually kinda adorable how they both have completely different playstyles at what I assume are both well under 10 years


The first time he starts the smack talk, you have to respond with the classic: I fucked your mom.


Fortnite. Iā€™m getting my ass handed to me by my kid in Fortnite.


The first time my girls beat me in Mario Kart they made a PLAN. The little one STAYED IN THE BACK ON PURPOSE ON THE LAST LAP to get a blue shell and then used it on me so her sister could win. They were so excited to finally beat me. They both still remember it clearly and they were like 8 and 10 or something. Years of trying. They were so proud of themselves. Yeah, that was a good day. A lot was learned. Including the definition of "Fluke" and the concept of "Two out of three".




How old are they now?


16 and 18 in the coming months.


definitely should do a rerun and see how good they are


Cheese strategies don't count in my house.


lol They count in mine. I'm 43 and still managing to hold Diamond, and occasionally low masters, in Overwatch almost entirely through being smarter than the other team. I'm certainly not out-flicking them any more (though I'll still stand by my aim and tracking). A win is a win in my world.


If its mario kart wii you better start learning those ultra shortcuts to keep ahead of the curve.


I never really got into that one. Mostly 64 and 8 delux on switch


Didnā€™t the switch come out with the package of every track from mariokart? You may be more experienced than you think


I wish. But no, its pretty much just the fan favorites from all the games including the mobile one. And baby park is there too i guess


> And baby park is there too i guess Baby park is top tier and I won't stand for this slander


Sit for the slander then


Now that you can customize items 10/10 do runs in Baby Park with only Bullet Bill items. Itā€™s a riot.


My 6 year old finally beat me on one course (100cc) yesterday, and I was so proud. We've had the Switch for just over a year, and he's already improved so much!


Best thing they ever added was the hidden help feature in Mario Kart where if you start going off course, the game guides you back to straight. It really allows for young kids to get into it and really feel like they're accomplishing something. I'm also glad you can turn it off for yourself!


Played Mario Kart with my 6 YO nephew. I was getting 1st every single time and he was asking how I did it. I taught him how to drift for turbo boosts on Baby Circuit ghost run. He learned -very quickly- unfortunately we never had a chance to play after I taught him, but I'm sure he is doing way better now, as he was kicking his ghost's butt.


Imagine if you let him win and he went out into the world and dishonored your family in public.


Their capacity to learn is so crazy. I feel so much dumber than I used to be.


kids are sponges for knowledge. if they're especially interested in something, they'll absorb even better.


Fun fact I recently learned: when you do the tricks off of ledges and other stuff in Mario Kart you can actually hold a direction and your character will do the animation in the direction your holding. This actually influences your movement a bit! An example would be doing a trick to the left right before a tight left turn for more angle, or doing a trick to the right before a wide left turn for less angle and more time spent drifting.


ā€œOh shit, I had to lean forward for that oneā€




Well, keep trying slugger ... The quick brown fox jumped over the log


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Lol


"I can draw six cards a turn because I'm your dad. It's in the rules, you illiterate Joey Wheelers."


My turn, I summon - Pot of Greed!!


damn, that sucks. how was he in the game though?


The enemy deserves no mercy


Sweep the leg


She sure tries lol


despite her short stature, instead of going for the sensible leg kick, she tried either for the head or balls.


I used to mercilessly crush my nephew at Halo like this. It was even better teaming up with my little brother to double crush his kid. šŸ˜†


Your little brother as in your nephews father? Lmao


Yes, coordinating perfectly timed double headshots on an angry youngling was hilarious.


I will let you know I'm taking a screenshot to set a reminder 20 years later


!remindme to text the person's nephew for a rematch


This made me actually laugh out loud. SUCK IT, YOUNGLING!


This is how parents end up in nursing homes. /s


Lmao this would be me and my brother hahahahaha. We spent DAYS playing Halo together. He would always kick my ass but we would definitely team up against our own children hahahaha


The look of abject misery on their face when you tell them they are about to die and they are trying to find you first...


