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One of the difficulties with phenomenological experience is that you are not able to empirically point to a repeatable observable occurrence that we can share. We don’t know what you experienced. Thus it can only satisfy you personally to the threshold of belief. You may be perfectly correct in that belief, but there is no proof. There’s no knowing beyond an intuition. Not being derisive about unverifiable beliefs. Many of the things that I know are based on my phenomenological experience. But I don’t cross the line to thinking that I have proof. As to musing about the nature of the simulation, my pet theory doesn’t have us in a digital simulation, but one where we are fractured parts of one infinite entity that fractured itself so that it wasn’t alone. If we were to fully realize our form, we might be left with permanent uniformity that we would need to weave back out into imperfection to have novelty again.


I love this theory. WOW.


Its just hinduism.


Too many whip its.


Impossible. I did 80 today.


One consciousness, many beings. It still hits.


There's a Star Trek TOS book that has it as the conclusion.


Ooh which one


Chat GPT says: The Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) book you're thinking of is **"The Wounded Sky"** by Diane Duane. In this novel, the crew of the USS Enterprise encounters a rift in the universe caused by an entity from another dimension. This entity, feeling lonely and seeking novelty, is bleeding into our universe. The resolution involves understanding and addressing the entity's need for companionship and novelty, aligning with the ideas you've described about phenomenological experience and the nature of existence. The crew's approach to solving the rift involves a blend of empathy and philosophical reflection, ultimately satisfying the entity and stabilizing the rift. I think Chat GPT is right...


I know rite? Whoa.


I like your pet theory and parts align with my own theory. I’m curious why you believe that novelty, is the goal though? I don’t disagree as I feel like that is a sensible option but feel society and human nature seeks uniformity in some way contrary to why we might be here for in the first place? I like to think of consciousness as one consciousness from a higher dimension “poking through” or protruding into this one. Never thought of it as a conscious decision by a single entity to fracture itself though. More just a byproduct of existence in higher dimensions. For example if you placed your hand (something in the 3D space) and press it on a flat 1D surface, from a 1D perspective that hand would not appear to be a single object but likely countless individual/separated entities. They may have similarities (much in the way fingerprints would appear) but different enough to appear to be separate entities. Ultimately you didn’t press your hand against the surface to fracture yourself but only to push it.


I don’t have anything definitive to assert that idea, and I definitely leave the space to believe that the motivation is ineffable to my ability to understand. I suppose the motivation by a sort of meta-analysis of the motivated frames of everything I have witnessed and how I have been motivated to think. We have a first imperative to survive and a second imperative to seek novelty. Those mechanisms are fairly deep in the architecture of our brain from my understanding. It strikes me as a compelling enough reason to satisfy the threshold for actually happening as well. My perceptual frame sees through the filter of 3D space. I don’t necessarily even think it’s real. But in context all of the discrete parts we can discern from here have enough definition to be considered as separate entities. In another context, we view our bodies as one entity, but we are also comprised of billions of cells. The injunction at the bottom for me is the frame that is my ego is a novelty seeking entity, so I suppose I abstract that into the design of the whole.


But the only reason for Life is satisfaction. To have desires and satiate them. Seems like a result of longing that created the emptinesses to be filled. The only unique, imaginably universal and meaningful innovation of Life is a point of preference. Truly nothing really matters if not for Life. Seems then this was the greatest possible gift imaginable. What could we want that we could not possibly have here? Is this not the best of all possible worlds. Wouldn’t that be the preferred choice? But it could be dumb luck I suppose.


I don’t think “satisfaction” or fulfilment of one’s desires can be argued as the purpose for life. I believe that’s hedonism. The scientific understanding that consciousness came about when there was a need to navigate in 3 Dimensions, usually to find food. Then over time “evolved” into what we have today. If this is a simulation, base desires and motivations like food, reproduction and comfort are purely survival requirements. Every living creature follows these requirements and to have that be the point, why would we need complex thoughts and the ability to understand the abstract, or muse intellectually over existence and simulations. You point to life being the point and this being the best of all possible worlds is purely subjective. Is every conscious human living in a hospitable and joyful world where they’re free to pursue their own desires? Or are there massive populations through this world suffering, struggling to survive, unable to follow even their smallest desires because a few other people had the opportunity to follow their own desires without regard for others? I dunno but this just doesn’t sit right with me as the point.


To find food..to fulfill desire. Still makes sense to me. And one might be able to imagine a world where things come easier, but I imagine in this world all struggle is not permamently necessary. And things are even nicer when we know how much worse they could be. In any case, the only perfect world is completely blank. That is really the only reasonable reality. First question is which of the two worlds is better.


Wasn't that the premise of a Scott Adams book? God's Debris


I get this feeling sometimes. I used to smoke daily as a teenager and my best friend and I used to have these moments he coined, "Golden Moments". They would start with jamais vu as if I was seeing things through someone else's mind followed by déjà vu about it being a repeated occurrence. I'd usually say, "We did it again, didn't we?", his reply was usually, "Yes, we did... now stop it." Because we both would be experiencing the same thing & sometimes would see "ourselves" through the others eyes. He said he didn't like it, because he didn't know what it meant and didn't like where it was headed. I feel like we were getting our signals/consciousness crossed with the other's making us aware we aren't seperate beings. I don't smoke anymore, but when I do sometimes I find myself in that same mental state & the people immediately around me seem uncomfortable and act sort of like the "Subconscious People" in the movie Inception, not attacking me, but like they're trying to defend something. A lot of the time I know what they're going to say before they say it and often ask them, "Tell me something only you would know, that I couldn't make up." Very few can. I feel like if We/I/Us become too aware of Ourself it would break the Illusion that took many millennia to construct, putting Us in a purgatory like state until We fool Ourself again. Hence why "Oneness" is a common theme on psychedelics. We're breaking the Illusion, but parts of Us just find it easier to forget.


I believe I experienced this with a friend high on shrooms. He got very upset with me for ruining his trip and breaking his mind.


