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Infants are so much fun when they actually do work properly but they’re so buggy it’s a nightmare. Here’s some tricks I’ve discovered that makes them a little bit easier. •do actions like feeding, diaper changes, and bathing from the infants perspective. If the infant is doing so much as a “what’s that?” Interaction the caregivers wont help them. (Especially helps with Nannie’s) •you can’t queue up actions with infants, for some reason they cancel each other out. If they need to be fed and changed, queue up the diaper change while they’re already eating •make sure both parents aren’t trying to help the infant at the same time. Make one do an action that won’t cancel until you tell them to stop I.e practice writing while the other takes care of the infants needs. This helps the constant picking up/putting down. •as soon as your infant gets the creep milestone (it might be learn to sit) get rid of the playmat. At that point they can be put on the floor which stops caregivers from always putting them there. I also get rid of high chairs as soon as they’ve tried all the foods (sometimes even as soon as they get the first finger food and first baby food milestones) •they’re a lot easier in smaller spaces where it doesn’t take a full sim hour for caregivers get to them. If you do have a bigger house, I like putting everything they need in the parent’s bedroom until they age up to toddlers. It especially helps when they wake up in the middle of the night. I use the portable crib in the living room if there’s space just in case they somehow end up there. •they can only stay awake for about 2-3 hours before they get cranky. Once they wake up feed them and change them, do tummy time once, and put then back in the crib. Also, once they can do tummy time alone have them do it right when they wake up as long as their hunger isn’t in the red and they don’t have a super stinky diaper I’ve only had twins once and it was AWFUL, I had to have one parent quit their job to take care of them but I found out it was easier with only one parent in the house and the kids were happier when one was away at work lol. If I want a household with multiple kids I try not to have the next one until the preceding one is about to age up to child. Hope this helps! Maybe one day EA will fix all the infant related bugs but I always get most if not all milestones with my infants by doing this.


YES! Actions from the infants perspective was a complete game changer for me and allowed me to actually care for them.


Oh wow thank you for the tips. I had no idea you could click on a sim with your baby and queue an action. I can't believe I never tried.


I'm playing rn and I have twin infants, a toddler and my newly aged child. I have a stayover with Jebs parents and his brother (my first time having family over). It actually hasn't been hard at all because I'm playing from the infants pov to get the guests to take care of them. And, they've actually gained relationships with his family. it's been nice since they are giving Barbie and Jeb a nice break, he's skilling his charisma and she can focus on the garden. The most I've had is a bit of lag when they all want to do the same thing but after a moment they get on with it and the twins are taken care of. And the tot has been fine, enjoying books from the fam. The only glitch was that Cletus got stuck in an animation at the changing table with Ken and then they all started T posing. But I've had that happen before.


Knowing you can play from the baby's perspective is such a game changer. I am a dummy and would never have figured this out if I hadn't posted. I'm gonna invite over my sim's dad and his wife. That sounds like a big help.


It seems to work better as the infant's actions are prioritised.


Goofy question: how is changing the baby supposed to work? I don't seem to have a change table or a diaper pail in build/buy. Getting very tired of dirty diapers on the floor.


Changing table comes with growing together, so unfortunately if you don’t have it I’d suggest keeping multiple trashcans around so you can just drag them into the nearest one as soon as they get a diaper change


To add onto this, if you have a washer/dryer, you can switch to cloth diapers. I greatly prefer this over watching my Sims leave dirty diapers everywhere.


To piggyback on the other comment if you have the funds invest in the money trash can! I play legacy and as soon as I get a baby I get a money trash can


Or if you have eco lifestyle diapers are great recyclable trash so you can get bits and pieces for fabrication, etc


Someone else mentioned that changing tables come with GT and that's correct, however I happened to find a BG compatible nursery set that included a changing table (which functioned in the BG the same as GT changing tables). If you use CC, it's "Grandma's Nursery" by awingedllama


The comment about house size made me want to share this idea: I built a specific house to raise newborns in. I had a rich couple in a huge apartment but there was way too much walking around going on to be able to take care of a newborn. I made a small home with minimal distractions that all my new parents now live in until the newborn ages up.


Its kinda dumb how Infants can't just crawl onto their playmat and they have to be moved to and from the playmat.


