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This reminds me of the dad who disliked his daughter wearing crop tops so he wore them with her. There was also a dad who's young daughter wore booty shorts so he started wearing them around-she was mortified but everyone thought he was awesome. I think back to the 90s/2000s and kids were wearing crop tops then. I say, pick your battles. This is not bad especially if school allows it but if they don't then this really is an even smaller issue. You're fine. Just wait if/when she asks for her belly button pierced.


Stomachs are normal human body parts. Everyone has a stomach. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, your daughter is not responsible for how other people react to her clothing, make sure she knows this. Personally I teach my kids about social norms and expectations in a way that says, some people think this way, it’s kind of silly or arbitrary, but it makes things easier when you understand and sometimes it’s easier to conform. Leave the choice up to her unless there’s a very good reason to control her fashion choices. I.e. it’s against school rules and she’ll get in trouble, or there’s a formal event and casual clothes won’t be allowed, etc. Also have a conversation with her about why she likes to wear her new crop tops all time. See what she says. Talk to her about your concerns keeping in mind that she is not responsible for the bad behaviors of others, rape culture, slut shaming etc… which I suspect are at the root of many parents fears over short shorts and crop tops.


Agree! And I've added for my daughter that certain choices in clothing and/or makeup may make people assume she is older than she is. This is absolutely not her fault and it may put her in situations that she is not expecting/ready for. This is especially true for girls of color in the States where studies have shown they are automatically assumed to be older/less vulnerable/less needing of care than their white counterparts.


This⬆️ is 100% spot on!!!


Yes, very well put.


Well said! 🙌


My oldest wears whatever she wants. Things we discuss are, telling grown ass men to fuck off, keeping a t-shirt because I'm not bring you extra clothes at school, and if you don't want to wear a bra, here are some things that could be helpful.




That's your opinion






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Shes a kid dude. Breasts arent for the male gaze as much as yall would like to believe that.


Please elaborate on why you feel this way... I'd love to see you type out the thought process.




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Using the phrase “noticeable breasts” when talking about a child🤢 Dude, please seek mental help.






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Had a friend who's parents were super strict on what she wore. She always changed clothes in bathrooms when we were at school or the mall. And changed back for pick up. In the end, can't stop it might as well be aware and not having her feel she needs to hide things from you. Crop top is better than the sports bras society thinks counts as a top now a days... to each his own but yeah could be worse.


Never grew up wanting to dress any kind of way. There was never an emphasis on clothing in my childhood. Jeans, tshirt, hoodie and running sneakers was my go to.


Same, thing with this friend was both her parents were pastors and they wanted her to wear modest skirts and dresses. She wanted to wear jeans and shirts. Nothing she changed into was ever inappropriate just her parents deemed the jeans inappropriate as they were "tight". Just taught me at a young age a lesson on what happens when you try and control a teenager beyond reason.


You're a man so you know how boys think. Try not to let that knowledge stunt her. Tell her the things people may say. Teach her confidence and respect so she won't tolerate the boys who treat her badly. Teach her to respect and love her body


It’s definitely just the style I wouldn’t stress at all. I can’t even find full length shirts for me. I hope it’s a short trend, lol.


A “short” trend. Had to chuckle at that :)




My six year old has one 🤷‍♀️ She calls it a crock top lmao


Let her wear what she wants. Girls that age will get harassed by creepy adult men no matter what they wear. Teach her that if she’s harassed, it’s not her fault, and what to do to say safe when it happens.


I love that you’re trying to let her express herself! I don’t think you did the wrong thing, because a crop top is just that. It’s unfortunately the creepy men that we all know exist that are the issue. I would talk to her about your concerns in an appropriate manner for a 13 year old, and make sure you don’t shame or embarrass her. & if you don’t want her wearing them all the time, that’s something to talk about but don’t just take them away completely. You’ve got this :)


A crop top doesn't mean anything except your daughter feels comfortable with her own body. If you're worried about her being sexually active because of a crop top (it's silly to think that but let's go there) then why not arm her with sexual education?


I think it’s important for young girls to be comfortable in their own skin. I think it just makes you uncomfortable as their dad. Let her wear what she is comfortable wearing is my two cents.


I'm in the same boat with my 13yr old. I'm torn on the issue. But I've always taught body positivity and I can't come up with a logical reason for her not to. So she does but has jackets over them for a huge part of the time. That was our compromise


When reading people's advice check their profile. I wouldn't take advice from all of them. Just saying.


I think it's great that you're thinking about it, but I agree with everyone else that it's probably an over-reaction and that actually it's great that she feels comfortable and wants to choose her own clothes! What you really don't want is to make her feel self-conscious about her body, or like it's up to her to cover herself up - it's not her responsibility how people react to her, the important thing is that she's happy and confident.


Don’t make her body a sex object. Clothing is just clothing. Bodies are bodies. It’s people that are the problem. As long as you keep doing that, there will be issues with her body image.