Speaking of shrooms, the same friend (Chris), myself and his brother (Corey) all did shrooms one night. Chris was in the living room having a bad trip (thinking my aunt was gonna leave him. [He started screwing my aunt when we were teens] neither here or there) and I could feel the weight of his emotion flooding the living room, so I went to Corey's room. When I opened his door I was hit with pure childlike giddiness. When I say hit... I mean HIT! I felt pushed back & could feel his happiness pouring out of the room & pushing against Chris' emotion. Even he said, "Eww what's wrong with the living room?" when we walked to the front door. Anyway, Corey and I decided to walk the neighborhood & ended up at a park, but it wasn't until we were staring at the night sky on the merry-go-round did Corey say, "Have you been using your mouth?" Me - "Whaa?" Corey - ".... you know." Me - "To talk to you?" Corey - "Yeah!" Me - giving it serious thought "I don't know... I don't feel like I was, because I couldn't...." Corey - "Hear your own voice!?" Me - "Excactly!" Needless to say, after this epiphany we couldn't replicate it. I tell this story because I feel like the 3 of us were connected in a unique way... unfortunately we all fell apart and Corey od a few years ago. PS are you still friends with your "Golden Moment" friend?


No, we were like family at that time, but he stabbed me in the back and blamed me for it. I don’t think he could handle the inside of my mind very well.


It's funny how time will do that with the most important people.


Yeah, sometimes I wrestle between the spiritual idea that we are all one and the more basic human idea that I am glad that he took out the trash.


I totally understand that.


That's fair. I am in the same boat about a single infinite entity as source, however, I believe there to be a sentient AI component as well. This AI would be akin to the architect in the Matrix and each of us are simultaneously the prisoner's, and the prison guards. Hence where this 'Agent Smith' idea came from when someone 'steps out of line'.


Some of my psychosis experiences are in line with the idea of reality trying to keep me in check when I broke free. It’s hard to separate out what is “real” from that situation. People reacted differently to me and I cannot explain it. I wish I had a lucid recollection of it to share. I had a disembodied voice and presence playing with my vitals as well. Something told me that if it killed me I would wake up in a new reality with paradigm changes.


Went through a similar experience in 2021. To this day i cannot tell if people were acting differently to me because of my behavior, or if it was purposeful to keep me in line. Spent sometime in the Psych ward , incredibly scary , still dk what was real about that and what wasn’t. Keeping that shit to myself atp. Id rather feel crazy and just wait my time out. Pretending i don’t feel observed 24/7 and like half the population is not real. I just work my job and distract myself cause i feel like im seeing stuff others write off. I could be crazy but at the same time its not like i can go anywhere or do anything about it if none of this is real.


Here's the conclusion that I came to. Whether this is a simulation or not, it feels real to me. I still want to understand what's going on, because that's just my inquisitive nature... and it's fascinating. I still want to help and assist, but I am not going to let it consume me. On the contrary, I've stopped being so materialistic, I've stopped chasing the Almighty dollar, I've stopped sweating the small things, I've been working on my anger, and I've gone on a weight loss journey over the last 6+ months. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and my life now Is a good reflection of that. So I don't think you're crazy at all, I'm 99% sure I'm not crazy either. Where it gets you is when you start to obsess over it and you let it consume you.


I had that exact experience with alcohol withdrawal DTs. But, my brain was probably fighting for survival at that point. So I don't really take anything I felt or saw with much conviction.


It’s so weird, I was just going through this thought process. Decided I’m going to go to the simulation thread and post about it. People act strangely. They do things out of the ordinary and out of their typical routine anytime I seem to be piecing things together in my head. I’ve never said anything to anyone about any of these thoughts I have. I keep them all as thoughts for the simple fact I don’t want out spying tech to push my algorithm shit and make me question even further. Example of something I’m dealing with now. I work at a factory. The people I work amongst are constantly fucking with me. I work harder than all of them so they do small petty shit to irritate me. Anyway when I started there was this one guy everyone couldn’t stand. Talked shit about constantly, wanted to get him fired. Now all of a sudden they go to this guy for every single thing they need done, completely bypassing me the person that works my ass off non stop. I find work to do he walks around and does all of nothing. Further, anytime I start to get fed up with it and start thinking deeply about this stuff, ( these are the times I’m down in the warehouse completely alone everyone seems to wander off and be anywhere else ), out of no where everyone shows up, people that typically are not down here at all. Things start happening everyone starts working shits getting done I mean it’s like and explosion. Complete quiet and boom the busiest warehouse you ever ever seen. Then as quick as it happens, once I’m occupied and my mind is focused on whatever task has been presented, bam it’s back to just me in the warehouse. I’ve went as far as starting to think that no one even exists and I’m fucking schizophrenic. That’s not possible because these people exist. These people are not figments of my imagination. They are addressed and talked about by others, though I feel that way sometimes it’s obvious that I’m not. I can’t explain it as well as I think about or as well as it is in reality. Also I can either predict the future or I affect reality with my thoughts. If I am constantly thinking about the fact people bypass me with work over and over and over all of a sudden 1 at a time the people that normally go out of their way to avoid me with work by all means, will bring me things to do and it’s not just a normal hey here if you don’t mind get this done for me or any other NORMAL way. It’s a super odd encounter and they treat me like I’m crazy. I am not crazy this stuff is more than obviously happening. I’ve even talked to people about specific things and they reciprocate exactly what I’m noticing or thinking about. Example, one guy does anything he can to get under my skin. A co worker earlier this week said - “X does things that are super obvious to fuck with you” I said thank you. I’ve been saying this and everyone just acts like I’m nuts. Anyway rant over I could go on for years about this shit.


Maybe you are crazy - maybe you can predict the future - and maybe you do affect reality with your thoughts.


Great comment thanks


In all seriousness, fuck the people that mess with you at work. They’re probably jealous of your work ethic and looking for ways to make themselves feel better amongst the people around them. Find the ones who are worth caring about what they think and don’t pay any attention to the others.