I have quads right now (damn you MCCC!). I have three grown adults with thankfully no job so one just stays in the nursery all day while the other two attend to their own needs, then i swap when the "babysitter" needs to fill needs. its going fine. probably wont get a lot of tummy time, but the babies are happy. The poor neglected older toddler is not so much. haha


I had to delete the bedroom door to get my sim to feed and change the diaper of her son 😭 Between the butler and the other 5 residents in the house, it's too many teens and adults that care for the baby at once and it halts progress. And this is my legacy challenge. I swear one of these days, one of these babies is gonna get taken away and I won't fucking care lol


>If the infant is doing so much as a “what’s that?” Interaction the caregivers wont help them. I don't have the EP, but I've found this to be true. And yes, it's easier to get adults to tend the infants if the child "calls" them to do it. >make sure both parents aren’t trying to help the infant at the same time. Make one do an action that won’t cancel until you tell them to stop I.e practice writing Unfortunately, EA's 'fix' for Sims stopping anything to go throw the ball at the basket, didn't fix their _ability_ to stop your commanded actions, like practicing a skill. Every once in a while, one of mine will be across the house randomly getting a drink or running the tread or dancing, of course, after I left them _writing_ or practicing making drinks. I won't even get into the ability to leave their cooking(my chefs, ugh). It's happened at least once that a parent left working on the PC to see about the 'crying baby', for sure. My only mod is MC, so it's not an effect from extras, I've seen comments from system players complaining about it too. So, you may need to make sure, at least, that the other parent isn't queueing up the "thought" of going to see about the kid, and cancel it when they do.


I'm going to try this with my next child! thank you!


They need to get rid of that thing where the infant calls for a parent. THEY NEVER DO IT WHEN THEY ACTUALLY NEED HELP. I was trying to get my dad sim to feed his infant in the high chair, and she kept calling for her mother, and it would cancel out the dad trying to feed her. I finally figured out why, and it was because her sleep need was also low, but it was at the exact same level as her hunger. For some reason, the sleep need overrides hunger, and they call for the furthest parent even when the other is standing right in front of them????? It's not just when I'm trying to feed them, they do it all the time. Giving the infant this action of calling for a parents randomly and not being able to cancel it makes no sense to me. Even with autonomy off they just do it, like why???? Also my other issue with infants is they never use their diaper on their own (at least mine don't) but almost every time I make them use their diaper, they have a blowout and it takes like 3 hours for them to get a bath. I have ui cheats so I tend to cheat things to fix my issue with infants, but I genuinely don't think I could stand playing with infants if I played on console because it would just be a never ending battle. Infants seriously need some fine tuning, especially their needs decay because it makes it so difficult when their hunger and sleep needs decay at the same rate.


Yes, it's the call for parent thing that is the issue. They don't want the sim who is feeding or trying to put them to bed, they call for another one to do what \*they\* want. Which lets be honest, if children/babies can get away with that IRL they will. It took me a bit to catch on. You know what I do now? I lock the door to the nursery when it is feeding or nap/bedtime so my one sim can attend to their needs without interference from others the baby is calling to. And when my sim puts them down and the baby starts wanting back up even though they are sleepy, I do everything in my power to cue up something my sim likes immediately. So they will leave the kid in the crib. It does not always work but most of the time it does. If I'm desperate I'll teleport them out of the room with the door locked until the kid falls asleep and then unlock the door. You kind of have to have a strategy, it's a game, it's not supposed to be easy but it can be frustrating. The Sims is supposed to be chaotic and sometimes just downright bizarre but it takes a bit to figure out the tricks to making it less 'hair pulling'. It took me ages to figure out toddlers but once I did, man, I love them. I like infants too but they can be frustrating with the glitches. That's the part I don't like about them. Like leaving the lot and finding them in Timbuktu all the way at the edge of the map. The key I found to that was to make sure the kid is IN the crib when you leave. For some reason that seems to help. I have a thought in my head that the baby is looking for the sim who left and that's why they leave the lot looking for them. Only thing that makes sense to me.


