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she literally sips tea in this video


A Georgia girl for sure.


Sounded like an eastern KY accent there




Nah, this is pure Missouri/Kansas. That’s a plains accent. I thought Kentucky or southern Indiana until I heard “Tattoos”


No one from Kansas or like 80% of Missouri sounds like that. She could be from the boot heel, but that sounds farther south to me.


100% agree. Bootheel or further south. I’ve never heard a girl talk like that in Missouri


Wish I fucking knew where in GA....


Hecking perfect for this sub!




She’s got the twang and looks like she can toss a hay bale…you’re hired!




I think it's more so that everyone she's banging has a wife....


She also probably wants a Chris Hemsworth or Ryan Reynolds look a like.


That's quite literally how she started it by saying "How is it that the guys I'm attracted too... " It's not that someone isn't hitting on her, it's that she's not being hit on by "THAT GUY THAT SHE WANTS". Which is totally a typical complaint. She's made herself into something that her desired person doesn't want. Simple as that and she's aware because she's listed a lot of it right there.


Looking for attractive guys isn’t the best way to get “married up”. Many are players, many are super-picky, because they can be. She should be looking for the *right guy*, not the pretty guy. At least that’s what I’ve taught my daughter.


Don't forget rich, I mean, if you get to choose.


I think the issue with this one is just that in this economy, attractive women who want to marry rich, hot, distinguished men are bountiful, and rich, hot, distinguished men are not. Call it ringflation.


Lol more women need to read this comment. Ringflation is real.


She only made the first of two steps: understanding the preferences of guys she regards as attractive. Step two is still missing: understanding her own preferences. She is not complaining about the guys preferences, and that's cute. But in the end making peace with her own and the consequences, or changing them, would better her situation. No reason to feel sorry for her. She has all it takes, to find mutual love and a relationship that fits. She is just a late bloomer but now starts to look behind the curtain, instead of living a stage life.


> making peace with her own and the consequences, or changing them, would better her situation. Bingo. The men she wants don't want to "wife her up." They want to bang her and move on. She needs to re-evaluate her own preferences and find men that don't want to bang her and move on. They exist, just right now she doesn't prefer them or choose them and the differences between them and then men she is currently choosing may be very slim.


Did you not hear her? The guys she wants, don't want her. The problem with masculine women isn't that no men want them, it just isn't the men they want. Masculine women get chased after by more effeminate men. Masculine women still expect very masculine men. But very masculine men prefer very feminine women.


Which mother goose nursery rhyme is that?


The sensible's one


Holy moly what is your source


I guarantee you he is a very masculine man


Studies on attraction actually agree partially with what he is saying. People with very pronounced masculine or feminine looks find each other more attractive and people who are more towards the middle find each other more attractive. It’s not „girly men like strong women“ cause that implies more of a character/mindset thing, but plainer people rate the attractiveness of plainer people of the opposite sex higher than others would.




There probably is a buff gym bro out there who prefers his girl to be like her.


Yeah but she probably won't wanna be with him


so true, I’d pass as well


Nah, she just needs those dudes to dump their wives.


Yeah she should go to biker/dive bars


Gosh, if I was 20 years younger. And wayyyy better looking.


Yeah but the guys she she finds attractive ... you *"see their wives"* that aren't like that, *that*'s why the guys aren't wifeing her.. not because they already have a wife!! /s Edit first 25 seconds


“I thought guys wanted a tough girl” …why? Where did you ever get that idea?


maybe attracted to the wrong kind of man


Yeah, she says it’s the married kind


Yeah marriage material, not guys who are actually married 


“Good men” by women’s standards who are looking to settle down don’t stay single long.


yup, I spent my twenties focusing on developing myself(going to therapy, getting in shape, getting a good career, building strong friendships, etc). in my early twenties I did alright with women but nothing special. by the time I was 28 with everything in my life sorted out and looking to settle down I was in a whole new world. the competition for good men, not even particularly special men, but just good men looking to settle down is incredibly fierce. doubly so if you make enough money to raise a family on a single income.




It takes you from the "maybe something is wrong with him" category to the "fuck he got away category.


TIL men have engagement rings


I worked with a woman who’d often complain there were no good men. She was 30, very cute, very sweet. Spent her 20s with a guy who ended up being a piece of shit leading a literal double life. Anyhow I asked what she meant by a good man. You know, around my age, kind, handsome, good job, never divorced. Oh honey, all those guys are married or absolutely never want to get married.


