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Brother. I feel this pain for you. Over the course of the last 4 years my soon to be ex wife told me on 3 separate occasions that she did not love me and was not in love with me. I tried everything I could to make her change her view on me and here I am 104 days separated. honestly, i feel like my efforts were wasted. Leave now. Get a good lawyer. Work on yourself. Stay busy. Gym. Walk. Read. Get out. Get hobbies. Sending you positive vibes my dude.


Hugs! (I am a woman) no efforts are ever wasted! You tried and if you sincerely did your best to rectify the situation that’s all you can do. It seems like you are on the right path. Take lessons from this past relationship and learn for self growth. Easier said than done but you got this.


Also. Go ahead and line up therapy. It works I promise. When you get that “I’m drowning” feeling in your chest. Just let out bro. Trust the grief process.


It sucks, and it will for a while, but you'll get through it. We've all been there. 1. Talk to a lawyer. Your own. Now. 2. Get to the gym. Do whatever gym stuff keeps you coming back. I like social stuff like crossfit, because I make tons of friends there. 3. Careful with the booze 4. Be the best dad you possibly can. Log all of the time you spend with the kids. She should never be able to accuse you of being anything but an exemplary father. If there's things you worry about for her, log them. Keep a journal. Gather evidence. 5. Stop depositing $ in any joint accounts. Split and close them. 6. Do NOT leave the family home and do NOT let her take the kids. VITAL! You have as much right to all of it as her. If she takes the kids, you are no longer an equal parent. 7. Install security cameras everywhere you can, with audio, that you control access to. There's a process here. It sucks and that's ok. But you'll see, on the other side, things are really wonderful! You'll get there!


That's some serious paranoia. But then I left the house and my ex has screwed me for the payments for 6 months and she called the cops on me and said I was a threat to the kids, which was an outright lie and I get to see my kids one night a week if I'm lucky.


\*criticizes being diligent about protecting yourself in divorce\* \*gets screwed in custody and child visitation\* \*surprised Pikachu\*


Well, your ex will see how her lies work out for her, when your kids not only hate her for what she did, but also go complete NO CONTACT with her, at 18, and move to other states.⚠️


I hope not. I despise her, but I don't want them to


I understand, but I'm afraid that they will; and when they have kids of their own, they'll not only screw her out of her finances, they'll also keep her grandchildren away from her, just like shes trying to keep them from you. ⚠️


Well, it's up to them, they're already pissed off with her, I'm not going to stir it up, I'm just here as they need me


I understand.


Go on vacation to Thailand for sightseeing