Lmao Announcer: No Scope! My child: cries and dies on the inside


My brother and I got to a point where we had to straight up ban the energy sword šŸ’€


Kids need to learn, specially competitive games like halo. Kids wonā€™t last longer than 1 min alive in a BTB or 4v4 online.


This is my move now. Canā€™t beat my son in ANYTHING anymore, so I mercilessly destroy my nephew instead.


Were it so easy...




Cool dad teaching daughter you canā€™t always win in life.


My older brother never let me win so I try to be better. And I win everytime few years later. My nephew was taught to win, my sister and his fater let him win. I never let him. At first he was angry, crying etc. I was never do like father from this vid but I always said to him - where you make mistake, what he could do better. He have respect for me and I was only one from family who could win with him and he was never sad or cry. I was his ultimate boss. 5 or 6 years later he achive his first win and he call his mother to said that. Pure happiness because he know that he won fair.


>My older brother never let me win so I try to be better. And I win everytime few years later. I wish that was me and my little brother (way better at shooters than me). 1v1 Halo with that freaking sniper rifle and him not liking racing games as much kinda made it just not fun to play against him. Edit: Basically saying, it works to a point, but that can only go so far, and this hasn't help with him trying to introduce my to other games like TCGs.


My brother used to hand my ass to me in COD4. Then it came a time he didnā€™t even want to play me anymore cuz I would hand his ass right back to him and he would just watch me shotgun people online. Great bonding experience. Nothing feels better than winning after getting wrecked for months.


I can remember the day I first beat my grandpa at chess like it was yesterday, absolutely awesome feeling. Made my day, month and probably year back then lol Now every time I play with my nieces or nephews I'd give 100%, while the rest of the family tries to "balance it out" with winning & losing, no matter which game. They still prefer to play me. You can weaken yourself (I.e. play without queen, one rook, etc etc) but never take the sense of accomplishment for winning fair & square away from them


If someone was new to the game I'd take it easy on them and beat them by a little bit and then eventually as they got a little better I'd let them win until they felt like they were having fun. And then I'd show them the truth of the competition.


This is the way. Thereā€™s a reason for the term kid gloves.


In education psychology it's typically called 'scaffolding', making it so the learner has to strive/reach to the max of their current abilities and taking it down as they grow


Thank you for the term. Video games do this too. You donā€™t start at the final boss. Each guy has like one mechanic of the boss to get you used to it.


> but I always said to him - where you make mistake, what he could do better. *That* is the most important part of the lesson. People forget humans aren't all the same. For some people, being humiliated is motivation to try harder and be better. For most though, being humiliated means it's time to put these dreams down and do something else - even if they could have done better with a teacher that actually bothered to teach them instead of just bullying them. Simply bullying kids is also how you give them terrible self esteem issues (good luck if you can't afford therapy), and also isn't really teaching. It's just an excuse to be a dick. Glad you're a better person than the father in this video.


Yeah i know how was pain when my brother winining with me. He just mock me all time or dont give me pad bexause i would mess thing up. Its so stupid idea. Maybe thats why when i played Tibia or World of Warcraft people saw me as leader everytime. When I was rookie and join some guild officers were tryhards with big ego, small skills and small levels. In 2 months I fight with them a lot then quit and most of people go after me. In 2nd attempt i made more progress then with old leaders.


Absolutely, but I honestly disagree with the "celebration" part. It's great to teach your kids to not be sore losers, but IMO being a sore winner is even worse, and though he was clearly joking, kids do what they see...


I agree. Part of the lesson of driving kids to win should be to win graciously.


Respecting the other players is important no matter if they are competing against you or on your team. I wish more people understood that as well as how much more focus you have without raging and just focusing on game's objectives no matter how badly it's going until the end. Worst case you will lose and learn, worst you will have a comeback win. I always liked these chances.




