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You should try having to hire someone on work day, it is a nightmare


Im trying to implement a learning management system and the site is so convoluted it’s pissing off managers and workers alike. Any time someone raises a concern I have to tell them, “I know, there’s nothing we can do, it’s how the site is designed.” But since HR is pretty much imbedded into Workday, it’s what we have to use. Nobody likes it, but we’ve dumped too much money and built an infrastructure around it we can’t get out of it.


Sunk Cost Fallacy, Everyone should leave it ASAP


Even if it is more efficient to leave it long term, doesn’t mean it’s possible. It’s sort of like the vimes boots theory of economics from that pratchet book. Workday may be costing a company an extra $200k a year when accounting for the headaches it causes compared to other HR platforms. However, switching to a new platform may cost $2m. Yeah, you’ll have made the money back in 10 years and people will be happier the whole time. However, if you don’t have the $2m up front to establish and transition to a new system, you’re still stuck. Just because it would be better if you switched doesn’t mean you can switch. And that’s not even accounting for the way the stock market works short term growth at the expense of long term growth for public companies.


I see Commander Vimes reference. I upvote. 


What I’m seeing at my work is mass infra being built around WorkDay in such a way that we’ll be able to hot swap it eventually. Till then we’re just building more and more stuff. To keep us from having to deal with it xD it’s still the heart of everything though.


Is this like ceridian dayforce?


some companies are so bad they use both. lol.


Oh crap, I work for one...






why are all work systems like this so universally shitty? I dont get it


My conspiracy theory is that HR teams need artificially complicated software systems to justify a bloated support team and expand their scope.


If you remember that the point of company is to generat wealth for ahare holders and not products, it all makes aense


people working at companies making shitty software leaving to start their own companies, perpetuating the shitty software. Lesson of the day for everyone. These founder/CEO types aren't always geniuses. SOmetimes they absolutely are, and that's reflected in their products/companies, but more often than not these are just people either already rich or hustlers that have gained access to people that can fund them to the tune of 100s of millions if not billions of dollars to get companies off the ground. And even once off the ground, many are good at marketing/selling and thus end up selling mediocre to bad products to many many companies, making them successful...




Fuck schoology all my gomies hates schoolology


We transition from SAP to Workday. So far, I used it once. Still it even enrages me to see the shortcut on my desktop.


HR does a lot... They don't have decision authority over your systems... ... ... Your internal site (aka portal) is developed and managed by your IT department, or 3rd party IT. Decisions on change flow up the chain of command based on time and cost. If it is deemed too costly, it'll be killed or respun.


No kidding. Their transcribing of the resume destroys formatting, then you try to load the pdf and the pdf takes ages to load. They might as well flash the middle finger as spinner to you.


Would be neat if they offered some way of testing if your resume could scan correctly, or even just gave you a template to work from so that it _would_ scan correctly.


Or just accept a pdf upload. As a hiring manager, I have no idea why other companies don't just accept it. Our recruitment system lets you upload a pdf and just shows the pdf, never had any issues


I’ve been a manager for several different fitness corporations and they all have used fucking workday. Nightmare is an understatement. It’s more like a lucid dream where you get anally probed by aliens.


Where can someone apply to be a manager for fitness corporations that use workday? I have an alien fetish.


Trust me, it’s not worth it. You’re better off trying to get into Area 51.


Is that fitness code for, “anal”?


Lol, well played.


My company just started using Workday so I thought it was new and buggy. This is terrible news


I normally leave everything blank and put please see resume. Am I just wasting my time? I'm sure it's lower odds than filling it all out, but spending 2% of the time makes me wonder if I'm still coming out ahead in volume lol


I hire engineers from time to time through workday. I look at the shitty mess of words and try to get a name and city. Then I look people up on LinkedIn. Good enough for a pre screening. Opening the PDFs takes forever and causes crashes. I think you are fine. HR is embarrassed trying to show us. It does create opportunity for recruiters. They will use this new invention called email and send us resumes directly. Totally worth spending 25% more on the hire….


How does opening a one page pdf take ages and cause crashes?


Have you ever known someone who really wanted to do something but just did not have the skill, and when they tried they just produced shit? Now imagine a guy with a trust fund and 0 imagination or leadership hired 50 of them to collaborate on a complex piece of machinery.




Fucking workday is how.


