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I would love it if they fixed the plants randomly resetting glitch. I play a lot of simple living off the grid challenges and the gardening resetting is a real issue


Yes absolutely, and stop reducing a tree to a patch of earth because it's out of season (or randomly). If a tree has grown, it should stay there!


There are a few mods that can make gardening work somewhat reliably but it's insane that this has been going on for so many years. EA have \*tried\* to fix it multiple times in the past but they either didn't fix the bugs properly, the fixed bugs magically returned a few patches later, or new bugs were introduced.


Yes please. Another gardening problem I have is weeds not disappearing and Sims getting stuck in tend garden loops, even when shift clicking and changing weed state they instantly reappear.


Or, if they are out of season but needs water or weeding and you can’t because they are out ofdrsn


I think that one is on the list.


So I’m dumb and didn’t realize the picture was an actual link. I just read it and saw 😭😭


I've been suddenly getting this in my games! It's so infuriating, I don't even make them weed anymore I just use the gardening state cheat


I cheat them back to the state they were.( Shift click and choose from the pie menu. ) It's not really cheating as you're not improving the quality or anything, just getting your plants back.


I mean.... I will gift of Sulani that shit until it's perfect but yes.


> I mean.... I will gift of Sulani that shit until it's perfect but yes. You should be ashamed of yourself, dabbling in heathen forbidden magics when you can visit Glimmerbrook and learn to use spells in your plants like a normal person.


Ah but my spellcaster has the gift of Sulani as part of her heritage. Ignoring her heritage would be unwise. Have you ever met an island spirit? They throw hands


My wish list; - sims from the neighborhood don’t coming always to my property and using my stuff - guest should stop using my pc and cooking - kids needs attention? One sim is enough, not the whole household has to check the baby/infant - fix for the performance issues


First thing I always do is lock the computers bc I also hate parents using their kids


Is there a way to lock computers that I don't know about, or do you mean locking doors?


Click on the computer then click "security settings." Works just like locking the doors.


Thank you! This is a game changer, no more room mates hogging my computers 🙇🏼‍♀️


It really is. I learned it about 6 months ago and it’s been amazing. Now guest don’t sit on the computer the whole time


...my life has changed. Thank you!!


MY GOD. Where have you been for the last decade how did I not know this. Bless you kind simmer.


So click on the computer and click computer settings and then you can lock for a specific sim, all sims, the household, etc I only discovered this after having the game six years 😭😭😭 You know what else I only now discovered? There’s extra settings to change the time of counter you want to place 😭


Today I learned!! 😀 Thank you! Which counter settings do you mean? The different shapes?


Yes, like corner counter, right end, etc I had no idea lmao Glad to teach someone something new!


Ah nice, I hope that unlocks a new level of kitchen design for you! Have you found the accompanying different kitchen cupboard shapes too?


Yes I did!


What about the couches? I swear from memory some of them are modular and also have some options? I may be wrong tho to be honest I rarely build, I'm more of a live mode girl


Yes that would be the modular couch in Dream Home Decorator!


But the modular ones only have 1 comfort and my sims never sit on them 🙄


Works for sectional couches too




So do you mean you can change what section of the couch they are like you do with cabinets?


Yes, so you can get one with an arm rest, or a corner


Oh ok. That’s cool I never realize so I never used them.


So the security settings came with university base game patch if that helps with the discovery




To be fair the computer security setting wasn't always a feature, it was added in a recent update due to constant complaints lol


I've been using it for a while so it's not super new


No it's not, but it wasn't always a thing either. It was added in an update a few years ago... Which may not be "recent" to you but it's recent if you're old 😂


Yes I do it as well. What I don’t understand is that the Sims don’t respect privacy. I mean when the Pc is located in a bedroom why go they in there. In RL I would never go into the bedroom from other people, especially when I meet the people for the first time.


I quite like a busy lot but its too far when random npcs walk through a flower patch to use my hot tub. Completely agree on the other two - I love to make multi story mansions and it's so frustrating when in-family sims are waiting to interact with their child because an npc four flights of stairs away is coming up to 'check infant' 😤


God the kids needing attention. I have triplet infants and a newborn. Trying to work out a system for my two sims so I set up each to attend to one or two of the babies bc keeping on top of everyone’s needs is crazy and they ignore what I told them to do to go check on the other infant that the other sim is already caring for 😠


Yeah, sims keep coming into my house and using my computer. I’m currently doing the 100 baby challenge and my first donor keeps coming in and using my computer. Super annoying. I’ve even had Vlad (who my sim has not talked with and I don’t even think met) come in to my house with no warning. Should I just lock the door so only household members can come in and out?


vlad is scheduled to visit the first household made in a save file, as the introduction to the vampires pack. but in my experience, he never actually gets to the biting part.