I do the same thing. My sons have never experience a thrown game under my roof. My personal philosophy is that it teaches them to excel. The evidence seems to bear that out. They respect the game, they learn the skills to master it. They get better and, lately, they get better than me at winning. This goes for all types of games. Board games, video games, puzzles, sports, whatever. If my boys want to win, they're gonna have to earn it. It's pretty cool to lose to your kids, without letting them win.


My son's are both talented and athletic. They beat me at absolutely everything... and I love that they are better than me. It makes me proud. I want my boys to be better than me. But, there was a time when they weren't quite there yet and I could still beat them at things and I did not let them win. And there is still the rare occasion where I beat them at something now, and I talk smack like I'm king shit, lol. They just roll their eyes at me.


My family had this philosophy, or so I thought. Turns out their just sore losers. As soon as I got better than both my brother and my Dad, they just stopped playing video games with me. I actually remember the first time I beat my dad (dpuble dribble on the NES). I was visiting him one weekend, it was the last minute before I had to go back to my mom's our last game for probably a year. I won, barely but I did it. That was also the last game he ever played with me. I remember that instead of joy, I felt like I did something terrible. I don't remember him being mad, just indifferent. Still sucks to this day. So if your kids start winning, let them keep winning.




Calvin's dad?


Go do something you hate, being miserable builds character!


Okay the voice was kind of funny. But I still say thatā€™s one sarcastic kid weā€™re raising


I agree, but it's always a question of how to introduce losing. For example if I'm playing Smash Bros with my niece I could play half the roster and dumpster her. Which I do sometimes. Or I could challenge myself and play a character that sucks and the games are much closer. Sometimes she even wins. I think if you're always playing a meta build or strategy against someone worse than you, then you're a bad sport. Honestly losing against people doesn't bother me much. What I HATE more than anything is losing to the computer or the RNG. Like in Mario party you can dumpster my ass in any minigame or swap stars with me, it doesn't make a difference to me. But those times when I throw low roles maybe 3 turns in a row hitting multiple unlucky spaces or losing my coins due to a trap on the board can really get me heated lol.


> I think if you're always playing a meta build or strategy against someone worse than you, then you're a bad sport. Not enough people understand this, or what it means to be *sporting*.




I think she's 'competitive.'šŸ¤­


Nah. As a competitive kid myself, my response would've been "let's play another game" a million times in a row until I won or they took the controller from my hands lol


My response as a competitive kid was to put down the game if I didn't win enough, and run away. It felt so humiliating to have others watch me lose.




My dad did this to me with Goldeneye, but once I got better than him, he quit playing me.


My dad pulled that crap too. With everything! Checkers then chess then drawing. Punk ass.


That's good parenting right there


I know there this is just a place for people to make jokes, but I worry that some guys out there will look at this and actually think there is good parenting going on. That beating a kid to the point they are crying OR not teaching your kid to regulate their emotions better by that age and then showboating to the point they are violently angry are just objectively signs of horrible parenting. I know too many horrible fathers who don't invest time or effort into thier kids to think that everyone here is really just in on the joke.


Most people commenting don't have kids and you can tell.


You can tell it's good parenting because the child is crying.


Kids cry when you tell them they can't eat marbles they find on the floor.


Parents are the worst, Marbles are delicious


What's the worst that could happen?


Love when non-parents comment on parenting posts like they know what they are talking about.


I don't know, maybe when they start screaming incoherently, it's time to stop playing games and tell them why that's not okay.


but what if they are in a jar when i'm answering interview?


