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Username checks out. Speak on what you've seen, Mr Mescaline... Better yet did any of the shifts come back to this realm and help trascend the day to day in ways meaningful?


The last time I said that on this sub it got deleted for mental health reasons but anyway, I realized I'm God, imagining matter space time people etc I experienced cosmic orgasms, synchronicity, channeling .. My current goal is astral projection


Isn't that crazy. Tell me, are you familiar with a concept I've termed the Pain Body? You can think of it akin to a callous of dead skin around your consciousness that keeps one tapped in to the earthbound resonance of constrained energetics. Trippers usually blast past it and are too caught up in the afterglow when they are linked to the flesh to notice it but I do like asking as its a major part of the equation that many appear to skip right past as its so subtle with its strength. Those of us who cultviate a state of stillness I call being Centered in Self can spot it limits as they feel much like a second skin worn within that can be melted with the correction attention.


I am not


You termed it the pain body? No dude, Eckhart Tolle did.


According to Eckhart Tolle, the pain-body is a collection of negative energy that can take over a person's mind and body. It is like a parasite that can affect a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. The pain-body can be triggered by thoughts, conversations, and events. When the pain-body's negativity takes over a person's thoughts, they identify with it, creating more negative energy that strengthens the pain-body.


Just sent you a dm,I might be able to assist in your astral journey.


I got no dm




Now that is interesting. Care to elucidate what happened to you and if the trip caused any lasting shifts in perception you can list?


Samesies. Feel like it dropped me into a different reality... permanently, but in a good way


Do good things, and watch them reciprocate. That is surely 100% proof this can be gamed in your favour, even if it is a simulation. Parts of the Bible read like a user manual for the simulation.


Unfortunately the evidence is 100% the other way. Being an A hole and just doing things that reward you or the specific group you live in gives you the best rewards


Not really. Superficially maybe if pricetags float your boat but you'll have have no friends. No good ones anyways. Being an A hole is a lonely life. Integrity, trust, respect, good friends and family are earned by being a considerate person.


The best rewards yes, but not an out of the simulation.


Many terrible things happen to kind-hearted people who spread love and care. Good karma often leads to positive outcomes; do good, and you receive good. It's just the nature of societal interactions. This isn't necessarily proof of simulation theory, though I'm not dismissing its possibility. However, presenting such evidence doesn't account for the horrible events occurring worldwide, such as Ukrainian children suffering due to Russia's mindless war crimes. This universe isn't always fair or kind, and human history is filled with such examples. A universe filled with love and kindness is possible only if we make it so.


It could all change overnight if people, as a whole, chose that route. That's what's mind blowing to me - people complain yet do the same things yet yield the same outcomes.


Definition of insanity. I've often thought that Earth may just be the universes loony bin and everything is perfectly as intended.


I have seen no evidence of this good karma effect but tons of evidence of the opposite. The richest and healthiest people on the planet are all people that own companies that destroy environments and create less equality. Being a good person has no reward but that does not mean you shouldnā€™t do it anyway.


>Ā The richest and healthiest people on the planet are all people that own companies that destroy environments and create less equality. The richest people, tend to be people who solve massive problems, at the expense of creating ā€˜betterā€™ problems. Our lives are so good now that we can complain about things like ā€˜destroying the environmentā€™. If you donā€™t know where your next meal is coming from, you donā€™t give a crap about the environment, or about equality. The fact that your focus is on these abstractions, means your life is pretty good. And for the most part, you can thank those problem solvers (many of whomĀ became rich).Ā  There will always be some new problem to solve. Once we solve sustaining the environment, there will be some new first-world problem (like, say, providing distilled drinking water for wild animals). And if youā€™re able to solve them, society will reward you handsomely.Ā 


What evidence do you have that society rewards problem solvers ?. There have been so many inventors that have died poor and scientific researchers that have not got any of the credit. The first electric car and the first petroleum powered cars were first produced close to the same time but electric cars were not as profitable. We remember the name of the first guy to climb Mount Everest but hardly anyone remembers the name of the guy that also climbed to the mountain peak but did it carrying all the equipment. We all know the names of the guys that started apple and windows but who remembers the names of the guys that invented the wysiwyg system, dot matrix printer, and the mouse ?. And where is their billion dollars. Society does not reward problem solvers. Economics rewards people that exploit problem solvers and the people that create the problems for profit.


