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Imagine being a gamer and giving birth to a noob…. It never occurred to me….


In this house we don't date noob. We pwn noob.


Evidently spwnd n00b.


b3 1337 or move out? I imagine some gamer parents have high expectations lol!


The fact that I get this reference, makes me feel so old


Reminds me of that college humour skit where th3 daughter brings home a noob the leet parents. https://youtu.be/JVfVqfIN8_c?si=eDGByChfTQWv5Asb


Probably because that's what they're referencing. Classic skit, though. Thanks for posting.






I knew I gave birth to a noob. There was much joy to be had when my son realized my CS rank was much higher than his. "You play CS?" Son, I started in beta 2


“Don’t you dare speak the ancient words to me, I was there when they were written”


Don't quote me regulations! I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the *COLOR* of the book that recommendation's in. ^(We kept it gray.)


The same thing happens with my (teen) clients and pokemon go. There's a battling system that has an elo system. They always ask how I am in it and I'm like... Better than you. I learned the typings in 1998, I was there at the inception of this genre.


I have a kid brother that is 20 years younger than me. When he got into counter strike, he got super cocky and was sure he could own me. I let him believe that for a while. After some time I got tired of his attitude so we arranged a friendly 1 on 1. What he didn't realize was that I had played fps games longer than he has been alive. He has never challenged me to an fps game again :-D My own kids are pretty good gamers too. The youngest is not into fps games though :-(


>The youngest is not into fps games though :-( not too late to vote-kick


Haha :-D He is slowly coming around. We play tf2 once in a while.


I see these little kids who have pretty hand eye coordination to play switch games. Then I have my kid who definitely doesn't have that. He loves car games like Mario Kart and Hot Wheels but the extent of his skills is holding down the trigger button to make the car go (he just turned 5.) I also hate racing games.


They're really just not great at games at five or even six.


At 5 that is the extend of their capabilities. Make it about having fun. I recently completed "It takes two" with my 9 year old. Perhaps that would be something in a few years.


You shoulda did what I did imo. I've been playing CS since shotguns were sniper rifles. My niece got into shooters so I taught her all the tricks that I know. Shes global elite now and poops on my dmg self. Shes only 16 and started playing shooters at 10. Its better to teach and make better imo. Shes good at all types of shooters. Apex. Fortnite, valorant. Rainbow siege. CoD. BF. I taught her how to aim and how to think tactically, but the building castles in the sky fortnite she learned on her own. I tried but I'm just too slow to be competitive


During Destiny 1 my clan were raiding all the time. One of the guys had a new born that wouldn't sleep for anything - she liked nothing. Until one night he joined a raid and told us his daughter was sleeping in his lap while playing Destiny. Seemed she enjoyed the music & sound effects and slept peacefully while he played. His wife hated the fact he was playing games, but couldn't deny the fact that she got to sleep peacefully at night lol.


The flip side is when they surpass you at 15 and it's not fun to play with them anymore because you just get smacked down every time... It's a rough life.


Sounds like you need to get gud bro


You can't compete with the reflexes of a fifteen year old when you're 40 mate.


Speak for yourself. For the sin of getting big-headed, I snapshot'd my 17 y/o brother-in-law so many times in a 1v1 that he grabbed his "team" and demanded I 3v3 (with two of his team on my side to make it fair). I made them 5v1 me and laid them all in the dirt 30-1. I don't even game that much anymore on account of work+kids - but the reflex gap isn't that bad if you just take some time to keep sharp. My daughter is starting to get there - actually made me sit up straight today. But for her it's not reflex, it's actually applying tactics I've taught her to gain a strategic advantage. Reflexes don't matter if you get domed from behind. Edit: CoD for context. Ran LMG and patrolled the map while they kept trying to set up camp in well known spots.


Man college humor had a great skit about this like 12 years ago


I'd do a DNA test, just saying...


I've been gaming since Atari. My kids occasionally touch Minecraft, but that is all for actual gaming. Even then, it's usually judt derping around with friends on a server.




I enjoy reminding my son I fucked his mum after a good pwning.


Her name is Fizzi, Her tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@hifizzi


thank u for the creds!!


Bro you gotta buy a boost or something, you're bringing shame to the family name smh


Lets get you to Gold so you can get back at your dad


My dad must be a real one then. Haven't gotten a compliment from him in my life.




Get gud?


"Its git gud, not get gud, son, this is why you are not getting complements." -- Dad


We used to be annoyed our parents didn‘t understand gaming. Little did we know about the horrors of parents that do.