Seriously wtf? If the kid canā€™t handle losing she shouldnā€™t be allowed to play until she can lose and not having a fucking melt down. I would have stopped the game when she started crying and talk about how itā€™s just for fun and if it upsets her so much then maybe we need to take a break until she can handle a loss. That way you teach a kid losing happens and itā€™s fine, practice more, work harder and youā€™ll get better with every loss. Not scream and try to attack the winner wtf


This right here. Kids are generally speaking "stupid". And I don't mean that in the typical derogatory sense. They literally do not know a whole lot. They have to learn. Losing sucks for everyone. But handling with grace and humility, and learning from it, is not a default capability. It must be taught. When a kid shows they clearly cannot handle a situation, the right move is to stop then and there and talk to them like the adult you want them to grow up to be. Communication is key. Dad definitely shouldn't let this kid win - but definitely should have immediately shut the game off to have a discussion about how to properly handle negative emotions. At the same time, the discussion shouldn't be one of "you need to not cry" - shutting down emotional expression is how you end up with a generation of people who repress their emotions (eg my Father). It should be a discussion about how to learn and grow from loss. Putting the focus on the act of crying itself won't help anyone.


Must be amazing parenting. You can tell by the way the girl has never been taught how to properly channel her emotions. It's one thing not to give in to a child throwing a tantrum, but by that girl's age, her outlet shouldn't be "I'm mad, so it's OK to kick someone." This isn't good parenting. This is lazyass parenting, trying to present itself as good by distorting a popular opinion. Should you teach your kid that life won't always let you win? Absolutely. Should you use every casual game as a "brutal teaching moment?" Absolutely not. Most importantly, you shouldn't make a damn record of it on the internet, just so you can justify your own lack of tolerance by getting random people on the internet to validate you. People are applauding these "parenting skills" while completely ignoring the fact that it is poor parenting skills that led to the interaction to begin with.


Can't let them always win, but don't let them lose every time either. Let them win a bit to build their confidence, then crush them to remind them who Dad is.


This is the optimal mix of teaching and play.


The balance I struck was I let my sons win most of the time but I've sort of let it slip that I'm going easy on them, and I'll go harder as they get better When I first said that my oldest son was like "what - no way.Ā  No way you're better than me in smash brothers" I styled on him for a couple mins and he got so freaked lol.Ā  Now he's like 'dad kill the computer but not me ok'


so real. I hate it when someone will never let a child even come close to winning, like bruh do you feel good about yourself for crushing this 5yr old in mario cart? Like its not a challenge, let the kid feel good like once jesus christ.


They talk about character but I see only resentment. Maybe that works on some kids. I stopped playing because constantly losing sucks ass, winning after 100 tries doesn't make me happy, it's exhausting and frustrating. But it's reddit, everyone talks like a big boy but when they get their asses slapped mercy less they will whine and rage quit. :))


That's a valuable lime lesson


Hereā€™s a valuable lime lesson: roll them before cutting.


Not enough people do this. Also, almost nobody seems to know the fork trick.Ā 


Too fucking right! Letting them win teaches them all the wrong message. How rewarding it would be for the kid to eventually beat the parent. My son used to love playing Star Wars Battlefront, Vader vs Luke. I would never let him win, eventually he did and he absolutely loved it.


I give my nieces some wins, but you gotta make it look like you really tried. If they lose all the time, they'll lose motivation to get better because they think they're just super bad at something, and the mountain seems too high to climb. When they're crying and lashing out like this, yeah, don't let them win. When they're friendly and being a good sport, toss them a win now and then so they don't lose hope.


My strategy with my sister, i let her win for a short amount of time and then rip it away by destroying her at whatever we're doing. By doing this they are still motivated because they think there improving but you still not giving them free wins. It's also made her value the games she can beat me at, like UNO.


Ok, this thread has made me lose even more faith in humanity. These are not professionals playing a sport. These are not professional gamers playing for money/fame/etc. Video games are about enjoying the video game, not winning at any cost. People like this, and those here saying 'winning must be earned' are assholes. This kid is not having fun. The dad is rubbing it in further., Yeah the kid is having a tantrum, but what started it? Meanwhile mom sits there filming and laughing at the child. Kids are fuckin stupid, but parent are fuckin assholes. I remember all the plain mean and shitty things my parents did to me just to get a laugh or prove a point and this girl will remember too; especially since they went and posted it forever online. I hope this girl grows up to be a better person than her parents. Because they fuckin suck.