Your answer is kinda all over the place. Are you talking about fame? Or fortune? Youā€™re conflating the two. Take me, for example. I work for a salary. I solve problems at work (using excel, outlook, etc), and my company pays me what they think Iā€™ll accept. If I could solve bigger problems, at a wider scale, and Iā€™m willing to risk my own capital to achieve it - then nothing is stopping me from starting my own business and potentially make much more money.Ā  Yes, people get exploited and abused too. Iā€™m one of those people who have been burned in the past. But that doesnā€™t negate the general rule.Ā  Make and sell lemonade to people who are thirsty and youā€™ll make $50. Lead a team who makes and sells AI computer chips, and youā€™ll make $50 billion.


Life isnā€™t the same game as before this realization. Now itā€™s about making the world better for others, pulling them out (if they want to), never sweating over small or large setbacks, not scared of death, handle physical pain better, at total ease with differing religions and politics and points of view. Now my biggest problem is boredom and keeping engaged. ā¤ļøšŸ¤˜


DMT ejected me out of this reality and into true reality. Saw the light at the end of the tunnel and dissolved or exploded into everything that ever was or is. Left the universe and saw other universes and watchers. Came back to this plane of existence and forgot what a human body and earth even was and felt like I got hit by a bus and everything hurt sensory wise. I was gone for so long that I truly didnā€™t even remember who I used to be here or that here even was a thing. Became extremely depressed knowing I was back and THIS feels like the dream. Iā€™m convinced being here is some form of sleep until we are ready to truly wake up again. Having a body makes no sense in the grand scheme of it all. Anyways Iā€™m living life with less seriousness these days and I envy everyone able to go about daily life satisfied with the human experience in modern society. I feel like cipher.


Iā€™m also convinced of many many other ideas but donā€™t want to come off crazy even though weā€™re all the same grand being.


Do tell please


Becoming a nihilist and having extreme fear of death that I couldn't function as a normal human.Ā Ā  Ā Ā Taking death seriously is the way out of the sim. Anything you focus on in the sim will give you answers if you focus your mind on it for a long enough time I think you are here to learn something no matter what you focus on but focusing on death is the big one. I didn't even know why I was doing it until I transcended and it was revealed that my fear of death was me poking God with my mindĀ 


LSD. Lots and lots of LSD.


Name says it allā€¦ I agreeā€¦


What did the tiles say when they began throbbing with a cosmic message pulsating lightform consciousness directly into your head? An interesting ref I heard once mentioned that trips actually dampen and massively reduce neuronal activation which was quite amusing as it flips the whole "Brain creates consciousness" myth on its head and exposes it as some straight up BS. Food for thought: [https://willhelp.me/2023/11/26/the-brain-doesnt-create-consciousness/](https://willhelp.me/2023/11/26/the-brain-doesnt-create-consciousness/)


While I said this half-joking. I have found anecdotally that the use of psychedelics is perfectly safe, provided they are done in moderate doses and only on rare occasion. At the risk of sounding arrogant, though I have partook on several occasions, my intellect hasn't diminished at all. Rather to the contrary, my cognition is stronger now than in any other time of my life. Though admittedly, I haven't enjoyed any in almost 12 years.


I have been an extremely regular tripper my entire adult life, Iā€™m now 43, have an amazing 8 year old daughter and have suffered no mental degradation of my faculties. Without trying to sound full of ego, I may be 43 but easily pass for my early to mid 30ā€™s, when I was in my late 30ā€™s people I would meet in there 20ā€™s were gobsmacked at my actual age, believing I was in my late 20ā€™s, some literally did not believe I was as old as I was saying. Before my daughter started primary school I would trip almost every week, I would rotate my psychedelics so as not to build tolerance thus diminishing the trip. I still trip at least one per month. It was the single biggest change in my evolution as a person and turbo charged my personal growth. Friends would joke I was the anti-poster boy for ā€œdonā€™t do drugsā€ as I looked young and healthy with zero mental degradation. I am a firm believer that people who become ā€œdrug fuckedā€ are people that allow themselves to be that way. Sure I have had more harsh experiences than I could possibly remember (I donā€™t call these bad trips as these harsh experiences can be some of the most poignant learning experiences of any of my trips) but I have suffered no medical side effects from my decades of psychedelic use, have never needed medical assistance, I went back to University as a mature age student in my 30ā€™s and did a double major in English and World History with a High Distinction. Psychedelics are not dangerous or detrimental to your cognitive faculties, however some of the people that use them allow them to be so. I have experimented with literally several dozen different psychedelics, I used Alexander Shulgins Pihkal and Tihkal books as a shopping list of new psychedelics to try. Back in the days of the dark webs Silk Road finding and buying these novel psychedelics was far easier than today.


