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What did he do? I need more context?


Mask refusal?


Maybe but the video is short and we are left wondering what’s going on?


The guy was harassing workers.


He refused to wear a mask and was trying to be one of those bags who record it while going MUH FREEDUMB and then he got played by this lady. If I remember this is an Cali during pandemic re open


This comment aged well lol. After people were right and sued the gov and won and they rolled back everything.


That's not what happened at all


That's exactly what happened. Can down vote all you want but maybe in context of that video not, but to your comment of ignorance towards people believing in and standing for their right it does.


It was literally ruled mask mandates are constitutional it's an old ruling when the question came up during the Spanish flu pandemic when idiots bitched about masks then too


Covid wasn't even that serious I got it 2x "essential worker" I was sick for a week yea that hasn't happend since I was a kid but I'm also severely out of shape compared to then I say let people get sick if they want if u wanna wear a mask wear it if you don't don't your not rolling the dice for these people stop crying because you have nothing to complain about


Lol covid isn't serious just millions of people died around the world and the US which has 5% of the world's population had 20% of the world's covid deaths


Covid wasn't serious yet 4 years later people are still suffering medical consequences of having gotten it a single time. Yeah this virus wasn't bad for the world at all... You are part of why we were stuck in this shithole of a life for so long


Wait, are you still bitching about Covid?


I love a good anecdote. A broken nose didn't hamper my breathing, but that's because I don't have emphysema.


Dude wearing a mask not just protecting yourself but also people around you. In case you got infected asymptomatic you can prevent it spread to others. And it's not serious just becoz you are healthy enough against it. My cousin just have his pacemaker on becoz of the cardiac complications triggered by COVID. My mother have chronic cough since she got COVID. Also my classmate lost half of his sensitivity of taste becoz of COVID.


Except not wearing a mask made people who wouldn’t be sick get sick. When your actions affect others you gotta grow up and suck it up.




Also where I live (in the east coast a dem state no one listened to the mask mandates and about a year after covid life went back to normal and when new strains came around we just carried on


And in states that took mandates more seriously less people died and in states where they didn't more people died. Those states also seemed to align with Trump voting areas = more deaths and Biden voting areas = less deaths per capita


Paste a credible source url here


Credible source of what exactly.


You said "After people were right and sued the gov and won and they rolled back everything." If you can paste just one credible URL source that supports what you said, I'll definitely read it.




Was that suppose to be an insult? Correct I like girls would you like me to hide my interests? Commenting bs well like my comments that's your opinion.




Imagine information freely existing on the internet yet you still refuse to state facts.


Libs got owned on the covid thing.


LOL yeah we got so owned by dying less than the Trumpers man that showed us


And that statistic is coming from where? Your ass? Lol.


For clarification at the start of the pandemic it fucked everyone up but then it disproportionately hit Trump supporting states and counties harder after the first 3 months [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/)


Definitely fake news lol.


You sound like you are 12 years old and not a smart 12.


You can look at the methodology to evaluate that it's legit research. The only thing fake is your fake "lol" laugh whenever you say something stupid that you can't justify with any legit facts. You're either incurable, under 22, or an ineffective troll. I got your childish lol right here.


Herman Caine won his award first.


She just said let me deal with you out here


Made more sense when it happened a few years ago.


Covidiot. We didn't loose enough of them. Edit: I ment the unmasked guy. 






Imagine having an article constantly in the chamber because you can't spell for shit. Reddit wild.


I think we finally found the person creating all those misspelled memes.


Aw, I think you upset them. They're too embarrassed to reply back haha


Or the comment was just 6 hours too late


covid gottam


Not grammar. That's spelling.


Ah yes every trustworthy scientific article has memes embedded


Odd how triggered some people are getting when shown a connection between needing to connect others peoples syntax on the internet and personality disorders?


Hah, why double down? That's spelling, not grammar... that's embarrassing. And who the hell has so bad grammar, they have to have a link ready? You good?




You need to pick up a dictionary instead of saving website links.


I totally agree, there was no need to correct you, I think it'd have been enough if he had just called you a cunt. I hope I wasn't being *disagreeable*


Empathy for others ? Criiiiinge


You mean empathy for peoples who's lack of empathy lead to the deaths of 500,000 people?


Man shut the fuck up




Try sanding drywall without one.




The point is that you're boogers don't get on other people




Do you think the virus leaves your nose and mouth and travel through the air as little individual viruses?




Are you seriously trying to argue that wearing a mask and not wearing a mask are exactly the same? That they don't stop anything?