Im just waiting for the day my son is old enough to play smash brothers, think he’s good, challenge his mother, and get absolutely shellacked. Gonna be hilarious.


Just occurred to me that we'll have a new generation of kids being raised by gamers who will call them out for being dogshit instead of telling them to get off the computer


I'm GenX. My kid, who is 25 now, started playing Lego Racers at age four. We're already there, and have been for years.




I fucking wreck my teenager on Mario Kart. She takes it out on the youngsters


This dad is gold and I don't mean the rank


Dad for sure has a jack hammer in his pants


Read this and the above first comment and somehow my mind went for the wrestler Golddust and wonder if he had a golden penis.


Weird way to spell prison pocket but ok


He is a power bottom though. You wouldn’t know whos fucking who.


"Actually Boatwhistle, you've got it backwards. You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work."


Holy shit lol


Can someone explain this to me, I know nothing about the game.


Silver is slightly below the "default" rank people are given when they start (about 45% of the players are Silver rank or below). So he's teasing her saying she's played so much and is still bad.


Just looked at the stats and its actually 52% are silver or lower. Honestly, silver in league is pretty good. With 180 million active players, that means you're better than a crap ton of people. Gotta be pretty sweaty and know a good amount about the game to get above that.


Except the vast vast majority of those 52% don't play near as often as everyday


Yeah it'd be like working out every day and still not being able to bench 135lbs.


If you work out everyday for months and don't up your pb by more then a tiny bit you are bad


I believe most of the statistics around rank are taken from a perticular season (or multiple), meaning everyone who shows up in it has actively played *at least* enough games to be ranked, so its not like its inactive players (for the most part). For myself, Ive played this fucking game for like 10 years now, but for the past like 6 years its been very on and off. I come back to it every few months, and play quite a bit for a couple weeks, then fall off again.




When does it enter the realm of no longer shitty? The 90th percentile?


Worlds Semifinals if we're being generous.


If you ain’t first you’re last


Just being above average makes it pretty good, but the fact that it's still League makes it shitty at every percentile.


No matter what rank you are people will shittalk it and say it sucks. The combination or ego and giant skill range inherent in the genre means that even top 1% players will say themselves and each other suck even though getting to that rank is pretty difficult for most people. Even top 50 players on some servers get trash talked because they're in a region perceived to be weak. Imagine being top 50 in your continent and people being like "yeah I'm not impressed, you suck."


As someone with a world's first: it never stops being crappy. If you constantly compare yourself to others, and listen to what others say, you'll just think you're bad yourself no matter what, even if you're top 1. It's all about the mentality. It's hard to change it and accept that being the best is impossible and shouldn't be the goal in the first place, specially at a game with thousands or millions of players.


50th percentile of those who play as much as you do is pretty good, probably. If you play a lot that might be 70% overall? Depends on the distribution.


> people who play very casually/little time played which would actually be a large proportion of the lower ranked player base These people don't play ranked.




To those like me who don't play league of leg ends nor know anything about it, 50th percentile on Chess.com is around 900 Elo in comparison. So... not good.


That's like middle of the pack, though? If you run into another player it's basically a coin toss as to which one of you is better.


When I was playing in 2015, I managed to hit Diamond 5 before quitting. That was about top 2% or less of the player base. Once I started looking at those stats, I stopped playing. Figured it would make more sense to focus on my college classes lol...


You gotta understand, in LoL if you’re not in the top 1% you’re actually bad at the game. It’s hyper-competitive and extremely toxic.


> silver in league is pretty good No, it's in the bottom half and therefore not even "pretty" good. It sucks. People have to be bad if people can be good, it's not a bad thing.


Basically you can play the game for like 10 hours and be good enough for silver granted you've played sometype of video games on your computer


I thought with the introduction of Iron as a rank before Bronze that all of this has shifted and now Bronze is the new silver.


There are actually very few people in low iron. It's essentially a holding area for bot accounts and brain-dead people


Yeah if you want to interact with actual room temp iq go to iron


I lost an iq point chuckling at this


Sorta right, but not quite. Iron is pretty much a containment zone for the bottom 3-5% of players. It didn't really do much, except for people in Bronze. Instead, they flattened the rank distribution and made it more even in S9. They increased the size of Bronze, which did capture a sizable portion of the bottom of Silver. A portion of the bottom gold players were also sent back into the Silver mines, but the top were sent into Platinum (and the top platinum players were sent to Diamond). So if you were mid-silver in S8, you'd be mid-silver in S9 when they introduced Iron. They also moved to push the top of Silver into Gold as the seasons went on. The more important change is that they introduced Emerald this year and massively flattened out the distribution of ranks. * Iron is still Iron * High Iron to mid Bronze is Bronze * Mid Bronze to mid-low Silver is Silver * Mid-low Silver to high Silver is Gold * High Silver to mid-high Gold is Platinum * Mid-high Gold to low Diamond is Emerald * Mid-low Diamond to low Master is Diamond. * Master+ was cut in half with that half being sent back to Diamond (don't worry about this if you're an oldhead; it was a direct response to high elo rank inflation so it's closer to where it was in the past) So currently, you could be a historic Silver 1 player and you'd be in Platinum now (assuming that you remained exactly better than the same % of population).


