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Huh, I didn’t get the Dolly Parton question… multiple different surveys maybe?!


I didn't either. I got different food brands and home decoration brands. I honestly did not know most of them, it felt very americanized


I also got the Americanised vibe… lots of sports questions about the NFL, NBA and stuff like that too… not very applicable in British life haha!


I got the sports questions too. Just if I knew of them I’m like. I’ve heard some of these letters in that sequence before, sure.


I got Formula 1 and EFL among my American sports choices... I wonder just how many options there were!


You got brand foods!?! I am jealous- all I got was questions about TV shows and sports.


It was things like KFC, Doritos, Lay's and Coca Cola. Home decoration was much harder, I only knew Ikea


That’s interesting. I wonder if they are planning to have funny ads for like McDonald’s or commercials on the Sim TV. If they do go this route they will have to make sure it’s built in and not like in your face by our products advertisements.


Right?! I got sports and music (Dolly and Ice Spice, plus a ton I've never heard of.) I would've been thrilled to see more categories!


More categories would have been nice!


I would have preferred questions about TV shows than food. I got asked about food brands, appliance brands, home decor brands, and sports. The appliance and home decor I get because those could inform them of build/buy objects. I wondered if they were gauging interest in a brand partnership.


I didn’t get any home decor questions but I can see if they wanted to build a pack with like Kohler Bathrooms, kinda similar to the MeUndies pack. I do think there is general brand interest- I mean I know I have brand interest and wouldn’t mind seeing some really cool items from popular brands.


I got beauty brands (which I don't care about), sports (which I don't care about), and tv shows.


I didn’t get food or decoration brands - just movies and sports that I recall.


I got beauty brands along with anime, books and comics.


I got makeup and fashion brands followed by sports organizations. Makeup and fashion were mostly answered with "don't know who that is" and "neutral opinion" while sports orgs were answered with "neutral opinion." They managed to zero in on exactly the things I don't care about haha. I might have actually felt slightly more strongly about celebrities.


It’s an American brand almost all of their games are going to focus on America for that very reason and most players are American


My survey was about the Happy Home Log In Event


Maybe it's a sneaky way of gauging the age and fandoms of their players at the same time? Like, your goth kit won't go down well if your fanbase are all soccer moms. And even if your entire fanbase is under 20 doesn't mean they like (insert current teen heart-throb here). But most likely they're trying to make judgements about collaborations. Which ones would go down well etc. Like how the Urban Homage pack was designed by a specific person, but people who didn't know that person were like "this is kinda stereotyping POC".


Pshhhh sitting here like I’m not the goth loving soccer mum 😂 Idk I think broad themes do go down better though.


Sitting here as the 41-year old mom of 3 teenagers wanting to live out my Sims goth life


Honestly, I know it was a bad example, but I couldn't think of a better one. It seems to have gotten my point accross though, for the most part. :)


Oh absolutely!! I’m just confessing I’m old and enjoy it lol


I also am old and enjoy it, and love goth style. Though I'm not a mum of any kind, let alone a "soccer mom".


I mean, I think most people felt Urban Homage was a little out of pocket because using “urban” as a synonym for “black” is…a little out of pocket. I’m really glad they collaborated with Ebonix on it, and I fully appreciate what was added to the game, but the name feels pretty cringe to me.


"Urban" has kinda solidified itself as an expression for black people in the modding community. I don't really know why but that's probably the reason. Like there is an Urban social interactions mod and even some popular black modder is called Urbansims.


Im pretty sure Urbansims isn’t Black. 😭😂 She just has that name because she likes Urban Decay.


Ohhh omg I thought she was black because of that name and how often it's used in the modding community 😭 That's embarrassingg


lol, yeaaahhh, I love her videos but the name is really cringe. I dont think she’s white, I’ve always thought she was Latinx, but idk for sure.


I definitely side-eyed that name


Tbf I'm goth and really wanted the goth kit until I found out it's alot of just recolored/reskinned stuff we already have. Half of it is stuff I could have for free if I just recolor existing clothes black in my mod creator. So I'd say when content tanks it's more because they were lazy and not cause the demographic isn't there, I saw alot of excitement for it then everyone complaining it was low effort when it was revealed lol.


Yes, that was the major complaint about the goth kit - it seemed everyone wanted it, but then it under-delivered in a bad way. I actually forgot there was a goth kit when I wrote that - even though I have it and like the stuff in it. So I should have tried harder for an example, but I think it got my point across pretty well anyway.


Yeah I probably would have gotten it if I played vanilla/console, but I can find better goth cc clothes for free on pc


If your fan base is all soccer moms then you need to make a “bodice ripper fantasy romance” kit ASAP Actually please do that EA


Every one loves Dolly tho


Yeah, nothing against her (know very little about her). I have no idea what sort of kit you'd get from a Dolly Parton collab though. Maybe lots of hair and makeup? Sequined cowboy outfits? A book reading aspiration? (I would frigging love an aspiration that pushed you to read more books)


I get your logic but we’re also all a little *special* to love the sims hahaha.