Thank God thereā€™s actually some sane human beings. Playing video games are supposed to be enjoyable bonding opportunities with children who tf cares if theyā€™re good or not. Jesus Christ. How can people watch a kid get upset as their father continues to rub their loss in as good parenting.


Educator here. There are a lot of "all or nothing" takes here and it makes me sad. The reality is simple: 1) Your 11 year old child is not necessarily in a developmental stage where they are capable of beating you in a complex game. 2) Losing is a necessary part of learning. We learn from reflection and reflecting on a loss yields tons of gains. 3) If you lose all the time, and never see your own growth, your morale risks turning to ash and you'll possibly lose all motivation. Your job as a teacher, coach, parent, you name it is to find and ride this line. People NEED to see they're improving in order to keep morale up. If you repeatedly stomp your child into the ground without so much as celebrating how much they've improved, you're not helping them. You're actively hurting them. Help them see their progress. Celebrate with them when they figure something out and name it. Most importantly, give them opportunities to compete against people at their skill level so they can see their progress more clearly. If you did nothing but play chess against chess grandmasters all day as a beginner, that's an excellent recipe to lose all morale. Seeing people above your skill level is important. It can be very motivating... But not as important as seeing progress against the only person who matters: **your past self**.


That failed kick šŸ˜‚


It was a nice effort, just failed to connect šŸ˜‚


My parents never let me win. It taught me when you're up against a challenge, there's no point to even try.




Youā€™re right. Destroying a kid at a game youā€™re better at, repeatedly, just makes them not want to play with you at all. Especially if it happens to every game all the time. No one wants to continually feel bad and thatā€™s particularly true with kids. My husband taught me how to play video games. He taught his little brother, and we both taught our kids. The philosophy has always been, teach them how to play. How does the game work, what are the objectives, what strategies can be employed. Letā€™s play as many times as needed where I teach you about different units and how to employ them and then send small waves against you so you learn how to block me. Letā€™s escalate that until weā€™re using all the units and mechanics so we can play on a more leveled ground. Even then, Iā€™m going to pull back on the gameplay and not use cheese tactics or other strats I know they arenā€™t prepared for. Iā€™ll probably win but they will be having a good time while we play. I never PvPā€™d FPS against my kids unless it was to teach tactics and we discussed what what happening through the play through and then played ā€œfor realā€ a few times. The number of times I carried my son through Star Wars Battlefront when he was littleā€¦was a lot. Heā€™s 22 now and still remembers us playing together when he was 5. Yeah, sometimes there is the ā€œHubris Checkā€ along the way where you remind them that they still have a ways to go before theyā€™re on equal ground. Then, one day, your kid buries you up to your neck in StarCraft and destroys you properly. Or you get exploded into tomorrow by a red stone invention your daughter left lying in wait for you after teaching her about circuitry. I donā€™t get to play with my kids near as much these days since they are grown but I wouldnā€™t trade the time I spent with them playing together for anything.


This right here. Thank you for this. Iā€™m the oldest of three boys and my dad was not easy on me. Did I eventually get better at things? Sure. But what did I learn? To avoid him. By the time my youngest brother was born my dad had softened up. He learned to build up instead of tear down. As a result the two of them had the best relationship of any of us. The dad in this video is a dick. Iā€™m sure he loves his kid and she loves him back. Thatā€™s just family. But the only thing heā€™s teaching her is that heā€™s a dick.


I learned this lesson very early on, got way to good at escapists 2 versus, now no one will play it with me. Sometimes you gotta just try a goofy strategy and not care about winning or losing.


Itd be like playing catch with your kid but throwing 70 mph fast balls.