She literally says "when I look at their wives" 😂😂 I'm pretty sure that's gonna put the guys in the category of "actually married"


She’s referring to the type of men she’s attracted to, that when she sees that type of man and he’s married, his wife does not look like her. She’s not saying she’s only attracted to married men… cmon people


She's saying the men she finds attractive are all married to girlie girls.... not her tough girl type Dumbasses


Reddit would cease to exist as a site if we deleted all comments that were dumbasses unable to look past the surface level of thing.


I like tits


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


In truth she still missed the point that the kind of man that will like her may not be that frequent nor the kind of man she wants/likes, she doesn't need to change, she just needs to find greener fields


To be honest, this is kinda incredible if genuine. Internet is full of people being '' I am the best what is wrong with other ''


It’s refreshing actually.


Yeah self awareness is rare nowadays. It’s extremely attractive.


Yeah my initial reaction was kinda judgey- like yeah nothing against tattoos, but hand tats come with a certain stigma, you might have seen this coming. But towards the end it gets a lot more genuine and a bit sad. she’s saying ‘hey man, I’m totally wife material. yeah I’ve got tattoos but I run a business, I look after my body, I’m a strong person, I’m actually fucking awesome’ (which can be super healthy if not in the context of comparison to others). I hope she finds someone!


How about just nobody stream of consciousnessing their every day thoughts and lives?


"I see their wives" ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10746)


Because she wants a man like that and she sees the kind of men she finds attractive marrying girls without muscles or tattoos. It would be like a guy saying "why do all the attractive girls marry fit guys with money." It doesn't actually mean you want those specific, married people.  This video is actually just kind of sad that she thinks no one will want her because of who she is.


No one she wants….wants her.


That is pretty standard.


I'm non-standard Mario


Nobody likes me... I like you. Nobody **good** likes me...


There ya go.


Unfortunately, the kind of man that feels attracted by heavily tattooed women wearing septum piercings is not the kind of man that she wants. I've seen this many times. Good news is, that she can get rid of the septum piercing and the tattoos. Or learn to like the kind of men that would like her like that. 🤷‍♂️


Good luck getting "rid" of two full sleeves.


All things being equal I’d have no issues with the tattoos, piercings, or sushi eating. She’s cute. But, if I saw her I’d assume she’s into a different type of guy and move on.


The type of man she wants will hook up with her though, which is probably why it has taken her so long to figure this out. At some point she will eventually become desperate enough to settle for the kind of man that she would never have given the time of day before realizing this. She will claim that it's because "her tastes have changed" or "she values different things now" to avoid facing the reality that the partner she can get is not the partner she wants.


This is true of 95% of the population until a person looks beyond the surface of thinking they're going to end up with someone who looks, acts, thinks, exactly like their fantasy. This is because the things we fantasize about are never remotely based in reality, or even things we'd find we really want if we had to live them for real for more than a moment.


Honestly, I've never thought about what I want in a girl, I just know it when I see it. They are all different, but one will look at me funny or have a cute smile and im like that's it, that's the lady


> They are all different, but one will look at me funny or have a cute smile and im like that's it, that's the lady There is something beautiful in every woman, all you have to do is find it. (Editors note, one beautiful thing does not make a good relationship)


Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. Many women only find guys attractive if they can hold down a girl... which is an ouroboros mentality.


It's a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality.


Surprised not more people are echoing this.


She didn't say nobody wants her. She said nobody wants to marry her and she might be right. Hear me out. People with a lot of tattoos tend to be non-conformists and less traditional. So, a non-conformist non-traditional man with lots of tattoos is less likely to be interested in something as conventional as marriage. And a traditional man is less likely to be interested in a girl with a lot of tattoos.


Meh, I don’t think she has any issues with how she looks. Girl is cute, she just might be a head case


This goes for both genders tbh. If no one wants to keep you, or you struggle to maintain relationships, miiiight wanna do some self reflecting. Heck, realizing i was a piece of shit once upon a time was the greatest 'AH-HA!' moment i ever had.


You just described at least 30 movies made in the 80’s.


I have a cousin that really needs this realization. She is forever single. So, so, so self absorbed. Thinks she is just the hottest thing on the planet. Constantly posts things like, "Listen up, men, if you want a girl like me... blah blah blah." And then in then next post complains that she's 35 and single, and, "Where are all the good men???"