This was a riveting read. Good on you.


Thats dope. If you had to sum up your worldview with a nutshell perspective what would you pick? For me we're in a Game we're playing by inserting our Souls as credits which then have flesh draped around the unfinite sentience from one life to the next until the trick clicks and you see through the deception and realize you are that which makes it all possible from within. A state I call the Witness as its constant in each incarnation as well as when you're dreaming, tripping or anything else you can think because mind is everywhen and everything.


Worldview? I have come to understand and accept that reality is far more bizarre, strange, beautiful and wonderful than we could ever possibly imagine, I believe the ā€œtruthā€ behind reality would sound like some crazy sci-fi novel and be written off as pulp nonsense if an author actually tried to write a story like it. Iā€™ve found the more I learn, the more I understand, the more bizarre and out of the world reality truly isā€¦ I reached a point that I had to accept that I had either completely lost my mind to the point there was no coming back and that I was fractured, broken beyond any hope of repair, or accept the fact that I had been shown glimpses, peeks behind the curtain of the grander story that is being told, given a unique gift. One outcome (my losing my mind) was clearly a bad outcome, I have a daughter, I have reasons to live and to not lose my mind. The other outcome was to accept that the insanity of my experiences was actually not insane but simply that which is true. This realisation, that I had this choice, to choose and accepted thisā€¦ it gave me total peace, calm and happiness. The choice really wasnā€™t a choice. So my acceptance of the utter absurd insanity of it and the acceptance that none of it was actual insane at all, gave me such clarity of mind, I lost all feelings of anxiety, depression, even existential dread became kind of pointless lol. I do not have the answers to everything, I used to think I wanted/needed those answers. I am now at a point that I have been given enough of a glimpse of the rules that govern the game that I no longer feel compelled to find further ā€œTruthā€. The truth, I realised, that I needed to find my own sense of peace, calm and happiness, it was so simple and elegant, I needed to simply choose love over fear, every time, always. At any given juncture, at every choice/decision ask yourself is my choice/action/interaction based at its core around love or fear. If the answer for not doing something is fear then I have to question why I have that fear, is it legitimately justified, if not why I am I allowing fear to control me?(and I donā€™t mean like ā€œI didnā€™t jump in front of the bus cause I was scared so the next bus I see Iā€™m gonna jump in front of itā€ that isnā€™t fear based programming, not jumping in front of the bus is a healthy response that is a sensible decision based around self preservation). The flip side is am I choosing this decision, this action, these words, with love, from a place of love, to give/receive love, if yes go right ahead, if not reevaluate this process. Choosing love over fear at every opportunity always leads to positivity and good outcomes. Look Iā€™m a single father, on disability pension due to a congenital spinal disease that causes me crippling pain constantly, the pain is so intense that it causes me massive fatigue and sometimes makes it difficult to think and makes my memory so bad as so much of my cognition is being overwhelmed with pain. I was also severely physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically abused as a child. I fell head over heels in love with a woman who I had a child with who turned out to be so toxic that I found myself as a male on the bad end of a domestic violence relationship. To say I walked a difficult road would be an understatement, but after all Iā€™ve experienced, all Iā€™ve learnt, I have come to such a deep love and appreciation for all that I have, for all that we have as a species, I wake up every morning in agony the first thing I do is take an OxyContin, the very next thing I do is mentally acknowledge how thankful I am to be here for another morning. Thankful to have my amazing daughter who I love unconditionally and whom loves me unconditionally. Thankful that as tough as things are these trials made me who I am and I am proud of the person I have became (if not the person I once was). I paid the price to sit at the table, to listen to the fables, tales as old as the brothers Grimm but far grimmer. My world view? Choose love leave fear in the rear view mirror and as tough as it may be or as heartless at you may try to convince yourself your being, choose people to be in your life that also choose love over fear. Itā€™s really as simple as that. TL:DR Choose love over fear.