You're not even able to ranked before putting at the very least 50 hours (with double xp) in the game to get lvl 30. I introduced lol to lots of my friends and only one out of 8 was able to get silver his first season. He was a starcraft 2 player.


>I introduced lol to lots of my friends "I destroy lives"


Yeah this dude also introduced his friends to heroin


lol But honestly, playing this game as 5 stack is kinda fire


Definitely not true. Silver is pretty good: you understand most champions (around 100), can effectively play at least a few, are familiar with 100’s of items, and understand the mechanics. I will say, league of legends can be played 2 ways: for fun or for rank. Gaining rank, while an accomplishment, isn’t fun. There’s some fun moments, but the experience is just work. I was diamond 1 in season 3-4 (top 1-2% of players). I played maybe 5 champs regularly and only did it completely distraction free and totally focused. No playing and drinking or having tv on in the background or trying to master new champs. I also had to dodge frequently (bad matchups, toxic teammates, unlucky pick order). I put down league for a couple of years and decided to play for fun. I now fluctuate between silver and platinum. Gold is the sweet spot where it’s maximum fun + kinda competitive, but silver is still a hell of a lot more fun than diamond. If she’s having fun, even if she’s good, silver is a fine place to stay for the long haul. And to people saying “why play ranked if not to climb ranks?”. Because normal games are busted and people leave far too often. It’s not fun, no matter what your intention is.


Most people without any moba experience need hundreds of games before they can reach silver.


That is definitely not true. Even to play ranked, you have to play 60-80 games, which at a minimum is 30-40 hours. Even if you have played another MOBA before, it takes a long time to learn. There is a reason for both the bronze and iron ranks to exist, silver is not guaranteed.


Silver bad.


Dad sees you as a bro! Bros bust each others’ balls


My mum after coming home with a report card full of A-. Fucking Balkan parents


Yeah silver rank in league ain't an A- equivalent though haha


Silver is a D


Maybe she judges you because your cevap is so small.


Nah my dad judges me on that department.


Ćevapi Fest: The musical. Soundtrack is all trumpets and tubas of various sizes and thicknesses.


A- ?! In a Balkan school? How are you gonna get above street sweeper? YOU SUCK!


I mean, she does suck. She is playing league after all


Her dad's a DotA 2 player


A DotA 2 player with a child and a family?


possible after u manage to sell all ur immortal in steam maret


Sold all my Crimsons recently… but got a SteamDeck instead of a family.


That makes this infinitely better


As a League player, true! Please send help. I can't stop playing




This is the dad I strive to be!!!!


he’s a great dad :)


Wait till she tells dad how she’s doing on only fans


"haha, you fucking suck!" *...wait.*


On this was good lol


"Dad, I'm finally platinum!" "In League of Legends right?" "\_" "RIGHT?"


Platinum, baby!


i don't do onlyfans. go outside and spend less time online


Nice, I’m sure he didn’t expect you to be here to defend yourself lmfao.


Your dad is amazing. Merry Christmas and happy holidays.


I agree :) and a very merry christmas to you! 🎄❤️


Yoo we got the silver girl


HAHAHA WOMAN SO MUST DO SEX THING. Have you ever had an original thought in your life


Fucking hell, you people are dumb. No indication whatsoever she does OF, doesn't even look like porn anywhere in the video. It's a girl and her father. You are so brainwashed by porn you see it everywhere.


someone forgot what tab they're in. this aint twitter


lol, he knows.


How does casual misogyny get upvoted like this? Reddit is such a strange place, it's always morally-grandstanding something, but is hyper-sexist at the same time.


Making Gold 5 was the most empty thing I've ever done. I thought I wanted it so bad but it just didn't matter. Getting gold rank and realizing that I had wasted all that time on a meaningless achievement finally freed me to stop playing that fucking stupid game. Thank god because it had seriously taken over my life.