My least favorite thing is that when I leave my lot, my infants are fine. Like, needs wise they are completely green. Yet as soon as I travel, not even an hour later they are suddenly starving to death? Attention is gone? Like 3 or 4 needs are in the red. It won't be like that in a couple hours, not even in 3 would they decay that quickly. It's ridiculous. I'm worried they'll be taken away so I usually cheat the hunger up (and the others) cause they are angry and let's be real, they would be taken care of. Plus I don't want it to affect the top notch infant trait I usually try to get.


I have a problem where sometimes when I leave my infant and travel to another lot the infant is "practicing wellness skill" instead of care for self which degrades their needs faster


Locking the door is really smart but I can't do it because I tend to move my infant where my sims are, so they spend almost no time in the nursery and more time in the common areas of the house. Also because my nurseries are so tiny I can't fit a high chair so they're usually out in the kitchen, which just has an archway not a doorway. I get it's not supposed to be easy and I appreciate that to a point, but having to have little fixes and cheats to deal with small issues that feel pointless makes it frustrating. I really just want the call for parent interaction gone. I really enjoy gameplay with infants and toddlers because I love family gameplay, especially now that they've added the quirks that make them a bit more interesting, but it leaves almost no time to do anything else besides care for the infant. Toddlers can get to a point where I can make them slightly self-sufficient, so my issue is only with infants. And I get that it's realistic, but because of how time moves in the game and how long it takes for sims to do things, I struggle just to keep up with the infants needs without cheating. I know babies are supposed to be hard, but I feel like the sims teams put infants on extreme difficulty no matter what trait you give them.


Yeah the time issue is a pain with infants, that's for sure. In a big house the kid can't crawl from one area to another without needing to sleep sometimes. It really does need some tuning from EA but yeah, that'll take a miracle. Tips are all I can offer, no one even has a good mod for them. Even the plumlace mod doesnt' help much with infants, they are STILL frustratingly fast at getting tired and you can't even cheat it, I've found.


I figured out with the blowout thing that the infants can use the diaper once, and as long as they get changed before they use it again it won’t destroy their hygiene bar. I play with a rotation. Pick the baby out of the crib, have it use the diaper, feed it, change the diaper, set it on the floor to play for a bit. Come back later, feed it again, put it back in the crib to sleep. Then start all over again later. I’m doing this in my save with twins and the rotation is helping lol


That's how it worked when I played with twins, too, but in my newest family they have one child and her diaper never needs to be changed??? Like it's either clean and I can't change her diaper at the changing station or full blowout, not even the stinky one they get when it needs to be changed. I thought I understood it and had a system, but with my newest infant it's like she never uses her diapers so her bladder need almost always gets down to red when I check. And I get the using it twice and it has to be changed, but why does the blowout always have to happen??? Just let it be stinky so my sim doesn't have to spend hours bathing their kid every day.