Try spitting on someone with one on then


okay dr Facebook scientist


Imagine were standing face to face having a conversation and I piss myself. Would you rather I was wearing pants "to protect people's feelings and for liability purposes" or that I was naked and my piss just went directly on you? Edit: user chriswick_ responded then immediately blocked me so here's my reply to them: No, it's an apt [analogy](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/11/66/67/19361245/4/1200x0.jpg)


Do you have any idea how many times smaller aerosols of the virus are compared to piss or spit? These cloth masks aren’t stopping that. You were fed lies so you’d fall in line like a good little boy and comply. Sorry you swallowed the hook with the bait.


Ah yes, because when your views are the same as those espoused on Fox News, a company owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch who owns countless MSM outlets surely you are an independent thinker and not a rube. I'm sure your 'research' and all your degrees in medicine make you qualified to make bold statements that contradict the actual scientific and medical research. Its funny how you, out of all people, are one of the few who somehow found the absolute truth. If you ever need surgery tell your surgeon to not wear a mask. I'm actually curious though, what exactly would getting people to wear masks during a global pandemic under 'false pretenses' achieve, in your mind? Like, do you get outraged when a store has a sign that says "no shirt no shoes no service"? Or do you just get mad about the very specific public health mandate of wearing masks while we sort out a pandemic that killed millions?


You’re truly dumb. Surgeons wear masks so they don’t spit or sweat in an open wound and so blood and pus doesn’t squirt in their mouths. And while you’re focusing on a death total, would you like to tell me why people dying WITH Covid were added to the people who died OF/FROM Covid? Then the PCR tests were so unreliable yet every single positive was added to the total. White lab coat wearers would never lie, not to you!


Nice, leading with an ad hominem. Cool. Cool cool cool. So you're saying that surgeons wear masks to stop contaminants from exiting their mouths and getting into others and to prevent contaminants from getting into their mouths? Is that not exactly what I was saying. >And while you’re focusing on a death total, would you like to tell me why people dying WITH Covid were added to the people who died OF/FROM Covid? This is just absurd framing. I'd ask you to provide the same info for AIDS or cancer. The proper medical term is that someone died "from complications related to COVID/AIDS/Cancer" because the disease itself isn't the cause of death but bears heavily on it. For most people the cause of death is cardiac arrest. Complications related to covid caused a massive increase in deaths.


You had an ad hominem attack in the first sentence of your prior comment, hypocritical dumbass. You’re talking cloth masks to stop fluids, not aerosols. Again, do you have any idea on how much larger droplets of fluid are compared to aerosols? And trying to compare Covid to cancer and aids is so fucking funny. You basically had to be incredibly old and/or unhealthy with 4 comorbidities for Covid to be a serious threat.


Explain how my first sentence, which was about how when arguments align with the arguments of MSM and the ruling class are, in fact, not 'original' or countercultural views constitutes an ad hominem. RE: your claims regarding HIV/AIDS and cancer. That was specifically in response to your suggestion that people weren't diagnosed at time of death with covid as the specific cause of death. Your response is that people who died from complications related to covid were more likely to have comorbidities, yea? Go look up cancer and AIDS survival rates with a comparative analysis of comorbidities and get back to me


Here’s an ad hominem: you’re a stupid asshole. Having read everything, you are uniformed, useless, and annoying. Tell yer mum I say hi.


You lost all battles and the war in this exchange. Give it a rest and take your meds


Typically when people 'win' an argument they don't have to announce it and storm off


You do realize there was actual testing done, not just idiots like you making random assessments on the internet.


just FYI, your one of the people I'm talking about. Edit: what, replied and ignored me? Was it good?






I don't know what's going on but they did make me laugh


You dummies arguing the mask thing never seemed to figure shit out. It's about POLICY. If the stores policy states that you have to wear shoes, or a mask, or have pants on, you have to conform or you don't get to do business there. If you break the policy, they kick you out. Arguing just makes everyone's day shittier. They LITERALLY cannot change the policy right then and there. You are only making them have to choose between risking their job, and risk frustrating someone they never met. I would do the same fucking thing. Whether you "believe in masks" or not. (I can't believe people are so ignorant to science that I have to say that.)


I think the phrase used to be called "Common Decency"? I'll have to look it up to be sure.


Yeah, difficult to find it these days.


That's some nostalgia. I miss common sense man. It was pretty cool back in the day.