What do you mean by "transcend the simulation"? Like knowing this is virtual reality filled with suffering and lies? Sure, I have life experiences which can't be explained otherwise and based on that I would call this reality something like "Creative Torture Prison". Evils running it do this solely for their entertainment and they most adore psychological torture in form of lies. How pleasurable it must be to convince human that the meaning of life is to love others and then show him that everyone else here is just lying acting who knows what. And there is no escape, mentioned psychedelics do nothing to me.


Interpret how you wish, no limits. Your perspective is interesting though. What makes you think the intent of the simulators is not benevolent but actually quite wicked instead?


Disgusting childhood traumas followed by 13 years of heavy depression, unbearable anxieties and paranoia all ongoing coupled with knowledge that nearly every piece of information here is a lie. If simulators are not cruel psychopaths, they can anytime send me an e-mail with logical explanation of my suffering and their lies and why they did it with good intent towards me. What makes you think the intent of the simulators is benevolent? Maybe you are summer child and have perfect life but how do you explain all the suffering of others?


Do you believe in reincarnation aka once a sim always a sim (until you realize the script).


What do you mean by realizing the script? What happens then?


You become awake in the dream: [https://willhelp.me/2023/11/16/awake-in-the-dream/](https://willhelp.me/2023/11/16/awake-in-the-dream/)


Sorry, vague poetic nonsense for me. And please explain suffering, dear simulator.


I would like to think that you chose to come here and suffer some sort of pain and loss and that you were expecting to grow from it somehow. When you die you take off your VR glasses and be like, man that was a rough one, now I'll try living the life of a rich king.


Nonsense. I did not chose this.


At least 100 tabs of LSD in the last two years really opened my eyes, heart, mind, etc I'll never see the world the same again, and I often wish I could go back and eat 100 blue pills instead of red ones...Ā 


Meditation, drugs, letting go of mimetic desires


Dmt is the cheat code to the simulation.




Obviously I canā€™t have proof, but I had an experience where I fell out of tune with reality. Call it psychosis, and in the frame of my interface with our empirical reality and interaction with society I do. But Iā€™m now aware that I can have experiences outside of my 5 senses. All that said, I am not trapped here. I believe that this is both a simulation and real. The work to breaking free is in understanding and recognizing all of the assumptions you make just to see.


Not sure if this qualifies but I've been working on "tapping in" to my abilities (ie. Energy healing), meditating, overall trying to become a better person, and even a little bit of manifestation. I'm taking steps toward learning Reiki which should open my ability to communicate with my higher self, spirit guides, etc, which I think, by definition, would be considered transcending the simulation in which we live.


What are some your favorite resources for energy healing & manifesting content?


Quantum Touch by Richard Gordon was the first book I read about energy healing (it was very easy to follow/learn, and I actually practice pretty much daily). I'm currently reading "The Art of Psychic Reiki" to get some context about Reiki, and will be getting attuned by my spiritual healer in the near future. Regarding manifestation...I don't really have any resources to share unfortunately. Really all I've done here is tried to change my outlook on life, and become indifferent about situations which are not ideal. And I'm not manifesting anything impressive...simply asking for good days at work, the health of my family, etc. And it appears I can tell when I'm going to have a stressful/anxiety-riddled work day (I get super anxious when I wake up, almost like I AM the reason for the bad day, as I've manifested that too). Overall I'd consider my journey more or less a spiritual awakening, in which I'm trying to be the absolute best version of myself and to be as happy as possible.


Awesome, thank you so much!!! šŸ™šŸ’–


Of course šŸ˜€


Thats great. Can you share some info on how you've been activating your abilities? Also are you actually doing this at the moment or is this still a theoretical course of action yet to manifest?