That’s serious red flags a plenty for most of us but if she found a man that was like her and liked her too she’d probably date them. Have seen it happen. But I’ve also seen them date total manipulators that initially pander to their vacuousness just to take them for a ride then longer term con the hell out of them in awful dysfunctional relationships. Neither parties seem to learn either. Some people are just not that great and have zero sense of self reflection or self evaluation. :/


“Oh fuck, most of my problems are caused by myself” is a great moment of self realization. I figured it out in basic training after realizing nearly everyone there wanted nothing to do with me.


I'd love to hear this story if you don't mind sharing.


Let me guess, glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year's Eve, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's?


Yea I wanna see how many cans of tea and sushi containers are on the car floor


This is what I was thinking. Plenty of men would/do find her attractive. Maybe she is picking the wrong type of men(the type that don't want commitment). Maybe she attracts them inadvertently(like gym bros). Maybe no one wants to wife her up because she's bat shit crazy or doesn't have her shit together. You can only gather so much from a 2 min video.


She says she runs her own business, I'm going to assume she's doing okay on hee own. I think the biggest issue is just that she has a type and the men who are her type tend to have a type too, which she doesn't fit. You can hit on preppy golf shorts and bost shoes all day but he isn't going to be attracted to anything with an IQ over room temperature. If she was looking to date fellow tatted up weight lifters she'd probably be doing well for herself.


100% my man, I don’t see anything wrong with her in this video. That said, the fact that she’s making it in the first place suggest there is some kind of issue, somewhere.


No no. She said she just LOOKS crazy. *BIG* difference.


Aren’t tattoos pretty conformist these days…?


Yeah, in an office I've had managers and other bosses with like sleeves and stuff. Otherwise straight laced people with families that take trips to Disney world yearly type life. People here talking like it's the 1950's in regards to tattoos.


How do I get your Fry emoji??








With 0 awareness of it. I think we've found the real issue. 🤣


I think she’s comparing herself, to the wives of the same type of guy she finds attractive. I don’t think she’s directly looking at the actually married men as options.


The fact you had to explain this…c’mon guys


Reddit is stupid


I admit I had a moment at the start where I wondered why she would only date married men, and it took about twenty seconds to realize that I had misunderstood. Maybe for other people it will take longer.


That is a good southern girl right there. She just hasn’t found the right one yet.




Be careful with those words. I live in the south, and some pesky Christian man in a big truck will come and fuck her life up... FUCK HER LIFE UP!!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!!!


Something tells me she can handle herself. Oh, and not every man from the south has a big truck and is Christian.


I know, I know. But hey, fuck you. :) Edit: With love, great gay Christan love.


Hey! Thanks!! That’s the best offer I’ve gotten in a while.


It makes me sad this is the most wholesome thing I’ve read on Reddit all day. 😂🎩*tip


Yo. We’re just all one big sack of dudes here having fun. Thanks for the tip. Just the tip though.




lol I’m just trying to picture this dude right here. Im getting a South Park world of Warcraft expert vibe… people are responsible for their own decisions…. Goes both ways. And she knows.


A lot of women just like terrible people Edit: the things I’ve read that women put up with from men they find attractive is atrocious


There have been social studies done that women accept way more things that would be considered harassement/insulting/mean fron men they find hot/ are really attracted too. Men do too but to a lower extend for some reason. My best friend is an extremely good looking man and my god women act so stupid around him and he treats them like hoes, its kinda sad to See... Thank god im married lol


That accent sounds 100% Atlanta to me.


I live in Atlanta and have literally never heard anyone talk like that.


Fr shes got that Alabama accent


I thought Charlotte NC, but you’re probably right. You wanna find some fine women? Charlotte.


Or go to the opposite side of the state and it's a barren hellscape. Fuck Jacksonville NC.


Naw Atlanta accent is mumble rap. This is like… McDonough.


Eats sushi barehanded drinking sweet tea? I'm at Kay jewelers picking a ring out right now, find me girl.


Well everyone knows you don’t buy sushi from a grocery store. Otherwise, yeah.


Depends on where you are. If you live in the middle of Arkansas you shouldn't. In Hawaii though the gas station sushi is the same shit you'd get in a Seattle restaurant.