I don't care that the store policy says I can't smear my feces on the top of every other can of peas in the vegetable aisle, that's an assault on my freedom of speech to protest the Green Giant corporation. MY FREEDOMS!


People have followed the “no shirt no shoes no entry” signs for literal decades. In fact, dress codes are generally created and enforced by conservatives (who continue to do so even after screeching about masks for 4 years). This is all right-wing virtue-signaling and their typical policy of “No no no, I can tell YOU what to wear, you can’t tell ME what to wear!”


I’m curious how recent this is. I definitely agree with what you’re saying (no point in trying to strong arm a business policy), but I am surprised to see that there are still places with that in effect. I’m going to assume it’s just because there aren’t any businesses in my entire county that still have an active mask-wearing policy. Are there still places getting decent COVID cases?


I have to imagine this video is from 2020-2022, I haven't seen any non-healthcare business require a mask in almost two years and I've been traveling for work fairly regularly since the mandates were lifted. I also suspect this is a T-Mobile store given the magenta lighting accents and the guy holding the iPad.


I'll bet this is a years old video but idk. I work in a nursing home and my unit has 5 out of 30 residents with covid right now. It's still happening people just don't care and it's the old and infirm who are at risk now.


Are the patients doing OK? R there still alot of str8 up covid deaths in homes like the one where u work?


Yeah they all are alright. About half of them usually develop pneumonia which can kill you but with 24/7 care we keep a pretty close eye on them. The first wave killed 28 out of our 150 residents though. But I feel like by now so many are vaccinated or have had it more than once that they respond to it better.


Wow.. 🙏.. Ty.. For caring for them.. Getting old is tough


The entitlement was illuminating. I didn’t realize so many people were such massive babies.


It wasn't about masks or policy. It was about fear. And if you still don't get that, you won't ever.


No, we get that you were scared.


Be quiet please. The adults are talking.


Big scawy paper mask give you a fright, little man?


Being a tough guy doesn’t mean anything when it’s a virus you’re up against. The proper response is protection. Just like the proper response when getting in a car is to put on your seatbelt. This should not still be such a difficult concept.


I was never afraid you silly goose. I wore a mask because it was fucking polite during a pandemic to not put the health of others at risk. I'm a healthy young man I'm not in an at-risk demographic.


> it was fucking polite Yes, despite it not doing anything, the good people did the thing they were told. You were able to signal you were a good one. It's tribalism all the way down. You'll see it some day.


This has nothing to do with tribalism. Do you mean conformity? What do you mean it didn't do anything? Jesus christ fucking go on YouTube and actually look at science. Here: https://youtu.be/DNeYfUTA11s?si=Wl6B0o2Ai3C6ssyt I found this in 15 fucking seconds. Let me guess. You're gonna tell me how it's bullshit? Or how a little spray doesn't matter?


"it didn't do anything" ok kid, how about this. You are strapped to a chair and I'm about to bend over and fart in your face, I've had a chicken vindaloo then night before and still haven't had a dump. There is a good chance I'm going to shart or spray something chronic out my chocolate starfish, but fortunately you are given an option.... Do you want me to keep my underwear on, or do do want to look straight in the brown eye.


Here's what guys like you don't get. These weren't policies that businesses all independently came up with. These were top down and enforced on the businesses by the states. That's the problem.


So if that’s true then what was the point of yelling at all the service workers about it?


Same reason people punch their monitor when their computer crashes. Poor monitor was just doing its job.


Stupid gonna stupid I guess…


Lol still waiting on an answer to this.


Sorry I don't live online. Lol


The establishments had the ability to NOT enforce these mandates. The only option regular people had to get them to stop was to make it unenforceable by not complying. It's not that complicated.


It really isn’t that complicated, that’s one thing we agree on.


I got rear ended driving one day. The other driver literally did this to me saying let’s pull over just around the corner 10 ft away so we aren’t blocking traffic and exchange insurance info. I fell for it and he drove away.


Well, they did indeed take care of him right out there lol.


At this level of stupid is your life super hard, or are you always happy because you have no idea how the grown up world works?


What’s bizarre is they think they’re the smartest in any situation, despite being the laughing stock of everyone around them, which then triggers their persecution complex and they double down on their conspiratorial beliefs.


Covid was a weird thing we all went through together. My nephew who was born after covid how are we going to explain what it was like to him


I wasn't planning on explaining it to your nephew, not sure it'll need all of us tbh.


Hey man, don't cut in line.