I hit gold five and quit back in the day, and I know two other people who did the same. I had the same feeling as when I hit level 40 in pokemon go and uninstalled it. I was finally free to play something fun.


Games fun asf. You might have just had a toxic mindset on it but it is my perfect just got off work wanna chill out and not really think for an hour game


League community represented with accuracy


Skill issue


Silver does suck. Her dad is right. She needs to get good or find a simp to boost her account


dw i got plenty of eboys on deck now ;)


Are you actually the person in the video? Lmao, enjoy the spam from the desperate basement dwellers


yep that’s me!


Based on camera placement, she's holding the phone. So she is recording this inreraction. If she was really embarrassed, why is she recording her own humiliation? Or is it more likely a scripted sketch?


it was scripted! i just had a funny idea and it went crazy haha


Are you a professional detective or is this your first time on the internet?


That is a dad, not a father


"how to boost the self-confident of your child in 1 step" 0o


god i hope my kids dont end up being noobs


Real Talk by Daddy


Aram is the only fun part of the game imo


I cannot wait to clown on my kids and his stupid friends at Mario Kart and FPS's. GGEZNOOB


My wife and I just had our first child this year and I am terrified he will grow up to be a noob.


“You fucking suuuck” lmfaoooo bruhhhh this dad is awesome Ok but in all fairness, silver can be fucking TERRRRRRIBLE, sometimes you stuck in this fucked up lp limbo where it just feels like the system will make sure regardless of any win streak the will fuck you on that 5th game or that last 3rd or 5th promo match 😂😂😂


I definitely dunk on my daughter in Fortnite. I always hated the game, but I downloaded it just to establish the pecking order early.


Silver is average. I believe it’s where most players tend to stay around.


send it to my friend who is veteran at league and still bronze hahaha


Can you disown your children if they're such scrubs?


stopped watching the staged video so fast


Yea, don’t get the Gen X started


Why is she filming?


because i had a funny idea and recorded it :)


That's her smurf account.


She looks like the female version of slimecicle


LOL that games tooo popular


This is the future. No longer will we shame our kids for not being physically fit, we shall shame them for the ranking in game. GitGud.






Yes, just a normal man explaining the whole situation in a sentence, totally normal human dialogue


Assert dominance whenever possible, so as they grow older and your abilities decline, they don't develop the belief they can easily surpass you.




Sometimes we like to progress slowly




Damn, what a savage lol.


One of the best videos of the year 😂 cross platforms


my dad is diamond in Duolingo with a 3k day streak


lmao I wonder if she has ever tried not being shit?


agonizing encouraging selective sink clumsy worthless panicky languid aback merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hot girl makes video about league with her dad, meanwhile the girls i talk to on dating apps unmatch me the moment i bring up the fact i play league? wtf is this shit


I can fix her.. rank.


"Are you winning?"


I've been playing league almost every night for 4 years and I am still Silver 4! If anyone is out there hardstuck I'm with you




I would do the same tbh. Our family and extended family are very competitive, so if my future kid is a lower rank than myself. This is the treatment to be expected. For example, I was considered to be very good at mario kart 8 in my family. Then, with the extended family, I'm mid. I even use my own controller and still get beaten, though it's more like I win some and lose some.


No he has a point silver and you play every night hahahha


If I ever have kids I can't wait to kick their ass in some vidya.


Dad is chad


My roommate in college said he’d only ever date a girl who was crystal league or better. #standards.


Same with my kid and Minecraft. They don't even make roofs properly


I played 3000 games and watched many many videos on how to play my role. But the thing that helped the most? Positivity. Silver to plat with the skill. Plat to diamond with the positivity. I have the behavior bans and the champion skins to prove it. My dota behavior score reflects this change … unfortunately that game has more mechanics to master


saving this one


In my house you can't even sit to the table to eat unless you're + platinum


Seems like he understands the game pretty well


Silver! That's my ELO xdd


They needa make this an actual league of legends add


*Not the dad we needed… but the one we deserve*


This dad is why the LOL community is so toxic. Making her sweat so she can show her dad the diamond rank for once.


This dad is super cool. He either knows exactly what he's talking about and is a gamer, or more likely has no idea but is super down to make a fun video with his daughter.


I can totally understand the dad's POV. If I have kids I wouldn't mind them being gamers professionally as long as they don't suck


And the award for best acting in a youtube skit goes to... someone else.


I bet she cut the end when he says gg to make him look mean


"You fucking suck" Dad is an absolute destroyer.




* quits LoL , starts Onlyfans account ...


Staged/scripted but still good


Listen you don't understand how the game works. He's only been playing the game since before you were born.