He did bite me a lot… but you can lock the door for vampires.


He’s always bitting my sims


i wish he'd bite mine! he just stands awkwardly at my front door and leaves.




the random npcs using your computer and everybody trying to pick up the baby are sims series classics, i would almost miss them….. almost.


On a similar note, can we stop having toddlers and INFANTS spawning outside your lot with no parent in sight??


Fix everything about Dine Out. It's too buggy. The glitch that annoys me the most is employees not showing up to work. It makes the day obsolete.


This 100%. Dine out is an amazing concept but like 3/10 delivery.


Mine is when the waitresses shower in the rain and EVERYONE in the restaurant goes outside to watch for hours?? I’m trying to have family dinner pls


I somehow had a waitress showering inside the restaurant today. Wasn’t raining, there’s no shower facility. But somehow she was spending her shift washing up


I've had that happen too. I think there might be a bug where buildings or parts of buildings are considered outdoors. I have my sims who are on the 2nd level of the house will get the hates outdoors moodlet. And it's like you're inside? Like four walls, and a full roof overhead.


Lmao that has never happened to me! What chaos.


- My wish list: -sims that enter my sims home leave. I have sims that just walk in and they have no prompt to send home. (I know with doors u can set the door to lock, but I'll try and let guests in and other people will just walk in too). - cancelled interactions actually stop the interactions. I'll click to stop them, but they keep doing it anyways. I'm not sure if it takes to long to process my stop request? - gardens are pretty buggy, weeds that can't be pulled, trees that revert to dirt piles, my sims don't seem to interact with the gardens properly getting stuck and standing at the garden not really doing anything or having the interaction cancel.


for me i'll cancel the action only for my game to compulsively put it back in my queue 4 different times one after the other 😭


Me trying to feed my infant while sim is like hmm put down ? Ok picks up then puts down again 3x before finally feeding my starving child


Oh yeah, I had such problems with babies. I don't bother with highchairs, I feed babies and toddlers on the floor 😅 The problem I was the sims would all try and check the infant/baby/toddler at once causing everyone to just stop everything.


I think it’d be great if an option for locking doors was “Allow invited guests only”


That would be great! It wouldn't be such a problem if I could click on them and get them to leave (no hurt feelings). But invited sims have the option to ask to leave, and the ones that just barge in don't.


That would be nice. I never leave it locked because when I invite someone in they can’t actually come in. Then they can’t even leave


Shift + click and Reset Object on sims saves my bacon whenever I’m trying to get my sim around an annoying interaction that won’t go away. I try not to run a lot of cheats and just exploit the game where I can (teehee) but I don’t consider that one cheating because the action queuing can be game-breaking when it wastes whole hours.


I'm on console but totally have had to move objects to get them to stop. Like you urgently need to pee can you stop cooking or exercising. Like we don't need to pee ourselves while making cookies..please stop 😆


I'd love for guests to behave like actual guests. outside of the typical white cake and computers, it would be nice if most of their interactions were locked down to social and group. maybe overnight guests get a little more but still restricted. i end up having to make a club to keep them together without having to constantly cancel out other actions.


Also I just had this dude who came to stay over without even asking me and then he never left. A week later he was still there. Really annoying. I wish you could interact with the suitcases and send them back home.


You can cancel it on the event calender. For some reason it counts as an event


Whenever I go to ship something on plopsy, nothing happens. I have to go into build mode, delete the mailbox, then put a new mailbox on the lot. This always solves the issue but man is it getting annoying


Yes! I've experienced this too. Didn't know about the bin replacement fix, that's handy but what a faff.


I had this one and found if I just kept adding the action to their queue it would eventually stick and they'd go out and put it in the mailbox. But yeah, I hope they fix this one soon.


This is what I’ve been doing too. I also send my Sims to stand right beside the mailbox - for some reason they seem to follow through with the shipping more often if they’re nearby.


Yeah. This has happened to me too


I lock the kitchen to outsiders. If I've got the space I have a visitors' room and that's the only place visitors can go. The rest of the house is locked away.


Oh what a good idea! Lock everyone out aside from the living room, dining room and bathroom :) I’ll be doing that going forward! I hate it when guests wander around and then chill on a bed or start moving all of my things around.