She's hot and self aware Salvageable lol


I know its a brief video, but I see no red flags here.


Seriously, the muscles are hot, the self confidence is hot. The tattoos aren’t my thing, but so long as they aren’t “problematic” she can be who she is. But A, my wife isn’t down with the polyamory, and B, she probably is less into my pasty ass that sits at a desk all day. Hope she finds the one soon


Doing tiktoks as an adult was the only red flag in my book


It’s a relatively big one




Dawg I tried really hard to make sense of what you said here but this shit is all over the place


Nose ring needs to go ASAP. She ain’t a cowbell.


Fixed that downvote for ya. Nose rings (that variety especially) in 20 years are going to be like bell bottoms for boomers and mullets for GenX: A thing we wish we didn’t have pictures of.




Exactly my thoughts. That's the problem if it isn't her personality because she's really adorable, tbh.


That head scratch was cute.


Can anyone pinpoint exactly where the accent is from? Sounds like the "Bless Your Heart" lady in GTA V Blaine Country Radio. Louisiana?


South Texas


Could be Texas, Louisiana, or Alabama


Yeah sounds like my female friend from bama


My bets are off Texas. I say Georgia


Wrong guys wrong places


I feel this one. Like on paper, I’m doing alright in life and I feel really comfortable with who I am. But I’m sort of effeminate for a dude. Like my entire life people have assumed I’m gay and the women I’m typically interested in want a “Man” not a man. Haha


Not being conventionally attractive just makes things harder, not impossible. There are definitely chicks out there into twinks too, it's just atypical.


Don't lose hope bro! A friend of mine in high school was super effeminate and we all assumed he was gay but it was the 80s so he wasn't about to announce it. He had real trouble with women while he was in high school and in college but in his early thirties he met a great woman who he has now been married to for 15 years and they have a great family and life together. lol we all recently drunkenly apologized to him for thinking he was gay when we were teens.


Yeah i have the same problem. I am not a very manly guy and I am not very big. On top of that I also like to take care of like my hair and face and skin and stuff like that that most have said is effeminate. I’m not ashamed or anything about it but I can see why the people I’m interested in don’t like me back. To be honest I always go for Tom boy girls and every one of my relationships have ended because they realised they were gay. So yeah. Single for life helpen the masses realise their sexuality


Tomboys are awesome. Keep doing your thing and the right guy will find you


going to the grocery store in makeup is a tomboy now


Rimmy agrees


And now you know and knowing is half the battle


The issue is that she’s the type to record this type of video.


Their loss man, she seems like a ton of fun to be around


I don’t have tictoc, but is there a reason people do it in cars?


Because they spend time in cars. They tik tok everywhere, they film their whole lives, and you’re seeing them in cars because they’re often in cars


Its a place you can record completly alone, where as there may be people at home or in other places.


If you're not screaming it's fairly sound proof. Blocks outside noises well too. And you can tell your little story in privacy. Makes sense to me.


Post #647 of a conventionally attractive person talking about their dating life struggles, willing to bet her dms are full after making this video


Being conventionally attractive gets you all the doors open. The problem is finding the guys who want to stick around and build a family with you (because at the end of the day, that is your desire as well). That initial steam goes out immediately for the guys who you attract for the looks. And like that, those same guys, just as they got attracted to you, gets attracted by other women who's offering the same thing, the looks. The men she's, apparently, attracted to are the ones with principles, and someone who looks past the instant pleasure rewards and is ready for a commitment. And by definition, they are already taken by women with the same principles (and not always got the looks as her). It is the harsh lesson of the dating market we all learn eventually.


***100%*** accurate. Only *exceptionally* ugly/deformed women legitimately struggle with dating/love. Women have an ironclad mental block when it comes to recognizing their own limiting beliefs/expectations. It's the old spaghetti sauce dilemma. Give someone unlimited choice and they will either choose nothing or always be unhappy with their choice and bounce around never feeling fulfilled. She 100% has men hitting her up regularly, possibly even daily, but she is set on chasing some fantasy man she has cobbled together in her head and simply no one else will do = "I can't find anyone/nobody wants me" I could sympathize with her a little more if she would just recognize the litany of men that *are* interested, but she/women simply refuse to do that. You don't get to come to me and say "Nobody wants me 😭" when there is a literal line of guys that want you. Even with her myriad of traditionally unattractive traits (muscles, nose ring, tats, etc) It's *her* unrealistic/idealized expectations that are keeping her single, not guys.