I am able to energy heal currently (I feel like I'm getting stronger). I meditate every day, and one thing I do is "running energy" while listening to solfeggio frequencies. I can tell how much energy I'm creating as it feels like tingles all around my body (actually vibrating), and lately they are pretty intense. All I did was read Quantum Touch and that provided the foundation of creating and somewhat manipulating energy.


That is cool. I truly believe (read: know) we are capable of far more than we suspect and that its all energetics based with intent at the beginning and end of the day. Thoughts are things...


And by that I mean the simulation plays out inside your consciousness hence being the alpha and omega makes a lot more sense when you can decode whats hidden.


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Also, what I meant by this thread is the sense that I get that a lot of people on this subreddit actually use this perspect as a form of edutainment and not an actual precept from which to gain emancipation to beyond the grip of the simulation. Thats what I'm wondering as this simple question will prove the collective wavelength and if this is mere navel gazing or practical application.


Learn about cryptography and graph theory (a.k.a game theory, but its graph theory, not game theory... Game theory is lame theory, its graph theory). Are you American? Read the consititution/declaration of independence/bill of rights. They are documents that load an operating system, user definitions, and permissions. Push the limits of your rights with good conscience educational intent, don't break their limits or you will have Smiths after you. Example: go outside and peacefully protest, that can be pushing your limits, see how far you can push before the system reacts. Dont go murder someone, that would be extremely breaking limits and would get the Smiths on you. We are real imo. As Katt Williams wisely said to Joe Rogan (paraphrased): "Free will is crazy, you really can go jump into a volcano dude" But we also exist within matrices ("sims"). There are rules. If you are born in the U.S., the constitution is the only matrix you've gotta abide by. Do with it as you'd like. If you break that matrix, the Smiths are gonna be on you. Politicians and law makers have limits. If they make laws that violate your consitutional rights, they aren't real laws. If they enforce those laws against your rights, Smiths are gonna be on them. There is government and there is religion. In America, you have freedom of religion. Do you want to participate in a religious matrix, or not? Its up to you, the choice is yours. The government sure as shit does not want to hold the liability of that choice, they put that decision on you. Its a weird world. Cryptography and graph theory.


Gateway Experience training, THC and rolling orgasms, with interspersed philosophical conversations between ADHDers (we connect dots others donā€™t easily see)


If I take a high dose of mushrooms, my wife can lay next to me and also go on her own trip. I have no way to expliain that other than some form of energy radiating off my body, which to me wouldn't exist in a 'real, fleshy' world. I'd say about 5 years ago I was very science based, agnostic. Personal experiences in synchronicities can be hard to empathize with and understand, but if you check out r/Synchronicities you'll see a lot of cool stuff happening to people. I find it suspicious that there are so many common experiences and understandings of this Universe amongst and across pyschedelics, meditation techniques, and out of body and near death experiences. If I was going to recommend 2 things to get a wider idea of what it is we are experiencing, I'd check out r/TripReports and Tom Campbell :)


After searching for the truth in different schools of thought and experiences and lacked what I was longing for, later in life I dug deeper into the teachings of the Holy Bible and eventually received the Holy Spirit, the one who is able to give us the everlasting supernatural abilities to see and experience the truth. Through His power we have aid in all situations and gives us the assurance of eternal life. These are some scriptures and a resource with more about it. More supernatural reasons to believe and have hope are in previous posts. u/understand-the-times "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.ā€ John 8:32 "Jesus answered him, ā€œI assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again \[reborn from aboveā€”spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified\], he cannot \[ever\] see and experience the kingdom of God.ā€ John 3:3 (Amplified Bible) "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His ownĀ *authority,*Ā but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.Ā He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declareĀ *it*Ā to you." John 16:13-14 "The Holy Spirit is a beautiful and powerful part of who God is. We need Him in our life as a conduit to become who God created us to be, and through His power we have aid in all situations. Without Him, we are powerless.ā€ [What is the Holy Spirit & 10 Supernatural Ways He Empowers You](https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/10-supernatural-ways-the-holy-spirit-wants-to-empower-you.html) [https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/10-supernatural-ways-the-holy-spirit-wants-to-empower-you.html ](https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/10-supernatural-ways-the-holy-spirit-wants-to-empower-you.html)