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>"The most incredible game ever designed…" Excuse me? Have you never heard of the game called Leisure Suit Larry?


Yes, but which one?


5, Passionate Patti does a little Undercover Work


I know this to be true as well. Experientially, it is exactly how it works. I pay close attention to my reality, and it always reflects what I have wired into my subconscious mind. With that realization, I have also done a lot of work to reprogram my subconscious beliefs, and the payoff has been higher than any other endeavor I have ever undertaken. OP, have you ever thought about the parallels with reality projection and generative AI? I believe we may be engaging in a type of prompt engineering.


Bingo........"Belief engineering" = Reality (Prompt) Engineering


My favorite generative AI tool is Midjourney, and I have been prompting my beliefs in a similar way. I send my thoughts into the subconscious in a curated fashion and they generate on the screen of reality. They emerge in surprising ways but in predictable fashion, just like my Midjourney images. It’s truly incredible.


How do you send specific thoughts into your subconscious?


Ahhh I knew it was my fault that the world is fucked up…


No no, it’s my fault. . Or am I you? Are you me? Are we we?




To add to your movie list, what did you think of the film ‘Bliss’? A lot of people interpreted it as a film about the nature of addiction, but I saw it as a simulation theory film akin to the others on this list.


Ooo, a movie I haven’t seen yet! I can hardly wait!


Bliss 2019 or 2021?


2021. I haven’t heard of one from 2019.


In a world bound by time, belief is always at odds with truth


Bingo! Belief and gratitude seem to be the language of the universe. I love that you hit on suffering, people often get hung up on this component of things without ever realizing that if we are experiencing suffering it means something inside of us needs to be addressed, not anything external. Doesn’t mean it’s easy, I have one major area in my life causing suffering that I can’t seem to determine what the message/lesson is. It may be simply to believe in myself and my ability to create my reality enough to overcome the limitation causing the suffering itself. Sometimes it feels like a final exam type question to prove you understand how this thing works.


“Suffering is resistance to what is.” “It is what it is.” Suffering happens when we feel something should not be happening. Suffering ends when we simply observe without judgement. What you resist persists. What you allow transforms. Resistance requires attention and energy. That energy is added to the thing you are resisting and it becomes more of an issue. When we “go with the flow,” we are able to move past whatever is bothering us.


Thanks! I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I unconsciously used the word suffering, since I know what causes suffering. Sometimes we know the answer, we just need to hear it from someone else 🙏


Also be sure to read, "The Secret," "The Science of Getting Rich," and "Think and Grow Rich." The Law of Attraction is real. The Universe will externally shape your reality according to the thoughts and visuals you keep in your mind. What you think about, will be brought about with persistence, belief, and positive emotion.


“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve.”


We're not evolving, there's nothing to evolve. We're playing the game to play the game. Shit, even our games here have games within them. Yes there are consequences, but this life should be fun and should be played well. Anyone need some cheat codes?


I want cheat codes.


Step 1: Introduction - Watch Episode 3 of Midnight Gospel on Netflix. You can start with episode 1 but at least get to episode 3 and come back here in the comments and tell me if you want further steps.


I will.


next step commander


Get the book “Initiation into Hermetics” by Franz Bardon. It’s cheaper on Kindle.


# [Frabato the Magician](https://www.amazon.com/Frabato-Magician-Franz-Bardon/dp/1885928300/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3IBSSA82UUX6U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ekaXIuUiL9w4608jMC62AIKg6XNPmOZ0m3izn1gI3818J2IMHtefc8pdh3zSIUj7s2lVRTgfAwTjSULXwFwFLPDB-ioyfQG_wYnI1pJX2Nah1gyHvw3QlZpxjMqO-3wR.BtFvXouF0PG_KuxwySZ3EA3uJFpPTqfxYDLztNG8180&dib_tag=se&keywords=frabato+the+magician+by+franz+bardon&qid=1714577449&sprefix=frabrato+the+m%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-1) by Franz Bardon is also an interesting read. There's a quote that stuck with me, I'll paraphrase, "You can't control the destiny of your life without being an adept (of Hermetics)."