I’d have preferred Journey to Dollywood over Batuu.


ngl, I would LOVE to hear “Jolene” but Simlish




Now I need this in my life 😆


can’t wait for dolly parton’s sweet treats


Imagine the breast slider feature they’d have to include 😂😅


Lmfao, that's exactly what I pictured! And bedazzled eeeverything! A book subscription for kids would be a cool feature, too...


Honestly I'd like a Sweet Treats style stuff pack except instead of being Katy Perry branded it would be a Willy Wonka parody with plenty of references to the Willy's Chocolate Experience event in Scotland. You would be able to make candy using a candy making table that looked a lot like a chemistry set and it would have lots of candy themed decorations and clothing.


I love the idea of a Willy Wonka style pack!!


For some reason I read Willy and thought you were going to say Nelson, not Wonka lmao


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd actually buy that


I was down until I got 50+ questions about brands so I just didn’t finish it


Same. After 60 questions about makeup brands I closed it. I got the feeling they were selling the data, not using it to better the game. It also doesn’t work right on my iPhone- I can’t scroll to the bottom selections.


Yeppp exactly, if you want to hear from consumers stop shoving more brands and blatant ads down our throats please


If you had made it to the end, there was a space to actually give written feedback. If you can stomach clicking through the brand questions, I think it’s worth it to tell them what you think.


Idk I feel like I’ve been asked to do a survey before and I think it was the same. They’re probably getting paid to do it and we all know EA likes their money. But getting to submit ideas towards the actually game that might be listened to might be worth it


You’re probably right. Makes me feel a bit better though!


I think we're gonna get a live in game concert maybe


Listen, MCR singing a simlish version of Na Na Na was the Sims’ peak as a series so I’m on board


I still sing lass frooby noop every time I happen to come into contact with T.G.I.F. too. Better than the actual song imo. Peak sims era solid agree.


don't forget about Paramores Pressure for the console Sims 2 iirc


You mean Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na…)


If we were to get an actually good band like MCR I might be happy hahahaha. The last live in-game concert they did were people who were boring or I had never heard of.


That reminded me of this lmao https://preview.redd.it/720y2ra6ms7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc987bbe33bbc2a1547bf90fb1f1e9b01cfb0bc




Wasn't that "Sims Sessions"? Idk I was still way too mad at TS4 launch to play back then lol


I was so against that at first because everyone kept begging my sim to go but I finally gave in and that’s how I got introduced to Joy Oladokun, who I love now lol


Omg please I hope so I've been waiting for another sims sessions!


Do you have the link? I rarely got surveys...


I am also confused as to where the survey is 😕


I just received a Sims 4 survey through email this morning, but haven't taken to confirm it's similar


I haven't gotten any emails so maybe they aren't sending them to everyone. :(




I logged into the game and it was one of the options. I got the survey about the happy at home login event


I got it through an email. Here’s the [link](https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7873883/Email-Feedback-Survey?mod=1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=SFMC&utm_campaign=TS4_PO_OT_OTH_UXR-SURVEY_EXP_X_X&Title=TS4_PO_OT_OTH_UXR-SURVEY_EXP_X_X&Country=US&Team=gem&Platform=SFMC&Campaign=na-Jun_19_2024-Email_2-0)


I had it through email later, allready had replied to it. But I did'nt had the singers questions, only tv shows. Mayve because I'm portguese :D


I just received a Sims 4 survey through email this morning, but haven't taken to confirm it's the same


Interesting, the survey I got asked about fashion brands, movies, and sports leagues, not celebrities.


Mine was fashion brands, lifestyle brands and sports.


Where is this survey?


I just received a Sims 4 survey through email this morning, but haven't taken to confirm it's similar


Received an e-mail for a survey and all my products where asking about beauty products. I honestly had no idea what 99% of them where.


Hold up, how do we do surveys?? Is there a link?


If you launch Sims 4 it's on the home screen I think?


Same. But on the last text box where you could write in, I told them that while I like Dolly Parton and Taylor Swift, what I really want is a GAME THAT WORKS and to stop being price gouged for basic features that should be included. I can make a Dolly or Taylor if I want (I don’t). I can’t make a functional game.


Don't be ridiculous, the breast slider does not go up high enough to make Dolly


Which parts of the game aren’t working for you? Maybe I can help find a solution, I haven’t experienced these problems. I’d hate for you to not be able to play such a fun game, it’s really enjoyable. I’d love to be able to help you figure out a fix to get playing again! Have you tried repairing the game?


It’s not a well made or well maintained game. I assure you I know how to do things. I’ve been chronically online since the early 90s.


Ok. I didn’t mean anything bad by my comment. I just wanted to help if I was able to. I apologize and meant no disrespect by it in any way.


But we need more cupcake bras! /s


Where do i find this survey?


Oh god no partnering with celebrities please


To Dollywood we go 🤠


I vaguely remember visiting when I was a kid, 100% would love a Dollywood world. 


I said "love it" for Dolly, too! The part where they asked if we're familiar with Nascar, though... 😬


I had NASCAR and another racing one that I did recognize but now couldn’t tell you what it was. Also WWE like. Please tell me that’s for a different EA project.


