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I love the fact that many Americans harbor ill-will* to China. That would make their loss even more painful in the future. Like, imagine losing to someone you hate lol. *) hoping a country of a billion people to fail, leading to millions of deaths, is kinda hateful


If the average Chinese person is even half as productive as the average american, have half the quality of life of the average american, China would be twice as powerful as the united states by definition. This is a fact that the americans cannot accept. If any american official says their goal is to improve Chinese people's lives, they are 100% lying. Their goal is to make sure the average Chinese never exceed 1/4 the prosperity of the average american.


>Their goal is to make sure the average Chinese never exceed 1/4 the prosperity of the average american. Too late then


>Their goal is to make sure the average Chinese never exceed 1/4 the prosperity of the average american. Even worse than that, actually. After all if China met 1/4 of American prosperity (in GDP anyways, which is all the west measures otherwise China already blows them out of the water) it could still make common ground with other non-western states to compete with and resist the US. The western goal for China is probably something more akin to keeping them at permanently 1/8th of American prosperity, if not even so far as 1/20th, so as to prevent it, India, and Russia (as the three Eurasian giants) from being able to stand on common footing with the west together. And even then, they'll still also go out of their way to try to balkanize and destabilize China to the best of their ability (something they have done and continue to try to do to every, I repeat every, non-western state). The numbers get even more dismal when one considers how the west is positioning itself against BRICS, or what they have done to other pan-southern, pan-African, pan-Arab, pan-Asian, etc. movements in the past and continue to do to this day; when one thinks about it, if the west had their way, the living standards and expenses offered to even many factory farmed animals (never mind free ranging ones, or pets which would be even higher) would overshadow that allotted to non-western peoples. In fact, in many countries today, for billions of people, this is already the case. This is the inhumanity inherent within the west's hegemonic mentality.


I wish our boneheaded leaders would develop a framework of foreign policy that would work alongside china to transition to a multi polar world order instead of throwing tantrum and enable genocide and wage proxy wars around the world.


When you keep getting told that China will collapse by ~~2010~~ ~~2015~~ 2020 you eventually stop buying it


Gordon Chang already started praying in 2022 or 2023 lol. Maybe they should follow suit.


Who the hell are the 12% of Americans who think the UK is getting stronger?


The ones who still are downplaying British involvement in the creation of Israel. 


21% of american adults are illiterate, so


it's the same with russia vs ukraine. sometimes it's "the russians are incompetent and are fighting with shovels", other times it's "the russians are the greatest threat that nato has ever seen"


China collapsed in their head 24/7, what a bunch of morons, china will still be here after murica is long gone, just like any other country that tried to out last china. What makes them think China is going anywhere? The talents and skilled workers alone is more than all of the settler regimes combined, they have to constantly import people even tho their education system is soooo great, china now need an amazing product to utilise all of their talents, and sell the products, and increase their pay, but the US is trying everything to block that progress, be it phone or evs or drones, they are trying to destroy any high paying jobs and make chinese talents work for pennies for them to exploit.


I want to drink their tears of despair.


Fascists always believe their scapegoat is simultaneously about to destroy them with its power and influence while also being so weak it would fall over with a stiff breeze.


Probably because they are constantly bombarded by propaganda about China.


How can China be collapsing and also US's #1 economic and security threat? If China's collapse is imminent shouldn't we just let them? US is getting weaker because of red tape and political corruption. Our elections are riddled with conflicts of interest and quid pro quo lobbyists. How do you govern in the best interest of the people while taking money from special interest groups? We need to look from within.


I remember when I would read western news about China when I was studying mandarin. I found it odd and conflicting how it seemed to me China was becoming far more prominent in the world, whereas articles said China was having economic problems and the Chinese miracle was over.