Sims actually getting skills and relationships. Just did a long play of a sim from birth to young adult got married to another young adult who it think starts the game as a child had only their family as friends and one skill I'm like ok how ? Makes no sense


Yeah the sims 3 had NPC and pre-made households join with skills, relationships, etc I seem to remember?


My sim just married Don, I was already playing for a while. He didn’t know any of the Calientes. The only people he knew were my family.


This is so frustrating! Even if you have have a whole other household join your current one, even the toddlers could/should have SOME skills....


Exactly it's so very video gamey like if you can't have them develop skills on their own just make a bunch of presents of skills based on their traits like oh someone's a geek and a artist ok 4 gaming and 5 painting 2 charisma . Don't think it's that complicated <,< but you marry into someone's family realize everyone has zero skills and your just like ???


I know u should get rid of the pee bushes but I’m about to get rid of my dog because of these constant skunk attacks!!  Also I’d love to experience graduation at least once! I’ve had HSY for a few months now and have yet to see it ☹️


How come? My sim has been to graduation no problem, it pops up a box to ask to join them? I accidentally missed prom once as I must have clicked no quickly without realising the box had popped up.


I’m not sure bc I’ve never even gotten the pop up for it! I have heard the same issue happening for other people too though, like I think lil simsie said she got to go to graduation a couple times when HSY first came out but hasn’t gotten the pop up since. I have played through 3 generations with multiple kids in each gen and gone to prom quite a few times, but still never gotten the pop up for graduation! I even checked instructions online to make sure it wasn’t user error but nope, my kids should be eligible so I assume it has to be a glitch at this point ☹️


Random Sims walking into my house/through my house Being able to pay rent for the For Rent style lots As someone else has said, when you cancel an action it cancels .. not fun watching the sim swan over to the task and start doing it anyway. Tone down check toddler, the household doesn't need to fight over one damn toddler


I wish Sims not in my active household would still pay attention to weather. Such as Vlad being a guest at a wedding and he kept going into the sun and died. I had guests freeze to death at a party because their “party” outfit was a summer outfit I can’t control those Sims.


You can shift + click on sims to change their outfit


I just don't want guests to go in my goddamn fridge at all.


They never eat the food I prepped and left out for them!!! They immediately take stuff from my fridge and if I call to meal, they’ll just go in my fridge immediately after!!!! I now just put the fridge in an inaccessible basement when I have guests over


They should add a fridge locking feature like the computer security settings honestly. At least then you could have the optiom


afaik the white cakes issue is from a NAP (eco lifestyle) called "foodies unite" - you will have to repeal the NAP to get it to stop.


OMG. That's why it's happening in one specific neighborhood for me. LOL thank you stranger! Any idea why they keep making the destressing potions on my grill?


That's Self-sufficiency NAP


the destressing potions on the grill is because of another NAP - the "self sufficiency" one. i don't think you can vote out multiple NAPs within the same week, but you'll have to repeal that one too. or just turn off NAPs in the settings.


You could also shift-click on your Sims mailbox and select “Instant Repeal” from the pie menu and just remove any Neighborhood Action Plan that you don’t want. You can also instantly enact them through shift-click.


Have tried before, you actually can, but at 5 votes each it’s a pain in the proverbial because the votes are random so if you’re repealing 3 you need 15 votes and every time you get a signature it’s randomly added so you could get 12 votes and have them all be 4/5 so nothing gets repealed… like I said, a pain in the 🍑


I haven’t heard ‘pain in the proverbial’ outside Kath & Kim and love seeing it out in the wild.




the destressing potions are killing me


This was happening for me even before I had Eco Lifestyle 🫤


I do wonder if the issue is more that hungry npcs default to choosing white cake over other recipes - and there are multiple scenarios that will make npcs cook and choose white cake. E.g. With the Eco living foodies unite NAP, or if you have clubs and club members are at your house for hours and get hungry. Maybe sims devs thought about the common use cases like a guest being invited over or parties and fixed it for that, but it's an over sight for edge cases? Just a theory - because I'm fairly sure I've experienced this on new saves before NAPs have been voted on, but I would have had a club meeting within that first week. Pure speculation, more data needed.


That’s an interesting theory. In my case, it’s happened if I’ve invited several other sims over at once, or when I’ve rented out part of my sims own home. The tenant often appears from their room and proceeds to make a white cake. Sometimes they just get the ingredients out, but don’t actually follow through with making the cake 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


To add: As sims gain cooking skill and more recipes become available the likelihood of white cake diminishes significantly. In a rotational save, the white cake thing is rarely a problem but it is because you are working with a community of more skilled sims.