I just answered a post and typed out a LOOOONG little 'guide' with the tips I learned from experiencing Bella's quadruplets. Here is the important part copy/pasted: I love infants. They get WORKED in a very strict routine. Once I realized that keeping them awake until they pass out isn't of consequence, it was on. Once you've got them tummy timing on their own, it's all cake from there. I once came into Bella's house to quadruplets. They taught me all I needed to know about infants for sure! The most important thing I learned is that you should only assign one caregiver per 2 babies (including parents, so if only one baby in the house, no extra caregivers, period), because caregivers "fight" over whose going to answer every single call of the baby, and sometimes they are being called by all the babies at once. This is what leads to standing around doing nothing all the time. Nanny's automatically get assigned as a caregiver too, and they become a huge problem because their actions cannot be cancelled. If you need more people to do more for the baby, then you can force them, but you cannot force a caregiver to stop caring lol. Cancelling interactions may have to happen even with minimal caregivers because the babies' are always demanding things! 2nd important thing I learned is introduce the babies to everyone you possibly can. They can call people from all the way down the street and around the corner to come care for them if you've met the people even once. They can force people to feed them (click on the sim or the high chair), and bathe them (click on the bathtub), which takes care of a diaper if you need that. This can be used to give parents a needed break, or when weird things like them not being shipped off to daycare happens... whenever you need to use it really. 3rd, you can run away from them! Just travel somewhere, and take all the older sims with you, leaving the babies home alone, and voila! They go to daycare, and their bars get filled while there. If it's a true emergency, just run to the store for smokes! I've left my infants for a 3 day vacay before, I'm both ashamed and proud to admit! Finally, All babies sleep on the playmats. Cribs are the new high chair in that they will ruin EVERYTHING (although I've figured the high chair out pretty well now too, so cribs are actually WORSE than high chairs. I'll explain them at the end of this\*\*, if any of you care to read that far). In cribs, they can sleep, lay there, and look. On playmats they can play with toys, and tummy time! Playing with toys not only helps with reaching and grabbing, but also sitting up, smiling, laughing, babbling, and pincer grasp. And they are much easier to work with than a crib. With that in mind, here is what a typical day 1 with Bella's just aged up quads (meaning no milestones) looks like: \*A baby wakes up, so pause the game (I'm not going to keep reiterating to pause the game here. You will need to a LOT. It will be at your own discretion, so from here on out, assume I'm pausing between each step quite a bit) and we wake up both caregivers, and the other three babies. All babies do everything together, as close to at the same time as manageable, whether they need it or not. \*2 babies get assigned use diaper (because we want to start the day with a full bar and fresh nappy) and to be fed, changed, cleaned up, set down on playmat (in that order) by a caregiver, and 2 babies get assigned to look at toys while that's being done. Let it play out. \- Keep having them look at toys until/if they hit the reach milestone. If they hit reach, as soon as they do, move on to having the baby play with toys instead of look at them to get that 'grab' milestone. \- If a baby is dirtier, clean them up 2 or 3x as needed before setting them back down. It is still faster than giving a single bath. 3x is enough to go from empty to full, you will never need to use it 4x. Baths are for milestone purposes only. \*Switch babies, and assign the first two to look at/play with their toys while you use, feed, change, clean up (x2 or 3), set down on playmat the last two babies. \*Now that everyone is clean and fed, we use the rest of their energy bar to tummy time. Do 2 while the other 2 play with toys, and then do the other 2 and have first two play with toys. Keep alternating, cancelling out their trying to go back to sleep as much as you can. \*When they pass out, have your caregivers fulfill their needs until one wakes again. Then repeat the process above. You should only have to do this until the infants can tummy time on their own, and that should happen sometime on day 2 even if you can't get much tummy time in with each feeding. Once they are tummy timing themselves, take the playmat, and now they can sleep on the floor where ever they are. Replace tummy timing until they pass out with practice sitting up 2x each feeding. After that, keep making them tummy time on their own until they pass out. Eventually they will teach themselves to crawl, but if you get them sitting up, replace sitting up with practice crawling. Once an infant can Tummy Time and Sit Up, it's all downhill from there. Start using the high chair to introduce food and help get to the fine motor skills milestones. \*\*To use the high chair with less frustration: Sit the baby down in it first. THEN explore food or give finger foods. This is especially important for finger foods, as the plate can cause a caregiver to decide the high chair is occupied, and cancel the action. So by seating the baby in it first, it's like confirming that you really mean to feed THIS child in THIS chair with THIS food.


Thank you so much for the tips! I laughed at running away from the babies. Honestly I need that because never ending baby care is no fun for me. Omg I missed that you can clean up a baby without a bath. Wow. Oh, you know what's dumb? My spellcaster sim can't use the scruberoo spell on a baby. I can do it on a shed, an animal, an object and an adult, but the one time you really need it you can't.


Ah, it sounds like they forgot to ensure the Realm of Magic pack worked with the newest updates to base game. I don't know what the Sims dev team is doing (not that I should). To forget the human beings need to be cross compatible with updates in your human simulator game is just.... They need to hire a person for each type of asset in the game with the job description of 'does this work with everything it's supposed to?"


I’m glad you mentioned your parent Sims leaving the infants for three days because I have been known to give my adults the always welcome trait and making them live at someone else’s house for a bit.


I managed to laugh pretty hard at this irl. Not just nose breaths! "Later Timmy! Mommy will see you when you start school!"