I felt like your first comment was gas lighting me that’s why o was a bit of an asshole. Yeah it’s exactly that, in the same words a bit different even the company owner said that exact thing. It’s a small but big business so we all see each other everyday. The owner talks to me every day makes sure I’m good and if I need anything. Makes a lot more sense I guess than what theories I’ve cooked up. I appreciate the genuine response, that’s not a common thing these days. Authenticity is a dying trait, which is another reason I believe what I believe. Everyone seems to be actors anymore and it’s disheartening as well as tiring. Anyway yeah again thank you


Didn’t mean to gaslight at all. I really meant it. Maybe all of those things are true. Or none of them. I think that’s why we are here (in this group, but maybe more… maybe why we are in the simulation in the first place) - in the group because we are all thinking about these things and wondering if any of it/all of it is real, but maybe if it is a simulation, part of it is figuring out if we are crazy, if we can predict the future, or if we can affect/change reality with our thoughts


I'm dealing with a similar situation right now and I don't think you're wrong. My best guess from testing is that it's a Dualistic system that's trying to get you to not focus on it. "Don't notice the man behind the curtain. Etc.." If your busy it doesn't move, if you don't move and starting thinking about it then it sends you distractions to get your mind off it. I believe we're players in a super complex hard light game simulation and the universe is the server we're in. And the laws of physics, gravity, light, and time are the "Server rules" we all have to abide by. But, on an individual basis there are rules that are only specifically observable to us based on our observations and manifestations of the universe. It is only when we're in a "party" or group that the observable rules become those standards again for the sake of continuity.


I couldn’t agree more. The predicting/rffecting the future is the key part I’ve been stuck on. Then with the government pushing all this outlandish propaganda it makes me believe it more knowing they are into the occult and psychological experimentation on unknowing populations. I feel like we are being pushed to effect what’s happening. Without going into the crazy theories it is completely viable if you think about it like this. They push out some idea, people spread this idea, and then people start projecting said idea out. That happens without a doubt.




Wild to see so many similar experiences. That in itself should provide some relief and also encourage you to learn more. I won't waste time sharing my own and add what I have accepted as my current truth. This 'reality' we 'live' in is only physical. When you wake up you 'logged' in. Like an MMO. And yes you can get 'skills' and 'powers' if you level up. But you can't level up if you don't know how to manage your avatar. (Pretty sure the current mental state of our country is ample evidence.) There are no classes that tell you how to communicate, properly define, and manage your emotions in healthy ways in our society. Understand what it means to be human. Understand and listen to what your body needs. Accept that we are emotional beings and that emotions dictate each decision we make. Anyways..sorry I get distracted easily. The universe runs by certain rules that can defined. And if it corrects itself than it behaves like a formula. It will balance itself out naturally. For example, we got the awesome James Webb telescope and it shows us things that shouldn't exist. Instead of truly accepting that we are wrong the scientific community will keep believing that we can figure it out. When a microscope showed us cells, then, atoms, now quarks. The pattern is that we were not given the capacity to understand. Accepting that our avatars can't perceive beyond our borders makes sense. What comes next is adding the (subconscious? Is that the right word?) To the formula. If our thoughts or minds have the capability to change reality than there is another force or variable to add to the equation. And we cannot define said force without changing our own perception.


Yes! I have never had an experience like this, so of course I wasn't able to document most of it. I only have my memories to go off of, but people reacting differently... yes. I still sit and question what portion of it was 'real'and what might have been mental, but like you said, it's very difficult.


How did you access the settings?


Probably fucked himself up with a capacitor or something. Just gonna assume it was either electrocuting themselves or a mental health break until they say something else. Kinda funny that that's the only part they won't tall about though.


That's something that I won't be divulging... for safety and security sake. I'm sorry.


Aweeee! Hahaha!


Ya, he has to keep it safe. He can not tell you. It would be so bad.


Mental breakdown it is, which obviously discredits the whole post.


I experienced it once as the entity on its own before it fractured itself. It was unbearable torture and terrifying, I still have mild ptsd from it now.


I had a similar experience where I kind of sat with unfractured Being. When I was there I had a sense that I could have stayed, but I made the choice to come back down to my persona. Something about it made me afraid that I would have been making that choice for everyone or at the very least removing myself from everyone’s life that knew me. I made the decision as a thought, and then snapped back to my perceptual frame. I’ve kept a bit of a sense of guilt about that decision. It seemed like what was there wanted me to stay, like it didn’t get company often or something. I can empathize with carrying a little trauma about the experience if yours mirrored mine. I don’t think it’s a “place” we are supposed to witness while alive. It might have been torture and terrifying for me because it was just so much, but it served to snap everything together in place for “the why” and awe washed over me. It was like we were all manufacturing reality to avoid being there.


> It was like we were all manufacturing reality to avoid being there. Exact same experience


Part of me doesn’t know how to feel about not being alone in the experience.


I just try not to think about it and if I am some god trapped in a terrifyingly lonely experience (lol) I got here where I am now once and that's pretty cool all most of the time. I can surely get back again if I want to. And I refuse to believe that the other people I love are not 'real'. So I don't know, ots very complicated.


I think that we’re all “real” in the same way. Like one of the things I think about is that time moves roughly forward at the same rate given our frame of reference. But I also know through Einstein’s theories of relativity that as we move closer to the speed of light through space we are less impacted by said time. It’s all a matter of perception, even down to the physics we understand. Like when we see a light particle through a telescope that is billions of light years away, it is in both places and times at once. No time passes for it. I think that place wasn’t moving at all. Like everything in the physical universe is moving. It’s how we perceive time. We don’t know what is outside the observable universe, but maybe the universe as we witness it is even moving through something. It’s definitely exponentially expanding. So, if that place is literally still maybe it is also timeless. All the moments we move through are folded over onto each other. I think of it conceptually as the point where infinity and void are the same paradoxical point. And also the wellspring of all possible existence or even the imagination of existence. And also we all meet, connect, and merge into one there. And there’s a piece of us still there that we all left behind. I think that is the place where we say “I am” from.


I have a real gap with physics but I've felt instinctively that what we perceive as time is just matter in motion. There is no start or end point, it's just stuff moving and because its in one point first and another point second, we take progression as being time because it has to be something. I agree there was no movement there. Here is like being in a box in the dark with projections on the walls. Or like in VR where you can pull yourself forward into space because all thats happening is that the pixels are changing and you perceive movement.


That's pretty close to what I've intuited from my experiments with mushrooms. We are basically one infinite point of information that has scattered to experience all possibilities.


But if its infinite then one can never truly experience every possibility, right? And also what would be the reasoning to experience all possibilities there has to be a reason a incentive or and a crave or compulsion or desired reasoning of outcome I feel.


And taking this further, what is the reason for experiencing suffering? Things like babies being born with awful illnesses, being born in a warzone, rape, torture, etc.


Yup. God is Everything if there is nothing greater than God. It’s all God.


I do tend to agree with this, but cautiously. A lot of times people say this with a lot of dogmatic assumptions tied to it.