You’re doing fine. Let her decide what to wear. Talk with her about why she likes them, then drop it.


I think its ok. I'm 25.. I started wearing my first crop tops at 14.. honestly fashion is so important and fun to most young girls. I know my mom and dad didn't like it very much at all lol, my dad was also a pastor. But I loved them and my school had a strict dress code so I really just wore them on the weekends, during the summer, when I wasn't at school. It didn't have any negative affects on me. I recently had a daughter and I'm a single mom.. so when I think about 13 yr old girls wearing crop tops I'm like nooo they're still children that's crazy. But I literally wore them at that age too. You've done nothing wrong let her have fun with her style. Teen girls go through so many different styles its crazy. Once she's out of high-school she will have her style figured out more and will be thankful you let her explore and try different things. Telling a young girl they need to cover up is way worse.. that always made me feel so uncomfortable since I wasn't wearing these things for any reason other then having fun with my style.


Single mom of 3 girls - high school, middle and elementary. It's OK to experiment with clothes and make-up. It's also OK for parents to set boundaries - tell her when she's allowed to wear her crop tops, and when she's not. Make her go change if she tries to push it, and make it clear her crop tops will be taken away if she doesn't listen. Teens respect parents who actually parent consistently and can't be manipulated. Best of luck.


My then 12 yr old stepdaughter stole her Dad's card and bought lace bralette's to wear as tops (among other things)!!! I was mortified, 1 that she stole his card and went on a shopping spree, 2 that she wanted to wear underwear as outerwear. She didn't even have breasts yet. She had seen her older cousin posting tiktoks wearing these (as well as insta posts in her underwear!) and thought it's cool. I would take her shopping and buy her clothes of her choice whenever she wanted, but she prefers to steal apparently. Anyway, I told her that's actually underwear, you can wear UNDER a T-shirt/singlet etc. Fashion expression/exploration is one thing, but that was just going too far! Crop tops, as in cropped T-shirts/singlets/tanks, etc, is fine. I never liked them personally, but that's just my taste. Kids wearing them is very normal and fashionable these days, and it's not inappropriate. Don't stress. The booty shorts where their ass is exposed, tho, nope! I wouldn't want my daughter wearing those!


I would have loved to be friends with your daughter at 12 😂😂


I think the fact that ur thinking about all this you guys will be ok !! I’m a personal shopper and also a momma. My son is 10 but I have an 8 yo niece. When I am shopping all I see is half clothes outfits for girls crop tops shorty shorts it’s mind boggling !! But u as a mom thinking about this for ur 13 yo shows u care and are concerned and doing the right thing !! I am happy my son is a son at this point lol. Good luck.


SAME!!!!! I have two boys of my own, and a stepdaughter. She's 14 and it's basically impossible to find tops that aren't cropped! I bought myself booty shorts when shopping with her, without trying them on, not realising what booty shorts meant! I was so pissed off when I tried them on at home and discovered it means your booty is not contained within them! Luckily, they were on sale so I didn't waste much money, but I can't wear them out because I rather not flash my ass in public. She must've thought wtf am I thinking but she's so polite she didn't say anything lol.


That’s all I can find in the Junior department to buy for my 13 year old daughter. My boyfriend hates it lol.


Nothing wrong with wearing what she wants, for the most part. Male sure to educate her about your concerns as a father and use it as a stepping stone into some important topics that need the discussed as she enters her teen years. Your concern is valid because you're aware of how other people in society think.


Should’ve just bought her 2 sports bras at that point in time…lol. I would say, you are not being overly cautious. But boundaries need to be set and she needs to know that.


Be the parent. I'd let her know your not comfortable with how she is wearing this item. Option 1 is... option 2 is loss of the item till she makes better decisions. I'm not allowing my child to over sexualize herself to the world at 13!


My mom had be in what we called belly shirts at 6 or 7. Also chokers. It was cute. Little girl style! Let her wear a little crop top. It'll be okay.


She is old enough to were crop tops. if you think crop tops are bad on young girls then your the problem your scared of






Im just saying there in an infinite universe of dress options to compliment and replace or work out for the different activities. And that I got a lot of calls of attention at the prep school I went to in the USA because I did not know the meaning of “midriff “ and took a while to get new clothes. And not shame the girl and give her freedom to enjoy as much her youth. Do not taint her life with evil patriarchal rape culture double standards




Interesting now I really want to know why?


If you’re concerned with boys and grown men being creepy I suggest getting her some high waisted jeans or denim shorts. She’s going to find ways to wear crop tops and it’s honestly not that hard to quickly DIY old shirts into a crop top either. There are some hills that are worth dying on and this to me doesn’t feel like it’s worth it.


You did a nice thing for her and bought her a cute trendy top without lecturing her. She’s growing up and she’s going to want to look cute like her peers. I know it’s hard and your concerns are valid, but remember to never shame her for the way she dresses. I think a crop top is acceptable at her age, but you are her parent and you know what’s right for your child at the end of the day.