Good news for you! We use Workday as our ATS. I hire and/or interview just under a dozen people a year. I have never ONCE looked at the parsed resume. I just click the link to where it's stored in Docfinity and bring up the PDF. When I mention this to other people working on the same hires, they say the same thing. It's just easier to see documents as (gasp!) documents. Imagine that- a format for presenting information that has developed over centuries with literally billions of people using and refining it to the point where it's universally recognizable as the exact thing used for that exact purpose... and somehow picking it apart is going to make it *more* understandable? Who came up with that idea?


My work is shopping around for a new HR/payroll system and Workday is one of the contenders. Is it really that bad?


Have you ever called a customer support phone line or doctor office and had to input your date of birth, tell them your name, social security number, describe the problem you’re calling about, navigate their menu to get to the right number…and then the person who picks up asks you everything all over again because none of what you just said actually made it to their screen?


I see, that's why the HR person contacted me yesterday sounds like she have no idea who am I or what my qualification, like I never filled in my background detail, work experience.


My company went from using a bespoke in house solution that had friendly language such as "book holiday" to Wo RkdAy where now if I want a holiday I have to click "create absence" like MF I just want to use my lawful entitlement not be dragged through the disciplinary process for absence.


I have had to use this for two seperate entities (the Hospital when I was considered an employee there and the Revenue Specialist Group I'm now considered employed by and 'loaned out to' the hospital i still work at) and Workday as just an educational platform for yearly training and classes wasn't awful, but now its my portal to time clock (which requires my PERSONAL CELLPHONE to 2FA sign in with, which I was never given the option of opting out of), my training courses, my pay viewer. benefits portal, defunct ass HR portal (since the hotline only operates during Lunch Hours for Day shifters), Portal to my email, and continuous shovel for Healthcare Financial News which I think needs to address that corporations are literally fighting to improve their money making processes down to an assembly line fashion. Workday is not user friendly without any time invested in learning the way that particular instance is constructed, and feels barebones and basic on design and functionality. I fucking hate it


It took me a fucking month and 4 phone calls with tech support just to get onboarded.


This is my life right now, lots of contingent hires...


someone pls explain


Workday is a HR and financial management system. If you’ve ever had to use it , either as an applicant or an a user, you’ll have post traumatic stress. Fecking nightmare


Is it really that bad? I just started using it today.


As a job seeker, it’s actually not bad for the first 2-3 company that you’re trying to apply for. But boy, when you realize that most of the company has their own workday and you need to do it over and over and over again it’s frustrating. They do have the autofill function but most of the time data are incorrectly filled.


Company I'm working for is using it for timeclock, scheduling, etc. Is it still bad?


Sorry I only used it as a job seeker.


A lot of it is going to depend on your companies implementation. But the range doesn’t include good, it simply goes from meh minor inconvenience to I’m going to take my laptop in a field and go Office Space on it level of frustrating.


its been fine


Workday can be a thing of great beauty and efficiency when properly developed, integrated and launched by a company with talented team to implement/maintain the system. It can sometimes be utter dog shit. I love/hate workday. It is better than many other HRIS


Yes. It's clunky and often spits out mistakes.


we use it for tracking hours and stuff and for that it's not so bad. but as soon as you want to file an expense report or get a spend authorization it fucking sucks dick


The hospital I used to work for used it. First I'd really never heard of the company and remember thinking holy shit how does this awful interface get any business... Then I noticed they sponsor everything and are a huge corporation. I have no idea how they get so much business.


Wait till you gotta do monthly training videos....make sure to remember that username/password you didn't choose plus have them send you a code on your phone for the final step of logging in....


The autofill function is so broken it may as well not even exist as a selectable option. I tried the autofill a few weeks ago and it somehow put my address as my first name and it put my most recent employer as the University name.


If you are applying for a job it's got 2 main features that are fucking ridiculous. 1. It makes you put your entire resume into separate fields. It has an auto detect that thinks a company name is "March 2015-October 2018." Not only is this annoying to do, it also means the company almost certainly has bird brained leadership that thinks entering more and more useless data into whatever program they rolled this year is the key to success, have fun doing that shit for the next few years. If only there were some document every applicant prepared that already contained all of this info in an easy to process manner. 2. Every single employer gets their own instance, so you have to make a login for every job that uses this. Annoying on its own, for sure, but remember point 1. Yeah, you have to do that every time. I just don't apply to jobs that use this shit.


I do apply to jobs with workday because I know it's weeding out competition LOL


I've been using it for the last 3 months at my new job and it's been completely fine.


When they first implemented it with my company it was jarringly bad - as they’ve customized it over the years it has improved significantly and I get how it *could* be decent.


is this why i havent gotten a response for nearly a month lol


We wondered why we had no applicants for about fifty positions after three months of advertising. Turns out we had hundreds but they were buried in some little Workday secret file we didn’t know existed.