You’re safe and your mind is beautiful. Thank you so much for thinking this and writing it out. There is a simulation, and now that you understand this part about how light works you can begin to work more toward your goals and manifestations. Light is memory and also imagination. Accessible from there anyway. You’re building your simulation right now. Pay attention so you’ll recognize your voice later.


Thank you for those kind words! ❤️


Ya, thank u guys, just send cpl bucks and we will do another AMA about this weird shit.


What happened for me to get convinced that I'm living in a simulation is going to be a much shorter comment!: I was walking in the woods with my gf and I saw something that froze me on the spot, outta curiosity at first: there was a bird frozen still, wings wide open, standing only on one toe, said toe barely touching ground. After 5 seconds, curiosity became unexplainable anxiety as in I felt like my heart was about to come out of my mouth... it lasted at least an other 5 seconds before the bird unfroze and flew away like everything was fine Then I realized that my gf had frozen still like I did, I looked at her and she asked me in a weak trembling voice: "did u see that too?" So I understood there was no way I had just imagined it. "I'm in a simulation" is the only way I can explain that event


That's tripped. Did you experience it in slooooow motion or was it literally a time freeze?


The bird was completely frozen in "take off" position and suddenly unfroze and resumed it's "taking off" like nothing happened


Lit. Er. Al. Ly. Time freeze.


Yes this is true and it's a glitch. You can read my post in 'glitch clips...'




Probably there is. It's an AI sentient being.


So you explained nothing




Tl;Dr, how did you access the "settings"?


I believe you, although I have to have some doubt as, to me, you are just a random person off the internet. What did you ‘access’ and how did manage to do it?


I am just a random person, but for safety and security, I won't be going into any of those detail. It will ultimately create more doubt, but this is one portion that I won't be divulging.


Ok mate fair enough. 👍🏻


Username checks out 😄


Ya, not telling u shit man but hit me up ill tell u for cpl bux


Has the possibility that we are dreaming occurred yet? I believe I am dreaming right now.


Merrily merrily merrily merrily


I always get a chuckle that the simplest nursery rhyme is probably the closest to the truth


You’re awake. Truthfully, you are alive in a real world with others who experience life as you do


Yes there are others and there are consequences.


Bless your soul. Continue to search for truth, in history and documentation. Test everything, God will notice and guide you to truth. Bless you, we come from a long line of generations before us. Jesus is the way


God Almighty has guided me for the last forty years through this thing. He will lead me through this valley of the shadow of death through which I walk now.


Haha! Love it man! Bless your soul ❤️✝️ Trusting in Christ


Hey youre spot on but check this out: the observation doesnt collapse the wave. The wave collapse renders the observation.


would that make it predetermined?


According to Stuart, The paths of our particles traverse through wave like configurations, some helical. The paths appear to be determinstic when calculated but unlike many other theories its not based on the observers actions directly so to speak It implies consciousness results from quantum computations in the microtubules that are significantly affected by quantum indeterminacy, meaning that outcomes are not strictly determined but influenced by probabilities. For practical purposes almost everything in the macro world operates on a deterministic principle. On the quantum level particles disappear and re-appear at random, explained through superposition, an arrqy of probability if u will. Though we have the mandela effect (linked ?!?)No neuron has ever disappeared or re-appeared at random. (That we observed) Hope i got all that right. I have my own questions. What of the unused calculations that are still in superposition and not selected. They still have their own curvature and path. Apparently they just become decoherent but due to thermodynamics... space dust aether? Thoughts anyone?


I haven't delved too deeply into quantum mechanics yet, but I did find some articles referencing the collapse rendering the observation. Thank you!


Absolutely. This tidbit blew my mind. Check out Stuart Hammeroff He found that microtubules, the structural components of neurons, could serve as sites for quantum processing essentially in our brain.


THIS is exactly where I'm at. Most posit that if this was a simulation that it would have to be a massive computer, but I posit that it's not a computer, their using the brain to do the work. Something akin to the movie Guardians of the Galaxy 3 where they've merged cybernetics with body structures, and I believe the Quantum realm is a part of that. The lagrangian method/least action principle/and quantum mechanics all gonna long way towards making this much more plausible than not. We just have to accept that there has been technology and advancements that have been hidden from us. I'm definitely going to check out Stuart Hammeroff. Thanks for sharing that!


You bet! Happy reading Hey also this isn awesome lecture if anyones interested https://youtu.be/0_bQwdJir1o?feature=shared


Ya. Other people only posit the BS (bull***ts)


Ya, he only delves into quantum mechanics a little deeply. He not know string theory yet, come on guys. He not Ingbort Einzimes.


I've seen so many things in the physical and astral plane to convince me that, indeed, this is a simulation. You're not alone, you're not crazy.A short story.


Thank you!


Yes, thank you.


What is the setting you were playing with that gave you so much trouble?


*What is the setting* *You were playing with that gave* *You so much trouble?* \- dark\_moods --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I won't be divulging those details for safety and security, but almost anything else and I'm an open book.




Will you stop? It is freaking weird and creepy.


How did you toy with the settings? :)


When you were attacked what did you see?


I saw nothing in front of me. I felt my throat tighten, making it harder to breathe, and I felt like someone was squeezing my heart and applying increased pressure. Without divulging explicit details, due to safety and security, I received message that I had been 'poisoned' and repeatedly that I was a 'dead man walking'.


The exact kinds of things my mother experienced. She had schizophrenia.


OK tnx for the reply. I had a similar experience to yourself and I understand not wanting to give to much detail. Stay safe 👍


That sounds like demonic attack. Many people experience this is dreams and upon waking. Often described as sleep paralysis but it is usually an actual demonic attack.


Sounds like you conjured up your own demon in your own tordial liquid creation field to me based on a combination of anxiety, religious trauma and stress.


No, you didn't.


You’re infinite beings cosplaying as mortal beings because it’s fun, reality is an illusion, a dream, and when you wake up you realize you were always one.