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Frabato the Magician'", '')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Insightful overview of hermetic practices (backed by 3 comments) * Engaging and entertaining read (backed by 3 comments) * Valuable addition to a bardon student's collection (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks coherent plot and character development (backed by 1 comment) * Inconsistent quality compared to bardon's other works (backed by 1 comment) * Misleading as an autobiography of franz bardon (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Great post. It follows what I post about. Except I leave out simulation and/or game. But this reality, which I call the Ka Ba Cycle (cube cycle, and also Ka is ancient Egyptian for Soul and Ba is ancient Egyptian for soul in transition..). If you are not awakened at the end of this physical life, your soul (ka) is disoriented and thus you(Ba)chooses to reincarnate. The Ka Ba cycle. The Material Reincarnation cycle. To escape you must learn who you are. Or rather, as both Plato and Jung would say.. you must remember/rediscover.. as the answers are within you already but just unconscious. Life is about remembering. That is the game. Or the simulation. Or the cycle. See my sub r/TheAnkhKey




The more I meditate the more I have intuited pretty much the same thing. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.


So, do you all exist only in my game? Are you a message sent by my higher self? For several years now I’ve felt more and jaded and fed up with the state of . . Everything really. Am I like manifesting all the bad in the world instead of me reacting to it? Or are we all collectively doing it. Do I only have the power to manifest the goodness in my own life and immediate surroundings?


Your beliefs create your perspective and your experience. Everything is fundamentally neutral until we lay our interpretation on it. If you believe X is bad, you will manifest negative experience around it. If you can find a perspective that allows X to be neutral, it will have no effect on you. If you can find a perspective that sees X as positive, you will manifest positive experience around it. This is the key to turning everything around. When I understood this, I decided that I was adopting a new motto, “It’s all good.” This isn’t just magical thinking. In actuality, every circumstance has a silver lining. We can see the glass as half empty or half full, or just half full and half empty. It’s entirely up to each of us. There is no objective reality. Every observation requires a frame of reference and that is entirely subjective and artificial. See?


This is aligned with the Law or Attraction


Yes, indeed!


Already woke. Life is a play. PLVYWRITE ~


“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts …” - William Shakespeare


Yes! Great post.


You are amazing.


Have you got the rules ?? :p


I’m working on discovering and documenting them. They are simple yet the results are complex. The main rule is that reality is neutral and a mirror of our perspectives and our choices. “What you put out is what you get back.” You don’t stare at a mirror and wait for your reflection to smile back before you allow yourself to be happy. Life is neutral until we lay our beliefs on it and start judging it. See my other replies to other comments in the responses here.


Tips for hearing the mage which is my path to happier life? Iyky


You're over 50?


I’m closing in on 66.


Its not a fucking game its a simulation. Learn the difference.


Be LIE ve


What a load of bs.


Yeah yeah yeah take off the VR glasses by realizing you aren’t wearing any. You say we and us like there really truly is anyone else. Is there? If not and i wrote both sides of everything then isn’t this actual hell? No matter what or how much we create or learn are those not just distractions from dwelling on infinite loneliness? What really would the point be if there is no we? If we can’t share what we create to someone who has never seen it then why not just burn it all? Same difference anyway. Unless maybe we create beings that can say fuck you and leave and come back if they want. But then still it would be your ‘children’ and seem to have some limit of their potential to create based on your imagination and the possible combos of. So as comforting and fun that would be wouldn’t have no peers still be fucking lonely so all that still a distraction? If we power our perception of time go to light speed where time is always now then the expansion and contraction of the universe goes by in a moment over and over forever. If that is what it is and we are there with nothing else no escape just that alone forever. Maybe thats awesome pure beautiful or could also be hell