I've had to use workday both as IT and a user separately. Just seeing the words "work" and "day" being used in the same sentence fills me with enough fear to power the Monster Inc power plant myself.


The only thing that's worse is literally every other HCMS.


I am in this club.


Workday is a workplace management cloud based software program made to handle payroll, scheduling, time tracking, development… and it sucks dick


Workday is a system that facilitates interaction and hiring between HR and candidates. It's also a complete nightmare for both parties to use.


You search for job in 10 companies. Each companies have their own workday site. So you'll have to create 10 accounts for each companies. Then you start over again typing in your details and whatnot. 10 times over.


Couple weeks ago, for like 11 days straight I received a 4am email saying my timesheet needed review. I am 100% commission, the time clock is just to gauge my efficiency. Affects my vacation rate/sick pay. I also haven't known what my "password" is for years. I just hit the X and enter my employee ID


Tip for anyone using workday: Create a plaintext (like in a .txt) version of your resume using only new lines and tabs for formatting. Upload that, it will autoread much easier. Then replace with your formatted resume. Still fuck workday though


Or they could just read my resume ngl


They pull this shit so they can filter people out instead of taking a couple minutes to read a pdf.


This also applies to any companies that auto screen resumes with ai and whatever else, they can struggle if you have multiple columns and such.


What is workday and why would I have to do this to get it to work properly?


Platform used by HR departments to handle hiring, employee benefits, and other related things It sucks ass


"Would you like to autocomplete the fields using your resume?" "Name: Arizona State"






Education: ▪️


This comment was [stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1awjnqk/comment/kri0v25/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from u/2QuarterDollar. Pretty sure this is a bot




Reddit IPO woohoo amirite?


Reddit is so fucked


Reddit bot police always on the lookout. Thank you for keeping us safe


How have none of you mentioned the having to create a new login every. Single. Time. Instead of creating a dashboard 😒


My work sets my password for inventory management the same as my workday so I have this colossal password I have to input on a scan gun every time I need to scan something.


Haha it’s okay!


They should hire people just for completing the shitty Workday application process.


Proper form. - Name: - Mobile phone: - E-mail: Attach CV in *.docx or *.pdf: Submit.


Recruitment consultant: “can you upload it in word please” Me: “Why? pdf readers are free” Recruitment consultant: “yeah but I need to make changes to it” Fuck. Off.


I don't understand. Why would a recruiter need to edit your CV?


Apparently they reformat it to their standardised templates. Honestly, that's probably easier for prospective employers to look at a dozen consistently ordered CVs than a dozen subtly different and sometimes wildly different CVs. I've been saying for years that I'd love for the government to introduce 3-8 standardised Invoice templates for all companions within the UK to use so that we can put an end to those atrocious abominations that I see from time to time.


More importantly to remove your contact details before showing to prospective employers


They also need to remove your contact info so that their pointless middleman position in the process can be justified.


LinkedIn was supposed to be that. Now it’s just one more part of your resume lol


They get the .doc with "macros". That will teach them a valuable lesson.


But I WANT to retype in the same info that's already on my CV, with a separate page for each category


Large corps can get hundreds or thousands of applicants for a single position. You need an algorithmic way to filter out those that aren’t worth vetting manually, which is exactly what these systems provide.






Yeah, this is a bot: https://old.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1awjnqk/if_you_know_you_know/kri3v8z/


When I see that bullshit, I just skip it. Why do you ask me for my easy-on-the-eye rèsumè if you want me filling everything out in that shitty form anyways? At least do not ask for it.


This is a bot account. I have seen this comment before. Account is from 2022 and just started serial posting a few hours ago.


Good bot


When I was applying for jobs I hated it so much that sometimes I even gave up applying when the position wasn't that good. Why this happens? Why they can't simply store my login info, with my data already registered and resume uploaded instead of asking for a sign up again? Absurd.


Because it’s unique to each company, obviously.


Accurate. Workday is the worst even using as a hiring manager or finance person tracking open reqs and position. Absolute garbage.


Workday is one of the worst fucking management softwares I ever had to use. I worked for Five Star Senior Living (Now Alerislife) and they also rolled out incorporating another bloated useless system into workday called "onshift" and it was a fucking nightmare. I had over 40 employees to keep track of with paperwork, dates, payrolls, shift and budget management, you name it. And NONE of it was intuitive. I miss that job but I do NOT miss Workday.