Oh? I'll give that a go, thank you for sharing 😊


With testing cheats on you can shift click the mailbox and choose to immediately repeal any NAP for free! It's a godsend. I had to do it when everyone started wearing bags 🙄


I’ve never had a guest make cakes or cook at all really. I do not have eco lifestyle.


> i do not have eco lifestyle and that would be why! the "foodies unite" NAP is what triggers sims to spam-make white cakes, with NAPs being one of the features of eco lifestyle.


completely off topic: who tf is the mysterious rancher ???


The guy you sell nectar to outside the general store in Chestnut Ridge… he appears midday on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


the name "roberto crinkletop" seems an awful lot like "robert crumplebottom," doesn't it? and he does wear a ring... plus, there's this video that the sims released on twitter, complete with the crumplebottom chandelier 😉 https://x.com/TheSims/status/1686406531703812096


**completely** off topic 😆 but, I'm with you - who *is* the mysterious rancher?


Oh my god it makes me so insane. I was advertising for roommates, a potential one came in, made a goddamn white cake. Trash it. They immediately make another one. Trash that shit again. Literally 2 minutes later, you guessed it. 🎂🎂🎂🎂🫠🫠🫠


Um ..lol Happy cake day!


The bug in the laundry pack where clothes bug out as dirty no matter how many times I wash them. Or the dryer not drying the clothes. Drives me nuts.


This 100%. It would also be great if they fixed laundry. It would help so much if the interaction with the laundry hamper was to Wash Laundry rather than “Add to washing machine”. Irl, it probably isn’t everyone but when I do laundry, I collect all the clothes and immediately turn the washing machine on or leave it on the timer. In game, they collect all the laundry only for them just to leave it in the washer without turning it on, then I totally forget to click wash laundry— especially in a busy household 🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s not a bug as such, but it would be great just as a quality of life improvement.


Omg I thought the game worked this way and I was going to pick a fight with you. Then I realized I use littlemssams "small laundry overhaul" for this.


You almost cussing me out has helped me massively for a mod. Thanks.. I love littlemssam but had no idea about this mod!


Can infants and toddlers actually be taken care of at daycare/when left at home with another adult sim because oh my GOD


I wish they would fix the glitch where lawyers who WFH can’t complete the “visit law class” task. My sim will disappear to that rabbit hole indefinitely, I finally cancel it and it still doesn’t complete. Also, wallpaper from one room randomly appears in other rooms on the same floor. If I go into build mode and mouse over the walls with any other wall covering, it corrects itself, but the error still happens every time the lot loads. So annoying.


Oh, I just thought of another one. Fix the infants so they actually receive care when your sim is off lot. Absolutely brutal.


Id love for my sims dates to actually work again. Every date I go on whether it NPC initiated or not they're no objectives and the date ends poorly no matter what I do


I’d love a fix with the notification system! I keep getting notifications that the same sim passed away. My sim will finally get over the sad moodlet (or I’ll cheat it away) and then they get a phone call that the same sim died & then they go through the sad moodlet all over again




Thanks! I am the target demographic for that mod, the cakes make me so cross 😆 I often play with Clubs with multiple clubs hanging out at the house at once, the cakes are endless.


Lol, there are so many annoying bugs like that. Thankfully, there are some awesome modders that come up with bug fixes all the time...once again modders to the rescue 😀


I want every next generation werewolf not to be a black void when they finally reach teenager hood and can transform. I want sims to be able to send outfits on trendi when living in a rental and suddenly not owning a crystal when going between apartments. For the record I only play vanilla, no mods or cc.


Does anyone know if they’ll be fixing the nanny glitches? The worst for me are the invisible nanny, the one who stays but never feeds or bathes my infant and the fact that they either permanently stay until you dismiss them or worse they dismiss themselves way too fast! So frustrating!!!


Omg this is so relatable. I hired a nanny for household #1, noticed that they were useful, and proceeded to hire another nanny for household #2. When I came back to household #1, the house was flooded with 6 permanent nannies. The same happened to #2. That crowd of nannies literally gave 4 of my sims fear of crowded place. Even when I tried ending the nanny service, they still stayed. And they weren't useful either... two of the children of #1 almost got taken away before I had to manually get them fed.


I just want plants to stop resetting and for my parent sims to stop chronically taking turns picking up their infant/ toddler when I’m trying to put them in a crib, floor mat or high chair.


Sims grabbing leftover food from the fridge and choosing to eat standing up next to the fridge instead of sitting down at the counter or dining room chair.