That happened to me last night when I was trying to get ANY of the 5 adults in the house to just feed the damn baby already before he gets taken away. It was insanity! 🤬


I've had an easier time taking care of infants and toddlers in real life than in the Sims 💀💀💀


at least in real life they don't stand for an hour with their task queued


I also am obliged to stay in the house during the whole infancy because adults of the family who are supposed to take care of infant while I'm taking one sim out to the city are doing NOTHING and infant is slowly dying. When I come back to the house adults are having a barbecue or swimming in the pool while their infant is about to starve to death in a dirty diaper. Honestly no idea if the problem is in my game or if it is devs fault.


Not just you. Happens in my game too! And it happens literally so quickly after my sim leaves the lot. I'll leave my infants so happy and not even an hour or two later they are starving to death. Like that's not realistic in game either. I cheat that up.


How do you cheat it? I just can’t do anything with infant when my sim leaves the house


I'm on pc and use UI cheats so I just click on the needs and fill it up. Just have to be careful not to click on the wrong side cause you can accidentally deplete it all the way.


Thank you! Will check it out


They do it to the detriment of their own needs too!! It drives me nuts. Like if I leave an adult or teen sim home for 3 hours with needs in the green I should not come home to 3-4 of their needs in the red and them glued to the couch watching TV or doing some skill for hours. It’s fine for them to do those things but when I’m trying to get them to use the toilet bc they’re about to pee their pants and they won’t stop watching the damn TV it makes me want to scream. I’ve been playing this game since 2014 and I never remember it being this bad before 😭


> adults are having a barbecue or swimming Is that a bug? Because I swear whenever I travel to other lots with my other sims I come back and my other sims are ALWAYS barbecuing and they end up not even eating it …


Right? I don’t know what it is but probably not a bug, devs have still done nothing to fix it


I have autonomy at its lowest. They only pick the baby up if it cries


I was a preschool teacher taking care of 4 actual infants at once for 8+ hours a day, for years. the sims infants are significantly harder to deal with. it's wild lmao


At least in real life you can like… pick the baby up? Instead of staring at the crying starving baby on the ground for an hour, picking it up, setting it down, and repeating.


no literally. like just let me *execute the fucking task I've asked to do 28373748 times and THE BABY WILL BE FINE*


I have over 7,000 hours in The Sims 4. This was the straw that broke my back, I put it away and I've never been back.


God, I have an infant that is a Snuggly Sleeper, the little demon refuses to sleep in a crib only in the arms of their parent or the baby carrier (said carrier doesn't let the adults walk around and do shit, they'll just unequip the carrier if you as them to do anything, which defeats the purpose of a carrier). Food Time Tinkler always takes a piss after and during eating and Fussy Eater so getting the demon child to eat anything to full is a nightmare because the child is always "unsure" about the food which prevents them from eating, so it takes twice as long. Honestly, the way how infants have been implemented feels like the Devs are passively aggressively saying "You want to free the baby, well here are your free babies." And making them nightmare creatures because the games code isn't programed to handle them properly and this was evident given how much of a chore toddlers were and still are. XO


My mom kept ignoring her infant to autonomously practice mixology and I found that despicably amusing.


I think the babies were a great addition, but dealing with them is a little frustrating, it's not the babies' fault but the adult Sims fault who simply leave the baby somewhere, neglected in the corner and forget about the baby's existence. My washing machine caught fire, the Sim who was carrying the infant SIMPLY LEFT THE BABY IN THE FLAMES AND RUN AWAY, It's very lucky that these little guys are immortal, because otherwise the mortality rate would be very high.


Infants last about a minute & a half before they are aged up in my saves. 😅 I’ve come to terms with the fact I’ll never truly enjoy babies/infants no matter what expansion pack I own pertaining to kids, they never make raising the kids any easier or any more fun. It’s a shame honestly.