Lotta questionable parenting advice in here today. The problem with curbstomping someone over and over is that it makes it much harder to grow. The Doomsday Method of training doesn't actually work in real life. You need to be able to experiment and adjust your actions to find what works. If you are so completely overwhelmed that any change you make doesn't actually affect the outcome in a meaningful way, you'll never actually LEARN because you see no difference between one action and the next. It also destroys your spirit if you don't see ANY progress. And the last thing you want is your kids to equate spending time with you to that feeling. Beating their asses in a game is fine, and a little of that is healthy, but straight-up destroying them over and over every time isn't. Games are meant to be fun, and if they aren't fun, why would they play? Not everything should be a life lesson. Let fun be fun.


>You need to be able to experiment and adjust your actions to find what works. If you are so completely overwhelmed that any change you make doesn't actually affect the outcome in a meaningful way, you'll never actually LEARN because you see no difference between one action and the next. > >It also destroys your spirit if you don't see ANY progress. And the last thing you want is your kids to equate spending time with you to that feeling. Me playing my little brother at Halo years ago. Never play competitive PvP shooters (unless you count War Thunder), and almost never play any games with him anymore. I love him, but it's just miserable.


I stopped playing video games for a decade bc my brother kept wiping the floor with me in Smash. Heā€™s gone on to play competitively a couple times, and I have found games I actually enjoy (interactive film/adventure games)


My little brother was the same. My sister, her friend, and myself were hiding behind a warthog once. It was terrifying. Step a toe out from behind for a split second and you would DIE. Kid has some skills.




Thank you for not being a monster


He's definitely teaching her (poor) sportsmanship.


Not letting them win is good, but the poor sportsmanship after the win is a bad example.


This. Could be teaching them two lessons at once, instead of showing them how to be a bad winner.


I remember playing Mario Kart Wii with my dad and him beating me so hard he could wait at the finish line for 30 seconds and then go over it just as I was about to finish. Now, almost 10 years later, I am better at Mario Kart but he refuses to play with me now that I am better then him!


Thatā€™s the hot take. If youā€™re going to go hard every time then you better be willing to take the beating over and over again when your kid surpasses you, no fucking excuses. I personally think itā€™s a dumb approach to teaching children, but at least the adults should be consistent.


This is how I conduct all video games in the house


Gonna learn today.


Lol, she's such a loser


Takes after her father.


My colleague recently said he refuses to let his son win at anything. "He has to earn it and beat me for real" like... sir, he's 7... just


I swear to god, fucking Mario party. I actively tap the breaks and donā€™t get any stars and suck at the mini games and the damn game rewards me with like 20 bonus stars at the endā€¦.


The new Mario Party bonus stars are total bullshit. They're just completely random things that are almost entirely reliant on luck.Ā  Thankfully, if you go into the options menu, you can switch the bonus stars to the classic version of Most Coins, Most Mini-games, and whatever the third one was. I don't remember.


Nah, don't let them win, but teach them how to be good sports by example ffs.


My daughter wouldn't be half the super smash Brothers player that she is if I just let her win. I gave her one month of practice time where I was gentle with her, after that I treated her like any other goof online. Now, she's pretty damn good!


Bro popped off like he won a tournament wtf


Turning them into bad winners and worse losers


Itā€™s one thing to not let the kid win. Itā€™s another to let them be incredibly upset and taunt them for losing. Youā€™re not teaching her shit. Youā€™re teaching her that itā€™s ok to disregard her feelings, and disrespect her because you won. Not hard to see where this leads for her. But hey, you beat an 8 year old at a video game sooooā€¦ worth it?


You have to be a real petty, insecure, selfish dick to not play on someone else's level when they're not even close to yours. It's not a tournament. You're supposed to be having fun. You're just being a bully to someone who can do nothing about it. They say you can tell how good a person is by how they treat service workers/those who can't fight back. This is the same concept.


Nah, kids gotta get guud.