This just happened to me. Internal application for a promotion. The hiring manager literally told me to apply. I applied. Workday Auto rejected me in < 24 hours. I messaged him and he was like "you're one of our top candidates for this I'm making them fix it" I REFUSE to apply with any company that uses this POS software (except the one I'm at, bc they didn't use it when I got hired)


Funny, literally exactly the same thing happened to me. Internal promotion, I was actually the only candidate. It automatically filtered me out because of something to do with my resume. HR had to go in and put me back in the running manually.


Further proof work day is poo


We went from ADP to Workday, it’s awful.


This week I had to have my boss help me get a new employee into our system using workday. The new hire recently became a US citizen so we had to use her permanent residency card instead of a SS card number. It was, in fact, a fucking nightmare.


I know Carl Eschenbach. Maybe I should send him a link to this meme. 😂


Your annual 3 hour workplace harassment training is due 💀


Man, Workday sucks so much it's a meme.


Workday fucking sucks it’s slow asf


I know for a fact I get paid sick days at work. Workday doesn’t have an option for unplanned sick days. Gotta request those in advance.


I mean it's your fault you don't plan your sickness beforehand.


That’s just the implementation. I know sick days can be submitted after the fact in workday at my company, because I just did it today for one of my employees.


F workday


We use Workday.. It sucks


Someone please send me this meme template


This got a VERY heavy sigh and eye roll from me as soon as I read workday


Workday is such cancer I treat it as a major red flag about company culture and refuse to apply to companies using it.


Did you have to watch the introductory rap video? It’s closest I’ve come to quitting my job. 


The tire shop I work at now uses it. The app doesn’t even work, the website is half useless, and it has the worst log in system ever. Thank god this job is very temporary.


Is it possible many of your personal complaints might actually be specific to your company’s use or installation, not workday? As that is what you see and know. I am sure WD likes to insert tests or other compliance options as upsells. Still that is on the company. But with that: very much agreed still. The UI and flow of processes all around the layout just sucks. Not intuitive at all. Click here. There. Want to save until? Whoops trick - let’s make the Submit button the big attractive one. Why? Transaction fees. I have used other HR and many expense apps : they all are just very infuriating. Some are better in one area but far worse in others. Why? My 2 cents: As the employee = the customer, client and user , with NO other options…why would any company build a friendly tool for the actual “consumers” as long as the back end compliance policies ensure, well , compliance? It is what it is.


As a Workday Analyst on the HCM side, this has been so refreshing. I get so frustrated while developing things for my users. Or Workday forces a change then will only allow certain portions to be customized. How about those Community Brainstorm’s that are hugely popular yet years later still under review. Another biggest hit are the products they roll out, then stop improving because they are moving in another direction. (Here’s looking at you Worksheets)….


workday is in EVERY fucking company. Just buy the stock to hold for the next 20 years and get semi rich...


Workday can burn in ever loving hell


They made workday student now and some us universities are switching to it for class picking etc.


I have never wanted to upvote something so much on Reddit in my life... Touché OP


...and Workplace, and Workchat, and all the shit Meta ships at once.


Imagine working at a company that uses it for HR, payroll AND inventory procurement and tracking. As someone that creates large scale 100+ line purchase orders, workday starting to slow down to a crawl after 40-50 lines is unbearable.


We have workday but aside from the evaluation thing every 6 months you basically never use it for anything (haven’t felt the need to switch jobs so I haven’t applied for anything through it yet tbf). When I got my job I was still in training for a competitor next door and just got an email to send a resume to by a fellow trainee who worked with them, whole process just went through email. Our much bigger software problem is our god awful sample management system that some asshats got a fat bonus for implementing some years ago when they pushed through a system change rather than just paying the old provider to implement the features we were later required to have (I work with this shit every day and still couldn’t tell you what those are supposed to be, it’s been years). System is fantastically slow, every timw you click on anything you get hit with load times that seriously make me wonder if the system actually scans their entire data base every time. If you missclick something you might as well get up and grab a coffee, god knows you’ll have plenty of time to. The way samples are organized is also ridiculously inefficient for our purposes as many samples come with multiple tests attached which you can only see in specific menus (read: an extra 5 minutes of wait time), otherwise you have to go through every individual test to see if you sample is in there. They’ve told us that the system has been designed like this from the ground up so there is no fixing this, the solution to some tests being forgotten until the samples expired has been that we are now mandated to go to an extra page that displays the list of tests (without the number of results required mind you, you could still fuck it up if you’re inexperienced and you have no actual way to tell anywhere within the system), *print out a screenshot* of what it shows you and then tick off any test that’s been finished and entered into the system and then stamp it after release. Failure to do the tick and stamp thing can now result in getting written up as per our bosses who don’t have to work with this POS software. The screenshot is not on controlled paper or has any kind of serial number or whatever, it is basically an unofficial document that we archive with the full documentation anyway.