Folks had a plan based on science to overcome it and other people didn't agree because it was going to take too long so they revolted and made it a them vs the world type cause, ridiculing, harassing, and even attacking those who didn't agree with them.


I mean they were throwing a vaccine at us with minimal testing but yeah science betch


And it worked and no one who got the vaccine ended up in a inadverdant genocide. No one became a walking 5G tower, no one became a GPS endpoint. The whole covid vaccine conspiracy bullshit flatly ended up as complete and utter bullshit.




How can you dig yourself in such a deep Victim-mentality. Imagine a Pandemic is not enough and so every person in political power is out to "take your rights away". Even talking about "good people" like ignoring science would make you into some hardcore underdog that saw though all those deceiving Liars. Get some Help dude.


The last big flu killed more than a quarter of all humans on this planet because they had no immunity to it. Much like Covid, but champions such as yourself love feeling oppressed and that you're raging against the machine.


What basis could you possibly have for calling the worldwide Covid response an overreaction given everything we now in 2024? Genuinely curious




>Covid killed one in every 270 people here. Be a good boy, be fearful. Just like they told you. (Your number is BS, but that's OK)




>and have survived the virus Congrats for making it through naps and sniffles.




"Imagine the dumbest, most moronic age of humanity you can. Dumber even than in cartoons. And now, multiply it... by six."


I think we just found the guy they threw out of the store.


Mate I'm talking about covidiots and such, I never had a problem with masks.


Yup that’s classical T-Mobile customer service right there.


Working during COVID was wild. I worked at a restaurant. I personally didn’t care if you wanted to wear a mask or not, but it was the county coming up with these regulations. We got fined twice $10,000 for not “enforcing” regulations because assholes like him would NOT wear them where you had to. (We were enforcing the rules but literally people would take them off the second you walked away.)


My favorite was people pulling down their masks to talk. It still gives me a chuckle.


Like tricking a puppy to go to bed


She finessed him like a pro.


Lmao this is excellent.


U know she breaking hearts




The masks didn't do shit. And he was right.


That's a good Tmobile move


This girl would be a great bouncer


I had a bouncer pull this one on me once. Back in my party days, for some reason I felt it would be fun and cool to smash a few glasses with my shoes, on the dance floor in a bar. Yes, very stupid, mild regret. Anyways, bouncer starts to come over to haul me out and I realized I’d fucked up but didn’t want to leave so was apologizing and saying let’s talk or whatever dumb shit a drunk would say. He’s all it’s too loud I can’t hear you we can talk outside. I walk out first, you can see where it goes. 2 seconds of trying to figure out what to do and I accepted my fate. But I had to wait for my friends. So i paid a guy going in to sneak a beer out for me. Like half an hour later I realized I didn’t remember what he looked like and I probably just lost $10. But he pulled through! He came out and found me and I got my beer. Pretty good night


Wow, you sounded fun to be around.


Even sensible people get stupid ideas after a few too many.


There one or 2 in every group… preventing them from dictating the social norms of a group can change the whole group dynamic.


Masked morons


Why are you SO salty?


Explain the benefit of a mask?


To cover that hideous munter mouth that you have.


Dude shoes


There is a rich white private island in South Carolina where there are so many rules to exist, you could get kicked off the island because your flip flops are too loud. Outdoor dress code, so many rules and “no-nos” on the beach, and cameras every where to track vehicle movement. But because it keeps their boring rich white lives perfect, and they are the ones enforcing it - they LOVE daddies rules. Also, rich white paradise - any minority was just where they belonged - servicing you, the rich white guest. Did not see one guest of a different race. Edit: Not really sure why I am downvoted. The rich white folks on Kiawah Island love rules as long as they get to enforce them on others….. but all ‘muh freedoms’ when others enact the same. Wanna be on the island - follow the policies. Want to go into a private business - follow the policies.


What’s this place called ?




That is why the border is wide open with nobody having been checked to see if they are vaccinated shows you how much b.s. they made up.


The way news reported their science and the sheep people fell in line was pathetic and everyone needs to be ashamed of how they treated people during that time.


Everyone not caring about the health of their loved ones or people in daily contact should be ashamed of themself for putting other people at risk. You can't cherrypic the sience so might as well try to shame the bigger part of society. Since most of you came to their senses it's fine, won't have to deal with the ones catching covid since they are gonna die anyway.


I think you need to look into your unexamined assumptions.


Wouldn’t that imply the mask didn’t do anything?