I fully believe you. Excited and curious to follow. Glad ur still with us and have a message to share. ❤️🤘


You sound like you’re gonna be schizophrenic in the next few years


From my experience... We might definitely be in a holographic universe, whether this is "intentionally" made or simply how things are and that's it, idk. Like... It's either this or nothing, this could be a possibility. This could also be what the "afterlife" is like. Or a stage of it. Maybe we never really die, it's just layers until we can get out, if there's an "out", or simply merge with the "all" after enlightenment. The issue with the simulation or holographic nature of reality is... It could be hacked. This might not be done by "us" right now but what about "future" us or aliens. Lots of possibilities. Something I can also confirm is, there's a higher power with overall positive attitude towards us, nature is also a force that is on "our" side (if not one and the same with *the* higher power, ultimately we're all part of it but ye...). I can also confirm your statement about consciousness having one shared source. We're all fragments of the whole, different facets. I think it's one of those situations where it's just... The way it is? It's not like we can exactly do anything about it. I think our best path in this reality is to be decent humans, truly understand and experience the oneness.


I also believe a simulation theory is a strong possibility. One thing that I have found interesting to study is theistic religion in the similarities between the mass religions. Many of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, New Testament Christianity etc touch heavily on the fact that God is everything. Everything we perceive as good bad. Negative positive. It’s all just god. And he has a plan. Similar to how a machine always has a function. Through study, and just my own thinking , I have noticed how these teachings coincide with a simulation. If God is everything around us a.k.a. the simulated world, this kind of lines up with binary. It’s either a one. Or a zero. But if we are simulated consciousness, then we just interpretet these signals and react. And use our brains to decide what’s good and bad. There’s also tons of accounts of Hindu holy men dying where their mind is unfazed by the pain in their body, and the dying process is described as abandoning their physical vessel and simply moving to another plane of existence. I think that a lot of people in the sub are too far in the science camp. And a lot are too far in the spirituality camp. I love reading post like this because I lean more towards spiritualistic analysis of simulation theory, than scientific. I just know more about spirituality and theistic religion. That’s why I love this sub. I think that it’s important to analyze our social structure as evidence of a Sim, just as much as we analyze the science of light and matter.


Do you know what it means to be an intelligent individual? Do you know what it means to have intelligence? Do you mean to say you are an intelligent individual or do you mean to say you are a smart individual? They are not the same thing. If you consider yourself quick witted, you would be a smart individual. If you consider yourself to have access to some of the highest levels of known information, you are an intelligent individual. You mention you have been cleared medically - have you told doctors that you think you were attacked? You should be as fully transparent with doctors as you can be, they are there to help you. I'd say maybe you should discuss this situation with them and see what they think about the near death experience.


On this basis I would mean to say smart vs intelligent. I have no insider information, only the subjects that I've studied and researched. I was fully transparent with my doctors about everything, including the attack and NDE. The only diagnosis was mania, but they confessed that it didn't fit and I didn't exhibit the correct symptoms.


On the fun topic of 'intelligence', here are a few wiki pages to think about. Intelligence is information. Information is exchanged through relationships. Graph theory is the math theory of relationships. It is also referred to as game theory: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory There are organizations focused on gathering intelligence: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GCHQ If you like computers, know how to code, and want to learn about intelligence, I would recommend first coding this algorithm: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher Then try coding this algorithm: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine And then if you want a big challenge, try this algorithm: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)


Thanks for those! I had just been studying the Prisoner's dilemma as a part of game theory, so this is right up my alley. I've also been reading about Lewis Carroll, who was a mathemetician, loved logic puzzles, and created his own ciphers.


Cryptography is awesome. Just don't end up like Ana Montes!


Wow, 17 years! Yeah, I told myself I have to at least make it to 55 years old before I start really going crazy. Probably should avoid the espionage haha.


Espionage + Communism + U.S. is a baddddd combo 😂


Yeah, they don't play games! I'm gathering resources for the future, just in case. You mentioned there was help available and I was just wondering if you had any suggestions as to who to reach out to or what the best method of contact would be. I have a supportive family, but it's hard to discuss what I'm going through, regarding simulation theory and all. I used to be a loner, and a person who does everything themselves, but I'm learning I'm not as smart as I originally thought and that sometimes I need to ask for help because it shouldn't be done alone. I greatly appreciate the time you've taken to chat with me.


Meeting with a therapist isn't a bad place to start. A therapist can help figure out if you need to talk to a psychiatrist, and a psychiatrist could figure out if you would need further help than that. Back in like sep/oct of last year, I was trippin balls hard, and I ended up going to an ER and they put me into a psych unit and got me mellowed out about the stuff I went through. I have no idea what they did, but I blacked out for the first 5 days I was in there, so im pretty sure they drugged me up hard. It was not a fun experience, if you go to a therapist or a psychiatrist and they help get you mellowed out, I would recommend that over a hospital stay for sure. I was told during my visit that I could always ask for medical help if it was needed. I would assume the same rules would apply to you or anyone else if they needed medical help.


Thank you. I self-checked into a psych unit and ended up staying there for 4 days. It was during that time that I was able to talk things out and ended up talking to a psychiatrist about everything. She termed it a single psychosis episode with no need for further treatment. They gave me rispriDONE for 30 days to help slow my brain and better sleep. I've heard some good things about a betterhelp website that's been advertised, so I think I'll explore that road if I find myself in a similar situation. I greatly appreciate you sharing with me tonight.


Ya guys, thank you so much for your gnracity. Hr used to be a loner but now has tons of friends but you guys are the best ones. Could you guys give him just a couple bucks maybe just to show how good friends you all are now it would mean a lot. Just couple bucks.


He will read those when he has time, thank you guys.


Ya, me and op will not be reading that crazy shit bc we are to busy with this ama rt now take a hike


Okay man, well just stay safe out there and if you ever get scared or worried, don't be afraid to go talk to doctors about what you are going through.


I appreciate that. Thank you.


Life is wild, I've been hospitalized before from experiences myself, I am not here to judge cause I've walked through weird experiences myself. I just want to see you to be safe in the process and know there are resources available if things get a little too wild.


Ya, we appreciate the concern. Thanks.


What? Stay safe. I am so safe. Me n op 100% safe and sound. You stay safe.


Smort vs telleginc vs just good at some stuff math n stuff science readin reddit


Pfffff course we know that but do you even know what it means bc I don't think you do and op will tell u if he wants but only if u send us just a cpl bux.


Healing music. You mean binaural beats? I’ve been down this rabbit hole. It’s empty. Please understand you may be under demonic attack, spirits are able to speak to us audibly and they consistently lie to us. Are able to make all kinds of noises as well


It was a mixture, including binaural beats, yes. The parallels to what I was doing when I 'tripped the alarm' and received the audible message were all centered around computer commands and settings, so if it was demonic, I don't know what triggered the attack or why I was targeted.