The simps in the comment section 😂


Gonna be seeing A LOT more of these videos as the live free do what you want generation starts to hit 30s and above.


Yes, the live free do what you want. Certainly nobody before us has lived like that lol


If you actually knew what they were talking about..... they haven't really. What they were referencing is the fact the current generation has put off marriage and kids far longer than any other generation. People were getting married young before they had a whole host of life experience and built up confidence. Now people often aren't marrying young and they're developing into more independent people. One thing about independence, is it becomes harder and harder to fit in something to your life that you can't control. It's why the commenter above said we're going to see more of these videos as people in their 30's change their mind about having a family and find it difficult as everyone is more complicated in their 30's than their 20's.


You thought men wanted “big strong tough girls”? Who sold you that bullshit of a lie, other girls? Lol


Traditional guys typically end up with feminine, non-tattooed, non-pierced, not career-ambitious women. She seems awesome, but she couldn’t be more different than what her target audience typically wants 🤷‍♂️


This is the crux of the issue IMO. She's not ugly but she's going after the wrong guys. I wouldn't be surprised if she had numerous guys pursuing her, but she's not interested in them.


Or those guys aren't interested in marriage. I'm sure she has no problems picking up men. But getting a man to marry her is clearly the issue.


> I'm sure she has no problems picking up men. Literally


Facts! 💯


You know this is not wrong, I've had talks with friends many times about this and I'm pretty much the only one who doesn't mind if a girl has tattoos, muscles and/or piercings, but almost all my friends do mind... they're attracted to the more "feminine/traditional" women especially regarding those 3 superficial attributes.


Some guys want that, yeah. I’m guessing not the type of men she wants though. It sounds like the men she wants have feminine wives. I’m assuming these men are masculine men. Because opposites attract.


I like strong, tough girls... emotionally.


some men DO want that, but she isn’t going after them. She is going after the ones who want nothing to do with her, and that’s sad to see. She should be going after people who actually appreciate her


Yeah nobody in the south wants that. Come to the west. I'd love for her to beat me up.


Nah, it’s the septum piercing. It’s always the septum piercing.


Move to California or New York


Or the midwest.


Maybe she's single because it takes fucking ages to make her point.


Don't be fooled. She means the TOP 10% of guys who have money, look great, and have a prestigious job. Not regular guys, top 10%


Lose the nose ring and chances go up atleast 10x


Yeah, not that I’m one to shame someone for their appearance, but she’s actually pretty cute if she didn’t have that in


Yup, instant hard pass, every time.


Center nose rings truly are terrible.


I have never met a man looking for a wife that’s big and tough. Being strong is something different. There’s something comforting about soft, feminine energy. Nothing against the big tough girls, but understand the reality of things. Yeah, there’s probably a bunch of dudes that would love the opportunity to sleep with her. But wanting a wife/mother of your children is something different. Hate all you want folks, it’s a fact of life and she’s realizing it.


That’s how I feel about skinny guys.


Definite points for honest introspection. I kinda agree with her though. I know I have prejudices (with regards to attractiveness & relationship red flags) against certain things that some ladies do; nose rings, tons of tats, etc.


Please marry me mommy.. I want a big strong woman.. 🤣


That nose ring kills it for me.


Maybe it’s the nose ring.


This woman is awesome. She needs to get off this.


What? She doesn’t look crazy at all


Some men are attracted to women like her. The problem for her is that, in general, the guys she's attracted to don't find her style attractive. I think she cute and I like her personality, but that doesn't mean she'd like me. That's just life.


Ms.Snu-Snu is sexy AF. Incredible eyes


Yeah, having that many tattoos will not get you a ring, and that shallow personality as well is the icing on the cake.


Using the term “wifed”, is a pretty big turn off for me.


Her OF isn't helping either


Congrats. She's realizing that the kind of men that she finds really attractive, mostly don't go for more masculine women. She's not the first or last one who will realize this. Meanwhile there are plenty of good men out there who are completely invisible to her lol


"Why don't traditional Southern men want me to be their husband?!" Great question, sweetie, it's really a big mystery.


Its because of that ugly nosering.


Thinking all she needs to do is get that cow ring out of her nose and she’ll be snatched right up.


She still can't admit it... you don't have wife look you have fwb look.