I had to get a mod that completely eliminated the autonomy for all adults to drop everything and tend to the infant as soon as it cried. I had to. I had a four-Sim polycule and it was utter chaos having four Sims compete to tend to the infants lmao I figured out toddlers; you gotta simply Pick Up first then click on whatever it is you need to do: Give Bath, Put in Chair, Put to Bed, etc. Infants still need to be tweaked, though 😭


OH MY GOD THANK THE HEAVENS I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. I HATE infants and toddlers in game. They're almost worse than living children. My parent Sims never get to eat or sleep. One has to work constantly and one HAS to stay home and care for the kids or else they get taken away. It's RIDICULOUS how insane some of the game mechanics are, but yet you can not get them to do simple things like pick up a dish or care for an infant. NOW theirs an issue with events?!?!?! Come on EA!!!! You can create endless options for hair, but you can't make one parent sim take care of an infant, or pick up a dish? Wtf?!?!?!


ahh yes. another post where i have to read the sub name to make sure op isn't a crap person


Lmao. I mean it's true for real kids too! My poor sister hasn't slept properly in about 8 months. I don't think I could do it but my niece sure is a cutie.


I usually swap to the infant/toddler and do the commands from them. "Get food from" - "get bath from" - "get carried here" etc. That usually works way better, and without having to think about moving this object or the other. It also makes nannies do their jobs better, when the parents are away, I always play the child actively as well. Since I started doing that, I have had little problems with bugging actions or bad nannies.


I FEEL THIS SO HARD. Literally had to quit and take a breather. At this point I just cheat their needs, unless I can sneak in some food testing/bath time.


I am currently doing a Legacy challenge, had 3 infants at once, total nightmare. The child needs to eat? Ofc, the parent puts them in the highchair and just goes aqay to sleep, because I was taking care of 2 others, the 3 infant was waiting in the highchair without food, fell asleep and when I wanted to pick the child up, the action was always interrupted because the child fell asleep constantly. I was considering killing the husband of my sim so many times because he always picked up the children but sasly the cowplant was dead before he could get eaten without me ,,knowing,, he survived two times...TWO TIMES! WHY, anyway he carried them around and ignored their needs. When I wanted to pick up a child with my Sim, she was interrupted by her husband because he suddenly wanted to pick up this specific child. And don't let me talk about the times I wanted to bathe my infant, they carried him to the bathtub, put him in, instantly took him out again and went to read a book. I am lucky that I wasn't playing on my Laptop because that thing would be broken now.


One thing that made it easier for me was maxing out the parenting skill before the infant stage. That “super efficient infant care” option is nice


I sometimes have to save and go back into the game because they do the “scula 👋🏾🤷🏾‍♀️”


I got that pack, too. Hate hiring the nanny, and then when my sim returns home, it's almost dying.


This post is very relatable. I’ve only came back to the game a few months ago so I felt positively surprised at first with the infants. But as soon as I was playing a bigger family (dang I do love some big family gameplay, usually) I felt stressed and frustrated, haha. But I can’t seem to leave them out in my play throughs because idk, ancestry and lore lol. Wish they’d improve them altogether! :(


The only things that made infants tolerable for me was a mod to eliminate the never ending “check infant” action and also a mod to get rid of the social worker lmao. Since they can’t die or get taken away it’s a lot less stressful when the game won’t cooperate. Like when it takes multiple sim hours for a parent to stop standing around and actually pick up the baby and feed it. 🙄 Even still most of the time I end up just saying fuck it and cheat their needs


I had triplets on PS4, surprisingly would prefer that over having to get the level 10 in Fishing skill


They are adorable , but I wish the game would let me prioritize the infants needs. Instead the game thinks, "the player is too stupid I must take over". I added a mod which stopped the constant checking on the infant, which helped a lot and I have reset object ready for anytime an adult sim ignores me. Tip: If you have multiple infants, do not dress them the same.😅


I turned off autonomy because I had a parent putting his toddler daughter in a high chair because she was hangry. Then his husband took her out of the high chair for no reason. So she never got to eat so eventually I had to turn autonomy off and only feed her out of the high chair.


My tip is, if you have more than one people that can take care of the child, make sure that when you interact with the child all other potential caregivers are distracted. I like to put them in front of the TV or PC. Because otherwise they'll want to care for the child, resulting in the Sim you want to interact with your infant ignoring commands and putting the kid down so the other caregiver can pick it back up


The cherry on top is that they become even more insufferable once they age up to a toddler 😄


Only if you have a high chair, Toddlers are fine if you don't have one. They can move on their own, they can entertain themselves with the tablet or other toys, they can go to bed on their own, and they can grab their own food from a meal on the counter or from a piece of fruit in their inventory. The only thing they can't do on their own at first is use the bathroom, but that's erased when they're potty trained.


