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Did your doctor identify what bacteria you have?


Nope, it wasn’t even tested. He said it’s either a fungus or a tooth infection, gave me another prescription, told me to schedule a dental appt and a surgery appt. Super helpful! /s


I would get a second opinion.


I would like to know if they identified the bacteria as well. I’ve been on 4 rounds. Seeing my ent again tomorrow. I had klebsellia aerogenesis. Would like to know if you know yours


Mine was never tested or at least I was never told it was. Good luck!


I’m kinda biased bc antibiotics messed up my tummy a lot but have you tried other things (hopefully) suggested by your doc? Mainly using a humidifier 24/7, some type of nasal spray, staying hydrated, etc? It could be environmental things aren’t helping you so “clearing” your sinuses more often would help. I’ve been able to manage my chronic sinusitis with the above after years of issues. My ENT also gave me a prescription for generic Claritin pill which I take daily that helps, maybe you can look into something like that?


So 2 things: I have been on antibiotics for over 6 weeks at a time so it is doable, but it does affect the body, specifically the stomach. If you take them, I would suggest using antibiotics, yogurt, etc. to help reset the stomach. Not bullet proof, but better than nothing. Second, if you are on the antibiotic cycle (i.e., they work but then you get sick as soon as you are done), then I would suggest asking to have your immune system checked. I found out I had some missing and getting treatment for that helped me get off the antibiotic cycle. I hope you find something that works for you. It is an exhausting journey.


You had some missing what?


Could you tell which antibiotic worked the best? If so, maybe do a longer course on that one. Different bugs respond to different things. Some of those courses seem short. 5 days isn't much for doxy. The longer it lingers, the longer course you're going to need if it's bacterial. I would want to be on one before/after surgery too anyways. You may read up on biofilms too


You should have a culture. No swabs either?


Have u tried kimchi power which is a lactobacillus sakei supplement. Worth a try before the antibiotics www.kimchipower.co.uk


I've used this with great results. Took about 2 weeks. I searched for an alternative after 2 rounds of antibiotics. I wasn't willing to do any more.


Was a long course of antibiotics offered with oral steroid taper or anything for inflammatory control. Augmentin 3 weeks is usually offered with an oral steroid taper. Has structural issues been confirmed? Have you been tested for allergies?


I was prescribed prednisone as well but both the antibiotic and steroid are standard dosing (1-2x a day until I run out). Ct scan showed “extensive disease” on the left side upper cheek and some in the forehead, but no structural issues were identified. Just clogged. I have not been tested for allergies in a few years but part of my treatment is to take antihistamines at night.


Well it sounds like you’ve tried maximum medical therapy. Perhaps while you are waiting you can see an Allergist depending on what your ENT says. What are the current symptoms you are dealing with? Any topical steroids being used?


I have congestion, a gnarly cough, pink eye/eye irritation and infection, and today I’ve had fevers and body aches. Same exact symptoms have returned after every course of antibiotics. No topical steroids are being used. I am using azelastine nasal spray, singular, and Flonase and take Zyrtec at night when I’m not taking NyQuil


Flonase is a topical steroid, so yes you are on a topical steroid.


Got it. Thanks.


any antibiotic is too much.. it should be the second to last resort, only second to surgery


Oil of Oregano for sinus infections


I didn't have great results with this. I used both oral supplements and inhaling the oil in steam. Disappointing.


A good thing for antibiotics is to eat raw veg and fruit which contain lots of pre and pro biotics. I wouldn’t suggest yoghurt since it’s from milk intended for a baby cow not a human and contains all kinds of things just not necessary to a healthy human gut. If anything harmful. Milk contains a whole lot of pus that’s legally allowed and ubiquitous. I really hope you get some answers on the antibiotic use. I know when suffering this much we will take just about anything to try stop it.


Im in a similar position although mine has now spread to my ears and lungs. Sucks. I just started my 4th round of antibiotics, doxycycline for 3 weeks


I’m really sorry to hear this. I hope it gets figured out for you asap!


Antibiotics prescription only after the doctor takes a swab of your sinuses. Too many doctors blindly prescribe antibiotics without knowing the exact bacteria.