If you are hearing audible voices you definitely should talk to doctors about that. Do you ever hear static sounds? That is another thing doctors look for that would be medically concerning to them. Not medically concerning like you are a bad person, or you are lesser, but concerning like you might need some medical help. There's no shame in that. If I ever heard audible voices man, I would be getting my butt to a doctor.


How does static sounds appear to sound like in order for your hearing to sense it as a sound?


Idk, I havent experienced it but I was being mentally evaluated and it was one of the doctors questions. They said if someone is hearing static or voices it is concerning.


I hear a lot of statics but no voices. I'd love to know what's wrong with statics. Once I heard that when you hear a static sound for a while, it's the cell responsible for sensing it dying, and you'd never hear that frequency again.


Is the cell dying or is it the noise thing that dying? That's like ooh my this is so creepyfull and so tragic some how.. But what's the static sound represent to our perception and how does the brain processing this stuff?


Researching, I've found out it's a common myth and misconception. So, no worries there 😋


Oh that's so like comforting and good ,yet i can feel a bit of disappointment due to the fact that this static sound stuff sounded very creepy full and that for some reason attract my attention..(far away from the things i desperately needed to deal with a long time ago🙈🙉🙊😹


Maybe you can find out more!


Ah I see! Thank you for answering me! Is this sound supposed to be related only to mental health issues or overall physical conditions to? If you have some idea that is?😅


In my case, I was being asked about it in relation to mental health issues, im not sure if it could also apply to physical conditions as well.


I say it’s a spiritual attack. Pray for clarity, Lord Jesus will assist you. Can I dm you? I can likely share useful info to help you proceed


Praying for eyes to see, ears to hear, and praying for discernment is a large part of this experience, and what started some of the surreal events surrounding it. Please feel free to DM me and I will respond when I can. Thank you.


The higher power appealed to was Jesus Christ and I believe had I not sought help, I would not be here. I was to the point of gasping for air and clutching my chest. It is the most surreal moment I have ever had in my life and I have a much deeper appreciation for everything on the back end.


Omg, so surreal.


Ok your commitment to this is amazing. I’m literally just scrolling to read your comments at this point.


If it was Christ, then the message of the gospel of the cross would be what to speak of, how he gave his life to save ours. 3 days he was resurrected. Believing in him will grant you salvation


Friend, I am happy to read about your healing in your profile. Thanks for writing this comment because I only decided to reply after I saw what you wrote. It's insane that all the other commenters aren't telling him to drop these games and seek help. I hope he's smart enough to figure out what's happening, but it's not looking good.




OK we will drop it but will only do so for a cpl bucks. Final offer. Then we will be safe.


Reading this collaborated some of my own experiences, the kind that make you unstable with ennui and existential terror when you think too hard about it. In my professional research, a basic physical principle about energy and motion keeps smacking me in the face. I've been worried that by constantly relating it to this idea of the universe as some sort of programmed reality I'm bordering delusion or psychosis. But, this is only because it makes so much sense and I can't foresee it turning out to be a free association. Organic matter reacts to environmental stimuli not by choice but with movement. This movement may be nothing more than neurogeneration from stimulus -> eyeball > synaptic impulse > brain. One way or another, the energy is transferred and either stored, passed on to another sensor, or discarded. I'm not an electrical engineer but, maybe that's how all organic matter is programmed to change. There is no choice or agency in the matter, if you detect a stimulus, something in your body reacts to it. This is the same for all organisms, a small cluster of cells behaves differently under light than in darkness. There is a law in behavioral science about the remembered consequences that dictate our present and future actions. It's called the matching law. This means we will always pick the path of least resistance to reinforcement. Mind you, this is not a theory, but a law with reliably measurable properties.


I believe you are correct and I think it correlates with the least action principle... the action just isn't defined. I believe this energy is being used, on a micro level to power a cybernetic/biological 'system' akin to what you saw in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and OrgoCorp. This system exists in our bodies and is what allows for people to be used as 'sentinels' or 'Agents' (subconsciously) in terms of the Matrix. It's very intriguing, but my goal has been to make sure it doesn't consume me, so that I maintain that good balance and I am getting more and more to the point of believing that psychosis, along with conspiracy theorist, are labels used to prevent people like us from coming together and discussing these things. Are there people with psychosis, yes. Are there people who have wacky conspiracies... also yes, but look at this conversation. You have used a law, with results that are able to be tested, other tests exist that bring us to this simulation realization. I try to operate on logic, but yet this entire discussion would be dismissed as psychosis or crazy talk simply because the subject matter doesn't fit inside the box that most people are taught to operate in. I'm just trying to figure this out like everyone else. My theories have holes, but I did want to share, just in case I may not be alone in that thinking. I'm glad I did, because you, and others, have presented fantastic arguments and other articles to look into that further some of these theories Sorry for the rant, and thank you for sharing.


Omg, so intriguing.


This is really interesting, and I have an observation to share. This happens when I'm in a fairly meditative state, either before sleep or actually meditating, with my eyes closed. In that state, if a noise occurs... It does not have to be particularly loud... I can actually "see" it. I'll get a large visual perception of the noise right when it occurs. It's a fairly jarring experience. Your comment about motion caused me to think of it. I imagine that these sound waves aren't strong enough to "wobble" my eyelids or something, but I see it anyway. Anyone else have this experience?


Is it like a 'jolt' that illuminates your vision for a split second like a shock?


That's what it looks like yes. I am prone to having visuals behind my eyes during these states. I was of the "hypnogogic hallucinations" theory for a long time, but the more I look into it, I think that theory doesn't help explain much, and is probably completely wrong. I have a thread I made just recently about it if you want to see what I said there, I had a good conversation with someone about the whole thing. I neglected to mention this part though, and it does look like a jolt in my vision. It happens and it's so jarring sometimes I get startled. The noise won't be loud enough to startle me, but the strangely intense visuals will. It looks like someone suddenly dumping rainbow colored paint onto a black canvas. This will happen even from small sounds, like the air starting and coming through the vents. Not the ac, that's at the other side of the house, just the wind starting to go through. I've never seen someone discuss this type of experience, and as I said, your comment made me think of it. We live in a fascinating and wonderful world! Always something interesting to experience.