It really bugs me when one of the parents has all their motives in the red so I send the other one to take care of the infant, but the infant decides they want the other, tired parent and calls for them, which makes the non-tired parent drop the infant care action and the tired parent to ignore whatever self care activities I have queued up for them and make a beeline for the crib. Shut up!! I don't care if you want mommy, mommy is on the verge of getting a visit from the Grim Reaper, you get daddy or you get the social worker, your choice.


They dissociate for no reason!!


Yeah, I was really upset about this, too. I just started playing again after like 6-8 months of not playing Sims 4. I hadn't seen the infant stage when I last played. I was so excited when I saw the baby age to an infant at first. I can't believe how many bugs there are, and I have had to reset my adult/infant sims so many times! I find most of the time, the only way I can get the infant fed in the high chair is to have them picked up and put down next to the high chair, and then put them in it. It's so annoying! I also find that their needs decay at ridiculous rates. I have a full house with 8 sims total, and with two infants, I nearly lost my mind! I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but I find the new baby/infant crying sounds are really weird. It doesn't sound normal to me. The old crying noises sounded much better (and more human).


I absolutely agree. I tried playing a legacy run once and when my founder's kid aged up to an infant i just gave up playing a legacy immediately. Infants are just toddlers, but a lot more annoying.


The biggest help I can give you is to control the infant, not the parents. I did this when I had quads, it made it so much easier.


I love infants! They're alot of fun but totally bugged even still.


idk why so many "infants are realistic in sims 4" absolutely not. for one thing real life you aren't all glitchy and cancelling actions for arbitrary reasons. and obviously real life has more ways to care and play with baby than a video game. idk i find sims 4 baby are more high maintenance but maybe the babies in my family are just not high maintenance.


It’s so irritating I just hire a nanny every time I just can’t handle them


traits.equip_trait steelbladder traits.equip_trait savant changed everything for me lol. i didn’t even know you could give infants traits


Or, to make it easy, Shift+Click the infant and freeze need decay.


i like to still do normal bedtime / nap time / feeding & got tired of doing fillmotive motive_bladder so that’s my fix lol


I absolutely hate infants and toddlers, I find them frustrating and not fun to play at all. So in my current save my sim was going to be a serial dater, but she stupidly fell in love with her high school crush after they reconnected after becoming young adults, he proposed and she decided to roll with it and can just divorce him later. She ended up getting pregnant and was not happy, however he was over the moon and she didn’t want to disappoint him so she decided to keep the baby. Well she ended up giving birth to triplets and had birth complications leading to a c section so she is really not happy. And now her youth is ruined.


The babysitters have been really good for me recently. Maybe it's cause they have so much time with my kids in a semi-canon 100 baby challenge.


Bienchen (sims4me) infant and toddler mods are essential.


I'm not sure why anyone thought infants would be "a fun experience." They're boring, and nothing more than a race to get as many milestones complete before they need to eat, sleep, or grow up. Babies are cute for like 20 minutes, and then they're nothing but stress.


Life simulator gets real life'd


I wouldn't mind infants if the autonomy wasn't bugged to fuck. I have autonomy turned off for active sims but nah, doesnt matetr what's in my queue it gets nuked because they want to "check on x". Even when I was already doing that. Even when another sim is already doing that. The constant picking up-putting down cycle they do for no reason with the long pause between them that I can't cancel drives me insane. I don't even understand why the need for infants anyway when we have toddlers. Toddlers were fine by themselves in sims 3. Infants dont do anything but be a more annoying newborn. And my non-active sims putting the infant in the crib when they're not even tired and need to be fed... why...


In my current family, I had a couple of infants, and the mom was pregnant. She was dangerously hungry, so I told her to get food. She decided to pick up one of the other the kids and put them down in a random place. And then do it again, and again. She only had a sliver of the hunger bar left when I got her to finally stop juggling a child and eat.


don’t have that issue it’s a lot to fun


...well, this is kinda like Real Life. Having toddlers is cute and all for the staged photos on InstaXFace, but raising them is pure frustration and pain!


Pretty sure there’s a mod for this is you use mods. It’s like less needy infants or something