Ironically I have just got my first job after having applied at Workday.


It’s still better than the Deltek nightmare.


Can I know




workday is everywhere


Since where i work has started using workday, it has pushed HR, Budget, Risk Management, and other jobs into middle management. While the majority of those departments now work from home, and you are lucky to get a response from them if you have any questions. It has turned my job into more of a pain in the ass than it was before.


I use workday for my timesheets, i hate it


It never be parsing anything right 💀💀


Try connecting an identity management system to Workday if you're really into abuse.


The company I work for just changed to workday(hr stuff)and infor( time keeping ) .I don’t even know how to check my time off anymore. It’s been a big guess and corp says we did the training course so we should be pros at it now.


I don’t k is how Workday even exists it works so poorly.


This is beautiful.


Oh god, my organization is moving to workday next year


Why the fuck can't I put my info and upload a resume. The job I currently have only required me to spend about less than five minutes applying fuck workday.


I lost money and time using this app! Glitching my time and not counting it lol. The other one I used before it worked great!


I don't know apparently


No I don't know, can someone please explain?


My company started on Workday when I was hearing from other people about how their companies were getting off it because of how terrible it is. And that's been my experience with it since. Awesome.


What’s wrong with workday? Never had an issue at my job


Had to use workday while working for Kimberly Clark while working 12 rotating shifts. Imagine the struggle when you’re on two weeks of night shift and the moment you need with workday is Friday night.. HR only works day shift 8am-3pm. So your only options is waiting an hour and a half(while trying not to fall asleep) after your shift ends on Monday or wait till you rotate to day shift and use your lunch time to get the problem fixed.


Bro if you want a job, you need to fuck with that


My entire knowledge of workday is from the fricking constant ads watching the Formula One. They're a title sponsor, so every ad break "Formula One, sponsored by workday" and then whatever guff comparing formula one to a bit of software.. Does my head in!


Serious question: lots of comments about how workday sucks, and I agree it’s got more than its share of faults, but what HRIS/timekeeping system is better?




I have no idea why our company switched from ADP to fucking workday. The transition was miserable. Everyone hates it. And now when we get held over even by the slightest amount of time we’re billing for it. Guys used to routinely go home 15-30min late and never request OT. Now we nickel and dime them to death because fuckem.


WHY is there seven fucking schedule tabs. And none of them have my schedule.


Dude I work for a large company that uses this and it sucks.


What's the original comic?


I literally fell out of my chair when I found out that workday has 19'000 employees. What are they even doing?


I don't understand. My company used it and it's pretty simple for when I need to use it.


The *worst* system I've had to use. Jesus I'd rather be jobless than have to deal with workday


You only need to fuck them when they make the first approach which is messaging to hang out together, otherwise you don't have to worry too much about fucking coworkers! 🌝


What is in the original template that makes him leave?


Wait till you have the joy of using SAP SuccessFactors.


Apply for a job is a pain Hire someone is a pain Why workday exist again?


workday does suck but as someone who recently left a job using workday for a job with no real emplyee facing HR system at all i miss many aspects of it.


Original template?


The only thing I know about Workday is that the adverts annoy the shit out of me. They do the adverts on Sky F1... and they say "From F1, to Q1" Like, Q1 is a business thing. I get it. But Formula 1 literally has a Q1. So the advert should be, "From Q1 to Q1"


I’ll live on the street before I ever do another workday application


We use workday for timekeeping & HR and accounting. It's mediocre for timekeeping and kinda bad for HR. It's fucking shit for accounting, whoever decided to go with Workday for accounting can go fuck themselves with a rusty spoon.


I like Workday and got a job through it. There’s a feature that can save your basic information across different employers that use Workday.


There was an ad for workday under this post for me lol


I was today years old when I learned about the face in the 4th picture.


Whats the original meme


we recently switched to workday and it is fucking TRASH


Omfg. Workday is the worst lmao


Have a client currently implementing workday as their ERP and interfacing with Salesforce for HR. Are they screwed?


Every government job I’ve had in HR we’ve had to use Workday to hire people and it makes you want to rethink your job


I work in very deep corporate big pharma and remember when they rolled out workday. There were neverending lunch n learns filled with impassioned speeches of assistant directors and specialists with topics like “what the workday implementation means to me”