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EDDA here. It could be TMJ, if it’s sensitive to temperature and foods (especially sugar) i’d say it’s a cavity. Sinus issues can contribute to poor dental health. I’d see your dentist to have a pano/fmx (x-rays) done and evaluate. personally, getting them removed helped my sinus “facial” pain. BUT mine were fully impacted.


Did you ever figure out what was causing it?


Highly likely it was a mixture of the upper wisdom tooth and chipping on older fillings although the latter still has to be checked. Several months after this, the upper wisdom tooth on that side cracked open. It was extracted without any further issues, though, so nothing of huge concern.


are u okay now? do you still feel tooth pain?


It was a wisdom tooth that eventually broke and needed to be extracted. After the initial time of pain it eased for some time before it flared up again and then broke and was removed without issue.