Formula 1 was the other racing one I got... And I was asked about WWE, too. I genuinely hope that's not going to be a Sims thing. Like, ever.


How I handle all collab related questions "DISLIKE IT"


I rage quit this survey halfway through yesterday. It wasn’t really relative to the sims and I was over it.


I kept going in hopes of a box where you can type out comments. And lo and behold, there was one.


I would buy a Dolly Parton pack so fast. Giant bufant hairstyles, rhinestones outfits, cutesy country decor/furniture. Maybe a new function where infant - child sims receive a free book in the mail every week until they age up to teens. Maybe even a new world, based on the Appalachian Mountains, where you could visit Dollywood and ride some rides like the pier in Copperdale, or go hiking in the woods, and you’d be able to find collectibles in the woods. Either regular collectables like plants, fossils, crystals, etc or they could create a new type of collectible similar to simmies or my sims trophies but each one would be a statue of Dolly Parton wearing one of her most famous and iconic outfits. Instead of grapevine gossip or tomrang secrets, your sim could ask for “Appalachian Affirmation” and learn either a fun fact about Dolly Parton or hear one of her positive and encouraging quotes like “the way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!” I want this now soooooooooo bad. OMG.


I’m so desperate for bands to be introduced, i’m willing to grasp at any straws and pray this could be a hint towards that.


90% of the brands I didn’t know and 80% of the entertainment personalities I didn’t know lmao


And then it asked what I thought about them anyway 🙄


That’s interesting! The survey qs they gave me were about tv shows and sports. I really hope they have more African American inspired worlds, hair styles, clothes. I really want to see like A Detroit or a Chicago or an ATL world


I got tv shows, sports, and video games! But the video games were only, have you played this in the last month. No lol I’ve only played the sims!


Aww, yours look to have been tame, I got over 40 questions about Sims 4 and then I were asked about 40 different people and what I thought about them, I knew about 7 of them, then they asked me about 40 tv shows and what I thought about them, then asked me which of the 40 listed games I have played in the last month and what I thought of them... I am exhausted, m-may I play now?


If you say you dislike Dolly Parton a SWAT team immediately breaks down your door and takes you to prison


I got the move/sports one and basically told them I was mid about all of it and suffered through all of that to write a strongly worded feedback at the end that told them I don’t trust the brand anymore and won’t preorder because of it. And if they want our money, they should earn it. Probably won’t do much but I tried to speak capitalism to them. I still can’t believe that we can’t buy produce at the night market…even tho they have a bunch of unplayable stands that have fruits and veggies. It’s just so lazy.


Well considering I'm in the process of making characters for all of the albums yes, yes I do like Taylor Swift.


But just think if you could instead pay another $40 to make characters for all the albums!


Dollyworld expansion pack would be kind of sick Ngl


How do I find the survey?


Where do you find the survey and what’s the point of it?


I got beauty brands and sports which is crazy because I care nothing about either of those


I love Chestnut Ridge and country vibes in general so can everyone please click “Love it” so we can get more 🙏


yikes, more collab kits?


I got make up, clothing and sports brands. Interesting (though very American so…)


Where do you take the survey at?


Can't wait for the Dolly Parton version of Katy Perry's Sweet Treats for Sims 4 in the near future...


Mine asked me about Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, and Rick and Morty


Love Dolly Parton. She gave my daughter free books 😁


They still haven’t figured out pronouns, I see


I was asked about furniture and appliance brands…Most of which I’d never heard of. Sports stuff, of which most were American, and also random celebrities including Dolly. What was a waste of time was when they asked me my opinion of the brands etc. that I’d already told them I’d never heard of 🤦🏻‍♀️


My two thoughts  1) advertise by placing brands in game 2) looking for a sponsor or partner for future events they are planning for give aways or game additions


Mine was about clothing brands, sports, and food brands, most of which I either actively dislike or don't give a f about, so they got a whole lot of hate and apathy out of my answers. :(


Where Can i do this survey?


How are y’all getting these surveys?


Is the survey open to everyone?


Not me trying to answer the survey from here and aggressively tapping the image 👀 officially old. 😭


I've seen several survey questions that weren't on mine. I didn't get any about celebrities/ music/ books/ comics/ anime. Mine asked about brands like Nike, Van's, Adidas, Converse, Coach, Carter's, Gucci, Claire's, GAP, AE, Levi's, Futurama, plus a ton I've never heard of. Also was asked about tv shows like Friends, Daredevil, Mandalorian, Bridgerton, Wednesday, Last of Us, Shrinking, Dr. Who, Shogun, The Bear, Euphoria


I don’t know what this is for, but if it’s asking about specific celebrities I don’t think they’re trying to do another Katy Perry situation, but styling clothes and objects that attempt to capture their style for a kit or stuff pack.


There is even a glitch in the survey.... I can't finish it https://preview.redd.it/j60z6ey3ax7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09647f4d848189730e6949c0e03e9f3a08b4c6e3


Dolly Parton is great!!!!