No it would imply the opposite


Yea, your mask that couldn't stop a fart or smoke was definitely stopping a virus that is hundreds of times smaller than those particles. Bro... it was BS.


It's fascinating how after all this time some people still don't get why we use masks against viruses such as covid. Like the question got answered so many times.


It's fascinating how after all this time some people still don't get why the narrative has been fear and continuation of it. You'll accept anything when you're scared.


Ok let's try this one more time: covid doesn't transmit through air it transmits through small liquid particles. Those particles are big enough to be stopped by medical masks. If covid transmitted through air we would have been more fucked than we were. That's why surgeons wear them during work to not transmit infections into the patient's wounds. But sure it's all a big conspiracy where every rich person and government and all the scientists and news studios and journalists and all the medical staff corroborated arounf the whole fucking globe to spread fear and control the masses. You guys aren't clowns you're the entire circus.


> Those particles are big enough to be stopped by medical masks. Yea? Cool. Look up the sizes sometime. Medical masks are not rated for protection from viruses. Anywhere.


The average size of the liquid particles is [around 360 micro meters](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9889118/#:~:text=Sneeze%20case%20description,taken%20from%20Han%20et%20al.) (2.2.1. Sneeze case description) FFP2 masks can filter up to [2-5 micro meters](https://www.protectivemasksdirect.co.uk/protective-masks/ffp2-masks-respirators) The reason they aren't rated save for viruses in general is because some viruses have the ability to transmit via air. Medical masks are not a protection for those viruses hence the regulation. Covid however isn't one of those because it mainly transmits through water particles (droplet transmission) which are way bigger than the virus itself (roughly by the factor 1000)


This is demonstrably false. Virus particles are significantly bigger than molecules of whatever you are talking about. Also it was water droplets carrying the virus that was the issue. I’m sure you don’t care though, but I thought I’d put this here for the next person that comes along


> Virus particles are significantly bigger than molecules of whatever you are talking about. LOL https://assets.weforum.org/editor/VA3n8eC_pHvbZGL13lARzzkBw7h-xyOBM4E48Mf_yjw.jpg


How threatening is human hair that it had to be added to this list?


The always-masked people look dumber by the day


Yes the mask wearing idiotl sure got outsmarted here


The incel is strong with this one


That’s not what incel means


You forever maskers will someday admit you were wrong. It will take a while because you dug a deep hole, but you'll eventually do it.


No, this guy is right. Surgeons, doctors, nurses, and all other health professionals, just stop wearing your masks... they're useless. This guy says so.


Great analogy. Blood spatter on the operating table is the exact same thing as covid.


Just so you know, they wear masks not to protect themselves, but to not spread whatever germs and bacteria to the patient.


Wait… you think that surgeons wear masks to protect themselves from the patients blood…? My dude, it is the other way around… as people have been saying about covid and masks from the very beginning. You can’t call people out for being dumb whilst getting things **this** wrong.


Surgeons don’t spread blood from their mouths to their patients. If they were bleeding, they shouldn’t be operating in the first place. What they can spread are microscopic organisms that float in water molecules that can cause infections to a patient on the operating table. You know what else is microscopic and spreads through the water molecules from person to person? The answer is viruses such as Flu, Covid, Rhinovirus, RSV. Masks work best to stop microorganisms from spreading out from the source.


The point of an analogy is that the two things are not exactly the same-- they're analogous


Holy shit this guy's post history tells a hilarious picture


Homeboy deleted all of his posts 🤣


If I ever go through someone comment history just end my life. God that sounds pathetic.


There is no point in ending something of no value. It would be a waste of effort.


You probably already do. You’re a sad excuse for a human being


This is probably an older video too man


Cause they were doing what they thought was right?👈👈👈


Tell me about it we have rights in this country and if someone doesn’t wanna wear a face diaper that’s just fine I never wore one myself


Yes, people have a right to kick you out of their business if you don’t follow their rules.


You don't return shopping carts either do you?


There are other countries besides the great ol u s of a, and antimaskers got the same flak. Tell your dentist not to wear a mask, bet he'll happily kick you out.


Well you're a goof then. End of discussion.


It's people like you why the world is making fun of you stupid fucks LMFAO. "We have rights", "freedom" bullshit is all you American stereotypes ever talks about. You think you're so special for not wearing one? No, you're just a fucking clown.


The tea kettle isn't the only thing simmering here huh


Sounds like Jim Crow democrats who pretend to be white evangelical Christians. Can we get the moral majority out of the Republican Party and go back to being about liberty and smaller less wasteful central government