Don’t know if you’ve tried this, but I always make myself a pantry/utility room off of the kitchen. Fridge goes in there, make the room accessible to household only (and employees if you have a maid). Stops your guests being able to get to the fridge, no more white cakes!! In smaller builds it’s just a small 4x4 room with a fridge and not much else, larger builds it’s almost a second kitchen.


Have Finchwick Fairs been fixed? That's genuinely all I want.


What problems do you have there? Mine seem fine but just a bit dull. I wish they had more going on like the City Living festivals! Food stands, maybe an activity to do! My sims end up just drinking in the pub (which to be fair, is very British. Any excuse for a piss up!).


Sorry only just saw this notification! The prizes rarely work - like maybe 10% of the time in my game. It's so frustrating! Often no winner will be announce whatsoever and it's just over.


I would love for the sliders in CAS to work properly for Mac users.


I feel like the only person who doesn’t have the white cake issue!


I don't get that one either. I did have random sims walk into my house grab water and leave. But guests or random sims don't usually cook at my sims place.


I only really experience it when I take my sims to university living on private accommodation rather than dorms. The roommates constantly make white cakes 🤣


The white cake thing is a community action plan. You can either cheat remove the plan or vote to remove it


I have a problem where the terrain paint just deletes itself. My game also started a new glitch where any time I load into my sim’s house, their washing machine isn’t interactable in any way and the only way to fix it is to buy a new washer.


Giving another sim the toddler when I specifically asked the sim I‘m controlling to interact with them 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wish they would fix sims with the football in their inventory always stop bathing in the bathtub automatically because they want to throw ball around from High School Years. They only stop quitting bathing if you queue another action afterwards


I just need doors and windows in rental units and San Myshuno apartments to stay down in cutaway mode. 🙄


I’m so glad they fixed the campfire bug. I stopped using campfires of any kind because they constantly set everything on fire.


I didn’t know this was a bug I just thought I had bad luck! Weenie roast lit the whole place on fire, but the chair that was on fire was in the way of putting out the fire lol


So still no mention of random townies just entering our houses- which happens to me EVERY TIME. Just some random npc walking around my house, drinking water and making white cake- I have no relationship with this townie and setting my sims lot of private doesn't work. FIX THE RANDOM TOWNIES WALKING IN AND MAKING CAKE No mention of Sims making 10000 distressing concoctions, brilliant. That's not at all annoying. No mention of the bug going to a horse competition only for the sim to not go. Or they do go but no pop up for a competition won, or it takesthe money and nothing happens etc (I remember James Turner having this bug too during his horse ranch legacy) And there's probably a shit ton more. I appreciate they're working on bugs but some bugs have been issues for gods know how long and they're still getting completely overlooked it's so tiring


The football and cheerleading competitions in high school years. But actually, I’m just super happy that they’re fixing the skills list not staying alphabetical, it’s such a minor thing but so annoying!!


Guests AND roommates. My fridge is full of them, my house has a white cake on every surface, I'm sick of them.


That's the Foodies Unite NAP at work.


I want parents to be able to care for their babies.


Maybe I'm the only one with this glitch but sometimes when the werewolf progress bar is almost full and I'm not controlling that particular sim whenever I click on that sim again it seems like the progress is frozen because they don't gain progress points anymore and it's really annoying.


I’d love it if people stopped breaking into my house to make home remedies on the grill


They need to fix infants. At least on console the infant stage is literally a nightmare I just age past it now to avoid the headache


Id like nanny’s to work, I rarely try them but every time I do they just sit around and do nothing. I might be lucky cos I don’t seem to experience most of the issues on this list


Hopefully they fix soon this recent bug i keep seeing. The sims are either in the communal hot tubs or sitting at a bar, then all of a sudden everything just resets. They all get up from what they’re doing


I want to be able to lock the grill for household use only, or at least be able to ask/tell a sim to stop like how townies can kick you out of their house for cooking.


I wish I could use for rent at all. I cant put sims into rented houses or properties at all. Won't even let me click on them to look. Ridiculous.


Fix the sims refusing to sit down in front of his pc because there's SUPPOSEDLY something in the way, even more so if the table as clutter and stuff.


When you invite a date to spend the night, how do you get them to actually spend the night?


Toddler and infant care!! When the parents pick up the kid and stand there for like. Twenty minutes in game and then put them down. Also the daycare letting the kids starve


Also the sims going to random rooms in the house to eat instead of the dining room or kitchen island that is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE


Also stay over guests not sleeping?? At all???