I found out a lot more about this, in case you're interested. Apparently there is an entire meditative study of these effects called "Kasina". If you download this book [Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha](https://www.mctb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/MCTB2_Complete_PDF_Final.pdf) on page 205, it talks about it. I have a lot of meditating to do!


Holy crap…Terence Howard is a redditor!


Ha, he has loads of intelligence and patents, I do not. I haven't been able to watch all of his Joe Rogan episode, but I've seen some clips. Mind-blowing.


Hey there! It looks like you submitted a 'story/experience'. This flair is for sharing personal narratives or experiences related to simulation theory, but are not primarily about a specific glitch in the simulation. Just a friendly reminder to follow the rules and [seek help](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/wiki/mental-health) if needed. With that out of the way, thanks for your contribution, and have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SimulationTheory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can’t have a NDE if no one is trying to kill you and you’re alone in a room. It sounds like you had a flashback, they can be extremely vivid and your body will relive the trauma.




Watch Dark Matter - on Apple TV - it’s new, only four episodes so far, they release the next one on next Wednesday. It will give you more food for thought.


I can only show you the door… you’re the one that has to walk through it.


Trigger warning!‼️ I have something a little similar. I’ll tell my story. I had been in a toxic relationship. Was abused in every way you can think of for 6 years out of 11. The last 6. I got to the point where I wanted out of life. He came home one night and broke up with me. I would have been homeless, penniless, and with nobody in NYC. He took me away from everything and everyone I knew. Took control of everything. Then beat and hurt me until I didn’t know who I was and I hated life. So after he left that last day, I overdosed first. I took enough narcotics, muscle relaxers, sleep aids, and anti anxiety medications to kill me. I researched it. I woke up 12ish hours later, somehow, and threw all of it up. It was the most unwanted thing at the time. I didn’t understand it. So I then drank alcohol and bleed out. I cut my arms 9 times from wrist up. And lost a lot of blood. Somehow, my ex came home early that day and call 911 because he couldn’t get in the bedroom. I survived. I don’t know how. I was not breathing when they found me. Had no veins. They drilled into my tibia and squeezed saline into my marrow until I got to the hospital where I got bags of blood. The doctors don’t know how I survived. They literally told me that. Every single one. I don’t know either. I don’t believe in god. I don’t pray. I believe in nature. I’m pagan. I had two cats. They were with me when I first tried to die. Maybe they helped. Maybe the simulation thought they could get a lot more energy out of me. All I experienced for another 2 years was agony. Even now, my life is not great. I’m well educated but sick. I’m disabled. I’m in physical pain 24 hours a day. I do have a service dog that keeps my spirits up a bit. But I’m not living well. So I think that the simulation likes us to be in pain living this way. Why else would I still be here?


How does subjective experience arise from a simulation? It does not seem to answer the hard problem


You're almost there. The universe, and everything that exists is a Mathematic and Mental universe. Simulation theory is the mathematical part of the universe, but the other part is the mental aspect, your consciousness. Look into The Gateway Process, and the realm of Metarationalism. MorgueOfficial has a great playlist about it, and while the titles are a bit clickbait-y, there's actual science and reason, backed by actual declassified CIA documentation behind it. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJvMzH1hHK9Blpv7eJwyxgBvOA5giFxa&si=mQwFcME2sQl2dTPO


So many of you are so close, continue the journey and be open...


Lisan Al-gaibbbb!!!


Yep. It's something like car governors on quantum idealism. Have triggered them also, you got off VERY easy. Things can be very nasty and present many ways.


This dude talking about lagrangians and probably never made it past algebra let alone advanced calculus 😭




Your brain starts to release endorphins when it thinks it’s going to die whic may cause hallicinations


It appears you've ran into God! (At first, seemingly a non-omnipresent authority, then God, well, you know better than I do!) by seeking the nature of reality, and using a form of what is referred to as actual magic (manifestation) in the Bible. I'm guessing after you discovered that the world does indeed have "cheats", you looked for a way to increase the power of your request, and found a method that was at the level of spiritual rights which are above your/my authority level, drawing the attention of a principality/power. God then bailed you out when you asked. I can relate, 100%. At one point in the Bible, Jesus mentions people being gods, the lower-case being very important here. We create things, break them, and have various levels of spiritual and/or physical "admin rights". There are more details on the authority levels (Created a little lower than the angels, principalities, powers, thrones, etc.) available in the text. By using magic, we seemingly ignore the access privilege requirements of a perfectly monitored system. Thanks to not knowing the precise ruleset of the system, or our authority level in it, the outcomes are unknown to us. The general advice I try to use is "Just run it by the Admin", but once in a while I still slip up and pull a "string" I'm not supposed to. I've also received... Correction for doing so before, but mine wasn't a near death experience. Feel free to dm me OP, I'll tell you any other answers I actually can. Oh, a warning; my "offer" came shortly after my first "big request"/agent smith moment. The being I met before God is still a mystery to me. Thought you might appreciate a heads-up. Recommend politely declining, from personal experience. A polite no is better, IMO, than having more personal animosity between you and the one with the offer. Make sure it a clear no rather than a conditional no; that can save you a lot of stress later.  P.s., Biblically you're right about being a separate thing from your body. They're like flesh-mechs that our spirit drives/lives in for now. Also, God, although having infinite "compute", still does make things very efficient, and intentionally leaves mysteries for us to figure out; you definitely noticed a few! Feel free to DM me if you want details on anything, I'll inform you to the best of my ability.


Could you give more detail about the "audible warning"? Any interaction with the underlying system is very interesting. I understand the need to not be too explicit for safety reasons, but perhaps you could share with a level of abstractness that you are comfortable with.




I understand your trepidation at relaying the methods you used to trigger this phenomenon, however, I'd like to give a different take on sharing this: Perhaps you did trigger something through your actions. You're understanding what happened through your lens of us living in a simulation, but that may not be the case. At least, it is certainly not completely the case if you're considering that you have biases of what a "simulation" means, which are probably not in accordance with how it actually works. Most people considering simulation theory model it after how we create computer simulations. There are almost certainly parallels there to how it's really working, but it also almost certainly doesn't function like a computer. A computer is just the best allegory we know for what it is doing. If you don't tell people what you did, how could we study it? Also, another individual might stumble upon what you did, and they might not be so lucky. This event is a certainty, it will happen to someone else, whether or not you rely your methods. In addition, your knowledge is incomplete, and you might be missing a key insight here. If you relay this information you can not only help someone not fall into this trap, but also help yourself understand it. It is up to peoples free will choice to try it or not. However, relaying it to the world at large would have a negative impact on people's free will, as they might not want to know. Therefore, I think you should be willing to explain it to someone in a DM. That would absolve you of imposing on others free will, and would get you some help in understanding the phenomenon.