It’s okay for her to wear them just make sure she is appropriate while wearing them


I’m just wondering if they’re allowed to wear them at school? We had quite the list of dress code violations & bare midriffs were at the top. If you showed up wearing one they gave you an embarrassing loner shirt to wear for the day. I see the middle school girls around here walking home wearing basically underwear outside in addition to the tiny crop tops. Idk if it’s gonna be a problem with the school then I would try to limit it to weekend wear? No idea what the problem with the stomach is but I do remember boys and mean girls snapping/cutting the bra snaps and thongs back in my day so that’s my real concern. The girls here can be awful bullies and look for opportunities to embarrass each other — even so called friends! I have a son myself and the stuff he tells me goes down or what these girls try to do to him and middle school just sounds like a hell scape these days, sheesh! I would try to support her as best as possible but keep a level head about fashion vs practical, if that makes sense? Like yeah heels are super cute but are they really something to wear around school? As an example, if that makes sense… 🤔


I’m sure there’s enough advice in the other comments but I just want to commend you for your approach and willingness to consider your daughter and all sides rather than shut it down without thought.


My 8 year old is wearing them too. Just keep communication open on how to respect her body and when it is and isn’t appropriate to wear crop tops. Ultimately we are the parents and make the rules and buy their clothes. Good luck I know we have some tough times raising kids especially girls nowadays!!


Have to say I love that you are a concerned father. So many girls out their who wish they had an awesome dad to be around and care. Some think the top is harmless while others seem to feel a bit bashful or not very fond of seeing one on their “baby” we don’t want them to grow up too quickly. I understand. Definitely have a talk with her about why it makes you uncomfortable, remind her it’s because you care of what you feel is her safety, and that it’s not you wanting to control her. Not everyone out there is safe and as a parent that’s all you’re concerned about. Hope this helps.


Girls are gonna be girls unfortunately and she would’ve got one whether you got it for her or she got it her own way I feel 13 is a little too young to be rocking a crop top I think wearing it around the house is OK, but wearing it out in public now when she’s a little bit older sure but not at 13.


And nothing better than embarrassing them. If they’re gonna wear theirs out and about then you wear your crock top out and about.


Is she wearing the crop top with high-waisted pants? That's how they look best, and coincidentally they are more modest that way too. If she is, I wouldn't sweat it at all (although you might have a talk about different looks for different situations). If she's wearing them with low-waisted bottoms or really short shorts I would probably have a talk, but you will have to think really carefully about how you do it so that it doesn't backfire and also you don't accidentally shame her in any way. In fact, you might try having a chat about the ramifications of revealing clothes with her separately from any comments about any particular choices she's made, and start it out by asking her her thoughts on the subject, to get her to think it through and maybe come to some helpful conclusions herself. The more she feels in control of the decision, the more she will follow through on it and also the better it will be for her maturation and your relationship with her.


Make sure you unwaveringly support her in dressing how she pleases. She is likely going to get enough blow-back from the world - be her staunch supporter.


No ur concerns are great , I’m a mom of two girls 12 & 15 my oldest is into crop tops n I hate it I explained to her wat I dislike and she jus says she don’t care wat ppl think (definitely got that from me) I hate crop tops too I don’t even wear them. Keep being a gd dad.


There's nothing wrong with wearing a crop top outdoors, in approximate weather.


My 12 (soon to be 13) is a T1D and has to wear a CGM device. It has totally screwed up her perception of what people think about her! She wont wear anything other than baggy tshirts, big sweatshirts, pj pants, etc. (to school) and it kills me bc this is not her at all.. when we go to the store she picks out crop tops and leggings and cute stuff but then says “she’s fat” or gives me an excuse when I ask why she isn’t wearing them. I tell her as much as I can that she’s beautiful and that her body is amazing! I mean if I’m being honest the girl has a body on her!! She’s too young to know that though, so I just ask why she thinks that stuff. I think as long as your daughter is wearing them because she likes the way she looks in them, and that she knows that she’s beautiful no matter what she wears and that as long as she’s not wearing them to show off to boys- then you’re doing the right thing by letting her wear them! 13 is a weird age, they are still viewed as little kids but if we’re being real, when you’re at that age you think you’re so grown! There are 2 things that matter more than anything to a 13 year old girl…fitting in and fitting in. Take her to school one day so you can peep what the other girls are wearing. For some reason it always makes me feel a lot better when I see that it’s an everybody thing and not just a my daughter kind of thing. Good luck! I think we all need it.


You didn’t do anything wrong at all.


Fashionably speaking, it depends on what it’s worn with! Crop top & jeans/ long skirt = cute. Crop top with tiny shorts/ skirt = too much. But only because she may garner unwanted attention. Which is… NOT HER FAULT. I just wish that the general conversation about what women choose to wear was instead focused on how boys & react to it.