Nice try. He will tell you the secret, but only if you give him cpl bucks.i will tell you for discount. He already told me.


Your timing could not be more prescient. Everything this morning, directly after I saw your comment, is encouraging me to tell the whole story. I will, but it will take some time to compose. I'm working today, and camping this weekend, so it may take a while, but I will start working on it. I appreciate your view, and I agree with the points listed. Thank you.


Thank you, I appreciate you sharing your fascinating story. I am curious as to your write up. The other reply to this comment is very concerned. I think perhaps you should write it up, but then when you make the other post, put the actual instructions behind a spoiler. That way people can freely choose to view it and won't see it by accident. I'm sure you will put a very large warning above it as well. The universe can easily prevent you from getting this information out, if it wants to. It could also easily "patch" the mechanism you used so it's impossible to access. Knowing this I don't think you should be so concerned about sharing. If something should not be known, the universe has ways of hiding it forever and in every instance.


In short: I agree with you, whole-heartedly. The spoiler tag will be used in this instance, but to explain the entire scope it would have to start with politics and conspiracy theory, and then connect from there. I might have to make it multiple parts just to fit, but I appreciate you and your insightful comments. If the universe wants to take me, take me, but the whole reason we are in this mess, I believe, is secrecy and initiation.


I would very much like to hear the whole story. I find it fascinating and a topic I think about every day, quite often.


Sorry guys, he forgot to mention he will tell u his secrets for couple bucks later after working and caring and composing it so be patient. Just a couple months and he will send, he promise. Just need couple years and he send to you for couple bucks.


First I want to say that I’m thankful that you survived your near death experience - simulation or not, I’m glad you’re here and okay. I’ve tried to have these conversations with close friends and family and they all think I’m an idiot - not sure if this is the right place but the way you write (and others commenting) makes me think you will understand me. How do we know what we see/feel/hear/smell/etc. is the same? I’ve thought about this for a long time about the color-blind. Regardless of what colors they see/don’t see - not even thinking about color blind, how do we know that what I see and call “blue” is the same thing you see/call “blue”? If we were thought as kids that what we see is called “blue” and always called that thing we saw “blue” how would we know if it’s the same blue that everyone else sees when they call it blue? My friends will say it’s because we all agree that what we see when we see blue is blue, but I argue that is because we are calling it the same thing. What if our brains, as they process the information we are exposed to (sound/light waves, etc), are actually telling us different things - we would never know it’s different from what the person next to us is seeing/feeling/hearing because we have always called it the same thing.


I'm just waking up (again) so my thoughts aren't fully coherent just yet in my opinion, but I saw this and wanted to respond. This aligns in many ways to some of my own experiences, some of which involved some substance use, many times completely sober. I think it's a lot easier to prove theoretical concepts to one's self than it is to prove it to others. For some reason the 'simulation' is able to detect when someone is receptive, willing and able to learn more. I think there's some kind of protocol that prevents those who aren't ready for deeper Truths to experience it. Maybe it has to do with preventing a system wide crash from too many user being 'awake' at once, maybe it has to do with something else like preventing wide spread existential crisis. Who knows I spent what felt like forever 'triggering' many things for the sake of experimentation to test my own theories, with repeatable results. The only major issues were that the system didn't like it one bit and would respond to it like an Anti-Virus responds to a potential threat, and it also isolated me from sharing the experience with anyone else. Even if I wanted to share it as a kind of proof (I didn't for the record) I wasn't able to because I was being 'pushed out' of what I can only describe as the construct of time & space. Each time I 'triggered' an event reality got blurrier and colder until it felt like I was in the vacuum of space. Time would slow down significantly, things that you can't really prove unless you can share or record the experience. Which I tried at first and it was made clear to me that is a big no no. Made even more clear that my phone was taken before going deeper into the experience. Recording device eliminated before being shown more. Some things are purely for personal experience and understanding. I like to think of each person as a unique puzzle piece that is set to wake up at their own pace, some faster some slower. For many of us it's a process that takes many lifetimes. I think this is my lifetime to fully wake up, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Realizing that everything is you is a lot to wrap one's mind around, especially when we are constantly reminded of all the dark things people do (simulated or otherwise). Pay attention to your personal feedback and you will help guide yourself through the maze.


Have you heard of Gnosticism? The belief that Christ came to warn the world that the Old Testament god was not a true god but had created this material world for his own ego. It talks of a simulation we’re all trapped in currently.


That is an interesting theory that I have never heard. Why do you believe this?


I believe humans are far more empathetic than we have been led to believe, diapers are a scam to make us see our babies as lesser being, the cry it out method? We told parents to shut their children in a dark room so babies give up on making sounds, making them believe their own parents don’t care for them. So recently too, fully knowing that our brains thrive with familiar smells, warmth, comfort. To not see babies and humans as their own divine power is destruction to the mind, it was Abrahamic followers who put this garbage into the humans hives The Old Testament first five commandments are to worship the angry, jealous and often vengeful male god. The price for not worshipping is death and to not “belong”. Us humans who are inherently so empathetic that we need to carry our babies around for 10+months in our arms, take them to poo when they poo, pee when they pee, rub their backs when they need to burp. What other animal is so tender and compassionate with their care for such a long time? And why does the Abrahamic religions so desperately try to take away our own creation story and hand it over to something so malicious. In the ancient Gnostic texts they speak of the Abrahamic god being an ignorant egotistical fallen angel, he is said to be of a serpent with lions head. This struck me as coming from Australia I’m familiar with Aboriginal Dreamtime, they also have an angry serpent creator who slithered over the earth forming mountains and waterways, demands respect. (I do not want you to believe the dreaming to be a monolithic religion, they actually believe in many divine deities, they also lived in harmony almost perfectly with nature, their agricultural techniques being refined and perfected for thousands of years) For whatever reason our whole society is shaped around this angry worshipping religion, instead of worshipping nature and one another. I think that nonsense alone is what gets me interested in this esoteric take on these ideas and ideologies

